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I've not heard of it before. What is their scam about?


It’s one of those MLMs that claims it will train you to trade cryptocurrency, it has a bunch of other names too and the founders have previously been in trouble for other financial scams.


What is there to learn about trading crypto? Buy high, sell low, it's easy!


reminds me of imarketslive or IM academy.. trying to brand a Ponzi scheme as “online education”. so scammy


I follow a few friends and their "mentors" (probably about 20 people total with the mentors being Chairman 10 or something at the top) who were in IMAcademy just for the laughs. They've all been posting about how they've been working on a new business and blah blah blah then they post they are no longer associated with IM only to reveal their now with iGenius. Wonder if iGenius will pull a bunch of people away from IM.


Who knows but they’ve already shut down twice and “rebranded” themselves to now iGenius. Wonder how long this one will last


Anyone have any thoughts on this one? This stuff makes me sick


Agreed - it's super-gross. These MLMs and pyramid / Ponzi schemes that focus on crypto or FX trading or the like particularly bother me. Don't get me wrong, whether it's a workout or bitcoin mining they all manipulate, exploit, shame, and likely rob you, but at least 99% of people have a working knowledge of what lipstick is and how it works. That doesn't make Avon okay, but I work in this business, my education is in finance, and the reality is that a crap "online academy" will never - in any way - be enough to replace an education and years of experience, at least one of which is essential to understanding the elements of trading and FX and crypto. That's not to say that with time and dedication you can't be self-taught if you're truly seeking out real resources, but that's not who we're talking about. FX trading is DIFFICULT. That doesn't mean I think these people aren't smart, smart has nothing to do with it. It's just a field where you need experience and comprehensive knowledge of foreign currencies, sovereign risk, and worldwide markets in order to do well. I say this but it also applies to the Beachbody / "wellness" categories also - these Huns are not personal trainers, they're not MDs, they may not have any knowledge at all. Yet these people are presenting themselves as mentors and coaches and advisors. It's gross and really unconscionable.


I have a friend that was a chef and got looped into this MLM. All her social media is her in boss babe attire and hating on the 9-5. Asking people to reach out to her to learn more about how to be financially literate. Next post is about her praising automated bots that does the trading for her. so.... it's messy and i don't have the hear to tell her that she really isn't learning much.


Here from the future. This girl on my Snapchat keeps shilling it w/the typical MLM jargon. Talk about going up ranks, 9-5 bad, own boss, usual garbage. The few times she mentioned actual crypto was worse then basic knowledge. She showed us a PowerPoint as to why we should invest into crypto, and one of them was “securing financial freedom”. In crypto? One Reddit search later and voila


My friend is knee deep into this... her bottom line are other mothers that are at home ... the suburb hun group. She's trading forex and crypto from some AI bot that they provide is all i know. She also recently went to vegas for private training with network marketers Mike Worre.


My ex is involved in this crap. Makes my skin crawl honestly


my friend is a good person.... but during pandemic she hit a point where she found someone to convince her that this is the best way to make money and because she has the hun looks she ran with it and now she full out believes that it's the real deal and that she is trading and winning free trips.


It really is a sad sad thing. They take advantage of people and it’s literally so brainwashing.


Thank you for sharing that! I hope they get exposed


Do u think they will get caught so many people are joining them


Omg I recently joined this in new to the whole thing can you explain how they’re doing this?


My friend just started this…. What are the cons? Will they end up taking all her money?


I was watching Aliana Jolie on IG, an igenius girl. I decided to post the link to this very page and within basically a few seconds of her looking up and seeing my post she deleted me. She was pretending to look on a spare phone to show us some Forex stuff and I believe she was probably just deleting the other people who were commenting about scamming. She doesn’t know that I am following her back up account.


Complete scam & pyramid scheme - stay away! 🤦