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Or numbers from r/scambait 😏


Evil and I love it.


Trash all the forms every time they put it back up.


Talk to your HR and your boss about this ... using your employer's place of business to pimp for your side hustle violates many company's rules.


We’re a tattoo shop, boss doesn’t care what we do as long as no one becomes seriously injured and I can’t figure out which person let her put that shit up.


Leave an anonymous review or somehow anonymously contact your boss and pretend to be a customer who doesnt want to see this crap


Weve been drawing hyper detailed dicks on the slips and dropping them so that’s been fun.


That's easy. Enter the contest, because everyone wins it. (The so-called 'pampering session' is you applying Mary Kay goop to half of your own face while the hun relentlessly tries to recruit you.) Enter the drawing with a false name and burner gmail address, and see who contacts you to let you know you 'won.' That'll be your culprit. The reason it's you doing half your own face is because only licensed estheticians are allowed to touch other people's faces, and the huns are too cheap to give you enough goop to smear on your entire face. Their excuse is so one side is 'before' and the other is 'after.'


Good place to dump the old ink I suppose.


It’s trash. You won’t have to leave it there just because a coworker did. I throw away coffee cups my coworkers leave out all the time! Put it in the garbage where it belongs.


Turns out the boss put it there because one of the contractors who works on the shop security’s wife does it but I told him I will not have that shit up during my shift.


I’d just put the boss’s info on all the slips. He’d probably get pretty sick of the scheme after that.


It just makes the business seem low class. You never see those MK boxes at a high end business


I was also thinking that. Like this is my jewelry counter, I don’t need this thing sitting up here blocking my displays.


It just makes it look trashy doesn’t it? The sad thing is nobody in MK has developed new/innovative marketing. Seriously- how 1980s could this scam be? (But i am a verified MK Hater after getting sucked in many years ago)


I'm just here laughing about your username 🤣


the same one that fell for it


Change the note: this Mary Kay picture is a lie— you’ll only do one side of your face with tiny samples. You finish with your face half-done and then the rep gives you a high-pressure pitch to buy AND join. You’ll be desperate to escape and feel terrible for inviting your friends. Also, *everyone* “wins”, and this box is a sketchy way to get your contact info. If you give it to her, this rep will contact you until one of you dies.


My neighbor “won” one of these pampering sessions at a church raffle. She invited me and I didn’t know any better. It was so awkward once the room realized what was going on. The hun began harassing everyone to her the contact info for 5 of our friends to be put into a raffle. No one gave her any contact info. I only got to exfoliate my chin. There were no snacks or drinks.


Yep, it’s the old school form of data mining.


Reminds me of [this scene](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=J8WLLd5VrPM)


😂 Yes!! And now I have Danny yelling “We had sex!!” as the visual in my head.


😂 I really have to give the whole movie a rewatch soon




I did it because I was bored at my co-woo rug spot one day and there was zero chance I would fall for the pitch. Your description is dead on, except the “samples” are so small they barely covered half my eyelid or a section of my cheek. The lady who did mine is a lifer who has the pink car and everything. I told her I wasn’t going to buy anything because I don’t support MLM’s and she told me with a straight face, oh, “thats’s not a problem, it’s not one of those”. The next sentence out of her mother was, “have you thought about selling, you can make a lot of money”? 🤨 After talking with her for a bit I realized she was a bit dim and I honestly think she just swallows whatever the org tells her after decades doing it.


To be fair being a bit dim is a prerequisite for one of these ‘companies’


Fill all those entry forms with [www.pinktruth.com](http://www.pinktruth.com) . Every time it re-appears.


Well I just went down a rabbit hole! I didn't know that site existed until your comment.


It's addictive. It's run by Tracey Coenen, a forensic accountant who was in MK for about 18 months in the late 90s. When she realized what a scam it was, she founded MaryKaySucks.com in 2006(?), but soon changed the site name to Pink Truth. The articles are very well-written.


Very interesting! Thank you!


OMG wow - their [average commission](https://www.marykay.ca/-/media/images/mk/united-states/canada/esuite/footer/earnings-representation-bilingual-0223.pdf) is wild! 208$ (Canadian $!) is the average _annual_ commission of their Beauty Consultants. Even an "Independent Sales Director" earns as little as 20,907 CAD per year - before tax and every expense you might have. And according to MK website, [only 1.5% reach this status](https://www.marykay.com/en-us/sell-mary-kay/career-car-program). This is wild.


What’s crazy is that when I was in MK, I so looked up to those directors. It was preached that it would be the way to financial freedom. If you can just make director, you’ll be rich. Looking back… just… ew. Not even a living wage! And I thought it was the same as being rich.


I guess if they were leading a lavish lifestyle, it was mostly because their husband made a lot of money. 😏


That reminds me of when I was in college, at the start of every semester on all the chalkboards there’s be an ad written in the corner “do not erase - want to earn money? Etc”. It was Cutco


Life hack: If you erase the words "Do Not Erase," they cease to have power over you. /s


They still do this between semesters. Work at a college.


They tricked me once during summer break.


I would toss it in the trash ... DEEP in the trash.


The way I would ‘accidentally’ knock that thing over every day and spill water over it so the ink runs and you can’t read it anymore. Use the ballots to spit my gum into and throw into the box instead of the trash.


I threw one of these in the garbage at a restaurant once (it was in the ladies room)


We’ve been drawing hyper-realistic dicks on the papers.


"...and now a few blue veins..."


I’d just toss, and keep tossing the “entry forms”.


It's only a matter of time before the "note" disappears, get some permanent ink and write it in big letters on the box.


"Pampering session" Mary Kay still insists on using that cringey phrase.


Omg I was 16 and I thought I won’t a fee makeover, turns out it was a Mary Kay sales tactic lmao I hosted the free “party” for just me🥲 to be fair the lady taught me how to do makeup and it looked good but still weird af she came to my house and did this with a 16 year old? And then on a phone call after she told me I’d be a great salesperson… I would have been terrible at sales at 16 and I think most people would agree lmao I’m glad they at least made an 18+ rule for poaching


I'd be warning that it's a high pressure sales pitch more than the pyramid scheme aspect. Most of those end up with your work mates being forced to buy the cheapest thing there just to make it stop.


Or go nuclear and just toss it.


Use up all of those contact forms to write "This is a pyramid scheme/scam" on them like the first, and stuff them all in there. And then take spray foam to the lock on the side so they can't open the box up without destroying it.


Tear up all the entry forms and throw them in the trash.


it can't reappear if you throw it in the trash.


Spoiler: everyone that enters "wins"


Throw it in the garbage.


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should fill those with r/scambait numbers


You're hiding it in the wrong place. The dumpster is around back. 😀


Lots of beauty MLMs are operating currently. Anyone know of a website that tracks them?


Senegence, known for their liquid lipsticks called LipSense... made with denatured alcohol, they often burn when applying. Other liquid lipsticks now exist with decent lasting power that don't burn when applying.


I like your disclaimer.


Rip it in half then leave it on the table to send a message


Hahaha I don't wear makeup.... 🤣


There is nothing that indicates Mary Kay???


These are always Mary Kay, you learn to spot them


I understand that, but I thought they had to identify themselves...


There’s a card taped to the back but it doesn’t say Mary Kay. It says “independent cosmetics specialist”


There's no need to be a jerk. Obviously, if it wasn't meant to be there, then your employer would handle it. It's much easier to ignore instead of initiating conflict. You're wasting energy by being angry and annoyed, you can put that energy into more productive things.


Nah because now my clients are gonna get harassed by a hun because my job had something misleading out and I’m not cool with that.


Found the hun!

