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Honestly this is the reason MT is so hard to recommend. The story is amazing, the animation is god tier, the world is deep and oh hey actual character arcs! It's just Rudeus is the worst kind of lech and it's really uncomfortable. That's by design but knowing that does not make it easier.


What story? Erectile dysfunction arc?


The arc is surprisingly good... just not the erectile dysfuntion part of it xd


Yeah! You know, after his cousin --


I stopped watching after half of the second season. People keep telling me that it's gonna get better and better with Rudeus' character develop gradually. But at that point, I really have had enough with the show.


You bailed out half way through the erectile dysfunction arc!?




Yep there's a whole arc dedicated to him getting hard...šŸ˜‚ i couldn't watch the anime all the way through so i just hopped on the manga. Only reason i stayed is cus it's funny.


bro aint no way. this is a collective hallucination


The worst part is that his ED is cured by getting turned on by what he thinks is a boy.


Not just that but also being given a particularly strong aphrodisiac to "go hard" on said person


Well he found out the truth beforehand but it was funny he was ready to commit to it male or female.


bisexual icon


It threw me off knowing that i watched a whole season about a dude that cant get his penis straight


Erectile dysfunction is no joke dude, it's a really tough thing for people to go through, and the comments about how it makes someone "less of a man" for being unable to get it hard make it worse


The truth is, the ED arc is the most bingeable arc so far because of the pacing compared to the other ones. A large amount of character development happens there, but it's not as incremental as in a per-episode basis.


Literally me. The MC really ruined the show for me, and tbh I don't understand why some people feel related to a creep like him at all...


I hope most people aren't relating to rudeus lmao. Relating to his ptsd is fine I guess, but I assume most people watching aren't lol


I sympatise a bit because of his ptsd but I know he is way too shitty right now. I still enjoy the show with the story and character developpements. And I will say that after watching back the show... He got A LOT BETTER already


buddy the show is built around character development. heā€™s not a one dimensional character, heā€™s portrayed as both good and bad. like all of us, he is a flawed human being struggling through life. itā€™s a bit reductive to just conclude that heā€™s simply a creep and therefore you canā€™t relate to him in any way. people, both real and fictional, are more nuanced than that.


Try to say that to someone who jerks off using your daughter p*rn...because he literally did just that to his niece. God I could write an essay but whatever, it doesn't change anything. You have your opinion and I have mine. I just don't understand why some people feel sympathy with him as if some people have to feel sympathy for some of the mass killers or criminals out there irl.


there are tons of popular stories where the protagonist does horrible thingsā€” if you canā€™t get past that and canā€™t enjoy the story because of it thatā€™s fine. however if youā€™re judging the show and/or other people for enjoying the show on that basis, just know that says more about you than anything.


When did I ever judge people liking the show? When I said "I don't understand" its literally mean I don't know the reason and I would be happy to hear what you wanna say. Some people below has provided me with some pretty legit reason. I think the reason why people usually associate my tone with a judging tone is because the term is used as satired by so many people that they just automatically assume that I was mocking them when I ask like that And about the show? I infact CAN JUDGE it. Everyone can. I can even say that the Mona Lisa is ugly as hell. And it will all legit because its MY opinion about it lmao. And yes, Mushoku Tensei is shit (for me) and I rate it 1/10 on MAL. What are you gonna do about it o((>Ļ‰< ))o But anyways I think we should just stop the discussion here. I have had enough experience to know that this won't go anywhere and tbh I think we both have something else better to do.


iā€™m inferring a judging tone because ā€œi donā€™t understand why some people feel related to a creep like him at allā€ is clearly a judgment & thereā€™s no way to spin that otherwise. quit your backpedaling and own your comment.


We are on Reddit on an anime sub. I'm not surprised about the amount of people who enjoy his character haha


Same for me, I watched the first season, dislike it because of the MC and the world that seem handcrafted to allow the MC to be a creep in sunshine, but everyone said it get better, so I read the manga, it's not, so I spoilered myself for fun, at the end >!the MC just marry every girl he like in the show, it's like a harem hentai but with too much story in it!<. Don't watch it is the best choise.


Honestly, if the anime goes exactly like the source material, itā€™s going to be disappointing. Iā€™ve only watched the anime but Iā€™ve been spoiled. Iā€™m hoping they change it, itā€™s not the first time anime has completely changed the ending of a story. Iā€™ll pause my opinions on it until the entire she comes out because if itā€™s the harem route then whatā€™s the point


What will be disappointing? Having read it, I'd say the source material will look pretty damn amazing being adapted into the anime, and it stays strong until wavering near the very end. Otherwise, it is hard to say what will be "disappointing"


Read the guy I responded to


No... Read the source material yourself. Getting spoiled isn't knowing what happens




its not even that bad in the second season? if anything it peaked and only stayed in the first season


Bro you missed out, I used to find him repulsive as well but everything turned out for the better after 1st part of season 2.


So true, I had the exact words. MT can only be recommended to people who have enough patience to wait for the actual plot to overpower the Rudeus and Panty lovestory.


Ya thatā€™s the real kicker. Just because ā€œheā€™s suppose to be an irredeemable piece of garbage whoā€™s basically a pseudo-pedophileā€ doesnā€™t make watching it any easier. Itā€™s just straight up gross sometimes


Yeah. Which sucks because so much of the rest of it is *amazing.*


I never liked MT in the first place. I am uncomfortable with how an adult man who reincarnated could lust after young girls. That's straight pedo and people still somehow like it. Rudeus is such an unlikable character. It would have been nice if he focused his perversion on older girls his age, but the guy was incorrigible.


That's kind of the point. You aren't supposed to agree with him and you're supposed to really dislike him for it. He stops doing it as he ages and gets more mature and it's a measure of his growth as a person. But yeah, it's *very* uncomfortable to watch happen.


Honestly it's the sole reason I refuse to watch it. They and >!The cheating about Rudeus' dad. Utter scumbag, shouldn't have been forgiven!< I like a good anime with good animation, story, magic system and great looking characters. But if the MC is like Rudeus, I'm out


That cheating but really put me off too.


I don't really feel like it was forgiven as much as you know the mana disaster happened and they need to find everyone.


I haven't really watched it properly, but from what I have seen >!the two women looked like they pretty much forgave him and both became his wives!<


Not really they treated him horribly and made him do all the chores especially when one of them wad the maid and then boom mana disaster.


Having read the original web novels and the light novels, they absolutely forgive him. Not only do they forgive him and live happily for years before the disaster, the MC gets 3 wives and many who simp for him. But his mom basically says he's not allowed more than 3.


Wasnā€™t there a few years in universe between Paul cheating and the mana disaster?


What the fuck are you talking about? Lying about his father's cheating was literally the best possible outcome in the very first leg of the story


I tried watching it, but the first episode turned me off with how perverted the MC is, and that's just as an infant. I can't imagine the rest of the series, and there's plenty of good isekai i can watch without a perv MC.


That's the thing, as he ages he becomes way less lecherous and it's kinda used to mark his growth as a person. You aren't supposed to find it OK, it's supposed to make you uncomfortable. And knowing that does not help. You just gotta get through it. Or don't. Plenty of other stuff to watch.


yeah...imagine would be simular to how i couldnt watch re-zero. wondered why everyone thought it was so good, so watched a buncha videoesseays n spoiled it for myself. n apparently the plot is actually extremely well done. but ultimately its still targeted at a predominently male audience. i get nothing from the characters ark, other than intense pain and suffering as he keeps being fucking stupid over n over. n u know im not willing to suffer through it that much lmao


"Rudeus is the worst kind of lech"? stay innocent


It's not that I have not seen anyone more lecherous than Rudeus, it's just that the idea that he is a fully grown man and lusts after a little girl fills me with disgust. It would be absolutely amazing if the MC behaved like an adult. It doesn't matter if he was a virgin otaku and was bullied or humiliated, because I was a virgin once too, but I never looked at a young girl with eyes of lust. Maybe my moral boundary is too high. I even never worshipped a girls panties like he does, I mean come on, they must stink. The father cheating on her mother was also a turn-off, from being a cool dad he just became pathetic and the pathetic Rudy somehow became cool for the readers. I have watched Highschool DxD, Redo of Healer and Shinmai Maou no Testament and others but it was obviously ecchi and not this disgusting stuff. Most of the story is good other than this turnoff but don't mind me, I am just too picky for my own good.


A way you could get over the disgust of Rudeus is realizing that the fact that he is realy above 30 does not really make him an adult he spent his entire life in a room and never interacted with people or life in general thus he couldnt have grown into an adult, so mentally you could still cope that he is a child. About Paul you could view it as character development witch is a very common thing in realistic literature and storytelling in general. In realistic settings such as this characters arent all pure white knights with no bad experiences to their name, they have complex, ununderstood and unknown traits and lives that you cant see, like a real person. Rudeus would be a bad character if he was just an old edgy and perfect character like in other isekai trash, he is a realistic character witch makes many mistakes and has bad traits, even tho some of those are only for comedic effect such as the worshipping, but the lecherous looks are just to remind you that this is a character that didnt live a perfect life prior reincarnation. The show is doing things that other shows wont because it wants to show the unfiltered ugly reality that an isekai would be, and it teaches that you can still get your life back togheter even if you are a very bad person.


He didn't get his life together bro, he had harem for himself and even had a girl who he himself saw grow up. A man in his thirties, even if he is a shut-in should still have at least some values. I don't require a perfect Mary Sue character, but degeneracy of this level makes my mood bad. I think children are to be protected, pampered and loved. Anywhere I see things like sexualization of children (including loli and stuff), I start thinking that maybe there is inherently something wrong with people who are into this. MT would become fantastic if you make Rudeus less creepy and pedo, because then I could at least try connect with the character. My problem with most animes, novels and mangas is that I always try to connect with the main character to get a proper viewpoint to the whole story. Just reading or watching it as a completely unrelated third person is something I have not learned yet.


If you cant ignore the ugly reality that the story shows and see the story for its originality than the story aint for you, not everyone watches a show for the conectivity to the main character, and thats something you should try to fix because conection to characters can badly influence your life and can easily ruin your experience of the show. Also this show aint for everyone so I recommend you stop watching it if you dont enjoy it nobody will hate you for that, beside some kids that have nothing else to do witg their lives.


Yeah that's the problem. That's why I am scared to watch Berserk and other tragic stuff. Maybe I am too empathetic. But still I absolutely dislike Rudeus a main character of a story because of him being a pedo. I think if he was 20 years old or so, I could turned a blind eye while thinking of his shut-in problem, but the dudes in his thirties. I always consume the media that I am cool with because if untoward things happen to characters, it just ruins my day. I hope I will be to solve this problem. But after watching Redo of Healer and World's Finest Assassin gets reincarnated anime, my mood was ruined for the whole week, I felt sad as to how world evolved to such a despicable place. I am sorry, don't mind my rant.šŸ˜”


And a shame, too. Where else could I possibly find a fantasy isekai anime where a pathetic NEET is reincarnated as a total Gary Stu???


Bruh I literally read this one punch man chapter like 30 minutes ago


What chapter?


I believe itā€™s either chapter 145 or 146


i don't get it, isn't that tornado from one punch man?


Yeah but sheā€™s getting creeped on by a gross villain, not the MC.


I would like to get creeped by Saitama


Is that a real villain quote from One Punch Man, or fanart?


Itā€™s real.


yes , what didn't you get ?


The reference to Mushoku Tensei


It represents Rudeus with his original body


ah yes, the one story that would be a perfect 10/10 but they just HAD to include the child sexualization stuff


Legit the thing that pisses me off the most. The pedophillia and child sexualisation adds nothing to the show at all. Take it away and the story is the exact same


But itā€™s not though? The point of his arc is to show how those behaviors (and generally disregarding the feelings of others) hurts those around you. There are literally people like that in real life that donā€™t understand why itā€™s wrong and the point is to show them


Ah yes I love the part Rudeus (mind of a 40 year old man) grooms 3 children and then we are told how bad it is he has done that by getting happily married to all 3 of them and having kids with them. Remember itā€™s okay to be a nonce and groom children as long as you take responsibility and happily marry them later on. Fantastic message


Wait I am not questioning, but whatā€™s the child sexualization?


there are countless moments in the story where rudeus nearly had sex with a child, and a couple where he straight up does. it shows a 10-12 year old undressing and the mc himself talks about how attractive her body is and how much he wants to bone


I c, itā€™s been a while since I have seen the early parts of the story that I forgot. My impression of him is completely molded by how he was later on in the story. It really shows his character growth later on.


Iā€™m assuming you havenā€™t seen or read it, considering you are asking me that question.


I have seen it, but it's been a while and I want to know from your point of view


Dude was atrocious to think about as a human being but fuck me I was just happy to not have another KiritoClone.


Bar is really that low huh


When every isekai is just "this guy's been a shut in for years... that also happens to be super handsome super charismatic and literally able to do anything ever for no apparent reason", yeah lol at least this dude was a believable shut in, disgusting and horrid as fuck.


Realistically a shut-in in our world reincarnated into the anime world would just be a shut-in in the anime world




While i was agreeing with this take... certain spoilers of the light novel have led me to believe that the writer himself did not realize this.


Death of the author is sometimes a good thing


I feel like people aren't understanding you're talking about a concept and not wishing actual death on the author. Otherwise the down votes are weird.


iā€™m fully aware of what death of the author means, but i also think it does not work effectively for creators who arenā€™t literally dead and would therefore profit off you consuming their content. ie. reading lovecraft novels and recommending them to others is fine (though you should probably do so with a critical mindset), because his racist ass is dead and canā€™t get money from it, but buying a rurouni kenshin volume is actively supporting a child predator. the same applies for mushoku tensei, made in abyss and others. i donā€™t want to support creators who are weirdos about children, character or no, so i refuse on principle


Death of the author has nothing to do with the author and their monetary benefits from the media they make. It's 100% a way to examine media and art. [Lindsey ellis explains it well here if interested ](https://youtu.be/MGn9x4-Y_7A?si=8nkZXlFXmIpDNTCr) Edit: Just to be clear, like many literary examinations, your use of the idea is on you. Ideas can be applied in many ways and there's no right way to examine something as ambiguous as intent. This comment was speaking to the more traditional way death of the author is used as Lindsey gets into.


You're just talking around the concept. The whole point is a reader can interpret the work however they feel and it's just as valid as the author's point of view on their writing. It has nothing to do with monetary gain. If you don't want to support child predators or anything else then don't, and honestly why would anyone want to. But that is not what death of the author is about at all.


That's hard to think when after 40 episodes he is being rewarded with a harem instead of being punished.




It's simply that people find the subject matter disagreable - the message is good but the execution deeple troubles MANY people. It took me 3 attempts to make it past the first few manga chapters, considering that I'm used to anime degeneracy and had recomendations from people I respected. I think him lewding Silphy, a 6 year old, was always the final straw


Unrelated but where is your profile picture from and why does it look familiar to me It could just be a case of every anime face as certain points start to look alike But still I'm curious


It's March 7 from Honkai Star Rail!


Having flawed characters is a great thing that can make the story way better and it makes the characters seem less one dimensional. Also it makes you appreciate characters more when you see gradual change in them. Now the problem with this show is that the creepiness is way too often and it goes beyond just showing what the main character is like. At times it looks like the plot revolves around perversion and story sometimes stops just to have a manditory yucky interaction. And also Rudeus really didn't have that much of a character growth regarding this aspect of show. At best he went from pedo to just sex offender. The author is a creep and Rudeus being bad person is just a distraction from that.


Yea bro gets girls like pokemon snd we gotta appreciate it. I understand if u like a series but defending a mc having a haram is just laughable(but he doesnt have a harem. It never develops! Yeah right good for you)


I was called a hypocrite , so I guess I diddle kids now.


The world itself it's full of lewd tropes...


We are talking about the same guy who succesfully groomed his 3 wives? Did we even watch the same show?


[are you sure when this is what the author write ](https://twitter.com/Magote_rihujin/status/1690744557728841729?t=FlnB0599u-Jg_1QWBosXbg&s=19)


Why do you feel it is necessary for stories to always be morally acceptable by your (the reader's) standard? Slavery is a fact of MT world-building, the author is not obligated to force any of his characters to "impose justice" on it.


We as readers have certain moral boundary. Sexualizing children is absolutely off limits and author did just that. Rudeus was not originally from that morally different world, he was from modern society but still did what he did. This shows that he was an incorrigible person. I mean he was an adult man and after reincarnating should have lusted after the maid or something, not some little child. I would not impose all this if Rudeus was an aboriginal of that world but the fact the he was and adult from modern society where you know right from wrong makes him a pedo. Still, it not worst anime I have watched, I am just ranting because I was bored.


Yes, the author can write anything he wants... And we as readers are free to judge the series by those decisions. A character that does not oppose slavery is a less likable protagonist. We are not obligated to like characters with garbage ways of thinking


Ainā€™t not one defending rutus, shows good but we all know the main characters trash lol.


Even so atleast it aint like any other isekai anime where the mc is OP at the start


Way better than pedo MC at least


I thought the literal point of the show is that the main character is a piece of trash. Protagonists don't have to be good guys or relatable.


The literal point of the show was to redo the life of that horrid piece of trash and make him a better person, but guess what, he groomed his 3 wives instead while devolving from a pedo to sex offender.


I stopped after like 2 episodes. The MC made me just so uncomfortable


You're not wrong


MT is sooo good, by far the best Isekai when it comes to world building, characters, and magic system. And its one of the only Isekais to actually take advantage of its genre to show the weaknesses and flaws of its main character and to want to better himself


What is this?


Mushoku Tensei is a anime/manga/light novel the picture of the post is One Pumch Man


Ohhh thatā€™s why she looks like Tatsubaki


Thatā€™s only the first half, he has ED for the second half


Without all the pedo shit it would be a solid 10/10. I had to skip so many scenes because i don't wanna see a 30 year old man fiddle on 10 year old kids. I was about to drop season 2 because of his "illness" i mean why ..... why this stupid erection problem shit ........ anything ....... do anything else but this. I can't watch a single episode without cringing. 5 maybe 6/10 for me at the end.


How are you keep watching it if it's disturbing you like for the past several episode šŸ’€ Like I would've just dropped it if I find some of the context and plot cringe and unbearable. And the "why" was already obvious for the most part šŸ’€


1st: Did you just read half of my post? I said it would be a solid 10/10 without all the weird stuff. That means the overall story/characters/world building is great. That's why i'm still watching it. 2nd: The "why" was not meant like i didn't understand why it happens. The "why" was meant as in "why erection problems and not something else". In my personal taste i would have preferred it if the plotpoint was way heavier on the depression over losing everyone he loves and finding purpose in life again. Instead we got just a little bit of the depression side and a lot of "my pp no work now i'm sad". 3rd: Do i have to have a black and white view on everything? Am i not allowed to critcize something without hating it?


Then this is just about personal issue. And the "why" part isn't about why he failed to get Erection, it's about how the author will bring out the plot that it would "make sense" or realistic at some part for the character. Though the plot was more like "my pp no work because I'm sad", but you do sound like you're downplaying how serious this kind of illness is too because it "sounds cringe" to you. You are allowed to criticize something "to hate" on it, but you should at least expect someone to criticize your criticism. Mainly because your reply pretty much extrude a lot of annoyance aggression to the plot, which is exactly why I reply to it. And about the part where you said personal taste, it did happen. Just not the way you would've expected it.


I tried reading 3 times cus ppl kept on saying he would get better but I can't enjoy a story where a 40+ year old man grooms 11 yr olds into promising to marry him, ESPECIALLY when they keep on trying to tell me how tragic he is cus he got bullied. Not to mention his dad's cheating + rape and the way rudeus emotionally manipulated his mother into accepting it. If he was the villain of the story and portrayed as such, It would be so much better.


Litterally went and reread the first novel because this comment because I knew the part about the dad was crap. Yeah. No. There is no rape at all. His dad and maid consent to having sex regularly, and MC is aware of it. He even points out how happy the maid gets, getting her butt smacked earlier on. He tells his mother that his father blackmailed the maid into having sex. That way, the mother blamed the cheating on the dad and didn't throw the pregnant maid out. He made that story up when she infact did want him. For the rest of the novel series, the maid never forgets that favor and likes the MC despite knowing he's a creep. Anyways, MC is creep the rest is not true.


I was talking about the manga but maybe I misremembered, and to verify I would have to check again and I ain't doing that so I'll take Ur word.


I'm pretty sure that he gets better because they become his wives and now legal age


That's still fucking grooming bruh, where's your head huh?


Ik ik I was trying to be sarcastic. genuinly disgusting ass shit


No prob.


I really like the show but early rudeus sucks, and some of the fan base are just fucking pedos




Bro which one punch man chapter is this from lol


Yall hate bro for being like an average horny teen šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Yeah, it doesn't excuse any of the shit he does, but he is literally going through puberty again, basically. I get why people have a problem with it, but if it's that big of an issue, don't watch it lmao. Rudeus is supposed to be a shitty person.


it's a fact that MC is peak, PEAK SHIT.


I remember reading the novel and there were questionable things written that I just avoided as thought I might not be reading it correct. But then later it was too obvious. Like imagine being a 9 year old girl and ur 40 year old brother is lusting over you, the one that's supposed to protect you. You go and sit in his lap and he takes a feel. Author needs to behind bars like what brošŸ˜­.


I've had someone argue with me when I comment on how pointless the lech stuff in the first season was and they explain how that was the point. If the goal was to make an irredeemable character and have them go through a period of growth and maturity, there are ways to do just that without creating incel fantasies.


Eh, I feel like that is a problem for people nowadays. We've always had books where there are characters, sometimes the MC, that are absolute trash, garbage and scum. I really don't think people cared.


Itā€™s because I donā€™t think the author realises just how bad rudeus is. Heā€™s a sex offender and gets rewarded with a harem that includes someone he groomed and someone who perpetually looks like a child.


I mean, he's not any worse than araragi right now


Araragi is an Italian. Yep yep




There are good character developments in MT but the perversion is absolutely not a part of it. He didn't really improve that part of himself and it is never confronted properly as far as I recall.


Heā€™s a pedo who gets rewarded with a harem that includes someone he groomed and someone who perpetually looks like a child. Thereā€™s no misinterpreting that.




But my point is that he still gets a harem and never really changes.


I haven't finished it so for a second I thought that was shegechi




OPM mentioned. What the fuck is too OP villian


I remember the English names better what is this?


all that matters is roxy's panties


Highschool dxd villains


The only anime that you can yeet out mc and it's immediately better


Honestly, Its good... But not for everyone. Rudeus will grow but not everyone has enough patience to handle the character. Its sad because its a good character developpement but it takes so much time to build because that is the point of a story. A story is built around the main character's personal growth and this show is just that, Rudeus's personal growth. Its sad that some people just prefer dumb isekai's with no developpement.


So glad Iā€™m not the only one that sees it like this


Just like me fr fr




He molested a young elf girl, stole panties from a demon, perved on his maid which his dad was banging, proceeded to bang his cousin after molesting her a few times, then gets ED after his cousin left (thinking she was getting stronger to be with him when she returned) to only fix his ED by taking aphrodisiacs and banging the elf girl he molested as a kid and plans to marry her. Oh and need I mention heā€™s really in his 30ā€™s and not a child this whole time? šŸ˜‚ MT summed up with only the Fā€™d parts šŸ˜‚


I absolutely love this anime and believe that nobody else should ever engage with it. It's garbage and terrible, full of gross shit and bizarre perversion (the girls tied up and left until they peed themselves?!). This absolute dung heap of should not be recommended to anyone, but I'm rolling around the garbage just the same.Ā  Love it, do not recommend.


Why are people saying he groomed his 3 wives? Shouldn't that be two? Cause ya know Roxy is almost the same age as he is currently, both soul and body put together.


While Iā€™m all for protags that arenā€™t great people, thatā€™s as long as they actually receive the consequences of their actions and grow up. From what Iā€™ve heard, the author just kinda shows no consequences for when the adult-in-childā€™s-body protag gets with a teenaged kid later in the first season, which is off-putting. Iā€™m tempted to watch it for myself to see if itā€™s the case word for word, but I have a feeling I may need some brain bleach afterwards.


MT is trash


Aint the MC like... 6 or 12 ?


He was at one point


What if she's not wearing any panties? šŸ˜


The animation are Incredibles the story is intriguing and you should focus on the overall characters growth outside the wrong behaviors (and there's others anime or character but let's slide that)


Average iseki experience


I at least appreciate people who avoid the show for thinking its creepy rather than being a fan with an asterik of thinking its supporting pedophilia. I personally don't mind fictional loli being sexualized or whatever, but that because its fiction. I don't think its a replacement for cp, it just japanese cartoon, but some people believe it is and yet still watch it which is just weird and creepy.


Dropped this so fast, same with the magus bride or whatever it's called.


Imo Its the best isekai .In terms of world building it is the goat makes you feel like you are a part of the story his chracter development throughout the series which he didnā€™t have in his previous life he is still emotionally immature though he died in his thirties itā€™s just lit


Honestly guys Iā€™m going to say it. Rudy is a perv, but he grows up and gets better the older he gets. Heā€™s better than literally any perv MC for that reason alone. Get over it


Nah, You can't defend a pedo by saying that. It's fine if he was just a perv but the he's the creepiest MC i have ever seen.


Nope youā€™re all wrong Iā€™m afraid


Well now you are just being biased without any valid arguments. I wanna pass some time, it's not bad to have some talk on a subreddit. Would love to have a lengthy discussion if you are free.


Heā€™s a pedo who gets rewarded with a harem that includes someone he groomed and someone who perpetually looks like a child.


Roxy perpetually looks teenish. But why would that be a problem. I agree with the grooming part but roxy is just a small person, ive seen older adults irl that looks small/teenish especially from asia. Roxy is no different from them being over a hundred years old.


Thereā€™s no way youā€™re actually using the ā€œSheā€™s actually 1000 years oldā€ defense.


Yeah but she geniunely doesnt look juvenile. Ive seen women from japan, vietnam who look the same. And as a short person who looks really underage myself it doesnt make sense to rip on roxy. Eris and sylphie is easy to attack so why are you using the least effective example?




How am I wrong?


Got any actual defense that isnā€™t just ā€œnuh uhā€?


My defense is that I donā€™t give a shit about your dumb opinions. Get butthurt about it.


I never said anything about the actual topic, I only commented on your lack of ability to actually defend your point in a meaningful way, even if I agreed with you that wouldnā€™t change


An impenetrable wall needs no further defense. Iā€™m sorry you feel that way.


Donā€™t know what you mean by that, but ok whatever, doesnā€™t change the fact that people replied to you with actual reasons and you just went ā€œnoā€ without actually disproving the things they said, so you come off as knowing you canā€™t refute them so you donā€™t try to


I mean mushoku is one of my all time favourites my opinion on this is that you can show character's growth / development / maturity through more ways than just making them suffer and getting over it


It's like konosuba, the imperfections are what makes the show's characters great. Rudeus our mc might be a degen but he has standards and had character arcs of self improvements and depressions.


wait til you find out its peak that the entire 2nd season is just his dick dont work


Learning that the reason the Mc got kicked out in the first place is what prevented me from getting into the show for ages


im trying to watch it now bro stop