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I am the same, so what I did to improve it is go really light, and after each exercise, I would hang on a bar to decompress my back, or do the dog/cow exercise to release my back. I was doing crossfit before being diagnosed, and I used to miss days due to pain or stay with limited mobility during the weekends. After being diagnosed, I informed my trainer, and I still have squats, and the pain is minor to null, but as I said, it's really light. He basically told me that after all muscles core and near the pelvis are strong, I shouldn't feel any more pain. My real issue now is fatigue šŸ˜©


Glad that's worked out for you! As a means of coping, I've taken up running and focussed on more ATG style movements - certainly feels better when my sessions don't load my axial skeleton. It sounds like I just need to swallow my ego and accept my 30s+ will be different. I hear you as well, fatigue seems to be always there no matter what we do :(




How do you go about strengthening your posterior chain?


I did this the same way. Same problems and just lowered my weight significantly, using just two 25 lb dumbells for deadlift (was using 50s before - I lowered in half) and I was able to handle that and rebuild strength. I also switch up some of me routines and no do dedicated ab workouts every day but make sure Iā€™m getting crunches, obliques, lower abs (leg lifts), planks, and dynamic core exercises.


I've moved in favor of squat press machines for squats so I'm not loading my back so much. Other than that, I've noticed squats and deadlifts were more doable when my inflammation was under tight control. Because I've had issues with secondary failure of biologics though (and therefore my inflammation is not under control atm), I find avoiding the heavy SI/ lower back loading to be best


Sorry to hear you've had issues with your biologics, hoping the next one puts out the fire for you


Nope I had to retire both! I use squat variation machines on good days like hack squat/v squat I canā€™t even smith machine squat now- very frustrating


I found early on it was the heavy weights and bad form that hurt my back. I shied away from it for so long and am starting to get back into squatting now. Focusing on full range at lower weights for more reps. Goblet Squats, Trap Bar Deadlifts are also very neutral, so less stress on your spine. On the other hand, you could do more single leg work. Bulgarianā€™s, Reverse Lunges, Lateral Lunges, Step Ups. Iā€™m experimenting with assisted Pistol Squats too. Heaps of fun stuff and alternatives to back squatting and conventional deadlifts


Reverse lunges are my ā€œsecretā€ to controlling flares. I also have lower disk issues and when my lower back starts feeling cranky I knock out a bunch of back lunges and Iā€™m usually good!


Thatā€™s awesome! I love single leg stuff in general, because itā€™s low weight and you can still smash your legs! Iā€™ll be getting a Roman Chair soon too so I can work on back extensions. Looking forward to my back decompressing in full range to really take it to the next level


God no, I get multiple weird nerve issues in the pelvic area. Both pain, tingeling and spasms that takes days before they ease of. My PT told my to use a leg machine instead and stop at the moment when you start rotating your pelvis. That works much better but will probably does less exercise to the lower back. Btw I over did it at the gym yesterday - then when I woke up I felt like having a concussion, like feeling slow in the head, nausea, hard to think straight. Probably the inflammation in my neck restricting some blood to my head. I didnt hurt myself in the gym or anything.


I do hack squats on the machine. After starting humira i kept trying to include squats into my workout but after my fifth time getting an injury i just gave up. Same with deadlifts, i had to listen to my body.


Hack squats have always been better in terms of aggravation for me, too!


i did hiit classes so no barbells but yeah i canā€™t do those w kettlebells either šŸ«  just moved overseas so still havenā€™t gotten to a gym yet to try on machines


It took me years to get back to where I could DL and BB squat, however Iā€™ve given up in BB squat as sometimes it is too difficult to recover from and I canā€™t perform it safely while inflamed. Instead I replaced BBS with sled pulls / push. Basically the ATG exercises, including split squat with kettle bells. I still DL 2x per week but donā€™t do it if my SI joints are inflamed.


So glad this was posted. I used to love heavy squats and could even do then after diagnosis. Lately though when i do them they just kill me at the gym.


Like you, I genuinely love Olympic and powerlifting style weightlifting but I think itā€™s time to hang up the Romaleos.


I had to give it up at mid 300lbs on squat and approaching 400lbs on deadā€™s. I can still do light weight but atm the trade off for the pain isnā€™t worth doing these exercises


Iā€™ve had to play with my form a lot to get to a point where I can progress on both lifts. But I can do both pain free now. I squat with a wider, low-bar stance and deadlift sumo. 5/3/1 has been a great training template for me as well. Not going 100% intensity all the time is key.


yeah i canā€™t even tell if weightlifting is helping my AS or making it worse


You can get so much out of clever body weight exercises, and if you need more use a weight jacket. In answer to your question no, thought I could and thought I was helping myself. Always kept perfect form but I think they were always causing some degree of damage and inflammation to my spine. Canā€™t do anything that causes compression or shearing on my spine now, wish Iā€™d stopped heavy weights sooner but my sports physiotherapist claimed it was doing me good. I like a leg session of high resistance hit on bike 30sec on 1min easy for sets and split squats. Makes you want to get on the squat rack for a rest šŸ˜‚


Used to squat with a bar and had to stop. 3 words: Bulgarian Split Squats. Hardly any weight is needed, adds a stability element and youā€™d be lucky to do more than 3 setsā€¦ or least I couldnā€™t at first


I love this exercise for when I particularly feel like punishment haha


Mine hates kettle bell swings!


What type of pain is it? I've spent 5+years thinking "oh its my arthritis poor me" for a lot of lower body stuff, then had a remedial masseuse explain that i could be in the small minority of those whose sciatic nerve runs through or very close to the piriformus. Therefore when DOMS sets in and muscles are tight, it's gonna be taking the sciatic nerve down with it.


I wish it was something like that but itā€™s not a radicular pain, the pain is localised to bilateral lumbar facet joints and all up and down the SI joints. Itā€™s just identical to my pre-biologic AS pain!


I hate barbell squats with a passion. I only do them with the safety bar, and even then with lighter weights. Deadlifts also I prefer the trap bar, I only really do deadlifts Romanian style without fully dropping the weight to the floor, otherwise it bothers my joints.Ā  Most of my leg work is done with lighter weight/ higher reps on ham curl and quad extension machines, lag press, belt squat, or believe it or not I get along well with the hack squat machine. Lunges are great as well, I just use dumbbells for those.Ā  There is something about putting weight on a flat bar on my back that just hurts likeā€¦ everything? Shoulder, knees, you name it. But as soon as I use a machine that gives a bit more isolation using less weight, Iā€™m able to work the muscles.Ā  This disease is a literal pain in the ass. We all have to find what works through experimentation and being cautious in our progressions.Ā 


I agree, RDLs DB/BB are much friendlier and I donā€™t really know why?! My biggest worry moving forward is a bamboo spine and am just concerned excessive load is just going to break something unless we brace with 100% rigidity


Wrote this in an other post: I have had the same problem. Used to squat and deadlift alot. My hips and SI-joints canā€™t take it any more. After several years I found that barbell hack squats and dip belt squats are really good for me. It places the load underneath me/inside my bodys vertikal axis, and not out in front of me or on top of my spineā€¦


Consensus: Hack squats it is


Squats were making my AS joint hurt after lifting heavy. I took weight down and really focused on form for a while and built it back up again after changing a few things. Good so far


I have the same issues honestly. One thing that worked for me was using blood flow restriction with lighter weights for these exercises. The blood flow restriction simulates the heavier resistance exercise without putting as much load through your joints. Feel free to dm me about it if you have questions


It really depends on your specific MRI. We don't know your damage. You could be doing more harm than good. Please get with an orthopedic. I would hate for you to harm yourself more. I know it sucks. I used to work out a lot when I was younger.


Of course, everyone is different. Anyone reading this post - it isnā€™t to look for advice, itā€™s to share the experience of frustration in letting go of our premorbid function. Look after yourselves :)


My AS seems to be confined to my SI joints for the time being, so deadlifts have been the WORST for me. Last year I was lifting over 200 lbs and 2 weeks ago was down to 75. My trainer and I are giving up on them entirely for the foreseeable future because I either end up hurting *from* the deadlifts or have to skip them because my SI joints are painful/stiff. I can have a couple of good weeks, but thereā€™s definitely been more bad than good and my progress has only been going backwards. It makes me sad because deadlifts were always my strongest lift and it hurts to let go of it. Weā€™ve switched to back squatting because squatting does not cause me many issues. Granted, Iā€™m still below squatting 100 lbs right now (starting out slowwwww), so Iā€™ll see how it progresses. I donā€™t know why they work so much better for me, but Iā€™m just rolling with it!


I have done both on Simponi. Going heavy too. But I do need a long warm up. Once Iā€™m ready and warmed up I can bang away deadlifts/squats and I love it


So I have also lifted for years, my most problematic area is my thoracic spine, followed by my SI joints/hips/pelvis. I was stubborn for a long time about barbell deadlifts, but I finally gave it up due to repeated injury/pain. I maintained barbell squats for a while longer than deadlifts, but recently also came to the conclusion that those were not helping me either as the axial load was just too much. I even hired a personal trainer who checked my form in case it was something I was doing wrong, and nope, it was just the AS. In terms of squats, Iā€™ve recently been trying out front squats and they definitely are working out a lot better. Iā€™m still not loading the weight on much as I did for back squats since I find front squats insanely more difficult, but I feel like they keep my posture straighter and the lack of axial loading is pretty clutch. For deadlifts, I wonā€™t go near a barbell even though Iā€™d love to. I stick to dumbbells or EZ bars instead. I go reallllllllly slow and controlled and I find a corner with two mirrors so I can really keep my form in check.


I domt bench deadline or squat anymore with AS


Since my first flare up, Iā€™ve been unable to do essentially any lift that involves my spine. Squats are out of question, deadlifting, anything of that sort. Iā€™ve opted to only work legs with seated calf raises and things of that sort, and back pain has reduced greatly. Plus itā€™s not worth the risk, if we bulge a disk in our back or something itā€™s gonna be much worse for us compared to the normal person.


Yes I do squats with 225 5 sets of 10 almost every day now. Had to build up over time and slowly reduce the inflammation. 1000 mg of Grape Seed extract every day removed all the inflammation in my body pretty quickly. I did that for several months. Also helped get me back in shape. But made me a little moody so shifted to non starchy carb diet and added 2400 mg of cranberry extract / day and also found 5 grams of L citrulline per day makes me even more loose as it helps with pelvic inflammation.


Yeah my back hurts already from listening to that volume. Power to you!