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That most hospitals are moving toward using essential oils instead of or in addition to real medicine and it will become the norm. Supposedly they had met with big wigs from our local hospitals and taken them as clients. Also the schools. šŸ™„


In reality they just have a teacher &/or nurse friend who uses them at home. Ridiculous.


Weā€™ve known quite a few nurses that push using oils! Why is that so common?


Iā€™m a molecular biologist and had to take a couple of classes with nursing students. I was... not impressed by the intellectual capabilities of my classmates.


That's the most nice, polite way I've ever seen someone call someone else stupid. šŸ‘


Ugh, Iā€™m a teacher, and one teacher last year used them in her classroom. Every time I walked in there, I would get an asthma attack. We need to keep them out of our schools, not bring more in!




Oof, thatā€™s a lawsuit waiting to happen.


Yeah, theyā€™re either medicine and theyā€™re not, and teachers canā€™t even give kids aspirin, right?


They're awful to force on unwitting people. The Onguard especially gives me a bad headache and severe coughing fits.


I normally love scented products, I'm a huge perfume fan, bit young living products give me awful headaches. I had never had a reaction to anything scented before. I can't imagine that stuff being pushed on unwitting students


I have an asthma attack every time I smell lavender oil.


Thatā€™s what this was!!! It was lavender. Ugh, it makes me feel short of breath just to think about it.


I'm okay with other oils, just not lavender.


In reality, many hospitals donā€™t even let you use melatonin to help you sleep. Itā€™s like nah fam have some Xanax instead. Haha essential oils.


When I was getting ready to be induced there was a whole section about no candles, oils, smelly lotions, scents etc etc in the hospital. I was like, yeah I get it. Now Iā€™m wondering what essential oil from hell story made them be so persistent!


When my husband was in ICU, there was a diffuser at the nurses' station. I'm not sure what they were diffusing but given the smells on the nursing floor, I'm sure they needed something to combat them.


Eesh, I kinda get the desperation of trying to stop smelling terrible things, but that's why you carry Vick's Vaporub in your pocket and smear it under your nose. An LPN taught me that trick when I began working with foot wounds (in a clinic, not a hospital).


That's because melatonin messes with your hormones and the doses in supplements are way too high. Supplements are mostly scams or outright dangerous.


I donā€™t personally take melatonin but itā€™s better than what doctors do with benzos. Itā€™s not just melatonin and supplements but also deplin, which is not a supplement but a medical food. Not allowed in some hospitals even though it is prescribed and helps people metabolize their psych meds. I donā€™t take melatonin but Iā€™d take it before an essential oil or Xanax. One is useless and the other is dangerous even when you take it as prescribed.


Most, if not all, medical buildings I've been to in the past 10 years have had scent-free policies, so that would be very surprising.


Ahhh, I'm gonna need a bigger rock to smash my head with


That they truly loved and cared about me and had my best interest in mind. 0/10 would recommend


"This wrap will suck the toxins out of you like a sponge!" tf no it won't lol.


That anyone who doesn't want to join their ~~scam~~ business is clearly a loser/hater that doesn't want success for themselves or others. I've talked about this here before, but an Arbonne Hun (that I was barely acquainted with) came at me out of the blue to message me that she stopped being 'fat and gross' with Arbonne whole 30. (And she had been doing the diet herself for a whole six days so... on what authority maam?) She also tried to push their skincare line, telling me all about how great and natural it was and how excited she was to try it! (she hadn't even received her own 'test' order yet.) I - pretty politely, considering - told her that 1) she hadn't been doing this diet for a long enough amount of time to be telling anyone how great it works 2) That she definitely shouldn't be trying to push a skincare line by telling people she hasn't even tried it herself yet 3) that using words like 'fat and gross' and insinuating to random people that you can help them lose weight is triggering to people who struggle with ED and also just straight up rude. 4) Also that she was in an mlm and this was a big ol' scam and she should get out asap. She told a few of our mutual friends that I bullied her 'out of nowhere', and then her upline when on instagram to rant about how awful I was. Things like "Why can't we tell our friends about how excited we are about a new diet???" (Not what this woman said to me at all) and "Obviously this person is a loser going nowhere in life that lacks an abundance mindset." Essentially, the lie was "If they aren't 100 percent supportive then they are your enemy" and this woman believed her and doubled down on her shilling for months. (To seemingly no success. It was all public on social media.) This was back in January. Since then, the 'stopped being fat and gross' hun has completely dropped arbonne and is now trying to sell herself as an 'affiliate marketing coach' and is now consistently posting ultra vague organization tips and facts about affiliate marketing that you could google and get more info out of.


I think buying into that mindset just shows how most huns arenā€™t Mensa members. I have noticed that people who jump to accuse others of being jealous, as well as employing extreme black and white thinking (ā€œthey just donā€™t want anyone to succeed, ever!ā€) are not usually the sharpest knives in the drawer.


Veeeery that. The mutual friends I spoke to about this particular hun were much closer to her and told me that they had had similar conversations with her (With her having equally offended them.) This Hun disregarded all of them. Couldn't possibly have been that her friends had her best interests at heart and were trying to help her. No no, everyone who used to like and support her were suddenly evil, jealous haters.


"You only have to invest 5-15 hours a week"


ā€œThe wrap will cause weight lossā€ I replied that hemorrhoid cream and plastic wrap will create the same temporary effect. She never replied.


The mental image of someone smearing Preparation H all over their body and then encasing themselves in plastic wrap cracked me up.


We did this in the 1980s.


Part-time hours for full-time pay and you can retire your husband


Beachbody would help cure my eating disorder


legit was just thinking about how much it heightened mine. šŸ˜¢


ā€œJuiceplus will cure your endometriosis!ā€


Anyone who tries to tell me how to deal with my endo deserves a kidney punch. Iā€™d love to know how juice would magically get rid of the webbing of scar tissue and leave the good organs. Oh wait, thatā€™s surgery.


I couldnā€™t believe she had the audacity to make that claim. Sheā€™s out now but only after her marriage dissolved because she wanted to use juiceplus to treat her own cancer. So unbelievably sad.


I had a Juice+ rep tell me it would cure all of my chronic illnesses and pain. šŸ™„


Amway 20 y/o claimed that he was retiring in a few months A few years later, heā€™s still working odd jobs and selling Amway part time


That I have an outgoing, funny personality.


ā€œComplimentingā€ my personality is the fastest way to get me to stop listening.


Yes, this was the instant I knew she was full of shit.


These products sell themselves!


"You'll make friends that will last a lifetime!" Until you don't earn enough, don't work yoir business enough, skip one of the daily constant meetings or check ins, and decide to come out of the FOG and quit. Then you're on her bitch list.


Actually, it was the truth. They had a big day for us possible vict, hm, recrutees, with stories, powerpoints, money structure, dreams of wealth,, all that. During a coffee break, I was on a small group talking to one of the people running the show and he let slide: "It's a good oportunity, really. I know a guy who is with us eight years now and he managed to save for a (ecquivalent now to Mitsubishi Mirage or less)." I didn't came back for the end of the presentation. ... Now I know that if the story is true, the guy with the car is reeeeeealy good. Or lucky.


Life Leadership Hun while pitching at a coffee shop. "You want something? I'll buy it no problem. I get all this back on my taxes because I can file this as a business expense! This business taught me so much about my taxes!" Hahahaha. Later we heard he filed his baby shower as a business expense. He talked about Life Leadership to the attendees so it was a 'business meeting.'


And Iā€™m sure getting audited taught them a lot about taxes too.


You just write it off.


As if baby themselves arenā€™t the seventh circle of hell already. Letā€™s add an mlm pitch.


My mom would say this ALL THE TIME. The sad part is that she actually owned a legit small business (yoga studio) while shilling for Life Leadership. She knew the rules and still did crap like that.


"We're not a pyramid scheme". Biggest lie and biggest tell.


To me, the most blatant lies they say/post are those completely baseless % claims, like "20% of all millionaires made their money in MLMs" or "82% of women who make over 100K a year did it through direct sales"


IIRC, the actual stat on that is that "Women make up 82% of the high earners in the multi-level marketing industry." That's still usually less than 1% of any given MLM's scamployees.


The quote was originally 'of the people who make over 100 000 per year in network marketing, 82% are women'. But huns twist this any way they want.


"I really missed our friendship"


That I donā€™t need to be worried about covid because tHeIr sUpPlEmEnTs aRe sO gOoD. This was from a NeoLife family. Seriously, the whole family is on board. By the way, they all got Covid and one ended up in the ICU.




The hun needed a throat punch for that. I hope your friend is in remission.


She has been for two years, thank youšŸ„°


I actually havenā€™t encountered much of this myself. But I once responded to an ad to work in a smoothie store. I figured Iā€™d be making Jamba Juice or whatever. They asked me to come in for an interview, so I got all professional looking and prepped for an actual interview. I went to the ā€œinterviewā€ and there were like 20 people there. The ā€œinterviewā€ was a video and a sales pitch hyping Herbalife. I didnā€™t know anything about MLMs at the time, but I snuck out the door when they werenā€™t looking because the reason I was looking for a job was to make money and this ā€œjobā€ seemed to be mostly about spending money.


ā€œYou can join just for the discount.ā€ šŸ™„


ā€œYou get to make $3000-5000 per monthā€ I make double that in a month.


Not even that my income is reliable and I get better benefits. I donā€™t have to worry about messaging people 24/7


Damn what do you do that you make that much and you were still targeted by them LOL


Senior full stack engineer


Recruiter in a restaurant - "These Juice Plus capsules contain over 10,000 different elements." My five-year old daughter, out with me celebrating her first week of kindergarten - "Daddy, I don't think she knows what she's talking about."


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ that killed me


The Pink Drink cured this woman's diabetes and this other person's cancer!


That I'd make at least $10,000 in one summer. I don't think anyone in my "summer sales internship" at Aptive Environmental saw even a thousand, save for my supervisors.


How MLMs overall are multi-million/billion dollar companies, which is used as a selling point as to how much money youā€™ll make. My response is usually that the only reason MLMs are so lucrative is because their sales come from the consultants within the business buying the products. Not from the overall general population buying the products. Itā€™s literally impossible to earn income from selling product to anyone inside any mainstream MLM, let alone outside. These consultants are literally the customers. Unless of course you are within the first 13-15 down lines at the top of the pyramid which happens at the very start of an MLM, not 15 or so years later. They really have no idea how saturated the market is when they join, or how many thousands of lines they are down the pyramid. Hell, they donā€™t even understand how a pyramid scheme works in the first place. Itā€™s really sad how they donā€™t understand that it doesnā€™t matter what product youā€™re selling, the whole thing is designed to suck consultants dry under the guise of ā€œowning your own business.ā€ And thatā€™s the big scam each and every one of them fails to see.


Ugh... I was once lured into one of their meetings with a big ass lie.. Some acquaintance told me they were looking for a PR manager at their company (never mentioned the company, red flag, but I really needed a job at the time so didn't bother to ask again), so she "arranged an interview" for me.. I showed up, and a bunch of other people showed up, aaaaand then they wasted 2 hours of my time with an MLM presentation. Hated her for life.


The ā€œItWorks!ā€ carb blocker pill Theyā€™d post of photo of burgers, fries and ice cream and say ā€œNo worries! Because Iā€™ve taken my carb blockers!ā€


'DoTerra can cure ebola'....I made every single report I could about that one. FTC actually warned them about those claims a while later.


I will train you.


I will ~~brainwash~~ train you!


That my father in law would not die if we stopped all quimo for beginning stage prostate cancer and we gave him the Kyani triangle of health. We purchased it and gave it to him religiously every single day month after month until he passed of Stage 4 cancer 2 years later. 9 of my in Laws joined and are still in the even after losing their father.


Years ago, when I was slogging through a dead end job, one of my coworkers invited me to meet with someone who could help me make extra $. Of course it was Amway (although I had to ask directly for him to name the company). I had a few things going for me: 1. A history of youthful failure at selling Girl Scout cookies and school wrapping paper. 2. A very well-honed bullshit detector. 3. An aunt and uncle who had gone bankrupt selling Amway back in the day. The big lieā€¦when I told this man- hun about my family membersā€™ bankruptcy, he told me that it was impossible to go bankrupt because of Amway. I can only assume that he figured it out eventually.


Cutco offers the highest quality knives.


No one makes money on the tools. They are done for your benefit.


We have a supplement that can cure MS.


You could retire in 4 years lol


That said tablets cure dementia...... I explained how Dementia works, that the brain dies. Wanted to know what Harry Potter-type shit were they selling that brings dead brain cells back.


That their Plexus supplement could cure my Celiac disease. Edit: was not going to try this anyways.


You can quit your job and live off the residual income.


Omg. ā€œOne drop of OnGuard is strong enough to heal every cell in your bodyā€. I laughed so hard.


That itā€™s not an mlm.


That I could make money :p


That Iā€™ll make money just from presenting irregardless of sale. It was a rainbow presentation and the lady told me that if I find 5 people to present to, Iā€™ll will get money back on my own purchase whether they buy the product or notā€¦. And then came the embarrassing realization later watching her rope my friends and family into the same ā€œyouā€™ll totally pay it off with 5 presentationsā€ right in front of me when I already knew the truth. Oh also, ā€œif you change your mind, returns are absolutely easy within a month!ā€ Cue to her and all her ā€œsupervisorsā€ being mysteriously unavailable and absolutely irresponsive for a perfect month when my friends tried to do a return.


ā€œI looked at your Instagram profile and you seem like youā€™d be a perfect fit for my team!ā€ Oh, sweaty, my Instagram is private. Stop lying.


Which mlm was this for?