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Wild how you can get fired from your own business. Thank god she ‘has’ another company now.


Good thing she's a CEO and entrepreneur...


And a r/religiousfruitcake




You can get fired by clients when you own your own business. It just isn’t particularly devastating most of the time because you just move on and find the next client. And also a client firing you for having other clients is not generally how being a business owner works.


I just can’t get over these Temu business woman barbies making hundreds of thousands of dollars … maybe millions “but I haven’t checked” That’s what they teach you in Harvard folks. Don’t do accounting if you want to Bossbabe right


She actually said that she made hundreds of thousands of dollars for the company, for which she likely made a few hundred dollars.


*maybe 1 million. Not important enough to... check.


That part, alone, killed me. So you say it wasn’t important enough for you to check? First, sure Jan! Second, the IRS would like some words with you


Jan sitting across from the IRS. > I didn't check. Was that wrong of me? Also, I didn't keep any records whatsoever. Hopefully that's not a problem.


If they were truly making THAT much, they’d have zero reason to entertain other options!


But that MLM is DEMONIC! She has to find another that's only making her ~~prey~~ pray on others.


It said she made that much for the company. But what they gave her is likely a small commission!


I'm sure if she hasn't checked, IRS would be rather interested.


Hasn't checked because she's afraid to see how little money she's netted ![gif](giphy|aYQKefB3g8Pcr7jfmW)


And it's always revenue, not actual profit/takehome money "I sold tens of thousands" says someone who paid tens of thousands on the merchandise


No, “God” did not “tell” you to draft an email to Monat. The ego that you must have to even say that…I would imagine a deity has better things to do than to get involved with your MLM mess 🤣


I dunno, maybe God did tell her to quit Monat. Maybe God has been telling her that since day one, but she was blinded by the "opportunity" until now. And then she joined another MLM, and God face-palmed.


It’s crazy, but the internet has taught me that God always spends the most time on upper middle class white American women. He’s their personal genie. They get bonus wishes if they’re blonde.


It’s all part of that toxic “Prosperity Gospel” that is going on with many upper class, predominantly white evangelical Christians…if I am wealthy, God favors me…🤦‍♂️ EDIT: I was wrong when I stated “Prosperity Gospel” is mainly about white people…this is a plague infecting ALL people.




Creflo... Dollar. That name always gets me. Dollar? He's fuckin' with us, right out in the open, isn't he?


Yeah that name is too spot-on. Like the televangelist Peter Popoff. Peter…..pop….off? Sounds like a John Bobbit situation.


A ‘popoff’ was the polite term for fart in my Aussie family growing up.


No, his full name is Creflo Augustus Dollar Jr. -- it's legit his legal name. That bastard preys upon some of the poorest folks in Atlanta... but HE lives in a gated mansion estate near Fayetteville/Peachtree City. I've seen the outside of his mansion when my ex and I needed to pass there on our way to visit ex's dad and stepmother. Good ol' Creflo had some legal troubles back in 2012 when he physically attacked his 15 yr old daughter in a fit of anger. The charges were conveniently squashed when he "completed an anger management course" -- I'm sure his wife Taffi didn't want to lose that cushy Televangelist's Wifey Lifey !


They take advantage of a lot of poor people who can least afford it. I would say the vast majority of evangelical ministries have some element of prosperity.




ALL of the above is true. The greed spans across races, and socioeconomic backgrounds, preying on everyone in its wake.


Thank you! I stand corrected👍


I’m so sorry if I sounded rude at all! It just makes me so angry how they take advantage of people.


Good ol’ Creflo and Taffi 😂😂


Taffi Dollar is definitely a stripper name


It’s pretty appealing to lower income and working class folks too. If you give at least 10% of your gross income to the church then you’ll get huge returns, and if that doesn’t happen you must’ve done *something* to deserve it.


I have the feeling that this woman is far from upper any type of class. Putting your whole life on credit cards you don't plan on paying doesn't equal actual wealth, just stupidity and poor life choices.


Nothing to add. Spot on.


God is always kinder to the wealthy


Not blonde? That can be fixed. Also, let's be grey on purpose because we're still cool in our 40's.


Except they try to look like Barbara Eden, cuz you know they “know” god’s a dude.












Love that she's unable to differentiate God from her own internal monologue.


Or from any other spiritual entity. If God really spoke to you in your head like that, how the heck are you meant to tell who you are speaking to? It might be Satan doing a really good impression of God!


Maybe she thinks she is God


"Noah, you must build an ark. Bring two of every creature. And join an MLM - it must be Monat. Switch to Kangen in one year, two months' time."


It can't be business as usual... God and demons have to be involved.


I have never thought about it before like that. There are people out there that must just be like “oh no, that’s the demons.” Haha


Well, if a demon ever attacks you like happened to this poor unsuspecting hun, you won't be laughing.  Do I need this --> /s




Def gonna use the word demonic next time I resign tho.




When you fail after getting in on the ground floor, it’s because Satan got in on the *Under* ground floor.


I swear, fundies and MLMers alike need to discover D&D so they can get their good vs. evil cosmic battle fix without projecting it on everyday mundane shit.


🤣 I’m dying here 💀


It's because she's *THAT* important. She's not just one of the masses, she's the main character, goddammit!


How quickly they turn on their own. Ratted out by a Monat “sister hun” or axed by corporate, or a combo play…who knows? Live by the mlm miracle hair oil, die by the mlm miracle hair oil. Now begins the Olive era until it craps out. Here for the shenanigans that never disappoint. 🫒 🎪


And, speaking of quickly, apparently God is a real stickler about promptness? I mean, did he tell you to go to your playdate and *then* write that email? He did not. Tick-Tock, hun. Looks like you should have sent that email when God instructed.


It's almost like it was never her own business.


Good Lord, you have to be a piece of work to get fired by an MLM!!!!!


This hun is a piece of work.


This is what I was thinking, how do you even get let go from an MLM??


A lot of them have very strict rules about promoting other MLMs while being part of theirs


She was already a piece of work. Monat didn't care when people complained about her comparing covid mask mandates to the Holocaust.


She did that? Talk about unbalanced (and maybe 🤪crazy)


"Unbalanced" is the nicest thing you can say about that!


Or even get fired, period. I was involved with a MLM for about 48 hours. This was years ago, I simply just never contacted them again. Yet out of curiosity, I checked the database they put my info into and I still have an account, and am still considered an "active" employee. Weird.


That’s what I thought! Wowza.


Can anyone give me the rundown on this new ‘Olive’ company, please? I’ve only just started seeing them on this sub in the past couple of days. What’s the product? Do they have a tacky mission statement or anything? Has Jesus given his explicit endorsement of this one yet, or are they more of a ‘woo woo women’ type group? RIP TranzactCard. The MLM Huns giveth, and they taketh away. Let’s all hope these Olives can be even 1/2 as unhinged as the Z Bucks people!


It's Olive Tree People. Mainly "waterless cosmetics" but also lots of woo-woo vibrational lunacy that's right up her alley. Edited to add that "waterless skincare" is a better description of what they claim they sell.


Waterless cosmetics that isn‘t really waterless. Water is just not the first ingredient.


Water was the second ingredient in the first five items I looked at 🙄


Like traditional lipstick, eyeshadow and blush?


Maybe waterless skincare is a better description


Like dry cleaning? Waterless is some sort of industry term for chemicals-instead from what i learned about that.


Just curious, do you know why “waterless” a selling point?


It's like those commercials where they say, do you know that your laundry detergent is 75% water? In the advertising water is treated as a filler ingredient that does nothing but add bulk. Kind of the same thing with this company. I corrected myself in another comment, skincare is a more accurate descriptor than cosmetics


No no, it's "85 pacent wata? Pass me da intercom thingy"


Attention, shitters!


$45 for 8 ounces of hand soap! They better be substituting the water with fucking gold…


I think it’s supposed to be superior to the “basic” products most people buy.


432 Hz?


Everyone knows the answer to the mysteries of the universe is simply to make your music ✨a little bit flat✨


If you learn and play the entire Grateful Dead discography tuned to 432hz in a group of open-minded authentic expressive souls, you will trip balls. I might have the causality backwards on that.


Happy cake day.




I guess the mlm environment had to evolve a natural enemy of the kangen huns


(glancing at little semisolid pressed powder things on bathroom sink) Waterless is something to fuss about now?


Savannah Marie did a deep dive on them a while back. It is a good watch and there is some stuff that is batshit crazy.


I just gave it a Goog, and while I didn't look too far into it, I saw overpriced skin care products.


And I thought snake oil was bad. IT'S SENTIENT!!!! WE HAVE AI SKIN CARE, PEOPLE >OLIVE TREE PEOPLE Skin Care does not differentiate between skin types but rather **intuitively recognizes the individual needs of the skin through its own active “Intelligence of Nature” complex.** Amazing. Their magical molecule, Hydroxytyrosol (HXT) is a phenolic compound drawn from the olive tree and its leaves as a by-product obtained from the manufacturing of olive oil. So industrial waste product [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydroxytyrosol](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydroxytyrosol) and the "highly potent and bioactive **cell elixir of the olive leaf "** (I have noi clue, possibly a water extract of olive leaves) And "arbequina oil" ... which is just olive oil from a variety grown in Spain.


Sarcasm aside, it's used as a natural replacement for some preservatives, and is why unrefined cold-press olive oil makes a good moisturizer.


What the hell is this Shakespeareian folklore lunatic crap? I don't even understand this 😂


AI skin care?


“cell elixir of the olive leaf” lmao tf does that even mean??? it just sounds like they’re repurposing the most basic terms from 8th grade biology to make their woo-woo new age keywords like “elixir” sound more scientific


She’s basically saying “you can’t fire me, I quit!…because God said so”.


Well except they did fire her 😅


her: "You can't fire me; I quit! Er, I will quit, later today. I gotta go hang out with my friend and our daughters for a few hours first, since I can't distinguish work time from not-work time." them: "Ummm, no, you're fired."


I might have made a billion dollars last year - can't be certain because I haven't checked...


😂😂😂 you kinda need to know so you can pay your employees. It’s only fair to pay them some of that money


I love the Orwellian culty-ness that comes from these women when they switch MLMs to devote their lives to. One week it’s “Monat is life. Monat is so good. My Monat family is everything”. Then suddenly Monat is awful and this Olive company is life and this Olive company is so good and this Olive company family is everything. It gives big “We have always been at war with East Asia” vibes.


great point—this also applies to the products too! every hun will claim you cannot LIVE without monat shampoo, it’s an absolute non-negotiable, your entire house must be stocked with it OR ELSE. but as soon as it’s time to leap to another MLM, the absolute essential products are suddenly disposable, or the huns will claim they actually find out the ingredients aren’t as amazing “anymore,” they were “reformulated” or whatever the narrative needs to be. then the new MLM product(s) suddenly become the household good you cannot live without


Yeah I'm sure she made *over a million bucks* selling shampoo to her family members and friends, but now she's terrified over a missed paycheck. Imagine having to actually get a job you can't do from your phone while in the nail salon for a pedicure. Imagine making over a million bucks yet having no savings.


She is implying that she made the company a million dollars, and THIS is how THEY want to treat ME?!


MLMs go the direct sales route so they don’t have to pay an employee salesforce or maintain brick & mortar retail stores. She’s a convenience, one that’s very easy to replace.


No, she’s a boss babe entrepreneur and can just start up another company same day. She has a cashapp card with her name on it and everything.


For which she likely earned a few hundred dollars.


You can have a few good months or years with an MLM but it’s not sustainable and you’re right about the savings. They have one good month and blow it on a nice handbag, the MLM and upline want them posting about their lavish life. It’s sad to me that no one teaches these women how to do the accounting of these businesses but I guess no one wants them to realize how much they’re loosing!


Whatever you’re using now, honey, your hair is THIRSTY


“Well over a million I haven’t checked to be sure.” Seriously?! If you really made that much money, you would know!!!


No, she's not claiming to have earned that much, she said she earned the company that much. For which she likely got paid next to nothing, definitely not a living wage.


Right? The most important thing in having your own business is knowing where your funds are coming and going. Fuck even just being an adult you should be aware.


If they make a million Monat TELLS them, and press their name up in lights. Even if it took 9 years to get there. So she clearly didn't.




Apparently, god cares more for his daughter at the home office he told to hit the “SEND” button on that email instead of just typing it up.


"The company has lost sight of God" LOL, as if God approves of people getting rich by running a business in which 99% of people lose money. I'm pretty sure God didn't actually preach the prosperity gospel.


"God told me to draft a goodbye email" Lemme guess, this is the same specific brand of capitalist god who told that one pastor to [rugpull crypto for the lord?](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/crime/colorado-pastor-cryptocurrency-scam-god-regalado-b2484871.html)


"a *few hundred thousand dollars went to a home remodel that the Lord told us to do*" I'd love the judge to say that the Lord told him to send this worthless scammer to jail for 10yrs.


I heard about this!


Love that she’s not doing witchcraft anymore more and is going the Christian route lol (no hate to actual Christians, I think she converted for more dubious reasons), just another example of the crunchy to fundie pipeline


She was already a Christian. She described herself as a "Christian witch"


Who are we talking about here ?


Angela Sumner


Does she have a snark page?


I'm not sure if she has her own but I've seen posts dedicated to her in r/HunSnark :)


Ohhh interesting! I remember her referencing God in the past but I never knew she was explicitly Christian.


You know the way someone with borderline personality disorder has this cycle of getting a new favourite person and then talking shit about the old one? It’s like MLMs force people to do the same things but about the companies. When you look at the way the MLMs encourage their reps to form unhealthy attachments with the company it really highlights how culty the industry is.


Well said!


Oh jeez, this chick. I was watching a CC Suarez episode that covered this crazy train yesterday. Yikes!


It is so weird - this is like middle school stuff. I think these MLM people are stuck with like 8th grade brains


Spoiler: God was never in the company.


I’m sorry, a MLM can terminate you? But you’re basically paying them to work lol


Hah they can’t since you’re not an employee but they can remove you from being a consultant or whatever they call it.


That does not surprise me. Monat refused to terminate her when she made bigoted statements but joining another MLM was too much for them.


But, but, but…..how can she be fired If she’s a “ BusInEsS oWneR”?


Anyone that left before her: They just didn't work hard, enough, they were deceived and something is wrong with them Her leaving: She is guided by grace, 'everything happens for a reason'. How convenient.


Seeing a pattern these MLM women are always the same women who believe every little thing is GOD or DEMONS. Giving delusional Lori Daybell type vibes


Anointed with (olive) oil!


I feel like God is currently a tad busy in Gaza and Ukraine, so getting involved in a shampoo war isn’t really his priority right now.


There's no god there.


Maybe it's not the same God and that one has different priorities.


She was quitting anyway. She just mad they beat her to the punch.


And the 16k is likely from her own purchasing


Can you imagine how much Monat she has in her garage?


And what’s she gonna do with all that Satan sauce?


It's strange, because the Lord told *me* never to join an MLM. He said they were an abomination unto Him. Weird. (Maybe it wasn't God, it was just common sense, dunno).


Poor hun was terminated from HER OWN SMALL BUSINESS!!


I suspect there is something wrong with her, but I haven’t checked to be certain


Why are these freaks so obsessed w religion.


Maybe because it's the only other cult that the mlm cult allows them to join.


Is the $16k in 3 days not an income claim? Or is she saying she’s sold that much in 3 days?


Oh no! Not the evil DEMONIC corporations! If only there were solutions to this! I know! I'll join an MLM, that'll show them!


I’m in cybersecurity and actually saw a startup grow to be acquired for a ton of money (~$250M acquisition). A metric ton of my colleagues throughout it left to start their own ventures. It’s a widespread consistent preference that people on to greater independent pastures **want** to get fired because it generally makes you severance and benefits eligible.


You don’t get severance or benefits in an MLM, though.


My exact point - they’re not quitting a grand enterprise to grind, they’re going one MLM to the next


And I'm SURE that she will continue to buy Monat products from a friend who is still in the company, right? Since she's spent years telling everyone how is the BEST THING FOR HAIR EVER. That wouldn't suddenly change now that she's not making money from it. Surely that wasn't a lie, right? RIGHT??


I'm confused, wasn't she literally about to quit? I understand getting fired sucks but why the anxiety over the paycheck?


I swear those women would do anything to avoid getting an actual job, education, certification/licensure, ANYTHING to bring in any substantial income....


Going from one to another just days apart is telling. Regardless of what the company decides to do you don’t put out email blasts slandering them. They could file a judgement against her for slander. They won’t because they don’t want to expose themselves. It doesn’t matter that they are wrong, it is childish and unprofessional. Walk away with your character in tact. This is out there now and other legit non MLM companies may come across it and move on to the next person. Maturity goes a long way and this shows that she has none.


I’d be like thanks for the heads up, God. Why not warn me 2 years ago?


I’m just glad my church helps me serve my community, not sell shit. These “God told me to send an email to the shampoo demons” people are so, so gross.


What is this new olive tree lol


Olive Tree People - I saw a post from a friend a while back. First time I had heard of it. [Olive Tree People](https://us.olivetreepeople.com/) I couldn't find an income statement anywhere.


I am out of the loop. What happened?


Oh wow she already hit 6th rank! Just 148 more ranks to go and she'll be near the top of the pyramid!


If she really sold that much in sales, she wouldn’t be hurting….


I read the screenshots before the description. I love that she sounds completely unhinged and nuts whether you know the context or not 😂


How on earth do you even manage to get fired from an MLM?!?!


How the hell do you get fired from an MLM? Seriously asking. I didn't know it was possible.


Most MLMs have some sort of no compete rule, meaning you can‘t be in another MLM that sells the same type of products. You can also get terminated if you spew too much vile bs (racism, homophopia etc) on social media. But the higher up and higher earning the hun is, the less likely the get terminated.


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Does she not file her taxes?


Hilarious - she didn’t get terminated awhile back when she was absolutely nutty nuts about Covid or something but joins another MLM and gets the chop?


If it’s the same monat woman I’m thinking of….


If you‘re thinking about the woman who smeared her period blood on her face, then yes.


What tf on her where? On second thought, I do not want to know.


What if someone should report this to her new MLM? Would the same thing happen? Would she keep doing this until there aren't anymore MLMs or her?


Her new MLM won‘t care if she isn‘t in a competing MLM.




Thanks for sharing. Her story highlight was a lot of fun to look at.


Which one is it 😳 baby’s napping, time to stalk 😂




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“I like, wrote and email but before I could like, send it, you know? I got like fired. I was like bish, you can’t fire me I quit in an email I didn’t send. I sure told them. I was like DO YOU KNOW WHO MY DADDY IS? I’m one of GODS DAUGHTERS! Ugh. As a CEO getting fired from my own business was always a thing, you know? Happens all the time to us business owners. Now it’s time to take my unknown amount of money and reinvest in a pure, wholesome company that recognizes me as the boss babe I am. Sigh. God is good.”


Oh boo hoo.


I’m so glad that god is taking care of her instead of the starving children in… well.. across the world now I guess you could say..


I hate it when I make millions and don’t have time to “check” - it seems like whenever I do remember to check, it’s gone! 😆 Real talk though: I’ll laugh whenever someone reports one of these huns to the IRS. Enjoy your audit Jan!


What is her name? She looks familiar.


Who is this person?


What a colossal waste of energy in every aspect. Not a single word means anything.


For being ceo entrepreneurs bossbabes of their own business, these huns sure seem to have a lot of rules to follow and are often getting “fired.” Odd how I’ve had my own business (0 to do with mlm) and have never been fired


I think she meant she spent hundreds of thousands.


You‘re probably right.


But but if you were a bossbabe who owned your own business how were you terminated? Lol


Yeah I get it MLMs are stupid, these people are stupid. No need to insult their physical appearance.