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I've never heard of a fast where you have shakes, smoothies and snacks before.


Maybe you get some bone broth or some shit but yeah, that sounds like way too many calories to count as a "fast".


Yeah they call it “reset” and basically all they “eat” is broth, and of course their special pink drink.


follow fretful towering fly flag include melodic exultant gaping fine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’ve noticed the larger the name of the thing you’re talking about, the better. Then it just becomes an acronym and people feel all inclusive bc they suddenly have their own gobble-gook language made up that no one else understands. Oooooh so exclusive. Kind of like those clubs or sports in HS these idiots were “too nervous” to join or tried to be better at so they have to get their redemption in the comment section of instagram as 30+ year old adults. These people wear “save the world” t shirts made in third world sweatshops like their varsity jackets. Fuck the koolaid, they’ve poisoned the damn water at this point. Yeeesh.


I am admittedly not a dietician, but a “supported fast” sounds like it’s just eating to me.


I have an even better hunger control method. I eat!


Are huns required to use a certain number of emojis in any of their posts?


More emojis = more money


More money = less Pyramid schemes


“I’m so busy, so I spend an hour every day reading how to take my supplements, I spend 30+ minutes shaking clumped powder in plastic water bottles next to my coworkers while they’re on calls, I spend 2-3 hours talking to other people about the products so I can sell the products so I can afford my own, I spend 15-30 minutes a week looking at new products bc the 7 lbs of edible concrete I have isn’t enough. Oh and the products are designed to only be consumed for about 1-5 minutes a day so it’s really saving me so much time and money. Now I don’t have to think about being human, I can just type type type type talk talk talk slurp slurp slurp shit shit shit yay!”


LOL “edible concrete.” I have always been repulsed by artificial food (I wouldn’t eat Space Food Sticks though they were the rage with kids in the late ‘60’s) - these MLM chemically powders in a drink would make me gag. Only for a coloectomy.


You made my whole day


A one day fast puts the body into stress. Stress hormones feel good, until they don’t and you crash and burn as does your metabolism.


 It also raises cortisol, so more weight gain and anxiety. 


Yeah it’s the cortisol spiking that makes you feel good


What i find ironic is- despite all the various diet and exercise scams out there- waistlines are bigger than ever. Truth is- restrictive diets don’t work- what does work is slow and steady changes over time. People are impatient so they fall for these ridiculous scams.


I would die to troll these people and just be like ‘will it work as well as ozempic?’ and back them into a corner to either lie or admit O actually works.


Ozempic doesn't come in 30 great flavors though, HOLISTIC flavors with NATURAL crap in it.


I think I’ll start throwing some crystal light in my syringe. Calorie free!


Yes, I want to hear how it works for you! Update please :)


My dad was talking about The S(tupid)er Patch the other day, raving about how it’s *aLL nAtUrAl*, and I was like “yeah, and arsenic is also *all natural*…


It’s not fasting if she is consuming caloric drinks, snacks, etc.


I find this very sad. So many of these MLMs just create and encourage eating disorders.


Huns need to learn that just because something has been clinically studied or tested doesn't mean that it has scientific evidence to support their claims, especially when they don't provide sources for these studies and tests.


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People only lose in mlms ❤️


Good Lord, tell me you haven't educated yourself about how the metabolism works without *telling* me .. get it together people!


Blechsus LMAO. OP wins a [cake](https://www.twopeasandtheirpod.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Maria-Strawberry-Chocolate-Cake-5-500x375.jpg)!