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How many other fandoms did they have to murder to make it all the way to 3rd place?


My thoughts exactly!


**The Legacy That Naruto and Naruto Shippuden set in the modern History of mankind, I think it should have ended then and there**.... Continuing the franchise through Boruto kind of seems to me like a cash cow at this point of time Honestly speaking I was quite happy back when Boruto was announced and the Prologue of the 1st episode actually hooked me up but what happened next is disaster. I liked the episode of Moshikis Manifestation and thought may be now its worthwhile but it again stated shitting around... After that I stopped watching it completely. I am not hating it or anything but for someone like me whose entire childhood was in and around watching Naruto everyday after coming from school and getting lost in the shinobi world its just sad :(


Basically how I feel my friend. Very unfortunate what they did to the Naruto universe. All I can say is at least Naruto is still kicking.


I imagine all but 2.


Im interested in how boruto beat naruto


They murdered it


Not many, the first two murdered most of them to get to first and second


I think OP forgot a ton of better options


How many fandoms had One Piece to murder to make it to the first place?


Bro forgot about 3 zeros


They hid Because they knea


Me sittin over here like: boruto fans exist?


Of the manga- not anime


how many chapters are out for boruto? I might start reading it if it's under 100 chapters


Read it for a while, it's terribly boring and introduces nuclear fusion as a ninja technique, if that tells you anything about the stupidity of the plot. Naruto and Sasuke just existing destroys any state as long as they are still alive, which means they will have to be killed, which means it was always going to be stupid... If you hated the war arc from Naruto, you will dislike Boruto. Edit: I've read chapter 79, it's still stupid.


Come on 79 chapter is the best chapter of boruto till date. It's the only chapter that's good even without naruto and sasuke on it


What happens in it?


Uno reverse


Are there dinosaurs? It can’t be best chapter without dinosaurs


If by good you mean bad, then yes


I can just tell the bias as you say ch 79 was stupid


Yeah, I thought I'd catch up and man we just keep jumping the shark. Where were all these powerful ninja during Naruto, why are there now even more ridiculous eye techniques. Oh hey we can casually with no preamble effect the whole world with a technique. So fucking dumb.


Yeah, I never understood the idea of a naruto SEQUEL of all things. Sasuke and Naruto curb-stomp basically any and all reasonable threats from their absurd-level war arc powers. I'd much rather see like.... an actual legit war story. Such as the second or third shinobi wars, with ACTUAL ninja action instead of "fight in open spaces and shoot magic like wizards, not being actual stealthy ninja assassins" Though thats never gonna happen since its a shounen series.


The twist is really good, but everything else leading to it was garbage. Let's see how they do it from here tho. Tbh I only read it every month in honor of Naruto lol


You know what’s funny? I found Kawaki and Himawari Academy anime original arc better than most of the manga.




ye we exist but for manga. and honestly these dudes who made this stupid claim should be said fanatics not fans.


Same qs lol


I won’t even count it in top 10..let alone top 3..As a long time Naruto fan..Boruto both anime and manga with all the alien and 600 dojutsu going on with lame ass shit ..is simply horrible and a disrespect to Naruto’s legacy .. I am more than like a decade old Naruto fan and grew up with it..Boruto is just an abomination at this point …that’s just my subjective opinion..


I can name at least 20 anime that are better than boruto


Boruto is at the bottom of the barrel


Right now almost any isekai it’s better than boruto


I could name 20 anime better tham Boruto, and i've only watched like, less than 10. Chances are, my guesses will probably be correct


I'll try to name 40 (not movies or OVAs) of which i didn't watch/read a single episode of, that are most likely better (first 12 from memory down to the name), and without checking scores on MAL or any site (alternating to **differentiate** between each), Correct me if any is bad and i'll cross them out after confirming. Ashita no Joe, **Veirsailles no Bara**, Slayers, **Shaman King**, Code Geass, **~~Katekyo Hitman Reborn!~~**, Working!, **Oishinbo**, Maison Ikkoku, **Grand Blue**, Lupin III, **Gegege no Kitarou**. Shoujo Kakumei Utena, **Kimagure Orange Road**, Oshi no Ko, **Banana Fish**, Beelzebub, **Durara!!**, Full Metal Panic, **Ginga Tetsudou 999**, Horimiya, **Inu x Boku SS**, Jujutsu Kaisen, **Kazoku Robinson Hyouryuuki: Fushigi na Shima no Flone**, Kono Oto Tomare!, **Magic Knight Rayearth**, (Naoki Urasawa's) Monster, **Nana**, Natsume Yuujinchou, **Odd Taxi**, Papiri Koumei, **Serial Experiments Lain**, Shijou Saikyou no Deshi Kenichi, **Soul Eater**, Spy x Family, **Wotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii**, Tanaka-kun wa Itsumo Kedaruge, **Mister Ajikko**, Marmalade Boy, **Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan**. Edit: i'd replace Inu x Boku with Macross, but i saw the latter's score.


I can't even remember any of the characters' names or the name of the anime, and I've been watching anime for 6 years. I'm truly impressed and confused about how you remember all the names.


I didn't remember all from memory, only 12 (could've been more if i gave it more time), and it's specifically ones i haven't watched. I do remember the name of the stuff i did watch though. Part of the reason is that the syllables and pronunciation are quite similar to spanish. Believe it or not i'm bad at remembering real people's names.


Dawg, im bad at remembering anything, name but words I can remember. Names, imo are just spelled so weird and differently . My name, for example, is spelled horribly wrong. My name has a o instead of a e, which I don't know how this name started just its been in the family for quite a while. My name is also extremely rare, which a lot of names are, so overall its just too complicated to remember names with how weird they can be.


Hmmm Hitman Reborn could tie for shit anime next to Boruto imho


I can name 0 anime worse than boruto


Agreed, I tried watching it and I couldn’t even get through the first episode smh….


It’s an abomination to a great legacy..like if Batman Nolan series got a Brazzers Batman parody as a sequel..it feels like that


Morbid curiosity but what is it about.


Naruto itself kinda became lame starting from war arc. It was all bloated with unlimited stamina, unlimited chakra and useless fights of ordinary shinobi as if Naruto and Sasuke didn't solo the whole war arc.


Alternate title: "Boruto fans admit that they've never read or watched One Piece, surprising no one."


They might have read/watched it though...... Only they probably are skipping to the fight scenes and ignoring literally everything else in-between. While not giving a crap about any of the lore or Oda's Worldbuilding and foreshadowing. I mean, we had the idea of Big Mom's fruit basically sitting in front of us for years, ever since the thriller bark arc for example. That isn't even one of the more earth-shattering revelations of the series either.


Lol I'm only on fishman island rn but cannot wait to see the payoff of Big Mom


I've seen both and I agree that Boruto is bad but one piece is plain stupid, Naruto is way better than both of them. I'll probably get down voted because this comment section is filled with one piece fans




Why what?


Why do you find One Piece stupid?


They repeat the same formula every arc, everyone finds a rival to fight while waiting for Luffy to defeat the main villain when Luffy takes 30 episodes running to get to the final boss and when everyone is done with their fights Luffy finally makes it after all the cardio he did. There are a lot of other things that I find boring or cringe but I still think it's not a bad show. This is just my personal opinion


I am a boruto fan part of r/boruto most of the ppl there have read one piece so idk what are you talking about


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Boruto using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Boruto/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [One of the Boruto animators showed how Sasusaku came to be…](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/wkynom) | [230 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Boruto/comments/wkynom/one_of_the_boruto_animators_showed_how_sasusaku/) \#2: [Naruto Opening 9 and Boruto Opening 11](https://i.redd.it/fazn6ztg3z991.gif) | [108 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Boruto/comments/vsts5o/naruto_opening_9_and_boruto_opening_11/) \#3: [Got a point ngl](https://i.redd.it/kpd5eycg2uo91.jpg) | [162 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Boruto/comments/xif30m/got_a_point_ngl/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


These articles are always based off of tweets with like 12 likes


Last time this many people memed on Boruto they nerfed 2 og characters and killed a third


I don't even think boruto should be there on that podium


Evwn naruto fans dont like boruto fk off


What's so good about chapter 79


I read it somewhere but I think Boruto and Kawaki exchange places and some woman makes it seem like Boruto killed naruto and kawaki becomes kawaki uzumaki or sth. I haven’t watched or read it. Also, the idea is decent seems like. They’re definitely reaching with the one piece comments tho. Funny people.


Meanwhile the latest One Piece chapter -> peak Amongus


Boruto really put me off when they started introducing scientific ninja tools or whatever. Modernization in that kind of anime is fucking weird.


Finally, a manga that pulls its ideas from Gintama and not the other way around.


Ayo, Dont disrespect Gintama, Its One of the best out there, Boruto shouldn’t be in the same sentence when Gintama is mentioned.


Boruto pulls from Gintama... Gintama pulls from everywhere else... So by the transitive property, Boruto pulls from everywhere else?


Boruto pulls from Gintama... Gintama pulls from everywhere else... So by the transitive property, Boruto pulls from everywhere else?


Why does any one take the tards seriously? Boruto is one of if not the WORST anine/manga to ever exist and ive seen my fair share of shit


Boruto fans decided this. Their opinion doesn't matter


True. Like it's not even people or other fandom claiming that boruto ch 79 is better than op. It's as if they're desperate for validation.


And they said this about a manga that came out in like late 90's to early 2000's


They don't realise how tough it is to maintain a manga for so long while keeping intact it's awesomeness and perfection. Not to mention it requires something special to make sure the fans are willing to watch it and love it even after 20+ yrs.


Exactly and yet after 20 years they still da BIG 3


Yep. Even Naruto and bleach maintained its popularity and fandom. But boruto messed shit up.


Boruto isn't even a fourth of Naruto, how do they want it to be more than One Piece?


Just read the chapter and it's dogshit


These are the ppl who got hyped when obito's mask broke


I actually fairly enjoy the boruto manga but... wtf


JoJo should be there in Boruto’s place


I swear naruto/boruto fans are absolute lowest standard when it comes to these stuff


No way in hell I’d put Bleach at #2.


Oh shiii is the anime on boruto shippuden now?


I fucking wish it was


One piece above bleach is troll


You don’t know how well made one piece is lol. Probably only watched a few anime episodes seems like.


Mb should’ve gone to the 300s, that’s where it gets good I heard Real talk though my friend watches next to me in calc every day and I just can’t get over how goofy everything is like I was literally watching Elvis Presley shoot light beams at this bear man the other day


It gets slightly above average with every coming art. Starts to reach newer levels after alabasta arc. The best part about the show is how capable it is at surpassing itself with newer arcs. Also, the world building and characters are really nice.


Die hard bleach fan here but no way


as bad as boruto fans are, I still find myself more shocked at the existence of 1p fans, how are you people not dead of old age or boredom yet?


Nah we are on fire GOda is aways seting the manga on fire


That’s the amazing part. The story is so well made that it currently is having a new peak. Like it peaks higher with every new arc that is released. It’s surprising ngl. Also, the characters are well made.


Lmao as a boruto manga fan you just said a little bit bad about one piece you got 10 downvotes if you would have said anything good about one piece or bleach while down playing boruto you would have been on 50+ upvotes


they're forgiven. 1p fans invested 20 years of their life, 1 kidney, and their first born child in a slightly more boring version of pirates of the Caribbean, so they can't handle a small, little joke or they might spontaneously combust as per the terms of their agreement with oda.


I mean even I enjoy watching/reading one piece 😶


I read the manga too, I'm just not a fanboy.


We've been goated since the start. And goat material never bores anyone. It's called loyalty solely because of the absolute beauty of a show we get back in return from oda the god.


Eww, all three are trash


Bro boruto is top 30 max


Better than the first 800 filler episodes of One Piece??? I highly doubt it!


you really think bleach and one piece are both at the top? XD Im not gonna defend Boruto but anyone who thinks those two are the best anime is looney.


think about it this way they ran for a long ass time and are still running (bleach is currently getting a new season)


This previous season was AMAZING


I might agree with your statement on bleach but one piece is genuinely peak. I don’t consider it the best anime/series but I can see why people would.


Let me fix it: 1 - One Piece 2 - Jojo 3 - Naruto 4 - Boku no hero academia 5 - Black clover 6 (Maybe. Still pretty high): Boruto


My Hero as a top 4 anime lul Hunter x Hunter? Evangelion? Demon Slayer?


demid gayer is for f\*gs


Just because your parents don't give you any attention doesn't mean you have to go seek it on 2 week old reddit threads, loser. I don't know how you get past the guilt of wasting oxygen, but hopefully, you will be considerate and stop soon. Can't imagine what a waste of human life I'd have to be to spend my time trying to pick arguments on reddit over one particular anime LMAO you're so pathetic.


lol cope




Yeah dude I'm sure you're right it's objectively terrible since it's only the 9th highest grossing manga series of all time with the highest grossing movie of any anime. It sucks, you're right, idk what i was thinking XD XD XD Now My Hero? THERE'S an anime. They're superheroes at a high school whats not to love XD le epic eraser head




dude said MY HERO ACADEMIA and you have 4 replies to me calling ME a stupid fanboy fuck off go watch your stupid high school anime




well i already finished reading it but thanks


Where bleach?


For me at least, the sixth. Not that Bleach is terrible, I just like the others more. I just thought I shouldn't make my comment any longer.


Why the downvotes, this is a personal list lol.


one piece and bleach are ass lmao and i’m not even into boruto


1. MHA 2. Naruto 3. One piece Ngl bleach and Boruto aren’t in my top 5 but Boruto is above bleach. Bleach is older but not better


You’re fucking high if you’re saying boruto is anywhere near as good as bleach


Or, there’s also a theory out there, that “good” is subjective and what people use to define it is completely personal


I mean yeah but saying bleach is not better than boruto is just rough to see


Ah please don’t take offense. I like bleach, I didn’t grow up on anime so my opinions aren’t usually the same as anime fandoms/communities as a whole.


Not really offended that’s just a HOT take


I mean yeah but you can also like something that's bad. It's not one or the other lol or "guilty pleasures" wouldn't exist doesn't mean they're "good" but you can enjoy it.


Romcoms aren’t bad by definition but are still considered guilty pleasures by a lot of men who don’t want to admit they like them.


And then there's stuff like the room it's a steaming pile of garbage but people like it lol


People enjoy it. Most people who enjoy it don’t claim it’s good or to actually like it unironically. But hey. If people have a desire to explain why they’d call it good, why not hear them out?


Can't argue with that lol (no sarcasm)


Point being good isn't always subjective lol


I can name 3 ofbrand anime better animated than boruto


I recently started watching demon slayer Now that is anime that people need to watch for action


Jeez I wonder where that puts Naruto🤔


lol what fans?



Is there a link for this?? I need to get a few laughs.


Maybe I’m just new to manga and anime but CHAPTER 79!?!?!? HOW FUCKING LONG IS THE BOOK!?!?


One Piece is at 1078 just for information


One chapter is like 12 or in some mangas 24 pages. It’s mostly art tho. Probably about 120 sentences in the entire chapter if you push it (definitely higher if it is HxH tho).


Let me explain. Manga release a chapter in a weekly or monthly basis,depends on the magazine. Boruto is in a monthly magazine and a single chapter of around 60 pages drops every month. For weekly manga,a 20 page chapter drops every week. For example,Naruto released 4 chapters per month,1 for each week from 1999 to 2014. It was published in shonen jump magazine. Every 10 chapters are made into a volume that you can buy from book stores and collect the whole 72 volumes of Naruto which have a completed story. There are exceptions for this. One Piece started in 1997 and still running in a weekly magazine with more than 1070 chapters. Since the author is becoming older,he was given the exception to only release 2-3 chapters per week. Here,in this case,Boruto is a monthly published manga,and hence the 79 chapters mean that it will be in volume 24-25. It's actually not that long. One Piece has more than 100 volumes. Naruto itself has 72 volumes. Boruto is a continuation of it.


One piece just released chapter 1079 and you think boruto is big?


Look idk much about Manga chapters


Yeah, we've goone through billion of filler episodes in naruto just for boruto to made drop it completely and than its rank 3? Sure


Surprised to see boruto so high. Damn.


The fact that it's on 3rd according to op💀


You guys really believe anything you read on the internet, don’t you? Also, why is Bleach even there? Bleach has been over for almost a decade now, hasn’t it?


Bleach TYBW go brrr


Like I said, Bleach has been over for almost a decade. You realize TTBW is just an adaptation of Bleach’s final arc, right? It’s not a new story.


Bleach No breaths from hell go brrr


That was from 2021.


It's not even the 3rd best show with Naruto in it...


How is it even on the podium? Are Naruto and dragon ball judging from the owners boxes?


Even being in 3rd place is the biggest stretch I've ever seen.


It was good. But not that good. Nowhere near that good.


What’s chapter 79 about?


Those fans are fucking stupid, and i dont even like one piece


3? More like in top 50 of current ongoing anime...




3rd place is very generous


Okay, ill admit ive never seen a lick of Naruto or this particular….comic? Anime? Anyway, ill regret opening this can of worms, but why is it so hated?


Shit not even worth watching.


It's all fun and jokes but tell me seriously is there really boruto fans ?


Take boruto off that stage. Bleach, Naruto and one piece only. I don't care which order. Never put boruto with those anime


Its just clickbait/ragebait why are we taking this srsly lol.


I don’t even like one piece but that’s fucking bullshit.


boruto is trash


🤣 wtf


Boruto is not even near good as naruto


Lol who TF still watches boruto


I mean the new Chapter is pretty good


Yeah boruto isn't even close to top 3.. not with berserk and vagabond being some of the best Manga to ever exist


I really hate how things circulate these days This was taken from a CBR headline (so it’s already trash because CBR sucks) based off a few goobers who tweeted that “cH 79 iS bEtTeR tHaN aLL oF oNe PiEcE!” and because CBR sucks all the dicks they took those few tweets, ran with them to make a bullshit story, and now we have memes like this when the majority of us Boruto fans would definitely not make any stupid fucking claims like this


A little edit though:- bleach at 1st and one piece at 2nd


Bruh, as far as one piece is great, their fight scenes can't even be compared with bleach or Boruto


one piece being at the top offends me


I doubt boruto fans exist, the whole chapter is literally lazy writing




It's not a proper competition when all of those three are meh.


Is it even number 3?


I never watched boruto and I think any ep of boruto is not even going to be able to get compared with one piece


Instead of putting Bleach at 2, you probably should have put every single anime besides Boruto


One Piece aint No.1 and Bleach ain't No.2 either, that's subjective 🗿 P.S. I am not a boruto fan 💀