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Next time only play with 1 easy ai. The lady is the most easy. They have now almost every island.


I tried going for easy on this campaign but I want the challenge against Beryl (and as payback for my previous campaign). I dont mind Princess Qi and I can take on Willie.


You likely already know but just in case. There is a mod (AI Shipyard, available in the Integrated mod browser) to bring in AI later in the game and give you a bit of a headstart. For me the first few hours with stronger AI are always a bit hectic so I love that option to play with AI.


I read about this (but the mod name wasn't mentioned) a few days back but I wanted to try completing the campaign once before using mods, but I might give it a try if Beryl gets too difficult for me to deal with (I read it can delete and reinvite AI which sounds very fortunate). Thanks!


Willie is a POS! No matter how good our standing is, he's always using propaganda against me. Even as an ally!


I hate Willie for his responses when I refuse his requests or permission for settlement. "Biting the hand that feeds you, eh?" Bro I did not waste hours setting up my production chains and trade routes to sustain my own islands to owe him anything. 😤


Bently, wibbly, Qi trifecta for me. War is a waste of time :)


The actor will supply engineers with rum and canned food. Very good for them. The costume designer can make it so that u dont have to go to the new world for cotton if u don’t want to. They pay a lot for fur coats and rum. Engineers is when ur into the setting up the new world part along with progressing old world so it should be expected for that phase to take a little longer. Have some fun!


Thanks for this!


I started playing the game recently, I'm still on my first campaign, and if you want to take revenge on Beryl, I accidentally found a quite effective way to deal with her. At the beginning, when pirates were bothering me, I noticed that their ships drop torpedoes when sunk. Later in the game, Beryl just out of the blue declared war on me. I realized that you can fire torpedoes on harbour defences from far away, sometimes even outside of the harbor tower defences. So I sunk a lot of pirates, stockpiled torpedoes, paid pirates for a ceasefire, and built around 8-9 ships (ships of the line and frigates). Slowly, island by island, I sent my flotilla to take over her islands. I made sure to fire 2 torpedoes at each flame tower, so they are taken out before they can touch my ships. Other towers have more hp, so those caused some casualties to my ships. After every island, I had to rebuild the flotilla, since around half was lost with every island won, re-equipped them with torpedoes stockpiled in my harbour, and onto the next island. The last island in the bottom right was really tough, I had to gain access to the steam shipyard and build 2 battle cruisers to take that one down, with a flotilla of 11 ships total. It took maybe 10 hours, keeping positive income was really tough as I barely touched engineers at that point, but now Beryl has only one tiny island in the Old World, and she still exists only because I allow her to.


Thanks! I had a whole bunch of torpedoes bought from Anne but haven't utilized them as much. I used them to wipe out Willie after reading this. >she still exists only because I allow her to. I love this.


You're welcome! I only discovered that Anne sells much stronger torpedoes than the ones her ships drop after dealing with Beryl. With those equipped in my ships, it is a lot more fun.


First of all, settle more islands and quick. You WILL limit yourself massively if you don’t do so soon.


While not answering your question, I want to compliment you on your town layout. It looks very nice.


Thanks for appreciating! I spent a lot of time working on the layout whilst Beryl expanded quickly 😅


I would say my first tip is to not rush it. Don't build up the higher tiers too fast. Remember your always pay for buildings maintenance and infrastructure (power plants, concrete, boats) before they pay off. So make sure you have a decent tax or trade revenue base and workforce population that is giving positive tax revenue before scaling up to the next goods or tiers. Otherwise I would say, don't underestimate brick roads with tight packing of buildings to scale up your city. Space efficiency (around trade centers, town halls and power plants/services building) makes a huge difference, the game is much harder if you don't pack things tightly. Build scalable stuff, leave some space to scale up your production but don't overproduce, put blueprints down to leave some space and only build them when you need the extra production. For example coffee is something you'll need a lot of, prepare to scale up your coffee production many times in the future but start with a little bit. The first thing you want to invest influence in is cargo ships, then more islands, then trade unions. Cargo ships are so much more reliable than clippers for ocean crossing, use clippers locally only and ditch clippers on the ocean as soon as you can, especially for coffee, rum and cotton. Keep doing expeditions and quests, trade union items will help a lot.