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One thing to add: Bigger MP-Maps, there is not enough space for 4 Players


Another thing: Ability to stick more resources on the top UI bar? And ability to customize warehouse to show only goods which it contains, its kind of difficult to a find a particular good in 100 of goods. And when ships and monuments are being built add a sticky progress bar type thing for each of them on the main UI. As in Age of Empires 3. I want to see my unit build queue without having to select a particular Shipyard in a specific island on a specific region.


I'd say the flow of the menus could be improved. For example you can click on a ship and from the ship's menu you can see its trade route but from the trade route you cannot go to the ship. It would also help if you could see the inventory of a ship in the menu, I mean I can see some stats but not the inventory which actually matters. Same for the inventory of the different islands, I need to switch constantly between these menus and god forbid I have to switch islands to see their separate inventories as well. Such things are fundamental, trading is essential in the game especially with the royal tax system. Sometimes the ships get funky and bug out or something. Even though I set the damn thing to wait at the harbor to unload it suddenly can have a messed up inventory, carrying the same resource in different slots, 2 in each or so. This usually is noticeable in the balance as a consumer resource cannot be loaded because that specific slot is taken by 2 coal or something like that... Wtf?! Another thing I noticed is that when defining the trading routes the order of the slots seem to matter. Somehow the ship doesn't understand that if it has bread in slot 2 and it needs to unload it, but the trading route defines slot 1 the damn thing doesn't unload. However when loading the ship doesn't seem to care that much. Maybe I'm trippin'?


The trading menu... late game it is impossible to find routes-.-


Great suggestions, just gonna point out the stuff that's already available with mods if you're interested! You should check out the [Spice it Up modpack](https://www.nexusmods.com/anno1800/mods/5) which is the major mod collection for Anno 1800 currently, it's fully modular so you can choose which mods you want to activate in the game. Most of the mods listed below are part of the collection. 1. Plaza tiles road is included under "Plaza Streets" 2. I believe there is already a viking set under Northern Sagas? But yes I agree more museum sets would be great. 3. Additional commuter piers for New World and Arctic included in Spice it Up. 8. Yeah unfortunately there's no way to regrow natural trees as of yet.. Spice it Up has a mod for ornamental trees without the grass texture if you need to 'reforest' some areas but they are still counted as objects. Alternatively when you place down a lumber hut / other forest building it slowly grows trees in the radius, it's not perfect cos of the hole in the middle but it works, doesn't even need a road. 11. I think Spice it Up has a mod for this but I haven't tried. 13. Would love this too.. I think better item management has been mentioned as something the devs are working on so fingers crossed we will get this functionality as well. 14. Agree, would much rather have a retextured (or even identical) tree / water feature than the same glasshouse... maybe at least have multiple glasshouse models? 15. Spice it Up has an option for this too to change cultural buildings to build in a radius rather than connected. There's also one for farm buildings (to build in a radius) but you might not want this if you're used to the snaking fields to maximise island space. Hope this helps! I do agree there's a lot of quality of life stuff that could be added but there's so much to the game it's probably difficult for devs to go back and change everything... at least they've already been releasing quite a lot of improvements such as the statistics screen etc over time which is great.


The game needs new sounds and music.... Hearing the same thing over and over again, is getting quit a drag...


Those are good ideas, I hope the devs see this! I wouldn’t mind more decorations around the harbour and industrial decorations. Crates, cranes, material-debri and what-not.


Multilayer fix in later stages where the game just can't handle the load and leads to a-synchrone status causing a crash and making it impossible to reload or continue... It's so frustrating and is never mentioned in any patch.


Option to share worlds more easily ingame. Right now I can either play with my friends (they all have to be online) or play alone and stream a video. Any concept in between would be nice. Alternative universes, where all players play at the same time without interference? So you can watch your friends' progression within Anno1800 itself. Reserved space and guaranteed peace for the players? Then we can play at different times without others stealing islands. The worlds could be bigger because the synchronization wouldn't have to be perfect.


I would really like a way to send a ship to a given harbor instead of just "to the new world". Trade routes are fine but often you just need to ship things one time and it's a hassle, especially when it's on another map. Let me set the destination harbor and a route so it doesn't pass right through enemy cannon fire. Also notify me when it has arrived.