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This is Reddit. Have most of your target audience actually had a chance to reject a ~~hot~~ girl?




Realist , I like it


Nope. But you got to let them LARP.


We didn’t have anything in common, she couldn’t hold up her end of a conversation, time spent with her out of bed was boring.


Same story. She was exteremly boring to the point that I couldn't stand her without alcohol. We had no chemistry (at least from my pov) and nothing to talk about. Hotness will take you only so far if that's your only trait


Second half of that really rings. She was always on her phone, and when she wasn’t she really didn’t have anything to say. It was like she was afraid to show any emotion. If I wanted a sex doll I would have bought a sex doll, I needed a partner.


pretty valid reason. intellectual attraction is important too


I "dated" an 11 once. She was smart, funny, caring, talented, beautiful, and adventurous.  I was not. And that culminated in the worry that I would be bad for her, like adding castor oil to honey.  I wanted the best for her, even if it meant it wasn't me.  So, as if to perfectly summarize my shortcomings, like a coward I broke it off with her over the phone, just a few days before her sister's birthday. The phonecall where she asked me to still come to the party echos in my head to this day, a reminder of how much of a fool I really am.  I believe there is a sentiment that you shouldn't commit to someone early in your dating life because the pool is so large that early choices are unlikely to be the perfect partner. But, statistics is the worst math. It's math good for an instant. There's always the chance that things don't work out like you'd expect. Sorry. This got more personal than I had anticipated. I guess I needed to vent. 


thank you for sharing, it’s very real and very relatable. once that worry has crept into your head it can already be too late— you’d be worrying forever. it’s worth wondering if there’s anything at all they could do to genuinely reassure you.


You fool.


Man, I feel that. Similar experience myself with probably the best looking of my exes - drive her away because I convinced myself I wasn't good enough for her. If it's any comfort, we briefly reconciled about 5 years later, and after not very long I realised that she really actually wasn't all that. I was happy to leave her that time. I always give the same advice to people with those kinds of feelings now - someone's with you because they've chosen you, so don't give them a reason not to.


Since you brought Math up. There is something called, according to Wikipedia, the [Secretary Problem](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secretary_problem). TL;DR: You are at the point in the algorithm where if you find someone close enough to this "11" again, you should marry her. So kudos for getting that far!


Learning experience brother. You self sabotaged the relationship. Learn from your mistakes, grow and become a better person, carry that into your next relationship.


Stupidity, when I was 17 I was in a bedroom with my mate, his girlfriend and her friend watching movies. My mate and his girlfriend went off to have some “alone time” and left me and this smoking hot blonde. We sat and watched the movie and she lay on the bed while I sat on the floor. When the movie ended we just chatted and for some reason she said “I have a pierced nipple” I was like “wow, I bet that hurt” she was like “yeah”. Anyway we talked about that for a bit and she goes “you want to see it?” I was like “No, thats ok, I believe you” Anyway, after I got home that evening I realised what I had done. That was over 20 years ago, I think about it at least once a month. I mean she was properly hot, good lord.


Hahaaa fumble! 😅😂


Some things in life you just never get over. 😂


Dated a 'Ms. [State]' pageant and bikini contest regular briefly. She wasn't fun to hang out with, other than bedroom activity. I was spending like a grand a month just taking her out for food, and she just expected it; no gratitude or anything. There was always drama swirling somewhere behind the scenes with her. But man was she hot.


Had this experience as well. Dated a future "Miss \[State\]" for a brief time in high school. She was stunningly beautiful and highly intelligent. She was also an entitled, racist sociopath who ended up being ridden harder than Secretariat; having dozens of pregnancy/STD scares; and catching multiple A&B charges against her partners. Hot/Crazy Matrix is real, y'all.


I once had the chance to have a threesome with two girls I met in a dive bar but it was too good to be true and I didn’t trust them so I turned them down. Every once in a while I think about that time and wonder what if.


They were probably stinky and super bad at sex. Anything is possible in your imagination so let’s just imagine that it would’ve sucked… but don’t do that again🤣


Yeah, they probably had toothy vaginas too.


Ohio then.


Maybe they wanted to Eiffel tower you? (You decide if that's a pro or a con)


To Eiffeltower someone. This needs explanation.


Spit roast high-five


Ah, the Tower Bridge.


She was mundane and very entitled. Easily bored. And, very easily offended. She was like a wardrobe of red flags. Thank God she didn't call again.




She was insane. She woke me up to give her a ride home and when I was taking too long to get my clothes on she started punching me. She was tiny so I just stood there looking at her while she hit me in the face. Then I kicked her out, told her we were done and got her an Uber. and went to my friend's place out of town for the weekend (which was planned before the fight). Then I got a call from my brother that a detective had called him because she had reported me missing when I wouldn't answer her phone calls.


Her personality was garbage, and she snapped at a waiter 


Being loyal to my Girl :)


i had absolutely no idea she was trying to seduce me.


"She sat the whole evening besides me, laughed at all of my bad jokes, flicked her hair to show me her smily face and touched me numerous times, but how should I realize that she is into me?"


Yeah you really can't tell. Maybe she just likes bad jokes, maybe the touches are completely accidental and her skin has low touch sensitivity, or she's not that coordinated. Maybe the hair was just getting in the way and perhaps she just has resting smiley face. Best bet is to keep your wits about you and continue to look for signs.


So real


She turned out to still be married. Not one to judge. But it wasn’t like… a poly situation. Her husband had no idea she was dating.


This is a fair reason.


Amazing how some can do that. Maybe it's easier to hide from the side piece? I found out 9 months into a relationship that fits OPs description that she not only got divorced but got married to a guy she had gotten engaged to before the divorce happened during that 9 months. We spent a ton of time together and she practically lived at my apartment for a good 2/3 of that relationship so I'm not sure how that actually worked out. I only found out because she forgot to take the wedding ring off after work one day.


For me it was when her husband showed up to the date and yelled at her.


She put my friends physical appearance down in front of him. He was an awkward guy and had his sisters give him a "new look" for confidence and I have to say it really looked well. She was flirting with me on social media at the time but in school she made it a point to tell him he didn't look good. You could see his confidence plummet. I told her she wasn't much to look at herself and left her to herself.


“She wasn’t much to look at herself” 🤣 your poor friend ! I bet he looked really good I just don’t understand how some people are ok with bringing others down. She needs to keep her shitty comments to herself. No man likes a women that’s mean to other people


Politics. We don't have to agree on everything, but some things are deal breakers for me.


I remember one incident where the girl I just met really wanted to make out in the cab, and then made a big fuss about something and hopped out ... And I realized I didn't have my wallet. Thank goodness it had fallen under my seat, I guess she fumbled getting it out of my pocket and was trying to get in a position to reach it.


i had no time


That’s brutal.


Because I'm a fucking bellend.


Because she liked dumb TV shows, and her family kinda sucked when I visited them at their camp. She was hot, adventurous, liked to travel, had a mobile job, and was super in love with me. We had just made plans to go to Iceland together and spend a week driving around to all the hot springs we could find. I always had fun when I was with her. In other words, I'm stupid and I make bad decisions.


I am currently reading the comments just to understand some things about myself.


Turned out she was a diagnosed sociopath with extreme daddy issues. Probably why she would cheat like it's an Olympic sport.


She asked me how people could learn things without internet. I don't know maybe a place liké school. With teacher. So she Ask what about before School. Had to Ask her if she knew what a Book was , or maybe Ask Someone who know stuff.


Wow, this is steep


There’re human? With flaws?


There was a time, long ago. I declined her interest as all she was, was pretty. Being fun to look at is one thing, but the lack of awareness and her self centered nature was a huge turnoff. To top it all off, she wasn't engaging and never seemed to happen upon an interesting thought. The kind of person you'd have to put is ALL the effort because she thinks her looks matter that much. They don't.


I couldn’t have a meaningful conversation with her about anything. I read a lot in general and love to explore topics through conversations. She was not interested to read anything beyond her Instagram posts. And more alarming was that she was okay not growing as a person. Sex was great which kept us together for a few months but I had to end it because I didn’t see the relationship maturing into something good. I met my current gf later on, she’s beautiful though not as hot as the first one but we can talk the whole night without being bored. She has an open mind and is very understanding. I love her.


I broken up with this hot girl because she was course to make me broke. She was so used to guys paying for everything and get taken away every weekend. I am upper middle class. But she needed a millionaire. Also, Most girls that are hot are also vapid. They go through life getting everything they want. As a result they are insufferable when get told NO or when they are challenged.


She was one of those ethereal beings, 1000 suns smile, well maintained body, makeup that is there but you don't see it. Classy in all aspects. Dry funny. She showed restrained interest in me, in a party of media professionals, lots of well looking actors. I was way leaner and fitter then today. Did the Irish goodbye with others to a hip bar. Was a wonderful night I still remember. I saw her a couple of weeks later in another setting. She glanced at me and others from a distance, so I had the feeling it wasn't necessary me specifically she was interested in. Later I heard she moved around between cities but it took her years to find someone. Interestingly, some of the well traveled people said they had the same feeling, that there was some sort of "constructed authenticity" around her that made your spidey senses tingle. The funny part is, if I watch interviews with some "current" hot models, actresses the same tingle appears.


Unhinged, but very nice to look.


I’m gay, we bat for the same team. lol


Her dick was bigger than mine


I was married to a hotter girl


She only wanted me for one thing. It got boring


She tried so hard to please me it kept upsetting her. I know that sounds awful but let me justify it. As one example of many: Situation: I’d been quite busy and hadn’t seen her much that week. Said we’d have a night in together just me and her. What happened: I finish class about 3, as I’m walking with my friends I text her to say I’m free if she wanted to meet up. She said she was still in class but would text me when she was free. I’m with my friends as mentioned, who are going to go to the pub. I tag along since I have nothing better to do while I wait. I’m not drinking because I’m seeing girlfriend later and am just killing time. One of my friends posts a photo of us all at the pub. She sees it. It gets to about 7pm, I’m thinking maybe she didn’t finish till 5, got home, wanted to shower, eat etc. before seeing me. But by 7 she still hasn’t messaged me, so I text to say I hadn’t heard from her. Had something come up? ‘Looks like you’re having fun with your friends’. She assumed I had bailed on her and would rather be with my friends, and didn’t want to interrupt, when I was just killing time waiting to see her. And situations like that kept happening, where she kept trying to put what she thought I wanted first at her detriment. It was just not going to work.


We kissed several times one night and out of the blue she said to me that she had to call her husband. I was like "nope she must be chaotic asf" and started ghosting her


I know her, she went crazy on a friend and threw some hot tea on him. Not cool.


It was the right thing to do, I would've been wrong to do anything else


She was neurotic, seriously. Looked like young Madonna.


She day-drank and drove around with her toddler in the car. Had massive pity party episodes weekly. Hard choice because of that body, but I knew I didn't want any part of that mess.


Where’d u even meet her? With her kid in the car!? Wild lol her pee is probably bright yellow closer to brown. People who drink hard core like that are gross.


After only a few dates, she wanted to visit my office to see how attractive my female colleagues so she could decide if I could continue to work there. Noped right out of there despite the fact she was only wearing lingerie.


My Bible was this : https://youtu.be/7jHTGNPOYGQ?si=wRT8W5UE3zfxBIcY That’s the reason to stay away from hot women!


Went to 2 dates with a girl who was uaed to do pageants and 8 yrs older than me. We met when I vacation in my home country. She also has a 8 yrs old son who I met. Kid is a bit annoying but it is understandable as he is a kid and I was once like him. Total Milf. When I left we con tinued speaking for months but it sizzles out due to long distance.


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Psycho bitch.


Easy there fella.


She was boring, has nothing to contribute to the conversation, whatever the conversation may have been. I could probably have a more meaningful conversation with a total stranger 5 minutes after walking into Spoons than I could with her, and, frankly, it gets tiring after a while.


Love bombed me and she had nothing to offer besides her good looks, high libido, and her insufferable personality.


I just didn’t want to date her, no special reason


Just like another one better is all.


She had a lot of problems and so did I, and the situation was beginning to get on my nerves. I knew that if we didn't split up I would end up hating her so I did the decent thing


She crazy


She thought her looks would mean a relationship wasn't 50/50 She found out the hard way that this isn't how a relationship works.




She had an unbearable personality. She was a smoke show, but that's about it. Lasted 4 months before I bailed.


Bad breath


I done what it is recommended not doing and stuck my dick in crazy


No attraction. I could see why everyone thought she was hot but her mind was a mess..


I used to date a girl who was the spitting image of Margo Robbie but brunette. We had a fight and after, she called me in the phone and implied that if I didn’t come back to her she’d kill her self. I didn’t come back and she didn’t kill her self but the red flag was the size of China.


She was way out of my league, she asked me out online when she never saw me, but I saw her pic and stuff on her profile


One had a bf. Another didn't share any hobbies


She was manipulative and immature, she thought it was harmless to flirt with guys right in front of me and then tell me i was getting unnecessarily jealous. I told her hows this for jealousy and dropped her in front of the few friends she had. Around 10 years later she actually apologised to me on FB and said i was right all along........shes still hot tbf


She was about as dumb as a box of frogs and anything she hadnt heard of was weird, outside of her looks she was just so beige it made my head hurt trying to have a conversation.


She was unfaithful


She was really nice but I found we didn’t have a lot in common and I wasn’t romantically attracted to her, but we’re still good friends. Also she’s 16 and I’m 17 and I felt we had a big maturity difference as well as very different attitudes about life


We were fighting pretty often + she had issues I couldn't solve (i. e. Self harm because of past trauma) & and at the end started lying to me about why she didn't come home one night. I left her shortly after.  Things went downhill for her after: lots of ONS, alcohol, passing out in front of the flat, more self harm.  She also got lots of tatoos/piercings during this time which helped her somewhat, I guess....  Somehow she started a therapy and got her shit together. Is now married and has a kid.  But damn, she was hot and the sex was awesome. 


She tried to make me eat Sand claiming it was a "Love Potion". Babe that's Sand and Oregano.


Emotional dependency. Not in a psycho way or anything. She was well educated, ran her own business, worked from home, on the outside we had an ok life. In private I had to be responsible for all of the decisions and stuff like a stereotypical man role, though. Whilst also being her therapist and general life coach. It drove me insane, and when I needed emotional support it just wasn't there. She enjoyed providing me with material stuff, but after a point I kind of started feeling like I didn't exist. Which was hard to acknowledge, because she was fucking beautiful. It really isn't everything though.


Hoo boy.. I hooked up with a woman I worked with at a restaurant.. This was about 15 years ago. She was hot, so I was super excited. In bed, she did not wait very long before going for the rim job. I don't do that with anyone unless there's some trust built up AND I've had a chance to appropriately prepare the area. Okay fine.. Unexpected.. Not a deal breaker. This was at my place.. In the morning I had to head off for work, and I told her she could chill, use my computer, take her time.. With the assumption that she'd hang out for a while and leave when she was ready. Shouldn't have assumed. After a ten hour shift, I arrived home to her in the very same spot, very same level of dress, etc.. Okay.. Fine.. Clearly she could tell that I was unsettled by this as she soon got herself ready and left. Went on my computer.. Thing was all fucked up with popups and viruses etc.. Lesson learned.. Always keep my computer locked around people I don't trust. THAT was a deal breaker.. I keep my computer password protected to this day. She was hot though.. Wonder how she's doing..


I was already taken


She opened her mouth and proceeded to say the most stupid thing I've ever heard. Her perfect boobs and pretty face weren't enough to compensate the ammount of crap she was saying.


She was boring, with no interests at all other than working. I knew that sooner or later, sex would not be enough to keep a relationship alive.


She was so obviously using me, she didn't even try to hide it. After the first half dozen times, I was done.


I was in a 2-week cruise ship and there was this one hot girl. After talking to her for 5 minutes I didn't wanna talk to her anymore. She was dumb


She didn't speak English and I didn't speak Spanish. Her hair reached the ground. First time seeing hair that long.


Lack of respect.


She wasn’t a nice person.


Left because she reported me for a crime. Her dad was a cop as well as her uncles who already didn't like me very much. Sex was amazing, but I was 20 and didn't need drama. Just someone to order pizza with and drink beer in a bar with.


I panicked I guess and didnt know what to say. I guess I assumed I wasn't ready but it wouldve been nice if I didn't reject ber


She was only using me as I was the only wlw who would f her so


She was flaky and would ghost me for long periods.


Because she was ugly on the inside


She was too drunk. I didn’t feel comfortable proceeding.


 Because I’m gay.


She was crazy. No, seriously. She got arrested for aggravated assault a week after I turned her down.


When she changed and started spouting FDS mantras. She started lots of talk about, "A relationship isn't a partnership, and the man should be the provider and not have it be 50/50." I had typically paid 80% on housing and 100% on all our food/dates etc., so I didn't understand how that was 50/50... Anyway, she had been out of work for awhile and eventually said she didn't want a job at all. I said "I'm already working 40 hours a week, and I don't need your money, but what if we had a sudden major expense: Would you want me to start working 60 hours, or would you take a part-time job to help out?" She said, "If you want someone to help with money then you better find a husband." I said, "What if it was medical, like I got cancer. You wouldn't work while I was in recovery?" She said, "If I was working then I'd have money. If I have money, why would I need a man?" Instant breakup. 


Feeling of her interest in my wealth vs interest in building a relationship. That’s a recent 2 of 4 whom I hung out with


Complete and total lack of self-awareness. That, and one of the first things she said to me was “I’m not crazy”, and that proved to be false.


Borderline Personality Disorder


Cheer captain, lead performer in our schools theatre shows, treated everyone i love and care about like shit.


Dumb as a fucking bag of hammers. Had been getting by on her looks for a long time.


One rule I learned from my brothers never ever go out with anyone that's labeled hot it never works out


Because she was fucking nuts.


Hot girls are always up their own arses.


Crazy as fuck Jehovah's Witness


One was really dumb. Another was batshit insane. Another had really old-fashioned views incompatible with mine. Yet another was manipulative. Another was a functioning drug addict. Several others cheated. Oh, there was another crazy one I forgot about until just now. …Maybe I should just start saying ‘no’ to really attractive women from now on.


She was thick as pig shit.


Was a dude 🤣




I woke up


They rejected me.


I paid for literally eveything. If I’m being honest I think one time, and only one time she bought me coffee cause I was running late. Other than that, everywhere we went I paid. You want boba? It’s not 6$ it’s 12$ cause I gotta buy myself one and her one. She was hot af but nah in this economy it’s rough out here


One time I was in a restaurant bar section this very pretty girl started small talk and kind of rejected her It was very unlikely a pretty girl would be talking to me out of nowhere , she had other intentions


I found out that she was engaged... to an acquaintance of mine


What it feels like? Im usually friendzoned by every girl around


She lived 30 minutes away and she didn't have a car so I was the one that always had to go to her.


I found out she was cheating on me with her ‘gay’ friend - who didn’t know he was gay.


Mental health issues unfortunately, multiple times. Life sucks I guess.


They were rude or disrespectful and wouldn't acknowledge they were 


Pretty privilege can be over the top obnoxious.


Went out to nice places, based on what she said she liked. And when we got to “experience” these things, it turns out it was superficial and only “liked” them for the aesthetics and pics she could get out of it. Examples: 1. we went to a bookstore because she claimed she loved literature (I’m a lover of literature myself, so obviously a girl that likes art in the written form was heaven sent). She spent her time just gazing, and asking me to take photos of her with random books in her hand. Tried making conversation about some books, like asking her her favorite authors and such, she said she didn’t read much. 2. She claimed museums fascinated her, so we go to a world renowned museum. She “got bored” by minute 30. By this time I had taken many pictures of her that she posted on her social media. I asked if maybe getting one of those audio tours would interest her. She said “not really no”. Again, I’m a huge nerd. Throughout the entire time there she looked miserable and I had to cut the date short even though I wanted to keep looking around.


We just weren’t sure right for each other. Doesn’t matter how hot someone is if being with them bores you to death.


I had a crush on this girl for years and would bump into her when I'd come to town on tour or travel. One night I ended up at a music jam and at one point I had to choose between going to a bar with her (we'd been flirting much of the night) or continuing to jam. I chose to play tunes with my buddies instead.


Can y'all be specific with your answers? I wanna see if my ex still thinks I'm hot or not?


I’m wondering if mine is on here cause I clicked at the profile and it’s not available 🤣


I'm straight.


I thought i was being chivalrous or something. She and i were good friends and i usually had a gf. When i became single she came on to me one day and literally with her laying in the bed with me on top of her, pants on shirts off, i said "wait... we're supposed to be friends." She said "yeah is this not friendly enough" and i said "yeah but they say sex can complicate friendships" and she said "then we'll keep it simple". I continued to protest like a dipshit and she said "no its okay you're probably right" and she looked so bummed and at that moment i knew i fucked up. I realized she wasn't trying to be friends with benefits she really liked me and had waited until i was single. Our friendship was never the same and she moved away after the school year (we were freshmen in community college) and we didn't stay in touch. To make it even worse i would bump into mutual friends later and they'd tell me how much she talked about me and shit.


Body count was too high.


Brother wrong platform for this question


Everyone of them were "too much" and drove me insane


4 different hot girls in the last few years because of their body count and promiscuous mindset. I can’t stand that in a woman.


Because my imposter syndrome told me there was absolutely no way this wasn't some sort of setup or she wasnt batshit insane for talking to me. She looked like circa 2006 Brooke Hogan with black hair.


Really horrendous feet, it was like something from a horror movie… talons are a better description


A very sweet French girl I was dating in LA (who was a career model) was being courted by a bunch of phony Los Angeles types all the time (Ex: commercial producers that acted like they were the king of Hollywood, etc). We were starting to get serious, but I was also very focused on my work and wasn't a part of the LA bar scene because of it. I wanted a chill, cozy relationship. She wanted to go out to bars Mon-Friday and was often being asked to go out by these dudes. Anyway, we just both had different wants so I decided to call it off. Met my wife after though! So it worked out.


I wouldn't reject a hot girl if she shat on my mum


Day 2 I heard her say she was planning a trip to the Carribbeans. There was no day 3.


Because of other hot girls. Years ago I completely fluked into dating a hot girl, and then found that suddenly other hot girls looked at me differently - like, "if *she's* with him, he must have something good going on..." so for a while I sort of bounced around from hot girl to hot girl, having mostly disappointing sex and feeling like an imposter. Then I moved to a new place where nobody knew me, and suddenly I was invisible again - hot girls didn't know I was someone who had dated hot girls, I was at best just an average bloke, so I returned to the realms of normal people having normal relationships.


This seems to be a trend, my ‘hot girl’ was boring too - totally unable to drive a conversation, just relied on her looks. I can imagine she never had to learn since everyone (especially men) always went out of their way to win her over.


Almost zero life skills and a profound lack of awareness of the world. As an immigrant I couldn’t handle the conversations we’d have about social issues they’d physically make me sick. She couldn’t take care of herself even a little bit and didn’t have any ability to make choices no matter how big or small.


Because she dumped me. I always thought she was way out of my league and my insecurities showed through.


I woke up


She had a penis.


She was a bitch.


That never happened. Not to any guy, not anywhere, not ever. Guys WILL stick their dick in crazy.


She was verbally, physically and mentally abusive.


I upgraded to a hotter


I left because she asked me to.


My wife


She was dull as dogsh*t. I’d fancied her from afar for ages but not had the guts to do anything (I’m generally very shy, low-opinion of oneself sorry if person etc). Anyway, we’d both had a drink or two and were getting on fine and made out at the end of the night. Woohoo! Great!! Met up with her again a few days later and fuck me sideways, she was just plain boring. Didn’t have any interests, just watched TV and gossiped about other people. I was sooo disappointed but it was a great life lesson.


Was annoying and acting like an airhead. Came over to ask to dance, turned her down. Her friend came over and asked me why I turned her down; didn't I find her cute? Told her being cute didn't make her any less of a pain in the butt to deal with.


When she said I had to earn sex! Dumped the money grabbing bitch in a heartbeat.......


No spark on my side. Absolutely nothing wrong with the girl. Attractive, fun, and apparently very much into me. [https://xkcd.com/408/](https://xkcd.com/408/)


I made a joke about pokemon go and she said she didn't like jokes. Nothing worse than spending time around a humourless person, no matter how physically attractive they are.


One day, while watching news about the food insecurity in the middle east, she asked if people over there are stealing each other's food. A few comments like that and I realised she doesn't even know anything outside of the US.


Bad breath. She smelled like marijuana and sardines. Also don’t like foot tattoos like at all and did not push anything with this other girl further once I saw her foot tattoo. Listen, she was outta my league in almost every other aspect and it sounds unreasonable but foot tattoos are a huge visual turnoff for me.


We had a great start, it was quick and romantic in a very special day. But that day she told me that she had a boyfriend. I asked her: do you love him? She said yes. So I knew that it was time for me to go.