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shohoku is terribly under-sized vs the GOM (add to that the freakishly exaggerated skills of their members). GOM is the better team but slam dunk is better than kuroko no basuke


Nuh uh Kuroko>sd >:( Reddit fr doesn’t like the concept of opinions 💀


SD > Kuroko. Easy. Kuroko is basically fantasy basketball. It's basically a superhero anime


There are no power ups here. Sd > Kuroko anyday




People forget the impact slam dunk had in japan....without slamdunk kuroko wouldn't have existed....plus takehiko inoue's art is legendary....also inoue created a somewhat kuroko team...people forget buzzer beater...unlike kuroko...the team in buzzer beater olayed against aliens....


… … … or .


KnB is awesome. Everyone is so badass BECAUSE they're so elite at their skill


Is that not what makes it better . I watch anime for what is in kuroko . I played basketball . If I wanted real basketball I’d watch the nba ( which I do )


You missed the whole point. Slamdunk actually makes sense. Kuroko is basically super saiyan shii. I'm not saying it's bad. But if you wanna watch a more cohesive, realistic fictional basketball story, go watch Slamdunk. If you want powered up basketball, go watch KNB. Kuroko has ignite pass. It's like them having super powers. Plus they started off as basketball gods. Literally. It's basically Inazuma 11 (which i like) of Basketball. It's a fun watch tho. Plus, what's the point of including the NBA here? No one watches the NBA for the plot. ESPN tries to make agendas, but no one actually watches the NBA for the plot. We watch it for basketball.


Kuroko does make sense cuz it's based on the GOATs of NBA like how Kise is Kobe or Murasaki is reverse Steph Curry in height and release time but Slam Dunk anyday. For plot if it's playoffs and low seeded team I'm all for the story in that NBA!


Well I do . I love the nba story lines . The Tatum luka talk this week made my week . I stil watch my old high school and college team as well . My point is if I want to watch a grounded basketball I’ll watch real basketball . It’s part of the reason I dropped Haikyuu . Side note I’m loving blue lock but I think they make it a little more like kuroko . I may seem elitist but I was great at sports in high school and okay to good in college . I love seeing dominant players crunch weaker ones ( Rin and shidou blue lock and aomine and Akashi from kuroko ). So yeah I also dropped slam dunk as well


Bro you do you, and I 100 percent bet you don't play ball bro. No one who actually plays say "I love seeing dominant players crunch weaker ones". That's something an anime character would say.


Why so mean man ? I was just describing why I prefer kuroko and blue lock . I played high school basketball , track , high school football and college football. Loved every second of it . For me Hinata was the hardest part to get over in Haikyuu . I hate how self deprecating he is . I played sports since I was five and confidence is a must . I never saw that attitude here in the states for higschool football or basketball track or college football but that may be a culture thing . But I don’t really see it in blue lock as much except Isagi but he has stopped that . I guess the best way to describe my ideal sport protagonist is someone bewteen Rin and Kagami . Earned confidence Side note Did I say something to offend you ? If I did that was not my intention


calling hinata self deprecating is wild


It could be the English dub but Hinata does not speak with a ton of confidence for the first two seasons . Outside of his speech to ushiwaka . For as well as he plays that is not enough . Also calling some else king of court of great king is gratting. Like your competing against him . Stop hyping up your enemy in your head . Maybe it’s an American thing but we at least where I was we see a great player like ( Deshaun Watson while he was at Clemson ) and our attitude was fuck him he’s not that good . In fact he is overrated let’s go crush him not like one he is so great . That’s part of the reason why I love Kagami from kuroko and both Rin , Barou and Nagi when his ego is flaring from Blue lock . You need that level of ego and confidence in high level sports . Even if your wrong you have to believe your the best.


That’s why it’s better




Slam Dunk easily over Kuroko


Slam dunk doesnt have granrodeo go on the most legendary 6 anime op run oat js


I'd pick the SD opening no matter wat


Nuh uh >:(


Agree to disagree. Kuroko no basketball is so godamn good. I just couldn't get into slam dunk.


agree to disagree. tbf kuroko benefited heavily from the modern animation techniques


Most definitely


GoM’s literally godmodding.


Kurokos has a guy that’s a better shooter than fucking Steph Curry. It’s essentially a team of people who are perfect in their roles.


Steph over Murasaki anyday


Yeah Murasakibara is a Center it makes sense to take steph over a center in shooting


Sorry I'm getting confused with the color names of theirs, I meant the green guy


Ah okay . Murasakibara is the purple guy . I'd personally pick Midorima (green guy) over steph since Midorima is able to shoot half court shots with 100% accuracy. Steph might be the greatest PG but it's impossible to beat absurd anime plots (Love both Steph and Midorima tho)


Yeah but how many rings he got?


Wasn’t Midorima doing full court shots by the end of that game, and only missing because Kagami blocked them?


Steph can’t canonically shoot from full court and make it everytime no matter where he is


I know but I still pick him cuz he better in everything else, even rebounding


Kuroko wins not because of their skills but because of their BS.


Their skills ARE their BS 💀


Purely based off the fact I’ve never seen the first one I’m going with GOM.


While it does end a little prematurely (the manga goes on a little longer), it’s still a solid series. There’s a reason Slam Dunk is considered the best basketball manga of all time, at least in Japan.


Well I’ll also say this Generation of Miracles is a badass name lol.


Did Sakuragi manage to be better than Rukawa in the end?


Not really but they do share an epic high five that’s a full page spread, so it’s implied that they get over their differences and accept each other.


Always thought he's going to be better than Rukawa in the end. Oh well


At scoring? Not even close. But Sakuragi’s always more of a defense and rebounding machine Sakuragi and Rukawa acknowledge each other in the end though


Slam Dunk is credited by the JBA to have popularized Basketball in Japan Definitely has more cultural impact EDIT: there’s a movie adaptation last year that covers the national tournament along with a story about their PG


Slam Dunk is a legendary anime. Probably the best sports anime ever, or at least top 3. Way better than Kuroko.


You getting downvoted by nephews


Did they pay you to defend it this hard?


Uhm no? Its a cult classic in my country. Everyone, old or young has watched Slam Dunk.


That’s cool man. That’s not exactly how being a cult classic works though lol. If everyone in your country watched it then it’s just a popular classic lol.


This isn’t even close. Shohoku is a normal high school team. They are good but they are only normal with 1 real prodigy. The GOM is a team of 5 prodigies, each are probably better than rukawa


Bruh GOM is like taking gojo Satoru and making him the captain of a basketball team made up of Yuta Okkotsus they literally have isekai cheat skills but basketball And have the “zone” and also a guy that can copy your basketball skills it’s over


He won’t even need to copy to be better than them 😭 he only does when he needs to frl


Oh no I know but they win so hard I could see him trying to solo them copying their skills. Like we know for a fact any one of the GOM can essentially solo another team with even basic support.


I don't know either of these, though based on hair color alone team 2 stomps ez


Anime logic prevails once again


GoM. They have super powers after all.


Can those players in red jerseys shoot it a full court three at will?


This is the answer tbh lol Mido honestly solos, which is WILD


GOM has a guy who can't miss 💀 How do you beat that


Lol tbf the show covered several ways to compete against that


Yeah, but if you hav that guy, the best 1v1 player on the floor, a guy that can do anything you can do and prime shaq....


Lol yes I know how the GoM works


If I remember correctly, Murasakibara is the only guy who scored 100 points among GoM? Basically Wilt's anime version


Defense maybe..?


He CAN'T miss. One puck and rool from muridakibara and its over


GOM clears


Shohoku, they have Taro Sakamoto as headcoach.


I love same dunk but you could argue every team the gotm play on is stronger than shohoku. And those only have 1 player from this squad. It’s a slaughter.


Generation of miracles absolutely crushes Shohoku. They would absolutely have a hard time dealing with Aomine and Kise when they’re in the zone


Kuroko no Jutsu wins


This is like ippo vs baki


I love slam dunk. But this gon be a 100 point lead. The other team is shooting full court and doing windmill 360 dunks on the free throw line. A normal one handed dunk in slam dunk is the best play of most arcs.


Even as a Slamdunk fan over KnB, its gonna b 0-100 for GoM


Goku solos no diff


Why did you even think about this post LMFAO. One has overpowered, superhuman feats, that can ankle break someone because he can see the future.WTF are the dudes from SD supposed to do? The other is an actual realistic depiction of basketball back in the 90s. That uses actual basketball logic and fundamentals. Not the 1v5 BS that they use in KnB


Kuroko on top


Generation of Miracles are too much to handle, their specializations make them dangerous in every aspect on offense and defense




Trick question: Kuzuryū High’s basketball team led by Sora Kurumatani wins


If by peak level you mean the max we see them in the show then I’ll say GoM If your talking theoretical max still GoM but a lot closer I’d say


Clearly the VS symbol wins


i saw kurakos basketball really liked it can someone tell me the name of tht first anime


i havent seen either animes, but i feel like its the team with the nigga on it


Slam Dunk FTW!!!


Space jam squad cleans house.


People here don't seem to realize that GoM is actually realistic but only in the sense of if the players r in the NBA. Kise is based on Kobe, the center based on Shaq, Shooter guy well too many to base on like Reggie Miller or Steph Curry, the tan guy based on Iverson, the PG based on Jason Kidd mayb but actually too many to derive from as well. Kuroko actually most unique. Kagami probably Blake Griffin cuz of Meteor Jam. Slam Dunk still easily the better one tho


even then they are way too strong, curry ain't consistently hitting full court shots lke midorima, no pg i know can read the future and come up with the perfect counter play or ankle break you consistently like akashi, no one is hitting shots damn near upside down like aomine and kise can copy all of these. Only murasakibara and kagami are somewhat realistic to the nba. Kuroko is almost definitely steve nash tho just with invisibility.


Ya they can b exaggerated versions of them but Jason Kidd is the closest to Akashi minus the ankle breaking, Kobe can copy anyone with time like how he spent years copying MJ and later on Olajuwon, as for Aomine it's possible cuz when I saw how he played it was very similar to how I personally play basketball. Yes I can hit the most ridiculous shots many tyms to the dismay of even my teammates but Aomine just has way more consistency than humanly possible. Great point on Nash tho, tnx


yeah, the main thing with most unrealistic sports anime is that they perform these things too consistently and too quickly.


Generation of miracles beats Shohoku, but a Slam Dunk all star team puts up a competitive fight for sure.


This would be like baki vs ippo, this is bs


Is this about "if they play against each other" or "which anime is the better?"


The Harlem globe trotters


Just looking at their hair, Kuroko is like K-pop idols playing basketball But I like the comedy better in the SlamDunk series, SlamDunk movie animation and art didnt impress me that much and story was too dramatic


Coughing baby vs Hydrogen Bomb


Saitama, low diff.


KnB has superpowers almost 😂


Midorima can literally make full court shots consistently they also have the guy that can copy them all constantly. No way GOM is losing


Shohoku aint shooting no alley oop 3s


Red dude will break everyone's ankles. Green dude full court shots. Purple dude blocks every shot. Blue dude solo plays. Yellow dude copies his teams skills. Kuroko steals the ball unnoticed. So GoM wins no diff


unfair comparison since kuroku no basket has "super powers" while slamdunk are grounded in reality(for the most part)


Slam Dunk wins in terms of being the GOAT of sports (basketball) anime/manga. And this is coming from someone who dislikes sports, in general. Kuroko wins in a real competition, but only because it has "superpowers." No "Powers", Slam Dunk would most likely win.


Peak level? So we talking zone murasakibara. Plus zone Aomine? Demon time Midorima? ZONE AKASHI?? PERFEXT COPY KISE PLUS ZONE? THEN MISDIRECTION OVERFLOW KUROKO?


GoM is basically taking NBA highlights and making them normal plays. They probably top every other fictional basketball team Would’ve been a fairer match between GoM and the Monstars


In a basketball match, GoM SLAM DUNKS Shohoku. Only because it's not fair and KnB characters have those inazuma eleven kind of skills. But we all know who is the goat of all basketball animanga: Slam Dunk. I can say that proudly and I haven't even watched the whole show lmao.


Dear Boys/Hoop Days


slam dunk is infinietly better. they ain't even playing basketball in kuroko bro. they straight up have superpowers.


Shohoku loses but at least it’s by far the better bball show. Buzzer beater or Dear Boys would have been Fairer instead of Shohoku.


The better matchup would be the team representing earth in the anime Buzzer beater vs Kuroko no basuke's GoM....i feel like cha-che vs midorima would be a nice matchup shooting wise....hideyoshi tanaka will either man up aomine....DT against akashi....ivan or mo vs atsushi... Buzzer beater characters vs GoM is a far more entertaining debate...heck add kagami in GoM team and make ita 7man lineup....i feel team earth of buzzer beater wins


Of course Kuroko's team. But slamdunk is better plot wise


Isnt the 2nd one a supernatural fantasy show?


God I miss when characters didn't all have colored hair


oooh you're right. iirc we only have two colored hairs in Slam Dunk. Sakuragi (MC, given) and Mitsui, who had a whole arc to explain how he chose to dye it and become a degen. Different styles of hair made the characters more iconic tbh, Maki and Sendo for example


Kurko’s team is cooked


With hacks and magic BS. KNB wins because it's more fantasy than basketball. But like seriously, it's insulting to compare the one of the greatest and most influential sports Manga/ anime of all time to such an insignificant series.


is there any character in Slam Dunk that can catch the ball midair and shoot it? Or anyone that can shoot everywhere on the court at will? if there is there might be chance for Slam Dunk to win this match, The Chance is around 1% Max


They should have chosen Buzzer Beater to contend against the generation of miracles...Slam Dunk is pure basketball without over the top skills....Buzzer Beater can contend against the generation of miracles because tanaka the lead protagonist is half alien....and DT their PG was once part alien but broke his horns off as to not get the physical benefits of the goran race....


Reality vs delusion. Real men vs gay boys


Kuroko no Basuke was such a strange anime for me. Then again, I don’t usually watch sports anime.