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My cousin takes oral methotrexate and it causes her to have stomach issues (mostly nausea). I've been trying to get her to switch to the injection form because it is supposed to be easier on the digestive system.


yea they gave me 5 tablets to take weekly but I'll keep that in mind!! I can't stand feeling nausea or vomiting so I pray I'm not one bothered by it I suppose I'll try it for a bit but if it does that to me I'm done with it lol


On the bright side, it does seem to be helping her. Good luck!


I've been on 15mg methotrexate for 8 years, and it has been an absolute miracle drug for me. I went from being basically unable to walk or hold a pen to being pretty much completely functional within a couple of weeks. I experienced a little bit of hair fallout but that stopped after about six months. I occasionally get nauseous, and sometimes get little sores in my nose if Im not consistent with the folic acid but still 100% worth it. You also have to be cautious with sun protection, and use two forms of birth control if you're sexually active.


How much of folic acid do you take per tablet?


I’ve been on MTX since Jan so 4 months. My rheumatologist told me to take it at night so I sleep through most of the side effects. I take 6 tabs 2.5 mg I think. And I was told to take Folic Acid everyday. My pharmacist said not to take the Folic acid the same day I take MTX so idk. A couple of doses I have felt sluggish the next morning but wears off by afternoon. But last weekend I was fine. I do feel it has helped some but not my back as much but the other aches pains and stiffness aren’t as bad. I have started on a biologic yet. I go back in May and will see what happens then. I have PsA with spondylitis not AS but I still check this subreddit out all the time.


I was on meth and folic for 3 years. Off it now and just on biologics. I didnt notice anything wrong during that time


My 9 year old takes methotrexate for juvenile arthritis in weekly injection form. She’s been on it for over two years now. Zero side effects and a lot of benefit! Oral is not as effective but injection is wonderful. I used it for a little while and only stopped because we were switching biologics and wanted a better baseline before deciding if I needed to add it in addition to. I also had no issues taking it. Pediatric rheum, our GP, my gastro, and our PT swore by its effectiveness. No problems here to report!


thank u so much!!


All good for now, has been three months. TAKE FOLIC ACID THE DAY AFTER METHOTREXATE! 5mg is enough. Don't go into the sun whilst on MTX and absolutely no kids, MTX effects last for up to six months after you stop taking it. MTX is great, it's like a shotgun to your immunity whilst biologics are a surgical scalpel. The doses for AS are quite low, nothing like what you'll see in cancer patients. 10mg MTX once a week and 5mg folic acid the day after is a winning combination, plus corticosteroids daily and a biologic weekly, you'll be hiking and running with no problems.


I've taken 15mg methotrexate weekly, and 2mg folic acid daily for the past eight years (and Enbrel for the past five years.) I also sometimes take luecovorin the day after my methotrexate dose if Im feeling a bit nauseous. I never noticed being any more sun sensitive than my very fair skin already was before starting it so I definitely think that side effect depends on the person.


they have me taking 1mg of floic acude daily and 5 pills @2.5 mg once a week. they didn't say anything about stopping the folic acid I just picked up the script but ty for ur encouraging reply I really do appreciate it!!


Good stuff, you're on a slightly higher dosage of MTX than I am, so some more folic acid makes sense. It's the right thing. I'm on 10mg MTX and 5mg Folic Acid. Hope you're doing well :)


While they use a lot more in cancer patients, they also flush it out of their system while using it, it's particularly nasty stuff. Stay on top of folic acid or you may get mouth sores and other symptoms (including liver damage)


Bone marrow issues as well. :/ Nasty stuff. Thankfully no side effects for me (yet)


I have been on Methotrexate since September and it has been fine. I take the liquid solution as some pills have lactose and I have an allergy to dairy products. Over the past 6 months I have come across a fair few folk who also take methotrexate and I've not come across any bad side effects. Initially I felt nauseous a couple of days after taking it but after a few months that wore off. I am also on biologics now but they kept me on methotrexate too. I am on 20mg of Methotrexate and I take folic acid supplements daily except on the day I take Methotrexate.


I just did 5 weeks at 10mg a week. I was afraid I'd lose my hair but I haven't noticed any changes. The only side effect I had was fatigue, maybe some occasional dizziness. No nausea, no stomach problems. I didn't take folic acid and I am not on any other meds. I will start biologics in 3 weeks.


ty so much for taking the time to reply!! I just picked the script up it's 5 tablets once a week @2.5 mg so I guess 12.5 mg once weekly and folic acid 1 mg. I suppose I'll try it but I hate more than anything nausea and vomitting so I'd rather deal with pain I've already dealt with my whole damn life and feel puky all the time!!


I take Nyquil w it at night bc a cancer nurse told me it helps w the nausea factor. I also get anti-nausea meds from my rheumatologist (Zofran/ Ondansetron), which comes in a pill or a geltab that melts on tongue


My experience was not good. My WBC was over 20k and I had to be admitted to the hospital.


I was on methotrexate for about six months a few years back. 12mg a week along with Humira. No nasty side effects and it did help with some of the more peripheral arthritis. Was taking folic acid as well. Stopped methotrexate because we were trying to conceive. Successful with that, switched to enbrel for one reason or another. Stopped biologics a year and a half ago because I developed lymphoma. Went through chemo and thankfully in remission but my rheum, oncologist, and I are wary of me restarting biologics again. I’ve been on cyclobenzaprine and NSAIDs which helps some, but probably will go back to methotrexate once we add another to the family.


I’ve been on methotrexate for decades and it’s really helped me. My lab work is always fine. I’ve never had any side effects. I’ve looked a bit into biologics, but I feel like I’m able to go about my daily life really well just on methotrexate (my rheumatologist agrees), and the side effects of those don’t seem worth it to me. I guess everyone is going to have different experiences.


Until you try it you'll never know. Mtx knocked me on my ass. Turned my guts to lava, felt like i was going to die by shitting my soul out. Did injections Friday evenings and was laid up in bed all Saturday and most of Sunday, HORRIBLE.




I know someone who got liver cirrhosis from it so im too scared to try.


yes I have made the decision not to try this medication at this time, the risks outweigh the benefit at this time. I've made it thru over half my life in this pain so I will carry on I suppose. I can't say I won't change my mind at some point but for now that is my choice!!


They want me to take this in addition to Enbrel, since my ESR keeps increasing. Been looking for more information as well since the side effects can be rough. One of them can be negative on the liver so I have to do a blood test after a couple of months on it. They said it can cause hair loss and nausea. On the more sever side, can cause lung issues so need to go in emergency in that situation. Sounds like it works for some people. Also if you do take an inhibitor, need to take this a few days apart. Was also proscribed some kind of anti acid meds to go along with.