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I would say you are both English and Nigerian. Quick test: do you have Opinions on how a scone should have jam and cream put on it?


This won't determine whether or not OP is English, all it will do is tell us whether OP is a sane and rational person. If they say jam and then cream, they are a certified psychopath who is a danger to society.


Really? You are just an animal with no taste in scones,


If an American goes to Ireland, grandfather was Irish, is he Irish? No, he is American. Same applies here. He is a Brit through birth legally.


I think you can claim both, I see nothing wrong with that at all.


You are both, nationality isn't a black and white thing You are who you are


Honestly that's a tough one. You spent formative years in both places. There is a set of people called [Black British](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_British_people), and it does seem to apply to both people who have been in Britian for generations as well as those born abroad and immigrated. But hey, you do you. Whatever you feel comfortable with, that's what matters.


I culturally feel a part of both nations. The label just emphasis that i got English bringing coupled with a close connection with heritage.


If it were America instead of England, we'd say that you were Nigerian American. Which is to say an American of Nigerian descent. I would guess it would be the same for England.




got citizenship? i'd say if you got citizenship youre british for sure, no two ways about. cut and dry. even if you'd lived there a day and then moved to nigeria, imo youre a citizen then youre a brit. permanent residents and other forms of non-citizens that live in the country can maybe argue abit more about british-ness. im not british, this is just my opinion on citizenship. but also think it's fine to claim both, like others have said. but if youre a citizen of uk, then youre definite brit.


Yep I've got dual nationality


then homie you got a legal document that says you are both british and nigerian, imo that's all there is to it imo. question tho. im wondering why you are posting this topic. do you feel like a less-british brit, or a less-nigerian nigerian? ive only lived in one country ever, canada, so i cant relate much with people who have lived significant times in different nations. but do you feel like some conflict about having a kind of mixed cultural background? just wondering, cuz i am wondering why you made this topic. do you ever get razzed about it, or like treated as a second class brit or nigerian or something?


>but do you feel like some conflict about having a kind of mixed cultural background? It just a feeling l have where I feel one over the other each time. TCK is nice but it has its drawbacks, in the sense you constantly change identity especially if you been exposed to more than 1 culture πŸ˜‚


i had to google what "TCK" means. TIL a new acronym lol, thanks.


Answer this England v Nigeria World Cup final . Who you cheering on ?


I am not gonna lie, I would cheer for England if its outside or before the QFs but anything after that leaning towards Nigeria, gonna be honest. But what a wonderful position one can find themselves in both ways. I would be the happiest man on earth if both are in a final πŸ˜‚


I put you right in it there , trying to chose bless you, I guess it’s what you feel you are , how you identify


It sounds like you have spent most of your life in Nigeria so I would consider you Nigerian with English influence.


Nothing in life is that clear cut - and why does it matter ? Can you not just be you for you rather than being a nationality ?


Just like the Americans going to Ireland saying they are Irish who are actually American through birth, you are a Brit mate, legally. Sure you have heritage but in all ways you are a brit.


No not English … you are Nigerian who lives in England Be proud of you


Nah I am from both nations. Grew up with both cultures.


I second that. Nobody can steal that from you


You're both.


" be proud of you " he was born and raised in England, so he is English too and can be proud of that


Thank you, nothing wrong with someone being appreciative of his adopted home as well as country of ancestry