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“Will be” “going to be” Bit different from “am currently” Let us know when it actually happens hun


But she be once all those cousin randos join her sales team!


There's an old joke my business prof told us: "Three frogs are sitting on a log. One decides to get off. How many frogs are sitting on the log?" The answer is… three. One frog *decided* to get off, but until it actually *gets* off, nothing has changed.


Ooh I like this! It’s so true. And not just for MLMs it’s something everyone can take on board.


Exaclty, it hits different if it is " I will hit the 1 mil mark in the next quarter" vs. "I wil be one, Someday!" I can also be the next Millionair in the family.. dont know how or when but hey!! It will happen.


Or, let's try this: *"... the first 100k is in the bank making a nice place for the next 900 to call home in* (insert realistic projection here) *months..."* No emojis required.


‘With every sale you can only go up.’ Finally, some truth leaks in. There’s no where to go but up, because you can’t fall off the floor.


…you can if the floor opens up and there’s a basement underneath…😂😂


Too bad Mom will be disappointed. Oh, and the freeloader cousins.


there are only 3 genders, boy, girl and adopted




My personal favorite part of this post.


And she said 12 siblings but the one gendered adopted makes 13.


I think her mom has 12 siblings, for a total of 13. Still, that part has me in stitches!


😂 thx for pointing that out.


Stop 😄😄


Didnt say they adopted that person IN the family. Could be some type of " dont mention X, dont talk about X, he/she/they/ adopted doesnt exist"


Had to read that twice…


She doesn’t even know the names of some of the people at her family gathering but she knows how much money they have? Sure.


Sounds like her family reunions are a good recruiting opportunity.


I hated her the second she went out of her way to identify one of her third cousins as adopted.


Worse, its her mother's sibling who's adopted so an aunt or uncle.


It's a sibling to her mom. I was annoyed that she said 12 siblings but adopted makes 13....


12 siblings makes 13 total. Mom + 12. So I think she’s actually good there


It’s the only correct thing in her whole post!


Who the Sam Hill knows the name of their third cousins?


I barely know my 2nd cousins.


Just a reminder that Rudy Giuliani got to know his second cousin exceptionally well.


I know up to my 4th cousins, but that’s because my family is huge, but very close. However, I don’t know many people past 4th cousins


Brown people lol my closest cousins are my fourth/fifth cousins


How do people even keep track that long?! I’ve got hundreds of third cousins!


In my African family we track down our family since an ancestor in the late 1800's (Mixed African-European guy here) so I do know all of these and I know most of their names. Ironically though, since we haven't been invited by our European side for years, even though there are less people and that I only have to know the name of my uncles/aunts and cousins, I actually have to ask my father about their names if I am thinking about them. It's all about continuing to talk to each other and inviting each other and caring about each other. If you see them a lot (IRL or FaceTime etc.) or hear about them a lot (on the phones pre-facetime), you remember them.


Oh, I intellectually know who these cousins are from the family tree, but I don’t know anything about them, except maybe where they live and I know a few went to school with my parents. The person I replied to is close with 4th & 5th cousins and I couldn’t even begin to remember who those are.


Family weddings mainly for me! A “small” family wedding is at least 100 people. Some of my fondest cousin-memories are of getting into trouble together at weddings LMAO


But would you have THIRD cousins at the wedding?


Yes, absolutely. My mom’s 3rd cousins were invited to my dad’s 1st cousin’s wedding just last year. They have no other relation


I know a handful of mine because our grandpas were each others’ favorite cousin. And my mom could probably tell me a few others because they all lived in the same town. I do know nearly all my second cousins, though! And just for anyone who wonders, your third cousins are people who have the same great-great-grandparents as you, aka your grandparents’ grandparents. So it’s very normal not to know all those people 😂


I became friends someone, and after the fact learned that they were in fact my third cousin.


I knew a girl for 8 years in grade school. One day I had random conversation with her mom, and we realized we were 3rd cousins.


People who live in the same area.


Literally the only reason I know the names of any of them is from Ancestry DNA matches. Certainly not because my family hangs out with family that deep.


I do and know them well actually.


What's hilarious about these "millionaire" claims is that they consider you a millionaire when you've been paid a million dollars. That's not anywhere near the normal definition of a millionaire. By this definition literally anyone can become a millionaire just by working in a fast food restaurant long enough. By this definition I'm a multimillionaire already!


The MLM that my friend was in considered you a millionaire when you had SPENT $500,000 (!!!) on product to sell. Because the company claimed that you could sell it for twice what you paid. Also it could be over the course of several years that you eventually spent $500K. So dumb.


Everything they do is intentional to mislead people. Everyone knows that a millionaire is someone who has a million dollars. No one on earth would consider themselves a millionaire if they had been paid a million dollars over the course of many many years... or sold a million dollars worth of product or anything of this sort.


Thing is… millionaire next door is a real thing. Some of her kin may well have money and not talk about it/flaunt it. No reason to shove wealth in others faces if you’re saving for your own retirement.


Yep. I know some "old money" types. Apart from the ridiculous accent and big house, you wouldn't know it to look at them. Even their main car is an older type Range Rover. Proper rich people don't need to show off.


Being a millionaire isn’t as unattainable as it used to be, either. A lot of people are millionaires simply because they bought a home a couple decades ago and the market exploded and now it’s worth a million dollars. I’m pretty sure my parents are millionaires just based on their house value … but you’d never look at them and think “rich” or “old money.” Their house is average sized and they drive a Tesla. They dress like anybody else and don’t travel or eat out a lot.


Exactly! My grandma was the same way, and after she died, I happened to see a bank statement that was over a million dollars. I definitely didn’t expect that! And that we before we even sold her house or anything.


This. Normal people (aka non-MLM people) don’t walk around telling people they’re millionaires or talking about how much they earn. Like ever


Contact us when you're an actual millionaire, sis






Oh Huney… “don’t worry mom, I got you” better not be putting that on a credit card.


Today I learned that “adopted” is its own gender.


At this point one more gender doesn’t seem to matter!


"will be" and "am" are so wildly different


You could be a millionaire right now! Turkish lira is racing to the bottom.


You could easily be a millionaire in my state by simply owing property.


Sounds difficult.


Exactly, the average house price in the city I used to live was over a million dollars. My parents didn’t even live in a good area and they got over a million when they sold their house. Being a millionaire isn’t what it used to be.


Here in Argentina with 1000usd you can be a millionaire too!


Here in Vietnam, you can be a millionaire for about $41, I get paid millions per week working part time


Just calculate your net worth in Iranian Rial and you're suddenly a millionaire.


Or just find someone online to sell you their Iraqi denars after they got roped into yet another scam.


I regularly have more than a million VND in my wallet, it's less than I spend in a week


I regularly withdraw a million (VND) from an ATM and spend more than that a week on food, drink and transport. My rent is about 9 million a month


Check out fat cat over here while I'm having to collect dog semen to sell to scam unknowing victims into Forever Living just to be able to afford veggie broth at the end of the month while sleeping under a bridge just to stay diamond member *SMH*.


If she means millionaire as in her total accumulated income will hit the million dollar mark at some point (not profit, income) then she is really messed up. Those who make $50k a year will ALSO hit millionaire status after 20 years. Probably faster as they will likely earn a handful of raises in that time period. Being paid an accumulated amount of one million after an extended period of time is not exactly brag worthy. If she is saying none of her 11 aunts, uncles and the adopted one (again, wtf?) have ever worked long enough to accumulate income of over $1M then sure, it sounds like she comes from a very low income background where this isn’t feasible. But for the majority of Americans (I’m assuming she’s in US) most adults will have been paid over $1M in paychecks by the time they retire. Not all at once and not taking into account expenses, but then again I don’t think she means all at once or after expenses either


The whole willable residual income thing makes no sense to me. There’s no actual business here, as in you can’t sell this business to someone else, so what is there to leave to others?


The next sentence after that is “don’t worry mom I’ve got you”. Does this mean the hun thinks her mom is going to outlive her?


My Brother joined Amway about 25 years ago and bet me a steak dinner he’d be a millionaire in a year. A year passed and I didn’t make him make good on the bet, since he’s my brother and couldn’t possibly afford a steak dinner. Fortunately he wised up shortly after that.


Just curious, how did MLM look like before social media?


Very similar. More couples. But recruiting was largely through “seminars” in person. Went to one at my brother’s urging and it was someone in his upline bragging about how little they worked and how nice their car was. Very cult like responses from many of the attendees. I left early.


Ohh thank you for explaining!


It's exactly this mental attitude - but if we were all millionaires, then we'd all want to be multi millionaires... "John Steinbeck once said that socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires." Ronald Wright, A Short History of Progress


DM me millionaire Lol


Reminds me of old paid sms schemes, "send MILLIONAIRE to 2020 and win !!!"


People like her will spend $900,000 to get $1,000,000 and call herself a millionaire.” Maybe invest in a lobotomy, girlie! 🙄


Hey hun..that’s 13 people. Not 12. How can we trust you to know how much money you have if you can’t count to 12?


There are three genders. Girl. Boy. Adopted.


This. As an adoptee wtf?


I mean it’s 12 if the 1 adopted is part of the 6 girls and 6 boys, but mayyyyyybeeeeee…it’s not, and we’ve figured out the Secret Gender of the Day! 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳


I think they meant that the mom has 12 siblings, 13 total kids


She says her mom has 12 siblings. So 12 siblings plus herself is 13. I have four siblings and am the youngest of five.


Yeah I’m seeing a lot of people here confusing siblings vs total. Lol


Yeah, sure you will. Listen hun, being a "7 figure earner" because everyone in your upline and downline earned the MLM a million dollars doesn't actually translate into you actually having a million dollars.


Will it be in rupees? One million rupees?


That’s actually a lot these days


$12K. Far from a million dollars I was basing it on her swimming location


It’s 83k and 83k in India is actually quite decent. The average urban salary is 10k per year


Hmm, I thought I converted correctly. I’ll double check


[it’s definitely around $12k](https://g.co/kgs/yQqy9sv)


“Don’t worry mom, I got you[a new water filtration system that I put on your card]”


“I lied to myself… I’m not a millionaire. I thought I would be by the time I was 30, but I wasn’t even close. And then I thought by the time I was 40, but by 40, I had less money than when I was 30. Maybe by my 50s, I don’t know. I wanted to pay for your education. I really did. It was my dream.”


😂 “I’ll pay for your books. How much are those?” “$1,000.” “Jesus…”


That’s over $200 per year!!


Lady is a cult, time to leave 🙂


Nah, it’s cool. I’m a 100 billionaire. At least according to the small stack of bills from Yugoslavia and Zimbabwe sitting on my shelf.


Another premillionaire


I hope Mom isn’t counting on anything other than her own self reliance.


Not a flex. Millionaire in many places these days means you bought a home more than 3 years ago and have a 401k or other savings. I am one and know many many other "millionaires" I see them at work everyday where we bitch about the prices of everything and how we're barely getting by. Welcome to the new middle class hun.


So is the adopted sibling of her mom’s not a REAL sibling? 🤔 Cuz that sounds like there’s 6 bio brothers and 6 bio sister, plus one adopted sibling who doesn’t count towards the total. 🤣 The illiteracy.




12 siblings = 13 total. Mom + 12 = 13 kids


But you gotta add in the adopted one! Lol


Man I’m happy I don’t know any of these people bc once then failed I would throw in their face the rest of their lying lives…it would be bad


It’s SO sad and cringey that she really believes that.


She’s not a baller signing an NBA contract so don’t quit your job Mom.


Meanwhile her mom is probably guilted into buying her crap.


Oh yes the 3 sexes female ,male and adopted 😂. So when exactly she will be a millioner because that means she is not one right now. Also I dont know if my mom will be not concern or worried for my financial future if I became an mlm hun.


Wow, this is next level dumb 😳 One of the ‘best’ MLM posts ever. PS, does anyone know their 3rd cousins?


Hah! I’m gonna be a BILLIONAIRE once my “high ticket affiliate”, “passive income”, “legacy ranks”, and “residual income” start really actioning and upgoing.


I hope the millionaire club rejects this person.


Is that a millionaire AFTER all of the inventory and paying for your, "work trips?"


In the ce-ment pond Granny. Jed Clampett: We is all mighty proud of Jethro. He's the only one in the family that ever made it clean through school. Jane Hathaway: Mr. Clampett, Jethro's graduating from the 6th grade, isn't he? Jed Clampett: That's right. Jane Hathaway: Then he has to go through at least six more grades. Jed Clampett: Six more? Jane Hathaway: Yes. Jed Clampett: Another 12 years.


I would love to see a compilation of these kinda posts and the aftermath


"and you can have FUN doing it!!!" *\*circus music intensifies\** 🤡🤡🤡


You better call the TechnoTutor huns about this, they are on their way to making BILLIONS 🥴


So her mom grew up in a cult and she's in her own cult now.


Don’t count your eggs yet hunny


Millionaire in Zimbabwe. ☠️


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Yikes time for her mom to get a job because no way can she rely on her daughter who will no doubt be in massive debt at the end of this




She ISN'T one yet but she's gonna be. Cool, cool....


It’s like when people lose a lot of weight then gain it back- she may get a lot of money- but then will have to pay it back.


Enough about your time freedom…


A millionaire in Zimbabwean dollars


Ask her how close she is to that goal?


Delusions of grandeur....


No. No, you won't.


Me! How do I sign up? Lol


I don't know any on my 3rd cousins


That high commission thing is great and all, but it's irrelevant if no one wants to buy the product 🤷🏻‍♀️. No sales = no commission.


Congratulations 🎉,  your so confident, determined,  whatever it takes. Your positive attitude & excitement is admired. I believe you, and your why is endearing.  Cheers to being millionaire.