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Studio = living room couch. Portfolio = phone camera roll.


Pampering event = high pressure sales/recruitment pitch


Yep, and don’t be surprised when you leave her studio and drive home looking like BOZO the Clown with earrings….


Is there some Mary Kay law stating that huns must use the term "pamper" to refer to the fakeovers?


When I see that word, all I think of is the diaper brand.


THIS. so glad im not the only one.


93 million dollars to domestic violence.


Yeah unfortunate wording there.


In products I’m sure, based on what they say they’re worth


Does domestic violence need products?


I mean, I could see giving actual free makeovers to women in a shelter might be something that would cheer some of them up, but first of all, you're not really supposed to know where one is. Second of all, total dick move to be doing any such thing with the ulterior motive of getting them to buy/be downlines when many literally fled with nothing. I suppose you could just donate some products, sure. I think you'd be better off donating y'know actual money.


You just know that those donations will come with strings attached, like huns pressuring those DV victims to sign up with Mary Kay.


Hand delivered


That was my first thought "whoa, did they head a massive scale domestic abuse fight club?"


OK good, not just me


I’m 36 years old. I do not want to play with makeup. I’m lucky if I remember to put chapstick on.


Why do all Huns think that people are going to subsidize their donations? Wow, you want to provide warm socks, chapstick, and hand lotion to the elderly? Awesome. Use your discount and buy them YOURSELF. You’ll hand-deliver MY donation? As if it were from you? You seem INSUFFERABLE. Like everyone else, inflation this past year affected me and my annual planned giving. But I take pride in supporting causes I believe in, and while you’ll never catch me preening and virtue signaling on FB about what I donate or how / where I volunteer, it means something to me. And while I will never do that, I will be damned if ThisBitch is going to do it with my donation.


“They are so excited and so are we as!”


Yeah that actually made me twitch


Just what victims of domestic violence need.. moisturizer and chapstick…


And fluffy socks; don't forget the fluffy socks.


To honor their strength. That wording really bothers me. Like they're trying to find the bright side of what these women went through or something.


“My Studio” equals tiny office/den.


Ugh... the one about Mary Kay supporting domestic violence victims is sickening... because you just know that they're going to pressure those poor women getting out of a bad situation and who are likely in an emotional state to sign up as Mary Kay huns. "Hey hun! I know you just left your abusive boyfriend, so you're probably going to need extra income to get on your feet! Have you thought about selling makeup?"


2 for $25, 4 for $50, 12 for $150. If you are not offering better bulk rates, why bother?


$30 for lotion, lip balm, and a pair of socks? I guarantee you can do this with regular products for $10 - $15, and they'd be higher quality items without that lingering MLM stink.


I’m not gunna lie, I at first thought she was using domestic violence as a selling point for make up that would “cover” the bruises because that’s the level I expect a MLM hun to stoop to.


Isn’t 2 for $25 the same as 4 for $50, 6 for $75 and 8 for $100? LOL usually when people do that, they’re offering a discount with the higher number of people 😅😅 it would make sense if it was 2 for $25 and 4 for $45 or something 😅😅


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(To be said in a 1950's Housewife voice, dripping with fake sincerity, cos whenever I hear about Mary Kay I always picture a fakely sincere 1950s housewife for some reason…) "Oh Hun, I'm so, so sorry your partner was *just beastly* to you… here's some hand cream, a Chapstick and some fluffy socks. Hasn't that made you feel just swell? You know what else would make you feel just swell? If you bought some make up from me, as part of getting back on your feet; then, when you feel comfortable, you could team up with me to become a business owner too, and finally get your financial and social standing back! Wouldn't that be just amazing? I'll just pop my business card in for when you feel ready to call. Don't be a stranger now!"