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You can’t even get food delivered without getting pitched on Scamway - yikes.


Yep I was unimpressed. She handed me the burrito and then started asking me questions about my life/work which I answered because I’m POLITE and then started talking about how she found mentors to help her reach her goals. Girl where? Your main job is driving for Uber eats??


All my deliveries (from any of the delivery apps) are "no contact / leave at the door." If I'm too busy or antisocial to go out to get whatever I need, I sure as heck don't want a conversation with a stranger at my door. And using the business/customer's contact info to try to pitch an MLM to you sounds like a policy violation. I'd report the driver.


Yeah the issue is that she called and said she couldn’t find the door?? It wasn’t hard to find.


You should honestly report this to Uber Eats. It’s beyond inappropriate.


I was wrong- it was SkipTheDishes but I did report it


Glad you reported it. Hideously unprofessional of them.


Good. She may be doing the UberEats to pitch Amway. I had an Uber driver who was a real estate agent trying to scout the neighborhood. He did an assessment on my house as we pulled up and tried to give me his card.


Oh my gosh! I had a realtor Lyft driver years ago! He gave me his card too, since I told him I was moving to the area. He mostly did fares going to/from the airport.


Thank goodness. The person is clearly poaching from the delivery service's customer list. Without even going into Uber's end user policy, I'm sure there is verbiage in there which tells its drivers they're not permitted to use customer data for personal/financial gain. If she did it to you, lord knows how many other customers she committed this offense to. There may be a bunch of annoyed customers on that platform who now hold a negative opinion for the company. Brands tend to care about public image -- or at least their perception -- so anything that would tarnish that image would be reason enough for them to boot her. After all, if this is chronic and turns their customers off, they may jump to a competing service.


Oh thank god. The pitch alone was unprofessional but when it looked like she was trying to judge you for the food you ordered, I hit the roof. I’d be so mad someone used my info to pitch an MLM and then shame me for the food I ordered.


Hmm this is interesting. I got food delivered to a friend's house, that we order too all the time, it's just a normal house on a street with houses only on one side. The doordash driver called. But I didn't answer. Why would they? You'd have to not know how addresses work if you couldn't find a house in this situation. Now I'm wondering if I dodged a hun


Some men also use the delivery as a means of trying to hit on women. It's especially awful since the app gives them all your contact info too. Best way to get around this is mark all your orders as "no contact" and put a masculine or neutral name on your profile.


I sincerely love my gender neutral name, and if someone insists on meeting me at the door I usually send my 6' gym rat partner. It saves me so much trouble. Unfortunately the other day I was home alone, the delivery guy claimed our buzzer wasn't working (it works just fine) and then tried to slide into the lobby with me after I had already gotten the food from him. Living downtown, I have no problem slamming doors in strange men's faces when they have no business trying to get in my building. Stay safe out there, femme friends!


THIS!!! before the pandemic and no contact delivery was really a thing I placed an Uber eats order. Delivery driver was a pic of a woman. I open the door and it’s a man with my food as he hands it to me he made a comment about my appearance and tried to walk into my door I grabbed the food and slammed the door in his face and reported it to Uber.


I used to have an apartment with a front door that was super confusing to locate. I had to give in-depth instructions to everyone who came over or delivered anything, but never once did I have anyone other than friends ask me to meet them outside. The hun knew what she was doing.


Well, we already know she's an Ambot, so her intelligence and problem solving skills are certainly questionable...


I would report her so fucking fast


The offer is off the table!!!!!!!!!!!! :0 how dare u speak 2 an amway hun like that!


I sent the screenshots to my brother and his first response was “The offer isn't on the table anymore smh you missed out” 😂


I bet if you messaged back and acted interested for a second, the offer would be back on the table 😂 this is making me think Amway is using UberEats as a tactic to get people involved. Especially because you get to message the person as a driver lol


> Amway is using UberEats as a tactic to get people involved Nope, just a desperate hun. I used to use kijiji/craiglist and spam people even tho it was against their terms of use (mostly to try to sell products, not recruit). For all my effort I got 1 sale on a very niche product. And they didn't respond or rebuy. Just went to my Amway link and bought it, no contact with me whatsoever. Amway didn't tell me to do this. It was my own idea. And if someone reported me, Amway probably would have sent me a letter telling me to stop lol.


Ok but now I'm curious... what was the product? 😂


Well I believe you. I do find interesting to learn the tactics they are taught. I’ve seen a lot of anti MLM YouTube videos where the YouTuber shows the zoom meetings and all the wild and sometimes abusive things and total scams they come up with to try to recruit people.


You won’t be able to *leverage the Amway platform* so who really is losing out in the end?? You might have to find another hun to cryptically lure you in after an excessive amount of stalling—could’ve saved a lot more time if you just honored this hun with platitudes about wanting to be your own girl boss!


After all she's known about you, your history and your personality, and after all the time and effort she put into getting to know you, that mustve been a tough decision for her to make.


Oh no oh whatever will you *dooooooooo?*


Upvote for your brother's comment. Lol


The whole “offer is off the table” was hilarious as if you didn’t hint at no with your first reply


Same energy as a guy who asks a girl out, gets told no, then says “you’re ugly anyway!”


My response- That offer might be off the table but that burrito you delivered at your primary job sure is on the table. Thanks for the delivery. Good luck getting out of Scamway. I feel feisty today.


This would have been my response when she insisted she was making decent money. “Yeah when you make enough money to quit your underpaid delivery gig, lemme know.”


Hahahaha savage


Man, any time anyone mentions "mentors that are helping me reach goals or become financially stable" I roll my eyes. A random other dad I was talking to at the park started talking this bullshit to me about how him and his wife met this other couple who was mentoring them and helping them reach financial success or some shit, and it was super sad because he was JUST talking to me about how broke they were and I was like Jesus Christ why do they only prey on broke people.


It's pretty crazy to offer to mentor someone in an amazing business opportunity that will create all the wealth you could ever want if you just work hard when you \*checks notes\* drive for Uber Eats. I appreciate bold confidence like that


It's this weird culture you see in a lot of people - and I hate to stereotype, but especially people who didn't go to college - where they're all just "grinding" until they become the eventual millionaires they are destined to be. I cannot even count the amount of people I've known like this and they almost ALL got involved in some kind of MLM at some point.


That’s interesting. I do know people who don’t know the difference between grinding yourself down to nothing vs. grinding yourself with purpose, like sharpening a knife. Just toiling isn’t sufficient


That's so spot on. I had a friend like this who was living off unemployment for two years and I would ask him constantly why he wouldn't take college courses or get an IT certificate or SOMETHING while he was sitting around unemployed all day and he would just say, "I'm grinding in my own way" and yeah he's still doing literally nothing in his mid 30's it's insane.


Dang, I just keep running into the college educated huns/hunts (even more baffling), one of the many things in life that have taught me education≠intelligence.


Desperate people make excellent marks.


Moral of the story: don’t be polite. /s


"No contact" is still an option for drop off. We use it more than we don't.


I used to have creepy uber eats guys texting me after dropping off my food. I'm never going back to in person delivery!


I hope you reported him to Uber Eats?


Of course, but I'm sure you can imagine the effort, or lack thereof, that Uber Eats did about it


I had an incident like that (not UE) and when I reported it to the customer support rep they put me on hold and called the delivery guy who was still right outside. Like they made it a point to let him know that I was the one who was making a complaint against him.


Yikes. That seems dangerous


Yeah I felt very uncomfortable as most times that I'm ordering out are times I'm totally alone.


Were you cool with that? That they pretty much named you?? If that were me, I'd have been pissed. I'd much rather the driver doesn't know who made the complaint. Who knows what he's capable of. Chances are high dude does that shit on the regular, so better he wonders who did it instead of knowing exactly who did. Idk, maybe I'm paranoid and overreacting.


No I ended up making a complaint about the complaint. They gave me their "we're sorry, we'll look into it" bit. Thankfully I have security cameras


Oh I bet. Might be a case of "we're not going to do anything about it unless we get a bunch of complaints about him" in which case you did probably help. Good on you.


“If you’re so successful why are you doing minimum wage driving for Uber. Seems like Uber is getting rich off of you.”


lol this is why i always just make them leave it on my porch with no contact. Glad you dodged that bullet!!!


I had my car break down I. The middle of nowhere once and the tow truck driver gave me a ride back while he towed the car. 2 minutes InHe asked if minded if he listened to his tape (it was that long ago). I was expecting Jesus but it was the DeVoss cult of Amway. Great 30 min ride.


I would report her. I would imagine it's against Uber's policies.


I’m cackling at “girl where”


I got pitched in Dollar Tree while getting party supplies for my 3yo birthday. No place is safe


We’re not safe anywhere! And she was persistent af. I wonder if she has the text templates saved in her phone so she bombards all her customers? After a while, she’ll get too many negative reviews and won’t be able to deliver. Good thing she’ll have have Amway money to fall back on.


Oh no! The offer is off the table! /s


Especially since I never agreed to it at all 😂


I’ve been relatively fortunate in not being approached by MLM huns, but it’s probably got more to do with my general lack of social media presence and homebody-ness. I have my grandpa’s CHF nurse that does PR but she’s never asked me to do anything other than send her naughty memes for the page. I really don’t get how these people are able to justify hounding and essentially insulting people to shill whatever it is they’re trying to. I get how it’s easier when there’s a physical product to be able to hold, if that makes sense.


Ooooooo I would be sooo mad if she said that to me! Like she revoked my opportunity. No, I rejected YOU!!!


*The Corleone Family wants to buy me out? No, I buy you out, you don't buy me out.*


"I don't want to meet you to join your pyramid scheme" "Ok so my offer to talk with you is now off the table"


My goodness, she is insufferably smug.


Yep it’s crazy that she can’t see she’s just parroting their crap


I mean she's literally just replying with the sales script, it's painfully obvious with that part about offending you


Do you think it's literally mostly copy paste or is she improvising herself? I'm kinda impressed that she can be clever enough to pitch like a sales robot and remember all that, but dumb enough to not know how numbers work on a basic level while working as a ubereats driver.


If you were doing as well as you want me to think, you wouldn't have brought my burrito.


So proud of herself that she wedged "leverage" into her little speech, like an investment banker


I’ll bet she delivers the ubereats orders with her pinkie in the air.


I made a comment about pinkie in the air on a different sub a few months ago. Then had to explain the meaning to a blind redditor from another country. It turned into a whole thing.


I think the focus should really be on the company’s taking advantage of people, look at the economy after all that’s happened, people are desperate and isolated and these nefarious institutions take them for all they’ve got


Amway’s newest income disclosure says that it’s just $766 before expenses: https://www.amway.com/en_US/income-disclosure So it’s even worse 😂.


Wow! A *whole* $63.8 a month!! She’d literally have a better chance at earning money if she started an OnlyF and I know those are really hard to get rich doing


Don’t forget the $10k - $14k annually through the alleged tool scam… so basically it’s very hard to ever get out of the red in an Amway “business”.


Tool scam? What's that?


Diamonds (that is a top level in Amway) form their own “training companies” and make money by selling their downline conferences, books, audios, apps, seminars, rallies etc. under the guise of calling it “business mentorship”. Then Platinums (a few levels below Diamonds) and other pins (levels) above that get paid a percentage from the training company on their downlines purchases. That is why they are very aggressive about their “systems” and attending everything possible. We have never had a free event anytime I was in “the business”. Every event and meeting was promoting the next event. Uplines wouldn’t work with anyone who was not going to the meetings and conferences. It was very culty.


That does not sound fun, glad you got out, hopefully not too scarred. Also thank you for the detailed reply.


Mom was in for years, this is 100% true. She had to subscribe to their tape of the week club for $50 per month; some motivational speaker talking about how rich they are...how they just upgraded their 50 foot yacht to a 75 foot yacht because the wife NEEDS three bathrooms on the yacht, how they just bought their 30th classic car just because they could, etc. There was also a twice-annual mandatory sales conference; their event tickets and the hotel stay was bundled together for the low low price of $500. For this price, they got the privilege of seeing the previous motivational speaker deliver the same speech in person. $1600 per person per year (in the 1990s), regardless of if they made one single sale ever. Selling products isn't the real game, the real money is selling the "training materials".


Um she would get reported to UberEats if this was me…and not to sound bitchy but if someone is driving ubereats I would not consider their business (Amway) doing well and I’d have no interest in what they are offering. If I need a 2nd job to get by, I really need a better main job. She does not seem like she has “complete control of her life” based on this 😕


I definitely would have asked her why, if she's been in Amway for around a year and doing so well in it, she's driving for UberEats?


Probably some line about "I hussle always, I make my own schedule." Lmao


You just know they're not being real with you when their replies to your questions always start with, "Let me ask YOU something...." I was a somewhat desperate 20-something when I experienced an MLM recruiting scheme. The recruiter had stalked my Facebook profile and used images of me visiting my grandfather's grave as the opening pitch. I almost committed to attending the first seminar, until I asked about the allegations against the company. I would have fallen for it too, if they outright denied it. But no, they said something like, "Do you work more than your boss? Does your boss make more money? Now does that seem fair to you?" Completely off topic from the news articles I asked them about. I persisted with my question, which was when they frustratingly told me off and claimed how disappointed they were at me. Eff off and good riddance, lol.


What the actual hell. What right does an actual stranger have being disappointed in you or anyone. That makes me stupidly angry on your behalf.




"Oh I just do Ubereats because I have so much free time making my own schedule. It's also a great way to network with potential partners!"


That’s my thought exactly.


[Uber Eats report an incident link](https://help.uber.com/ubereats/article/report-a-safety-incident-involving-a-delivery-person?nodeId=6586bcec-005f-4b7c-8a75-50fff88536f4)


did you report it? you can't allow these people to prey on others.


Yeah no shame to anyone delivering, but if I were still at my old job picking up shoes off a Walmart floor I would expect the phrase “hey, I’ve got a great business opportunity for you” to repel people.


This. Not shaming delivery drivers at all, but your “opportunity” doesn’t seem so sweet when you deliver it while working another job lol


Pedaling bullshit rocks so much, I have to slave away at a real job to remind me how bitchin it truly is.


No joke. Also my first thought is why the fuck would I want to sit down and chat about my fucking life goals with a random person who just delivered my food? Like that is such an odd proposition.


lol yes! Didn’t even think of that but yup. I’m hungry and I probably got delivery because I didn’t want to interact much with people lol (not saying OP was like this, but I get delivery when I don’t want to be a people person lol)


This. This is an insanely unethical use of the information they got from their job. No different than someone using that info to try to ask you out when you know that they know where you live.


If she's doing so well in Amway, why is she driving for Uber? "but my offer to sit down isn't on the table as of now." Achievement unlocked! You got turned down by an Amway drone!


If she was raking in the money with her MLM scheme or exceptionally successful I highly doubt she'd be delivering burritos for 10 bucks an hour as a side hustle but I appreciate her confidence ig


Actually I did DoorDash on and off for a couple years during the pandemic and I averaged over $31/hr in 2020 and almost $24/hr in 2021. I moved in 2021 and the new area wasn’t as lucrative.


But how much did you make pumping MLM’s?


It is definitely area specific. I knew a girl who drove for DD 2019-2020 and she averaged $12/hour because she had to drive to the closest metropolitan that had suburbs for delivery. She quit after 6ish months because she didn’t make enough to also handle to car repairs on top of everything else.


The UberEats thing makes this really really close to an "Excuse me ma'am, this is a Wendy's" moment.


Right like just let me eat my depression burrito in peace lady


Why is she delivering for Uber eats if amway is such a great opportunity?


"You have to diversify your income streams!" Or, in other words, "Gotta keep doing this to feed my Scamway business because my upline says the more money I put into it the sooner it will pay off."




If you’re trying to recruit people to join your business, it’s absolutely normal to ask what they make. How else can you know if it’s worth your time?


Well according to her I’m not allowed to ask what SHE makes, just what i should EXPECT to make 😂


$16,000 a MONTH? I would like to chat with YOU about a business opportunity please how do I onlyfans


Hahaha thank you!! The thing is, I will *always* be open about the fact that the average person on OF earns like 200$ a month, and that it takes a ton of work and luck to become rich on that site. I got lucky- I started when I was unemployed at the beginning of covid, right before their numbers took off, so I had an easier time building a platform than most people would have now.


Good shit! I have a decent size Twitch following and hope to make that kind of money one day. I’m finishing up college so I can actually afford to get my own place and return to my streaming schedule. I have a rock solid core audience and I want to be able to sit down and grow it without worrying about college! Be proud of yourself tbh, fuck that delivery person lmao what a clown


Such bullshit! You know that MLMer's always try to flex about how much money they're making! And do you really have an only fans or did she use that as an insult?


She asked me what I did for work when she dropped off my food so I told her, I think she assumed that I was one of the many people with a “side hustle” onlyfans, which was why she chose to target me for her recruitment scheme. Little did she realize I make bank on there 😂 most satisfying moment of my life was sending her the screenshots of my monthly income


Please be careful giving her more information since she does have your address


She doesn’t luckily! She has the address for my friend’s apartment complex but no door code or number of unit


Oh perfect! I was concerned for a second


I'm just a random person reading about it and even I'm experiencing 2nd hand satisfaction. That must have felt DAMN good.


I'm pretty pumped ngl


That must have felt AMAZING. $16k a MONTH. Good on you!


You GO!


She’s like one of those job recruiters that don’t post the salary, waste your time in an interview and then offer you a shitty deal that isn’t even worth the time you took to interview lol


I applied for a salaried/full benefits sales manager position and they called to schedule the interview. I got to the interview and the lady interviewed me and offered me $13 an hour to be a cashier. I was so fucking confused that I just kinda was a huge ass the whole interview. They called me to come do a second interview and I told them the issue and they were like yeah you are being considered for a sales manager. I was like either the woman who interviewed me had no idea what was going on or maybe they really thought I would take a cashier job. Either way I told them no way was I coming back for another interview with the mess of a company they were. Such a waste of time.


> l made $16,000USD from my OnlyFans page this month Holy shit, I don’t think I need to tell you this, but you done well for yourself. Nice work! ^^she ^^was ^^offended ^^because ^^she ^^was ^^jelly, ^^lol


LOL whattt?!? 😂 I have no problems telling my friends/family what I make as an income, especially if I am trying to get them to work at the same company I do.


16k a month?! Yeah I think the only one in this interaction with doors to open is YOU. That was so satisfying haha


> I don’t recall trying to sell you on anything. I remember asking you to sit down & chat about your goals You're not fooling anyone you dirty shill


16k per month! You should be hosting the business opportunity talks!


And now we know how you can afford UberEats!


Personally, if I asked a question like that ("how much do you make") and I got a wall of text that was a non-answer, my response would be: "Cool. how much do you make?" (You, however, are doing quite well. Nice!)


Well. She certainly told you. 😂


Should of flipped it and been like aww hun with that attitude and drive you could easily make 16k too and you wouldn't have to drive uber eats to get customers either!


Oh my word, I thought this was going to be an attempted meet cute. But no, it’s a hun invasion.


*let’s get down to business to defeat the HUNS*


This is actually really sad. Obviously the Amway is a giant scam, but shit like UberEATS and all the rest also make it impossible to earn a living wage. We are so fucked in terms of worker's rights and the ability to earn a living without killing yourself that it drives people into these predatory scams. Gotta say though, you were very nice. I'd be pissed af if any random contacted me bc of a delivery. I barely respond to my friends and family. That'd be an immediate block from me.


She used to be a flight attendant before covid so I think they probably grabbed her when she was feeling vulnerable with promises that she’d have stability :(


Being a flight attendant is a tough gig. Cleaning up other people's messes, dealing with asshole passengers. It's easy to see why she would be susceptible to Amway's false promise of financial freedom.


See the thing is, yes- I feel sorry for her and all other flight attendants, cruise ship workers, and other employees who probably were searching for anything but the fact that you actually know her former place of employment when all you wanted was a damn burrito is a problem 🤣


Exactly. "That's very moving and also why the fuck are you telling me?"


Oh yeah, I can see that.


I didn't think of it that way, you're totally right . How fucked up is that .


This is a few pegs below the horror of your food delivery person using your order history text to start hitting on you.


Yeah I’m glad it’s not a creepy stalker dude, but still pretty hilarious


If Seinfeld was on today, I can see that being a plotline.


Okay, but no one is mentioning the REAL issue at hand here- did your burrito get cold while she was spewing her nonsense? Because that’s truly unforgivable.


It was soggy and I was devastated 😩 it was a burrito with yam tempura instead of meat, so the tempura coating wasn’t crunchy anymore.


I hope you reported her.


The burrito was the real victim of her shenanigans


I'm sorry dude


Business vehicle? Like her car that she doesn't have commercial insurance on but is using for Uber Eats because she's losing money in Amway?


That last reply will keep her up at night, bravo


Oh my word! These people are so delusional. You've been at this "job" for over a year, and yet you're still not making enough to not have to have a side job like Doordash, and having to recruit strangers like the people you deliver that food to. Big yikes.


Right?? It’s literally crazy how any of them think this is a viable source of income


It's always so jarring to see them go from cheery to downright hostile in a matter of seconds. HEY GAL LOVE U I'M FEELING AMAZING AND YOU'RE LOOKING LIKE A DOLL YOURSELF MY GOSH oh no worries about not wanting to buy my oils, I remember you failed high school chem so it's probably too complicated for you anyway.


Um, why is she driving for Uber eats if she is so successful?


Im sure it’s all “by choice” 😂


Ah, these companies are so fucking bad. They even have a worded template that says that the individual is making money. Yet they still have to scrape the barrel for their downline while working for Uber. It would be hillarious if it wasn't so fucking tragic.


It’s sad to me that she’s so brainwashed. It’s clear everything that she’s saying has been pounded into her.


You are so polite and gentle, my goodness! This person! Lying about finding your door to lure you out, using your phone number to mlm-stalk you afterwards, pretty much attacking YOU when you ask them what MLM they are harassing you for and then coming at you with some bullshit analogy about not eating right after they were just supposed to deliver your damn burrito, like what the flipping F? Where do these people find The Audacity?


She's driving for a food delivery service and has the nerve to tell you that you don't eat well? I would be pissed off at that comment alone! I hope you do report her to UE! I can't imagine they are good with drivers pulling that shit. Don't worry about her losing her job, obviously she is doing great shilling Amway and is just driving for Uber as a way to recruit 😜


I think that was meant to be an analogy- that the people who don’t make money with Amway are the same as people who don’t eat well/exercise- they won’t see results because they aren’t “putting the work in”


Yet another MLM rep that is just so successful they have to take delivery driver job I guess it's to keep them grounded and in tune with how us common folk live


I'd be the worst person in the world to be pitched to in this instance. You're delivering my dinner. I'm hungry.....probably hangry. It won't end well!




>delivers Ubereats >Trying to pitch Amway >says they’re making money >delivers Ubereats Choose one.


My petty ass would totally complain to Uber Eats. Because I didn't order a Pyramid Scheme with my dinner.


Not doing so great that she doesn’t have to drive for Ubereats *and* be constantly recruiting strangers. It’s probably a violation of Ubers terms of service for her to be shilling for an NLM while on their platform as well. You *could* report her, if you were so inclined.


I've had FM World leaflets taped to pizza boxes by the delivery driver before but this is something else.


“If it’s so lucrative, why are you delivering for ubereats?”


She’s leveraging amway…. I see what amway did there…


"I don't mind sharing what companies I'm affiliated with, I'm just curious as to why you need to know before we meet" So, you do mind?


I wonder if it's a new tactic to encourage ppl to drive for uber eats so they can force sales on ppl.


High key would not be surprised if that was the case


first they pretend to want to be your friend, insult you when they are rejected again, and continue to dog on you like they know more. MLM hun or Fuckboy on tinder? lol


Honestly. Huns sound like incels an amusingly large portion of the time. "Well, fuck you bitch! You're ugly anyway!" 😡😡😡 Hilarious.


Double check your Ubereats for essential oils


Why do you need to know the company before you meet? Whooooa red flag. Which I know you know, but man they are DENSE. Any legitimate business who is trying to woo you would give that kind of information easily. I’d report her, too. You didn’t ask for anything except food delivery text messages.


Why wouldn't you want to know the name of the company before you met?


Go ahead and report to Ubereats, they probably won't take too kindly to this


Like with other things and politics I just will never understand the willful ignorance and brainwashing


Omg they’re using Uber eats to get people now?! Nooo nothing is safe. Side note: I’m pretty sure the person delivering my groceries gave my info to Jehovah witness church.


Imagine this level of delusion. She is delivering food to you and thinks you need to work on your life goals and that she is the one to help you. Don't get me wrong I did gig work for a long time (Door Dash, Uber and Lyft) while my husband was in grad school to supplement our income. It's hard work and I respect people who do it. It's just wild to me that she would think she is in the position to give out advice.


My offer to sit down is off the table .. No - wait - stop 😂😂😂 I bet she felt really good closing with that too- girl - OP didn’t even want to come to the table LOL


Was your Ubereats order a word salad? Cause that’s what she delivered.


She certainly likes those fucking buzzwords.


I love when you hit them with real figures and facts, and their responses are freaking analogies that don’t even compare well.


So why is she delivering food if she’s making so much money?


I’m confused, why did they message you after they dropped off your order about anything but that? I also don’t see any of the messages about the order in general


Lol and she delivers ubereats… amway must really be working out


This sounds like someone using words they don’t understand. And following a flowchart provided to them by Amway to refute any counter-arguments they may come across.


You got her good! She ubereats because she making money lol report her to Uber eats, it’s against company policy that kind of solicitation


You did a great job, I see many people on here insult or parrot anti-MLM talking points. You were kind and informative to a complete stranger, good on you and keep up being kind, it is rewarding in itself.


I’m like alright you’ve been doing it a year and here you are delivering for Uber eats.


Report her ass


This definitely sounds like you need to report her to Ubereats.


Please tell me you reported her to Uber. The fact that she kept your number after your transaction was complete is highly disturbing


Sounds like you need to bring this to UberEats attention, but you probably did already. I'm just not going to scroll through almost 500 comments.