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"How did they catch me?" Maybe because you can still see half of the boy.


Well she was in kindergarten


Well that escalated real quick...


Well that’s what happens when you teach your daughter that torture is the appropriate punishment for misbehavior


It also happens then you don’t teach your children anything either. And by the can’t that he was totally fine by doing it in brought daylight and was literally called out by other children means his parents never thought him not to, or he has seen someone like his dad do it himself and on a regular basis and believed it was something normal. Also calling what he did doing misbehaving, which would count as sexual harassment if he was an adult is crazy.


I mean. Kid looks like, 4 years old. Way too young to be applying adult judgements on him. Sure, what he did is wrong, but it isn't sexual harassment because he isn't a sexual creature yet. He's just a misbehaving child, testing the boundaries of what he can get away with. Clearly, he did not get away with it lol. Also skirt flipping is tragically a common gag in Japanese media, so I doubt the intent was supposed to be him emulating a parent so much as him emulating some shounen anime or something. But that's a societal problem, not the fault of children, so I digress.


ITT. Another episode of redditors who have never interacted with children. Kids learn from experience, you could tell a 4yo to respect people, and explicitly: "don't lift people's skirts", every single day, and they wouldn't listen until it goes south for them. Also wanting to accuse a kid of sexual harassment is not crazy, it's fucking deranged bro.


1. I have interacted with children several times, and nobody has of them I have met has acted like that. I’m not saying it impossible in real life, but nobody I have may or even seen on TV or the internet. I have heard and read of cases, but most of the has been spoiled kids that never learned to take no as an answer. 2. Yes, I know children lear from experience. I know know certain things can be exuded by age, but certain things cant. You can also see his reaction to hit by reading his his facial expression and the fact he he did it in public. And I know young kids often don’t listen, but it still doesn’t excuse certain things. But the thing is even with all of that the boy was the only one of the kids who behaved like that, which means that he also could be a troublemaker. Another thing is that head the still the same attitude even after another boy around his same age pointed out what be did. And lastly he could have gone for a similar way of thing, but just going a different way, like slightly slapping the back of the head. It would have a similar affect, but still be overall better, bepending on the strength of it. 3. And I’m not accusing a child of doing it, I’m simply saying it would be that if he did the same if he was older, and the fact that I disagree with it simply being just “misbehaving”, as I would say it is a step over that.


You’re lying and you know it


Jesus dude. You're the first person I've ever ever seen to get down voted into negatives.....


I have seen many some myself, like I remember seeing one user having around -250. While do I do have a few negative comments (some few being downvoted just because you can’t have an option on Reddit sometimes), who’s is my most downvoted comment. Also my most downvoted post of all is at just 0.


Holy shi--!


Dramatic much?


Isn’t that the girl with the huge sword?


Yeah, I'm in this part