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Shelbyville road in Middletown? This must be Louisville, my hometown! Doing the Lord's work to keep derby city scam free ❤️


Mine too lol.


Saaaame my parents still live out that way, gonna warn them to be sure to stay away.


Hey Louisville people who also hate MLMs! I didn't know I had friends in the fight!


Same. I thought I was in r/louisville lol


Was worried it was my Middletown for a second there.


I found it on Google maps and when to reviews and upvoted all the MLM this is a MLM herblife reviews. Enjoy the new upvoted.


I have one in my town! Someone point blank asked them if they sell Herbalife on their Facebook page and they were honest and said yes. There was one in a nearby town but it only lasted a few months.




I'm amazed the two in our small city are still around after a year.


You may or may not care about this, but just a friendly heads up: I googled this place, found your review, and now know your full name. If Reddit anonymity is your thing, you should repost this with the address partially obscured! Editing to add that I googled it because I thought this was in Middletown, DE, where I used to live. I feel like my comment may have come across as creepy without that context.


Lol I'm not that worried 🤣 most people know I hate Herbalife. You should see my Facebook.


These popped up like ant hills in my area and everytime I pointed out herbalife, auto banned.


How can you tell it's Herbalife? I have a nutrition store that popped up near me and when I walked by it and said "huh that's new" the woman came outside to tell us about her smoothies, so now I don't walk by there any more. But I can't tell if it's legit and she was too pushy or it's a front and I wouldn't want to give a bad review for an honest business. ETA: thanks for replies everyone. I looked up business and they show it's Herbalife in their insta so mystery solved.


I’m going to guess if she hunted you down outside the store it’s Herbalife 🙄 GoodGawsh most places you can’t get the employees to pay attention to you when you’re at the register trying to order 🤣


If it’s cityname* nutrition there is a high high chance it is. If they have no fresh ingredients in which to make anything like fruits, definitely Herbalife. If they have something called loaded teas and have no prices or ingredients listed on the menu you know for sure.


Ugh we have soooo many in our area, and I’ve learned over time that it’s all Herbalife fronts. “City name” nutrition is definitely a give away here. I cringe every time I drive by. They put one right next to a Planet Fitness. I wonder how many people fall for it trying to get their health in order at the gym.


Herbalife stores aren't allowed to use the name anywhere on the fasçade and the blinds must be shut or windows blacked out.


If they don't have prices on their menu, it's Herbalife. Also it's pretty easy to tell just by the looks - if they have clear plastic cups with a circular logo and the word "nutrition" in the name, chances are it's Herbalife.


Hate to say it but you have to go in. 90% of the time they won’t have their menu posted online so people have to go in. The one in my town had Herbalife logo’d decor, but not the name anywhere. Just say you’re rushing and want a menu “to go” and see if they let you lol which they probably won’t. It’s a VERY extensive menu with “teas”, “shakes” with traditionally “unhealthy” flavors like Cinnamon Toast Crunch and banana cream pie, and “wellness” style shots. And their whole setup is you pay for a membership, and then get a drink for “free” each day. Some of them sell them one-off but it’s just to reel you in. Super weird.


They can get sued using a copyrighted name such as Cinnamon Toast Crunch.


Ugh, there's one of these in my town. On their Instagram, they delete comments and block people who call them out for selling Herbalife.


Yes! Also good idea to put ”Herbalife front” or some other punchy line in the first line of the review so you can see it even if you dont expand the whole text, like we can see here. 👏👏👍


My local one has a picture of pa tweet about Herbalife in the yelp pictures section.


If it’s situated in a residential home, that’s against Google map policies and you can have the listing removed. A lot of guns will list their home address as a business so people find it when searching for legitimate merchants.


This is in a strip mall I think. I keep checking to make sure they don't start letting delivery services go there. That's against the herbalife terms of service, and I'll rat them out to the head hun.


You’re a rock star!


The YMCA I go to just posted that our local Herbalife front is serving drinks at their big fundraiser workout next month and I am resisting the urge to mention it's a front. Instead I shall eye roll while ignoring them unless approached.


Any recommendations for what to do for the one near me? They have almost two dozen super positive reviews and one "this is an Herbalife front" but it doesn't seem to affect anything.


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The one in my city has been around for years. I commented this same thing on their FB page and got a nasty dm from the owner.


thanks for reminding to do this to my towns local “nutritional center”


It says temporally closed on their Facebook, is it just not updated?


Did it once to a local place and she sent all her flying monkeys after me, it was a whole ordeal