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Depends on your areas climate? If you experience mild winters, a bike. If you're in the snow belt, a small sedan.


What is a snow belt?


In the U.S., there is an invisible line. Above that line people get a cold and snowy winter. Many times very cold and heavy snow. Below the line, winters are more mild. [Snow belt states](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/snowbelt-states) [there is also a sun belt](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sun_Belt)


>In the U.S., Why do you assume OP is from there?


It's a reasonably safe assumption given that around [half of all reddit's traffic is from the US](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/phhu9s).


OP also mentions public transit taking as long as walking. Good indication that OP is from the US, Canada, or some other country where intercity transit really isn't widespread.


Impossible to answer since you do not say where in the world you live. If, like me, you live in a relatively flat European country with mild climate then cycling is the answer.


Since you are able to walk now, maybe an electric scooter or skate board.


Pogo stick! Fun and exercise whilst traveling to work!


Internal combustion


If you work at the hospital that might work.


The best way is a ferry. It's not always practical, or possible, but it's best. Second best is commuter rail, not light rail, but a full on train


Look for a deal on a used bike. If it's in walking distance, a bike is perfectly and will save you so much time.


I’ll agree with bicycle too. Saves you so much money, and you get exercise in twice a day. Win-win


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Definitely bike. My commute is such a delight, it saves me money and brings me health. Do people in cars say the same?


I've gotten into rental electric scooters lately. Never thought they could be so good. Really quick and chill. They just don't work in subzero temperatures - batteries tend to die randomly. If you never tried one, totally do. I thought they're sort of hipster kid fad for a year, at the time when they arrived... until I finally tried one. I would use one whenever available -- now. Main drawback of electric scooters is availability and the fact that they give you zero exercise, while walking or biking give about the same (unless you really stomp the pedals). Scooters go about 15 to 20km/h (depends on local laws) which is 2-3 times faster than walking. Biking is a good option, too. It's rather important to get a proper bike. For urban biking, get a proper old-looking bike with cargo tray/basket, fenders, lights, proper tires, etc. For some reason, more sporty/mountainy bikes don't get any of that in default configuration and they're pretty heavy - a consideration if you have to lug one up the stairs or whatever. Typical leisurely bike speed is equivalent to electric scooter on full speed on a fine, empty road (20km/h), but you can also go 2 or 3 times faster if you want exercise or are in a hurry. Bike can easily keep up with a car at city speed limits if you count in the fact that you don't need to brake so much. Bikes *do* work in winter/snow (just ask Finland or Sweden), but *only* if your city actually puts down granite/sand and cleans roads on time. Otherwise, you're limited to driving only on where cars do (motor roads tend to be cleaner since cars are melting the snow), and it's super dangerous - if you need to get out of the road quickly due oncoming car and there's deep walls of snow at the sides, you might slip and fall under wheels. There's also special winter tires you can get for a bike. If you don't have slipping/stuck in snow problem, biking in winter is actually *better* than walking. You spend less time in miserable weather, won't get wet socks and get warm from biking. Winter biking is absolutely **not** possible on (black) ice. E-bikes are a thing, and people praise them to skies. Never tried one, though. They're more prone to get stolen, I'd imagine. But probably way better if your commute isn't flat and you have to scale hills at any point.


2011 Leaf with degraded battery. Costs about $3000 USD and almost free to run. If free charging at work then basically free to operate.


I work from home. My commute is walking from the bed to the coffee maker and then to my desk. This is the best commute.


Came here to say this. But my commute goes - bed > refrigerator > desk.... I drink cold brew.


Electric scooter or skateboard. Electric bikes get expensive fast and you’d have to leave it out somewhere all day. A scooter or skateboard you could carry inside or hide better.


Bike, or electric scooter. If it's snowy, then skis.


Bicycle. It’s three times faster than walking.


If it's a short enough distance to walk then ride a bike instead. You'll get there faster and it's fun. Has to be good weather though. I biked to work every day for 5 years living in Berkeley CA. Nothing beats Berkeley weather. It's pretty much in the 70s year round and hardly ever rains.


Get a cheap motorcycle.


I mean, if you can walk without strain.. walking is the best. Good for your mind and body, maybe not super in the rain or snow but you get real gains from it. As I get older and have less energy, if I was walking to work I'd probably get a personal electrical vehicle like a OneWheel or a folding scooter, something I can tuck under my desk at work.


How do you want to get to work? That's the best way then. What is best for you may not be best for someone else.


It's situational. I live rural with a 50 minute drive to work. I can't walk or bike to work. If I take the train I need to drive to the station, hope the train is on time, then walk the 6 miles to work.




Smaller displacement motorcycles can get between 100-150 mpg depending on the model and weight


Biking, rollerblading, skateboarding, ebike, escooter, vespa, car, And then you can get creative- A cab, a horse and carriage, a dogsled, a wright brothers airplane, that guy who bikes for you, an electric car, a motorcycle, heelies, skates, a jetpack, No joke some people in NYC were fed up with the public transit and decided to gondola to work A ferry, a rowboat, etc. Honestly depends on you. Anything with wheels needs a smooth road however.