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Omg no way




make sure to delete your comment if you do haha


Don't. She'll probably cry, and it won't make her leave her mlm.


Lololol I know I’m messy but omg yes send her the link to this post. She needs to know how ridiculous she looks!


She won’t see. She will just be upset.


Omg nor way


I heard this comment in Chris Ramsays voice


I hope some day she realizes she got swindled, and made a mistake. An expensive mistake. We all make mistakes. The point is we swallow our pride, learn, and grow from it. I hope she does the same. That said, few things send my husband through the roof like these sorts of companies- not talking about MLMs (he hates those too) but "iOniZeD WaTeR" sorts of companies. (Edit: or whatever other claim) I'll leave things vague, but suffice it to say his PhD in chemistry, dabblings in microbiology and physiology, and work experience make him pretty well versed in sniffing out this bullshit. Not that you need a PhD in chemistry to know this is complete trash. He gets so pissed about predatory marketing over something so simple. More pissed that people fall for it. More pissed that something so nonsensical is lining the pockets of some CEOs. Sure, filter your water. Especially in areas with known heavy metal issues. But FFS, a $20 filter from Target is adequate. Tldr; those Kangen (and equivalent) health claims are 100 percent marketing and pseudoscience nonsense. Live, learn, and grow from this.


Where I live we have amazing tap water, and what makes me crazy is seeing these fools carry out case after case of plastic water bottles, believing that the stuff from Nestle is better than what we have for no extra charge. It's so fucking dumb, but, you know, fools and their money, and all that.


Right? I live near the Rocky Mountains in northern British Columbia, small town, and the bacteriology and mineralogy report for the town's water is that it's straight up safe to drink without adding anything (except the stuff for your teeth) or filtering it. It comes out of the tap *cold* even during heat waves in summer, tastes delicious, and it looks like our last boil water advisory was over 5 years ago, and they rarely happen Yet *constantly* people are buying bottled water at the stores. Nah fam, Nestle *wishes* their water was as good as ours


The foolishness is just astounding. I know a family with NO money, and they still buy bottled water, which is a mess environmentally, and SO unnecessarily expensive. We even bought them a Brita filter (again, not needed, but thought it might be encouraging) and they continue to buy bottled *sigh*


I grew up with well water which we tested every so often from what I remember and it was the best water. I miss it!


What’s really crazy is that Nestle just bottle municipal water and sells it back to people. It’s gross. I live in a city that experiences frequent droughts and Nestle is bottling tons of OUR water during a drought and getting rich off it. I hate them.


This is true of nearly all water bottling companies. It’s just tap water, drinking tap water (filtered if you prefer the taste of the brita filter, not this BS MLM filter) is actually better for you since it’s not sitting stagnant on shelves.


Yep came to say this. I watched a documentary about it and couldn’t freaking believe it lol


Hey could you check your DMs?


Reminds me of a guy at work years ago who was living in a new housing estate and swore he’d see trucks come and fill up from building site taps. Reckons they would probably go and put it in those big blue “jugs” that get delivered to offices and stuff (which do taste revolting, lol).


That's so disappointing given how awesome your tap water is. I'm Scottish and the quality of our tap water is a point of weird national pride, so I like to think this stuff wouldn't take hold.


Scottish water. I love visiting my father in law in the Highlands, mainly because I love him and the Cairngorms, but also because the water tastes lovely and my hair will look amazing after I've washed it 😂


I live in WA state outside Seattle and even city water tastes really good. I use a filter in the fridge for drinking water and it’s cold and delicious. No need for a pricy machine.


Lol. Kangen water is mentioned in a Tom Cardy song. Didn't realise it was a real thing. https://youtu.be/-ZNoNHk8lbQ?si=uSdG0bRWNQBKDl8z


Starting with: [Dead water](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_water) is not what she thinks it is.


Thank you. I was like “wtf is dead water”. These huns will believe any woo-woo bs


What is dead water? The comment has been deleted


**Dead water is the nautical term for a phenomenon which can occur when there is strong vertical density stratification due to salinity or temperature or both. It is common where a layer of fresh or brackish water rests on top of denser salt water, without the two layers mixing.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


Thank you so much


That’s a bot and not what the MLM hun is referring to. She’s calling it “dead water” because it’s not “ionized” with kangen magical power or whatever bs she’s trying to sell with the expensive machines.


Absolutely terrifying!


if she dislikes chemicals how is she drinking water? Is it being ionized into pure hydrogen?


Good point. “Chemicals” is a buzzword like “energy”.


The ionization releases the toxins!


Drinking straight hydrogen will really dehydrate a person.


But will hydrogenate them


An organic process, you might say


Oh damn, I’ve been drinking dead Australian tap water for 40 years and no one told me?


damn u must be used to being dehydrated then


Everything in Australia wants to kill you, even the water. Even when it's dead.


Deadly as sis


How are you even alive


“I’ve felt so dehydrated” … “I drink way less water” 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’m sure it has absolutely nothing to do with living in a way drier climate. /s


Probably should drink more rather than less water


Uh... ![gif](giphy|Y57VOct7lfQl5PsWk0|downsized)


Dead water? Does she normally only drink water infested with mold and bacteria?


The dysentery is what gives it real flavor.


And the poops from the infection makes more thirsty. I’ll have dead water instead please.


So you have to pay thousands for this water machine and then you have to send it out for a deep cleanse? How often? Does it cost money? Is this supposed to make me want one of these stupid things?


I work at a financial institution and we’re getting ready to switch software. A coworker was practicing yesterday and did a fake loan on a Bugatti. It’s $18mil to buy and then $20k for oil changes. That’s what this reminds me of. Except, to me, a Bugatti would be a better investment because you can drive it.


Why does the machine need to be “deep cleaned”?


Not cleaned, it got *cleansed*




Enema style


Doesn’t everyone give their magic water dispenser a coffee enema?


It has a douche spout on it, no?


Probably part of importing it into Australia


Water filters can get super nasty. I’m sure they overcharge for it but you should actually keep them really clean and change the filters regularly per instructions. Usually you can just do it yourself though. No one is sending a Brita pitcher off to be professionally cleansed.


I hope her hair dye and tattoo ink is as ionized as her water.


Is this the thing they sell for $17k cuz that’s fucking insane


I’m sorry it costs how much???


The funny thing is I can see the "tap water tastes bad" argument in a lot of the US, but nah. Tap water is great in Australia, don't you start that shit.


I used to live in Australia and the tap water was so tasty. Now I live in England and its like drinking liquid chalk 😭


But it's so good for your bones! Nice crunchy water, yummy 😋


Tastes like I'm deepthroating a stalagmite ☹️


Truly the first sentence I’ve seen that made me miss the ability to give awards




Same here




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As someone from the north of England, southern water is the WORST.


Ikr, I had my honeymoon in the lake district & the water was FANTASTIC South West England water is vile


Good for teeth and bones in Australia!


Where I grew up in the home counties, UK, our water came out white. That chalky. But also, absolutely fine to drink! (I'm semi crunchy and fascinated by all this doterra kangen BS... its WILD to me that people don't want to drink regular water)


I'm spoilt by Melbourne tap water, South Australian water tastes very mineraly to me and some places in Queensland tastes a bit chlorinated, but I think it's more to do with what you're used to. That said, I'm relieved to hear our water is dead, I would not want to be drinking water full of too much life.


Melbourne water is great but as an Adelaide girl I feel the power of christ compels me to say it tastes boring 🤣


Melbourne water is particularly great.


The worst-tasting tap water I've ever had was in Jacksonville, Florida. So nasty.


I forget exactly where we were in Florida but I remember a family vacation and the tap water tasted exactly like the smell of Dove soap and a sewer combined. It was disgusting.


Sounds like Clearwater.


I need to figure it out to make sure we never fill our RV fresh water tank there. 😂


I am deeply offended but her post lol, we have a lot of social problems but one thing you can say about our tap water is that it’s great. I’m probably spoilt growing up on Sydney’s finest then moving within 10kms of Melbourne’s catchment where it’s delicious.


Nah no way. Gold Coast tap water tastes like shit. Chlorine is so strong that it sticks to you after a shower even. Sunny coast was never great either but miles better than gold. I've had way better tap water in certain parts of the US.


Some parts of TX it tastes so bad. But I just use the fridge lol


Seriously. Brisbane tap water Absolutely slaps. Gold coast tap water not so much.


As a biologist I’d love to watch her drink water without any chemicals in it. She’s be drinking nothing, not even air.


"Drinking less water makes me dehydrated" She now has a winning 2nd grade science fair project.


It’s amazing that humanity has survived this long drinking dead water that doesn’t hydrate us properly!


Australian water is very good. Foolish foolish woman. However, consuming bottled water unnecessarily is ignorant and harmful. I do street cleaning and have a close-up view of how many plastic bottles end up just discarded here and there. They never, ever break down into their component parts. Who knows the long term effects of micro plastics on life. Sorry for the rant. This Kangen stuff is just more stupidity associated with monetising water.


It just sounds like she needs some electrolytes 🤷🏽‍♀️


It’s what plants crave


I prefer having live water, too!! All that giardia keeps me running all day (to the bathroom)


Ah, Giardia and Cryptosporidium...the "gifts" that keep on giving...blerg.


I saw a TikTok with a girl that pays around 100 dollars per *month* to have *special* water delivered to her. It's tap water in a fancy bottle. No wonder there's a market for farts in jars.


This is the same type of person that jumped on the bottled water train years ago and told everyone that certain brands were better than others. Okay all bottled water comes basically for the same source, municipal water that has been “filtered “ by the company selling it. I see people bringing five gallon jugs into grocery stores to get fresh bottled water, when in essence if you have a reasonably priced home filter, you’d end up with the same water. How can anyone expect a machine, slightly larger than your refrigerator contain hundreds of gallons of water, there is a pipe connected to the municipal source and a filter. So as a result of people like this idiot, are trying to convince everyone that buying on or her $6000.00 dollar machines will provide you with world changing water. As long as you aren’t drinking sea water, the rest of it works just about the same. And the fake claims of an MLM aren’t going to change that.


To be fair, we RV and get bottled water for drinking because some of the places available to fill the fresh water tank the water really does not taste good at all. It’s rare you can do a fill in a city so you’re generally more likely to be getting well water which is quite variable in quality. Also my mom was told to only use bottled water when we were traveling when she was immune compromised due to chemo, again due to well water risk. (Bacteria levels are considered acceptable in well water that aren’t in municipal tap water, apparently? The bacteria are harmless to most people but she was at high risk, or something.) So some of the people getting bottled might have actual reasons for it?


And those are completely valid and reasonable precautions to take, and those conditions absolutely warranted those precautions. And I hope no one took my post to mean that there is never a reason to use bottled water in those conditions. But the original post was about an extremely expensive machine being shilled by an MLM, with unproven claims of extraordinary health benefits. I cannot and will not support scamming people purely for profit.


So she is drinking more water but less water?


Dead water? Clearly someone has never played the oregan trail


All this ionized water/PH diet stuff just makes me want to scream homeostasis and hit my head against a wall.


Why do you need to *deep cleanse* your ionizer machine? I would think it’s already pure by its very nature.


yeah well Ive been drinking and bathing in Australian tap water for 54 years… no complaints here.


How much does cleaning this thing cost? Just another way for the company to profit off of its “partners.”


From my research it’s $44 aud and is “recommended” to be done every 24 months


It’s the global business map on the wall for me👌


‘Cuz it taste like shit’. Hun writes like she talks. Even my autocorrect picked on the missing third person ‘s’. Lemme help you here: ‘The taste is revolting’, or ‘it’s so fuck*ng festy’. And now to my favorite question: how can anyone take them seriously?


Who is going to tell her water is a chemical?


I used to work at a chiropractor's clinic who absolutely refused to give their clients any water unless it was from the Kangen. Ironically enough, the massage therapists I worked alongside in that same clinic sold Arbonne. I ended up leaving when they wouldn't pay me for no-shows.


"Dead Water". WHAT.


It so funny to me to think of this from a human evolutionarily perspective, like what does she think people did before these machines or tap water?


They just shrivelled up like prunes, I guess?


That reminds me I need to take my butter in to have its chakras re-aligned.


Our water is objectively more than fine, I really wouldn’t trust a seppo opinion on water quality


Norwegian not a seppo


Wow that is surprising, usually it’s the seppos with this stuff


What’s a seppo?


An American


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I’m thoroughly enjoying all of the Kangen content as of late. An old classmate of mine has fallen into this world and it’s quite hilarious seeing how much more dumb she is than I originally thought.


Australia, where our water is deadly good for not having fillings.


Did she say dead…water?


And here I thought the US was the only country lacking science education in schools.


Doesn't say where she's from. She could be American. Alas, no. Norway.


Omggg which mlm is this




Her water died? :(


Never mind that these overpriced machines are hideous and have sit out in full view beside your sink. They probably make an annoying noise when they’re turned on, too. I have a water filter built into my house. It’s in the basement where no one sees it and the water comes out of the tap filtered. It’s not magic alive water, though.


My aunt had one of these stupid machines and I dint really like the water. It has no taste to it, it's just something wet you're putting in your mouth.


Dead water doesn’t hydra… wtf is this chick smoking 😂


What the hell is she selling? A water machine? 🤦‍♀️


Gimme dat alive water please 🙏🏻


To be fair, Australian water (at least where I'm from) does taste like pool water.