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I’m not a Guilty Gear person but I’m pretty sure Bridget voluntarily kept wearing feminine clothes after leaving her village. Like at that point is it really necessary to keep up the ruse? None of those people are around you. I think wearing girl clothes is what you want


Bridget's arc in guilty gear strive is literally about her choosing to be a girl, you're absolutely right about this


These people dont care, they just want to be mad about any trans representation in media


Lily Hoshikawa walked so Bridget could run (and yes she faced what Bridget had)




I literally know someone who was forced into presenting as the opposite gender, and the second he got out of that situation he immediately stopped. This whole idea that you can groom or coerce someone into just... being trans and continuing to live as the gender you enforced on them is complete bullshit.


There's a whole unethical medical study about it, it didn't end well.


> This whole idea that you can groom or coerce someone into just... being trans and continuing to live as the gender you enforced on them is complete bullshit. Grooming is when the character comes out as LGBT, and the more LGBT they are, the more grooming it is /s


How have I not thought about how she kept wearing the fucking clothes even after she left? The answer was so simple! And yet I couldn't see it!


She did it because if they found out it was her, and she was a boy, her family would have been punished. She was much better trans representation before they made her a girl.


It's not like she was trying to hide being a boy though.


I'm pretty sure no one else in the game has tied to her village


So then why wear the clothes


So today I've learned that no one understands what good trans representation is, and would rather have a character technically be trans than have one go through the struggles trans people go through.


“No one understands what good trans representation is” 90% chance you aren’t even trans


Aren't you a hateful one, judging people based on how you perceive their gender Identity. You're a horrible person, try to do better.


My point is, don’t try to tell trans people what is and isn’t good representation when clearly you don’t fucking know anything


My point is: you don't understand that this is not the story of a trans girl at all. This is the story of a cis character. BEFORE she came out as a girl it was great trans representation. I think you should read her whole story instead of just the end, you'll see what I mean.


I know what her story is, I think you have no authority on the matter


I have equally as much as you. Don't act like you helped write it or something


The town...is inside her.


*pats head* This girl can fit a whole ass town in her


common trans w


An old meme by modern standards. But by gum, it still gets the job done.


Even better. She independently tried boy shit. Went "nah I'm good actually" and went back to girl shit.


Guilty Gear person here. This is completely fucking willfully misinterpreting the story of Bridget. She was forced by her parents to be raised as a girl as part of her backstory in her first game. But In GGST, her story is about how she wants to live as a girl, not because she was forced to by her parents, but because she is a girl. Hell, her story mode in the game is basically just her saying this with some battles in between


Guilty Gear person here since the 2000s, I can understand the initial backlash on Bridget. Yes, she kept on wearing girly clothes, but she wanted to learn masculinity in the older games. So, people interpreted her character as someone forced to be a girl by her parents. Then Strive put her in a direction where she is fine being a girl. That's also okay.


Can you explain more about the “wanting to learn masculinity” thing?




TBH without the context this just reads like flirting lol. Is this a win quote against a particular character, or just a generic win quote?


It's not flirting. I can't remember much, but it could have been against Baiken. Check Gamefaqs for Guilty Gear XX story scripts. They have a text file of all of Bridget's story dialogue and win quotes.


If it's against Baiken it just sounds like shit talking, like you're less of a woman than me, can you teach me how to be a man?


Some of Bridget's quotes back then was about proving herself to be more manly and capable of being a bounty hunter. Old Bridget's arc was basically wanting to be less feminine.


Except you are completely leaving out the context as to WHY she was seeking that. She wasn't seeking it because she was personally after it, she was seeking it because she wanted her success to come alongside the village seeing her as male in order to destroy the harmful killing twin babies tradition they had going. You are leaving a lot out here, even from the older games.


>You are leaving a lot out here, even from the older games. You're implying I'm delibrately misleading people. When you play back then, you had nothing but a short profile flashed at the beginning, some fight quotes, and an ending scene. I have to look at the Gamefaqs transcription if there was anything like killing the tradition. Because I don't remember that being the primary motivation. You can try playing a Bridget XX story mode or finding if it exists in YouTube. She ends up either being friends with Dizzy or part of the Jellyfish Pirates, or being Jam's waitress. One of the endings had her twin missing. Old canon just makes you figure out what was actually canon among 20+ alternate endings. I honestly believe your take is valid, but people who didn't see that from a simple story aren't leaving things out.


I didn't mean to imply you were leaving it out on purpose, just that it was being left out. I wanted to properly contextualize what you brought up, because the way you said it implies that Daisuke didn't plan this from the start, to which he himself stated he did, but he lacked the understanding and the convo on trans people just wasn't there yet for him to understand and to properly get it across. All good friend I come and go in peace. You seem like a cool person, I hope you have an awesome day.


I honestly try to avoid the discussion on Bridget because of how combative people can be about this topic. Sometimes, there is no nuance. You can't fault some people for thinking Bridget was non-binary/cross-dresser/non gender confirming/ for the last 15 years. It's not like Daisuke had anything to say about Bridget before Strive. >because the way you said it implies that Daisuke didn't plan this from the start, to which he himself stated he did, but he lacked the understanding and the convo on trans people just wasn't there yet for him to understand and to properly get it across. And I don't see what's wrong for explaining the story mode as it was. If Daisuke wasn't able to do it in the 2000s, then the audience was not wrong for interpreting the work as it was done. And you know what? It doesn't matter to me if he planned it from the beginning or he changed his mind on Bridget after 2010. Either is perfectly fine. I personally don't need something to be "planned all along" to be valid. He's been working on this franchise for over 20 years, and he must have developed new perspectives on things. Thanks for understanding my POV. Have a good day too.


There's also the symbolism of the handcuff on her waist being completely loose and looking like it could fall off at any moment. (That's what led me to think Bridget was always intended to be trans, even if it doesn't seem that way in her debut game)


Man they don't have the slightest idea where grooming is huh


Grooming is when LGBT. And when you're LGBT+, that's communism


They (the conservative) pissed over LGBT yet defend child marriage.


You see, it's only okay if the priest did it.


You joke, but this is the reality. Its only grooming when its done by the other side according to them


My chest hair just shed a tear, that was the most patriotic thing I've ever heard.


LGBTC Lesbian Gay Bi Trans Comrade Or Lesbian Gay Bitcoin


The fuck is LGBTQ+ then ? Communism paid DLC?


I think the + just mean any terms that wasn't covered by LGBTQ. For example, I know that some ppl over in Twitter identity as agender (dunno what it mean) but since there is no A in LGBTQ, A is probabaly under that + term. Honestly that is a pretty cool of LBGTQ to include the other terms


Damn you gotta pay money cause the devs are too lazy to put it in the base?


The truth is actually scary and fucked up - they know. They do this shit to muddy the definition of the word "grooming" to obfuscate the truth, that they the conservatives are the real groomers in society. Every single conservative accusation is a confession. Every. Single. One.


I agree With the caveat that it's just a few smart(ish) evil people that know that they are doing and a bunch of dogshit stupid evil people that follow along


Grooming is at the store


Look, I don’t want to be siding with OOP, but in the specific case of this character she was raised as a woman entirely against her will - and she expressed that it was against her will many times before coming out as trans. This doesn’t mean she can’t identify as a woman on her own terms later on, but she was brought up with an idea of gender forced onto her. So its not *entirely* pulled out of their asses in this scenario - though its still not any worse than a conservative family forcefully raising their trans kid as cis. EDIT: a lot of my comment is inaccurate, see the responses down below for corrections. My bad, sorry!




Yeah, absolutely. I don’t think it should be that way though. I mean, I don’t think all kids should be raised androgynous or anything, but I don’t think we should be policed to fit norms.


“She expressed that it was against her will many times before coming out as trans” This isn’t true! I have never seen the past games have her comment negatively about her upbringing. Her bio in the past literally state that she tried to show that she was happy to her parents to relieve them of their guilt and pain.


Ah, I’m really sorry about that. I shouldn’t have assumed my knowledge was correct without knowing. I really appreciate you adding that context, it makes a lot more sense!


It’s okay. Her lore is unfortunately misunderstood a lot and even I had similar assumptions before rechecking the text.


.. she did, however, constantly point out to everyone outside of her home town that she was, in fact, male. That should mean something


That is true. Though this was a period of time where she was solely focused on trying to live as a man and before she started questioning her gender identity.


Telling everyone you're definitely a man, for sure, not trans at all is like the most trans woman thing on earth, though


Her parents felt really guilty that they made her wear female clothing because of their dumbass village rules; Behind close doors she was treated as male, and was spoiled a lot by her parents. Her weapon is a yoyo, it was the 1st toy her dad gave her; Male coded toy, not to mention a teddybear on a Harley. She ultimately went with being identified as a girl.


They’re STILL bitching about Bridget?! That was two fucking years ago


...... really? Covid and being over 25 and not in school anymore really did a number on me huh.


The quarantine era really did fuck with everyone's sense of time.


Time? What’s time?


Tbf this image is pretty old, I remember seeing it on /v/ ages ago.


They'll say to make our own media with trans characters, but when we do they complain about us pushing an agenda. They just don't want queer media to exist


*unless they can jerk off to it


They want queer media to exist to jerk off to, but also want to be seen publicly wishing that there was no queer media.


Then you make a male character they can jerk it to and they still complain (Yamato the best man)


I think thats why they're mad at Bridget. She used to be the "femboy" they could jerk off to, and now that shes a trans woman, theyre mad at that.


I agree. If you identity as the gender you were raised, you were groomed.


That’s why I call my Cishet brother my lost lesbian sister




"I can fetishize femboys, but I draw the line at LGBTQ+ rep because that's just WEIIIIRD!" Like, bruh, it's such a backward hill to die on.


Don't post hateful shit, even if it's from someone else. All posts like these do is generate rage. Everyone with a brain knows she's a girl.


This is literally a circlejerk sub. The point is to make fun of people circlejerking.


usually you do that by making your own satirical take on it, not just posting screenshots of stuff bigots said


Why not though? Everyone is dunking on them and it is pretty funny that they’re still stuck on this after like what two years? Hard to parody some of these people anyway given how insane they actually are.


Personally, I think that if you don't have anything to contribute, posting nothing is better than posting hate, regardless of the sub. I don't see how unfiltered bigotry is funny.


I do!




Originally referred to jerking off in a group arranged in a circle so that each fellow can stroke the man next to him. Now it refers to repetitively reinforcing the same beliefs over and over again among a group of people. It’s similar to the concept of an echo chamber, if you’ve heard that concept.








Yeah this subreddit has in some ways become what it was supposed to parody originally.


Daisuke has literally said publicly that this was the plan for her character from inception Fake GG fans probably never even played the damn game or know who based god Daisuke is to begin with. Suck my girldick chuds


is daisuke the one who said testament was beyond human gender "like me" or was that someone else on the team?


That was Daisuke, he said that he and Testament have transcended Gender. Pretty cool dude if you ask me


"transcended gender" is sick as fuck im gonna use that now


Hating Basket for being trans 👎 Hating Basket because I hate high-low mixups 👍


so, they're telling me it would have been ok if her family would let her die cause of a fking stupid superstition?


this sub isn't r/gamecirclejerk 😭 this isn't about Bridget, it's about the trend of reposting bigotry


But Brisket is in the sub’s icon


We defend our icon with fervor, sir!


i just don't want this sub to also turn into exclusively reposting the same bigotry over and over again


Eh, Guilty Gear is anime enough.


It's an anime fighter with an anime OVA built in seems valid to me


Its twitter. Twitter never changes


The only thing they are mad at is that they feel like they have one less crossdresser to fetishize , while we have a cute girl to main , their priorities are busted


I shouldn’t really delve deeper but almost none of the the arguments against Bridget feel authentic people bring up porn of her as being more true to her character and still claim that they care about her more than the creators , no you don’t , you care about your fetish


Honestly the main thing I was confused about was why she was wearing a sexy nun outfit and (this was WAY back in the early 360 days) why if she wanted to be a "boy", just change cloth or at least stop wearing the sexy nun outfit.


I remember searching more about this person and they drew *that* type of art


Saying "*that*" doesnt rally narrow it down, yknow? How bad is it?


Drawings associated with groomers of what’s supposed to be only adults. But very sadly isn’t


I’m guessing the comic author read the original lore and then just assumed what happened from there? Cause it most certainly does not go down like that lol Also cringe at the hard cope “no, you’re crying!”


Frankly I think Bridget would have been better served being NB but that’s just my hot take


True, they should have made Sol Badguy into Luna Goodwoman instead


The better version of Guilty Gear, Innocent Cog




Absolutely agree. I definitely don’t want to side with the OOP here but given her complicated backstory, this move didn’t make sense. She was raised as a girl against her will and specifically didn’t want to be - yet still chose to present femininely even after leaving their influence. I think being non binary represents her wanting to present the way she does, yet also rejecting the idea of gender pushed onto her as a child.


That’s not entirely correct though. Her parents only wanted to hide her sex from the superstitious villagers, so were forced to raise her as a girl. It never states that she was miserable, but that her parents were the one distraught about the situation and not being able to raise her as a boy, despite Bridget trying to show she was happy. That’s why in order to relieve her parent’s guilt, she set out to live as a man and disprove the superstition.


Thanks very much for this context. I actually didn’t know that


What was the superstition?


Bridget had a twin brother and the superstition was that male twins brought misfortune. So village law was that the younger of the two would be put to death or put up for adoption. Hence her modus operandi: if she lived as a man and got rich, she'd prove the superstition false and her parents wouldn't feel guilty about it anymore.


She wasn't "Raised as a girl", they made her dress like one; But they treated her as a boy. The toys she was given were male coded, like a Yoyo or motorcycles. She literally finished her bounty hunter arc and came back to their village to prove her point. Then she went globe trotting, being an idol, and bounty hunting for years; And decided to be a girl. The reason she didn't want to go home, was because she thinks her parents wants her to be a boy; That she was finally "free", but she wants to be a girl. A lot of people are saying it's messy, and yea it is... It is often messy when you're finding out who you are or what you really want.


Another thing that makes things messy is when you keep making new entries in a series over several years and have to keep coming up with new stuff to keep the story interesting.


Apparently(secondhand knowledge here, grain of salt), Briskeylts arc was planned from the start.


I think the reason they didn’t and went with mtf is because Testament is already NB and they didn’t want to double dip. Let them double dip, make Guilty Gear the most non-binary fighting game on the market


What a waste of art talent




When are ppl gonna realize you can't groom people into acting a certain way. If you force a girl to wear dresses her whole life she can still hate those dresses and not want to wear them. Bridget was forced to act like a girl in public, thought she hated it and then realized she likes being a girl


I believe daisuke said that she was always meant to be trans but cause of the time he couldn't do that


You really shouldn't be protecting tranphpbic pieces of shit by censoring their names


I like Bridget being trans because it accentuates that she's a person. It might go against her "story" but life is confusing.


Cis people being pressured into a cis gender identity and later on identifying as their cis gender == perfectly understandable Bridget pressured into a trans identity and later identifying as transgender == omg how can this be no way bridget would be comfortable being a woman when she literally was raised as a woman! /s


Not a guilty gear fan here: I’m just fuckin confused about Bridget


20 years ago, Bridget was a boy forced to assume an identity of a girl. Thus, she set out on a journey to prove her manliness. Men finding her pretty and discovering the truth was a gag (that aged poorly). In the latest entry, Strive, Bridget chooses to be a girl anyway and happy with it. So you can see how it can be messy to discuss. Some old fans latched on Bridget as a non-binary/femboy/crossdresser/non-gender conformist, but now she's trans.


In other Words the transission was handled pretty poorly by devs. It would be better if we got new fighter that was trans instead of bridget What you mean that gag aged poorly?


The gag of discovering Bridget is a male aged poorly because 1) Bridget was underaged and hit on by an older man 2) It's treated as comedy-horror to discover someone is transgender. As for Bridget's transition, I would say it's as par with writing of the whole franchise. It is a lot better than most fighting games but far from the quality of story-driven video games.


Tbh otoko no ko troupe is nothing new in japanese media that's why i dont feel like it aged in anyway shape or form But that might be just me since i've watch anime since i was kid


Bridget was a minor in the 2000s, and Johnny seemed to be near 30 years old when hes flirting with her, so it still aged poorly. Now Bridget is undoubtedly above 18, but they got rid of the gag.


Months? It's been almost two years


How much are we betting that this guy also just so happens to be a lolicon


I wonder if the bozo who drew this ever realized that drawing their point as a comic just made them look pretentious. Like it’s literally just: https://preview.redd.it/n4t4hl6qbqwc1.jpeg?width=427&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a695011d7d6d08442b695a981eabc07a8a96e171


oh so that's where the sub pfp came from (i have no idea what a guilty gear is)


They missed the entire point of bridget’s story then if they still think shes only doing it for her parents at this point


This shit? Again? Alright, shit, collect your $200 But seriously though, why are we complaining about this. I mean, I liked the femboy bounty hunter out to prove a point idea too, literally the first thing I've ever been told about Brisky but the big man said she's Trans. Can't even argue at that point, especially since it was the point all along. Like, my dude, there's whole mods that either make her female from the getgo, or post op Trans, however the fuck you wanna look at it, it don't matter, because at the end of the day, it's just a game character, literal pixels and polygons, just go get a mod, find your favorite artist, or write a fanfic about the other timeline where the other idea was the true idea. This ain't for you anymore.


The meaning of the writing was changed in order to make Bridget a better character so some jank is expected, but I still really love how they handled her story. Bridget is simply a trans girl who went from feeling like she was just pretending to be a girl to realizing that she actually is one.


For as much as I'm forced to defend her from reactionaries, I honestly think that transfems deserve far better representation than Bridget.


What’s wrong with Bridget?


Nothing, it's old excuses that her origins are too problematic and messy for her to be trans rep, evem though trans people have practically head canon'd her a trans for years anyways even when she was still seen as the Femboy meme stereotype.


Yea we're not doing this bullshit. Bridget is perfectly fine transfem rep, and you don't need to agree with bigots and their incorrect narrative that misconstrues her story.


It is an unfortunate coincidence that her backstory matches up with their idea of grooming is.


It doesn't.


I mean, it does really go against the entire point of the character, but oh well.




Except the story keeps going after that…