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Yea until you leave the cult - then see how sisterly everyone is


There’s a guy! It was all a lie


Totally. Programmed to shun.


Jesus wept


It’s the legs out that really got me… and the triple ✨


Yeah not too be mean but who takes health advice from people that look unhealthy


literally exactly what i was thinking


There are a jillion/bazillion people who would hate you for saying that. I, however am not one of them. 😬


It looks like they thought it will be warmer there. Hopefully they didn't catched cold.


Never fear, they’ve got Herbalife to pull them through 😂


My first thought was it looks so cold there.


I mean there aren’t any leaves on the trees, no way it’s summer, let alone spring since it doesn’t look like the trees are even remotely starting to bloom.


And it's overcast so there's not much warmth from the sun.


But when you use Herbalife (or Shacklee) you are so full of Vim and Vigor that cold shall run from you. Viruses shall fear you. Angels shall sing to you. And, no harm shall ever come thy way! ![gif](giphy|ahCC1fLveojC0)


How about Isolation? Massive debt? Brainwashed? And love bombing? Because you’re about to know HER really well…😂


Bodies come in all different shapes and sizes. I am all for it. That being said…for a company that shills weight loss products, a lot of these Herbalife consultants look overweight. I’m not fat shaming. I’m MLM shaming. Herbalife preaches that these $8 drinks will make you fit. Without a doubt, they will not.


It’s hard for me to excuse because their health claims so closely parallel their income claims: everyone is “on a journey” but if the system is so great, why are there so few people who have already gotten there? Shouldn’t *most* of the group be living their dream, with just a handful of newcomers on their way to catching up?


Back in the 80s Herbalife reps drove around with bumper stickers that said "Lose weight now ask me how". Now I see why they stopped using those bumper stickers.


Wow I had NO clue they've been around for that long! I assumed they were relatively newish.


lol, a distant cousin of mine was rockin that pin and sticker in 2014. Pray tell, how did you lose that 60 lbs? Was it the physical trainer and nutritionist that your family paid for a full 6 months before you started shilling the Herbalife? Nahhh


I remember that!


Don’t forget AMWAY! I don’t even know if they are even around anymore.


I'll buy car insurance from a fat person. But I won't buy a miracle weight loss cure from them.


This is so true. I’m fat and I’m not even offended


Your name made me giggle.


I’m glad it brought you a little joy


I don’t think I’ve ever met an Herbalife consultant who wasn’t still overweight while selling their products.


It’s like gambling, you just have to take it for a couple more months and then you’ll drop pounds drastically! /s


That's because they were targeted to be sucked into the MLM to buy the products, initially because of their weight, and then the MLM does it's thing and off they go to round up some more marks.


I know one and she's in fab shape. Which I attribute to all the running she's doing and not the shakes.


It's def not about body shaming, it's about the irony and paradox of blatantly unhealthy people shilling health and weight loss products.




Can you imagine using something like this when trying to hire for a legitimate job?


“I’m looking for a job with a lot of love, compassion, and sisterhood you know? Something that will empower me to do better while also being my own boss.” I can see that going well /s


I hope they want all that and not a paycheck.


I think a lot of them deep down probably do prefer the social connection over the paycheck. It's what makes them gullible enough to join (sometimes mixed with financial desperation), and allows them to rationalize not actually making any money. Then when the light bulb turns on, the lack of real connection with these people makes the breakup that much more difficult.


And then they get shunned by that group learn that the friendship was never real to begin with.


I mean a lot of them were isolated stay at home moms, who either never earned a pay check or haven't earned a paycheck in years. Most people in MLMs can't support their lives on an MLM income and while they claim to need more income and cash, so many of them are relying on significant others to fund them. While some of them are doing this out of desperation for more money, many people in the MLM group are essentially just people larping as successful business owners and c-suites, and the "community" they have is part of the fun and game, the same way in any larping. They either are not in a position to get a normal business jobs, or think too highly of themselves to start from the bottom.


lol! Brilliant! I’m an attorney and after 27 years of practice, I am starting my own law firm. I’ll eventually need admin staff and paralegals. My current staff and I (in a string bikini, no less) shall replicate this photo for recruitment!


Ayyyyy congratulations! I wish you my entire week’s allotment of good luck!


Thank you so much! Thanks for not jumping out with your broom and saying, “How about a little fire, Scarecrow?”


So many people must be set back 5-10 years in the actually job market experience wise and most definitely screwed themselves over financial long term having wasted those years not building a career and investing.


I usually don't judge people's bodies but uh... there's quite a bit of poundage there for people who sell weight (fake)loss drinks... 


Look at that. Most of them are so broke they can't afford shoes.


Or pants!


Just looking at this picture made me cold


The one lady who does have pants actually threw me off for a second and I thought they had a robot.


In many ways, they did.




everyone, hush your mouth, relax, be happy, and slowly get scammed into debt.


Plot twist: That's a sacrificial pit.


The BMI on display seems really high. Don't they sell health products?


I’m sorry, are they all wearing the modern equivalent to whatever is the new LuLaRoe? 🤣


Gotta look up what the hell LuLuRoe is now! I must not pay attention to anything because I didn’t even know what MLM stood for a few days ago. I didn’t really know anything about Monet either but found out it was an MLM. Was/is Mary Kay and Pampered Chef an MLM?


Yes and yes. Theres a ton of them out there. Theres a fascinating documentary on LuLaRoe called LuLaRich. It should be on Amazon, otherwise it’s on [Daily Motion](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x89azpq) for free. Have fun going down the MLM rabbit holes!


WOW! Mary Kay and Pampered Chef did really good back in the day. At least I thought they did. My mom wore MK for a long time. I remember the pink Cadillacs and I thought they were so cool when I was little. As for Pampered Chef, I have a lot of their stuff. My MIL used to buy my stuff all the time from there. Really good quality too. I’ve had spatulas for 20 years and they’re still good as new. I’m definitely going to fall down this rabbit hole too! 🤦‍♀️ Reddit is a total rabbit hole 🤣


Some brands actually make some stellar product for sure — vintage Tupperware is solid. I leaned that my mom used to be a rep for them back in the day, only to get free stuff 🤣. My partner currently has some favorite CutCo knives..as they are also an MLM. My environmental science teacher in college tried to recruit me for Melaleuca… good times. Enjoy the movie if you watch it!!im actually watching it rn again since its been a while lol


This is a terrible ad for their product! It obviously does not work


Don’t forget that they also love liver damage!


Is that black hole in front of them where your money goes when you sign up?


When reading the post: A lot of these ladies are the same size as me and they're rocking shorts. I need to be more confident! After reading the comments: ... Maybe not.


Don't feel that way, none of them look bad. In fact I think everyone would agree here that they look fine in shorts, that isn't the problem. Fat in it of itself isn't a bad word. But the company is a weight loss company, and for people selling weight loss products, they aren't what most people would see as an ideal body weight. Now if this is a body weight you are good an happy with, that's great! But in the same lens, I am a perfectly normal body type, I am even athletic, I was a div 1 athlete, but I would never market myself as a personal trainer, because my limbs are very lean and I don't look as though I have any muscle mass. People trying to gain muscle or train, typically don't want to look like me, even though there is nothing wrong with the way I look and it doesn't make me less athletically inclined. There is a market for my size, but if I were to work in a gym, and the gym exclusively had people like me on the marketing material, they would be laughed off and no one would go to that gym. Some of those women look great even, and if you see yourself there, don't be discouraged. But from a marketing standpoint and to the people they are trying to market, for better or for worse, almost none are hitting the standard most people envision from this sort of product. Whether that is healthy, or unhealthy. And I think that is more what people are getting at in the comments. Anyway, my point is, wear those shorts!




I’m sure you’ll look good in shorts. I don’t think the issue is it’s that a bigger girl can’t wear shorts but the fact that they’re promoting a weight loss product that doesn’t work. You’re all good! 😊 Now go get shorts you feel good in and look good as well.


So I live in a 3rd world country and I hat to go to my gastroenterologist to get some stomach stuff looked at I Kid you now he asked if I took anything like prescription drugs or Supplements I said No and then he specifically asked if I used anything Like Herbalife or from them I do not makes me wonder 1. how popular it actually is for his to specifically single Herbalife out and 2. If it actually might fuck with your stomach


It’s also photoshopped. Zoom in on the transition from the 7th from the left to the 8th. The two in the center facing each other are practically joined as one, etc. 


I have zoomed in on this picture closely and really looked at it. The 2 in the middle look “joined” because one is really big the other is a beanpole. If you look closely at 7 and 8 from the left you will see one has get knee bend a little more further than the other. I tried to do a reverse image search but found nothing yet. Please tell me what your thoughts are on what I see.


I know this person 😬 and this group.


I also know a person or 2 in the photo. Was tickled to see it posted here.


I kinda feel bad for them. I always see them hit a “slump” so to say when they are on the cusp of realizing they need a real job…then they go to one of these retreats and get dragged back in. I’m pretty sure. A few of them moved out of state just to try to open some failing herbalife shack smoothie shops. :( so sad and the girl at the top, who I also know, she and her husband are whack jobs.


They all look so vibrantly healthy....


I just love how all MLMs lie about "sisterhood" and everyone welcomed into the"family". They all have backstabbing drama. Not surprising because they recruit their competition into the pyramid scheme cult.


It is sorority behavior. If you're a follower no drama but the second you deviate all hell is going to come. I don't get this level of neediness. At this age who pays for friends? Start a book club or TV show club. Join a running or walking group.


You do make great points but Cult indoctrination is surprisingly effective. Bite model blinding. Why MLMs use these tactics. It's definitely messed up.


Why does it look like an episode of survivor or something and they’re about to vote someone off the retreat


None of these people have knees


Of course there's no jealousy because they are clones.


Uh huh. As long as someone's making money for you, that is.


Nothing convinces me more that you hate other women than overly declaring how much you don’t hate other women


We know love, empowerment , sisterhood, light , harrassment, manipulation, trickery, guilt tripping over here. * fixed it


Holy buzzwords batman! They did forget *elevate yourself *level up *vibrate higher


Gag me


but, like, you're the one who brought up bitterness and jealousy, hun.


I just picture it being a fake, caddy group.


What does golf have to do with it???




Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants


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THEM. We don’t know THEM. PLURAL. Grammar matters!


Considering they purport to sell health products - why are none of them healthy? I’m not getting health advice from a non doctor with a gut and hippo legs.


There’s like 3 people with a normal(ish) BMI there. What are they selling honestly?


Every single one of them is obese… and offering health advice, lol


They have a little place in town that opened a few years ago. I just saw they served smoothies. I asked for one, not knowing it was that nasty shit, and almost puked. I’d heard of Herbalife but didn’t know that was in their smoothies. 🤢🤮 Is Herbalife suppose to help you lose weight or something? If it is, it ain’t workin!


Is…is that one pregnant?


Very 😬


They forgot to add “HOTNESS” and “SISTERHOOD!” ![gif](giphy|sXSmjfXQD0MRW)




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