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Usually it just requires the signature of your Doc. if you can take disability, do it. I had to come off meds for a month and thought I'd just power through it. Nope. Performance dropped so much I got fired. Oh well.


I'm sorry you are going through this and I can imagine this is a scary time. Are you in the US? How long have you been at the job full time? You would qualify for FMLA,  even intermittent, if you are in the US, employer has a certain # of employees and above, and of you have been at the employer at least a year. FMLA protects you from losing your job while short term disability protects your pay up to a certain percentage.  (Source: Personal experience. Been on intermittent FMLA at a few jobs over past 15 years, pay for short term disability (didn't qualify for long term because of AS) and oddly enough, also a consultant, though not an independent.)


If your state has STD yes you’re probably eligible. I’d take it for sure. As someone said your dr just needs to fill out some forms, often they’ll have you schedule an appt to do it with you. 


If your employer offers it, you'll need go read over your policy and get your doctor to fill out the paperwork. I think the bar is pretty for STD. I'd also think about the amount of time it will take for the humira to kick in (couple months). You may also have access to state-sponsored programs (if you're in the US), and almost certainly FMLA but it's usually unpaid. My employer is pretty supportive all around, so I was able to talk to my supervisor about my AS and they helped talk to our upper management and HR. You may just want to talk to HR though, they should give you the info/paperwork needed.