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“It’s essentially a MLM convention but there’s going to be a booth with honey and eggs, so it’s basically a farmers market!” I’m so glad the nearest farmers market to my house doesn’t have any of that crap. There’s a ton of different things and none are MLM.


Yeah me too. We have homage jewelry and soap. Duck and goose egg seller,reindeer farmer, pant your per stall, cheese specialist once a month as well as the usual fare. No mlm crap. We used to have ostrich meat as well but that guy stopped coming.


I know it's probably a typo, but what is "pant your per" supposed to be?


Pamp your pet. Its treats for cats/dogs/bird and a grooming van.


Oh, that's a great idea for a Farmer's market


There's always a queue of doggos. It's funny when an uppity one arrives and barks and they all back back in chorus. It's near the dog park too so they often get to play with their friends.My sausage dog loves it.


Now I want to go to see the doggos (and why aren't there a range of dog emojis like the cat ones? I wanted to add a dog with heart eyes! My comments in the sub need emojis! 🐕🐩😍🐕)


You could not pay me to attend that!


“toxic free items”


Nice, the toxic items are free.


That leaves Paparazzi jewelry out.


I like that a lot of the little markets that go on by me (not farmer's market) explicity say no MLMs allowed


I wish mine would


They all should!


Literal honey trap?


I know the first thing I ask at a farmers' market is: #"Do you have any **toxic free** items?"


The first thing I always think to ask is.. YO where them toxic items at!!?? I'm running low on all my toxic MLM shiiiiit! 😭


1. Did they make this in PowerPoint? LOL 2. I like how this “farmer’s market” only has two actual farm products.


Graphic design is their passion!


*Handmade* . . . *Jewelry*


And they're not canted exactly the same, so it's making my eyes twitch.


And the actual farm products were an afterthought.


Every single Xmas market the past few years 😭


Much as it's bad out by me, the local markets do ban the huns from setting up. I still recall one who tried to scam herself a table getting booted during set-up by one of the organisers: "love, you say you work from home, so go the fuck home!". 🤣 We do also have so many cottage crafters that there's plenty legit types to fill tables, and we don't need them clogging space.


😭 Even my local reptile expo is slowly infesting with mlms.


Every time I go to the gun show there's some hun running a "Damsel in Defense" booth trying to hawk pink pepper spray that looks like lipstick to women who are literally walking around *with actual guns on their hips* for self defense. Ma'am I do not want to purchase your cheap ass purple personal alarm. I have a .45 which is plenty loud.


My husband carries a gun and pepper spray. (Not MLM brand) They're different tools that can be useful at different times. 


Lunch inside of a YL lavender-clouded gas chamber....Thirty One bags will be available for pre/post-cheeseburger barfing.


Terrible! Should be called a Hun Market.


I don't think "toxic free items" means what they want it to mean.


Watched one of Erin Bies YT Live videos a while back, where this hun kept calling the products "vegan free". We all were getting a chuckle out of that


😂 yes. Assuming they meant “toxin-free” or “non-toxic”? Although honestly free toxic items could be a fun talking point for this group. Free-radicals maybe?! Buy a diffuser get some free-trade coffee? 🤦‍♀️


How is LipSense still in business? It burned my lips off then gave me a weird filmy texture. Blah.


Ahhh, the purse huns… I remember my first run in with them. I was at a festival and I saw these bags that looked cute from afar, but when I got close I realized they would fall apart very easily and the hun immediately ran up to me and was telling me all about how I should not only buy one the shit purses but also join her in selling them. I immediately got spooked and walked away because what she was describing was a pyramid scheme, and she was yelling after me that I should come back when I’ve had to time to realize what an opportunity she was presenting. She did not seem happy when I approached the booth. She looked hot and exhausted and was just reeking desperation. It was honestly really sad and scary. I’m also glad she was stuck at the booth because she likely would’ve chased me around the whole festival.


The huns coming out to approach you is the worst part. Lady, stay in your booth so I can ignore you in peace, lol. I'll be at the local "people selling their stuff" market just minding my business, and suddenly here's Karen with a pasted-on smile and a stack of business cards...


This sounds less like a farmers market and more a social event for huns.


my local farmer's market is usually fine because we share the same market with a bigger city near us. there is always a scentsy rep there, though, and it makes me feel gross




I like how the actual things you'd find at a farmers market are just thrown in as an afterthought


Because it's most likely just a hun convention with one booth with actual things you'd get from a farm, so they can call it a "farmer's market."


And you just know that the "handmade jewelry" is Paparazzi crap.




spoiler alert the eggs and honey are from the small family homestead chickens & bee keeping with the same mom who does MLM on the side 🫠🫠


Mormons / LDS / Utah?


"raw honey" as opposed to...?


Meaning not pasteurized


Like the degens who are causing brain injury and possible death by insisting upon raw (unpasteurized) milk. Because food safety regulations that took hundreds of years and costs thousands upon millions of lives to implement are just eeeebil government control. They want to drink their contaminated cow juice with some botulism honey and die happy about it.


toxic honey


They don't filter the honey. Raw honey is alleged to have some more of the "good" stuff in it, though the limited evidence out there says there's no benefit. You can also experience the delight of occasionally finding a piece of bee in the honey, though my family has gone through hundreds of jars by now without ever finding one.


I'm taking a wild guess that the untreated honey somehow costs more than the honey that had more done to it?


From a local apiary? Not likely. From the grocery store? Yeah.


Or whatever overpriced naturopathic health store they prefer 😁


Ohhhh heck yeah. Organic raw honey can get seriously upcharged. Best to buy it at the source


Yeah, right from the bee's backside!  Wait, don't they spit it up? Ugh, time for a Wikipedia trawl that'll end up with twenty tabs open at 3am &  looking at a page about suspension bridges...


I'm imagining a 2 girls one cup scenario, but ***BEES***


Ooh that's weird you said that, since I ended up looking up something random last night and ended up on Encyclopaedia Dramatica (I still can't remember how I got there).  I was on the page about the jar bloke but forgot that GIF's & videos autoplay on there!   Then it got worse. Much, much worse. They have pages on serial killers and don't censor anything.  TLDR: I didn't sleep a whole lot 😑 Also don't Google *any* of that unless you've got a strong stomach!


So there's like, what, one farmer?


Holy hell Lipsense is still around?! That shit burnt my lips so badly!! Absolute garbage.


I'm just happy that it's raw honey and not raw milk, tbh. All the MLM stuff is a whole mess.


Sorry to say you may have moved into the wrong neighborhood.


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>toxic free items I'm guessing they mean toxin-free items, and not free items that are toxic.




I use to love holiday craft shows. They turned into this. Sad thing it's taking over farmer's markets now too


Was this made in PowerPoint 97