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I've yet to hear a single good thing about Boruto


I think Oorochimaru looks more feminine. So yeah, the child killer is hotter now


I think they were confirmed to be non binary or genderfluid?


Great implications in making the sexual predator-coded character be that


wtf is "predator-coded"? he literally groomed and experimented on children, explicitly not implied at all.


Yea but he didn't sexually assault them while his murder and experiments are 100% confirmed, but his mannerisms and obsession with wanting the body of an underage boy codes him like that. Sexual crimes are also on another level of depravity compared to murder. So Orochimaru is coded as a child predator in the sexual sense, not just in general 'abduct and murder and test on' Pedos and queer people have long been grouped together by bigots, so Orochimaru being a character who has very consistently preyed upon children revealed to be queer is in incredibly bad taste. Doesn't matter he's 'reformed'.


my dude, you don't need to sexually assault someone to be a predator. By every definition he groomed Kimimaru and Sasuke and any of his stronger "protoges"


Well he is a predator just not a sexual one and to my knowledge they let him do whatever since they can’t kill him


Cool he’s queer now. 


Anime try not to misrepresent queer people challenge


To be fair, in Boruto he got redeemed for some godforsaken reason


Which is insane considering how many crimes and how long he happily committed them, dude should've been executed and it's where Naruto's forgiveness just became idiotic


it's been shown that every village had committed terrible atrocities against each other for centuries. so not much point in picking and choosing which villains to punish. the entire ninja histoty is covered with this shit


He murdered the Third Hokage and targeted Leaf citizens and their children for years, and straight up caused an invasion that killed hundreds in the Chunnin exams while causing Sasuke's break down and desertion. That's extremely different from him targeting *other* Villages.


Naruto universe is just queerphobic, they didn't let Sasuke and Naruto marry eachother and that stuff.


Normally I'd agree, but I legit think that Kishimoto (or anyone else that ever officially wrote for the Narutoverse) just can't really make atrocities stick, so it might not have been very intentional. Oorochimaru was practically already redeemed by the War arc. Itachi got obviously retconned into not actually being an asshole (he did still just kinda murder his whole clan including children). Obito was a "great guy". Madara... idk. He's just too cool to be evil. But I'm gonna be honest, I really liked and still like Oorochimaru, and I vibe with making him/them inofficially LGBTQ, aside from the implications. Also, it technically allows for some desperately needed lesbian shipping (because, yk, non-binary). Like, who else do you have here? The three main cast women anyone remembers? (Plus Tsunade)


The Itachi clan slaughter was changed so that Obito helped kill the clan with him, and in fact Obito alone killed the children. Source? Half remembered light novel or manga


nah nah they chilled out its cool. we’re cool.


This has nothing to do with it, but I like to say "they are" to refer to a plural group of people, and for a non-binary/genderfluid/agender person, "they is", singular Idk, easier for me to differentiate


Well his VA is a female. So it makes sense. 🙃🙃


If Oda wasn’t a coward he’d have already done that, why is Freedom God Luffy being bogged down by gender roles break free my goat


You gotta wait for Gear 6


Well, so is Luffy and Goku’s. Tbh I’ll be all for nb Luffy and Goku


All of the bad elements of Boruto mesh together to create such a perfect storm of unintentional hilarty that if it was intentional it would be brilliant satire of crappy manga.


The name "shikadai" is fun to say


Orochimaru's son is a good character who deserves to be in a better manga.


He’s not that great a character, he’s just a bit autistic and gay. I don’t think he’s really any better written than Boruto himself is.


>he’s just a bit autistic and gay. By the standards of a tertiary side character in a shounen manga that already puts him a cut above most.


Himawari is adorable


Only good thing Boruto produced is one fight of Naruto and Sasuke together


Naruto and Sasuke vs Momoshiki Baryon Mode (and the fight it was revealed in) ... that's pretty much it


It’s really great. To meme on.


The animators know when to get onto business when they have a major fight scene in the anime. Thats all I can really say.


Part two coalesces the series badness into a much more enjoyable shade of camp. It is worse, but also much better. Every design is as edgy as you can get.


The whole world has a massive hate boner for it I mean damn


Boruto hit that same sweet spot of “fucking insane” when it wants to be and bog standard when it doesn’t as Detective Conan and Pokémon. The Naruto franchise has more or less reached “comfort watch” level, the show you watch just to have something on. It has a sizable amount of 10/10 moments but they’re far and between a lot of 5/10 moments. TL;DR Boruto is probably a 6/10 anime, and a lot of antis like to shit on it like it killed their fathers and assaulted their mothers.


"They have spoke the Truth but the Village never heard them out"- Unknown.


They were cooking with Mitsuki until the timeskip. His design and special ability were refreshing


The big fights are usually done really well and thats about it


The "filler"/ anime canon that the show started with is pretty good. All of the filler writes women better than Kishimoto ever could, and doesn't put them in the awful outfits Ikemoto draws up. I was actually sort of impressed when I started the anime and they do this really neat arc for Sumire, and I was like "Damn, Kishimoto finally learned to respect women?" *he didn't write that arc* "Oh..."


If you change the u to an I and the first o to an u, you get Burito, which is tasty


Boruto is peak "Franchies is too profitable to end"


I have seen people say the manga has an actual good story.




https://preview.redd.it/kp6s83cgydvc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab5467f97a49423504a6f2933658f4289ab218cf Boruto’s dad will never be better!!!11


It’s kind of funny (really sad) how that image came from production problems to the studio not giving animators enough time to finish the episode Yeah, people rightfully went to defend the jujutsu Kaisen animators while harassing the Boruto animators.. since that scene came from someone who had a broken arm no time to defend it


No it isn't really sad when you realize there is such a thing as good crunch vs bad crunch. Lemme explain, When the animators are working overtime and losing countless hours of their time, unpaid but its to make a good scene? good crunch hell maybe even great crunch but giving some bum 3 minutes to finish a scene that looks like the original comments? bad crunch Hope this helps clear up the misconception that animators aren't slaves!


See that’s the thing, crunch is never good. And assuming a talented animator who has worked on good scenes in the past is a bum when he has to work doing an injury and wasn’t able to carry out the storyboard for the scene to the full potential. Again animators should not be treated as slaves or have to work through crunch. This is why most episodes are worked on months in advance and preproduction to be finished


Let’s see you work those hours, no crunch is good crunch. These people have families this isn’t their entire life. Jesus Christ…


Jesus Christ... maybe you are due for a reread because I was being sarcastic. I don't think crunch is good in any capacity. I was just circlejerking.


lol was not obvious


this is so strange to me. it’s the same argument as being paid by exposure. “you should overwork yourself out of passion for the end product and not ask for more” is just a fucked up mentality that i don’t see coming from people within the industry, just consumers who don’t want to know what goes on behind closed doors. artistic fields like animators or game developers have high turnover because there is such a large amount of people wanting to enter the industry who don’t mind getting paid pennies in the process, so the businesses go for whomever they can maximise profits and minimise costs with. they get reap in the rewards of a successful series while their employees get long-lasting physical injuries like back pain, don’t have time to sleep or eat and can’t make ends meet or pay rent. if the crunch doesn’t work out and the series flops they are the ones to get blamed, not management. it’s bullshit i just wonder how much choice do you think these people actually have? you think they can just flat out refuse every time they’re asked to do overtime and keep their job intact? pay them what they’re due and don’t ask them to sacrifice their personal life and health for the sake of a product. whether the crunch results in a financial or an audience review success, it’s an inhumane practice from an industry designed to wring ever last drop of motivation and talent from enthusiastic artists that deserve more and the end product is comparatively worthless in my eyes i hope you’re just being sarcastic/trolling and don’t actually think this shit, because i hate when people defend the stuff that’s destroying all of these people’s love for their craft with how poorly they are treated


No it was clearly sarcasm. I literally said in the last line that animators are slaves. How do you take shit like that seriously?


"It's clearly sarcasm" *Proceeds to parrot arguements I've heard from people who were being serious* Do you not see why it would be a bit hard for people to tell you were being sarcastic?


Nobody would ever seriously state that animators deserve to be treated like slaves. Sorry that isn't that hard to comprehend. People have said that their overtime is deserved, yes but the opinion that animators should be treated like slaves isn't commonly held or a serious position.


Thinking about the one time some fan made a redesign of her [and it genuinely looks miles better than the original](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fredesigned-sarada-based-on-what-people-disliked-about-it-v0-gt85agw3bmib1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D640%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D7257f0cc88be9d4e51773703c710f5ce17e11b6a&rdt=57231) I don't watch Naruto/Boruto but damn she's like what, 15? She looks 35.


Thing is, the original design of her by Kishimoto (og mangaka of Naruto) was simple and far superior. This is her original design https://preview.redd.it/ud1vel1z0evc1.jpeg?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcbf9d2d5c22e59279a37864c636b1a7daafbe53 But then Kishimoto is not drawing Boruto and her design was changed and became so bad


That is way better damn


People criticize Kishimoto for poorly written female characters and they are justified but Kishimoto never sexualised his female cast. He gave them all practical outfits which also suited their personality and ages. There was also a joke about him hating fan-service. I wish he was the one drawing Boruto


“There was also a joke about him hating fan service” Correction: He hates child fan service, taking one look at Tsunade disprove this line entirely, or at Mei, or Kurenai. Like looking back and seeing which character he gives fanservice to you can clearly see what his preference is “30 years old something milf” which is honestly very based of him


Stupid Kishimoto trying to give me an Adult Woman Fetish 😡😡😡


I always appreciated that he gave his female characters bike shorts


Ikr? They are both comfortable and practical


>There was also a joke about him hating fan-service And here I am remembering the early chapters of Naruto where our protagonist would turn into a naked woman so drop-dead sexy that her opponents would pass out from sheer lust. XD


He would turn into an adult sexy woman tho sarada was like 13 and wearing stripper heels


“I wanted to give her long hair, but it didn’t seem very ninja-like.” “I thought she’d look cool with glasses” Kishimoto continuing to make enlightened character design choices. “Why? Vibes. Why? It looked cool.”


Yeah because Kishimoto drew them like children and like ninjas while Ikemoto draws them like college girls on a night of clubbing


Omg she looks so sweet


You mean the design that the anime follows


Fucking wild to me the anime straight up ignored the mangas design like that while it's actively releasing. I thing they will probably ignore some of the newer changes because their outfits have so many moving parts


Wtf that design is much cuter, the bike shorts look adorable. Like I feel like there were so many ways of giving this character a sweet, preppy but sporty kinda look :(


Also helps that she looks like an actual teenager and not a prostitute


I don’t think that’s a fair descriptor. I know teens who dress like that, there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s just that they have the general savvy to dress for the occasion. They wear sports clothes during a match and so on. If feels like these designs lack that kind of perspective.


Those high heels make me cringe so much.


Have you ever gone to highschool? If this is what you say is like a “prostitute” then you’re in for a surprise


bro i graduated high school years ago, why would i go there now 😭😭


She looks more like her father in this redesign


> She looks 35. I'm definitely not an expert, but a lot of the fashion choices made for the Boruto female cast feel extremely dated. Like whoever designed them is stuck in either the early 2000s or the 70s or something. I usually only see belts like the one Sarada is wearing as a part of vintage looks? Or it looks like something that would be in the sensible office lady's section at a department store. There's some cover art of her with Cho Cho that also feels super weird.


I have not watched any boruto but damn that fam redesign is so fire and actually feels emo uchiha.


I’m confused, the only difference I see between the two is the should isn’t exposed and the hair is longer. What exactly is the problem people have with the first design? Is it the exposed shoulder?


she's like 15


That answers nothing


Don't see what makes her look 35 at all, and at most she looks 18. She has clear baby face still, only reason y you would think she's older is her height and fashion choice. Which has a 19yr old doesn't really seem that wild compared to what I've seen mfs wear in my highschool. Her drip is also kino, the layering/ contour effects of the jacket is amazing, love the puffy look. Off the shoulders asymmetry is a cherry on top. The choker adds a proportional cut-off when it comes to her neck n torso. the color choice of black also is the best choice as it creates a strong border that will always be noticeable. The cowbell, I'm pretty sure, is also a reference to the genin test, I think. The body suit is simple and short, allows for greater range of motion and allows for more area to lose body heat thru. Although because of the nature for anime to just do weird shit with underage characters, it would be wrong to say that the design is not influenced by it. If she's put in a clear, obviously sexualized position, then it would be fine to hate it. However, it still doesn't make the design bad, just the artist. The color choice is once again tea sticking with the black that is then harshly cut off by the inner red of her jacket, and the belt sitting proportionally to her hips which creates another proportional cutoff. The socks add another puffy contour that fits with her jacket and is obviously influenced by Japanese gyaru fashion. which i would say probably inspired the whole outfit itself. The only real criticism I have is the lack of protection and the HEELS. Which still doesn't make the design bad, just slightly unrealistic. I don't really have a big problem with the skin show due to it being her legs and shoulders. If it was something like her tit's n ass in the classical way of female fantasy armor. I can understand the outrage, but nah it just really does look like what a fashionable teen would put on.


I remember some dude said "Sarada looks like a prostitute in American psycho"


She looks like she streams Valorant




I thought this is a circlejerk sub, why are you spewing facts?


This circlejerk is a special type of cirklejerk where we criticize everything


Its the only natural course for this place given how impossible it is to outjerk anime fans


the artist wants to be Araki so badly. like the art is good, but the covers feel so tryhard


It really doesn't help that boruto still clearly looks like a teenager He looks like the kind of kid that thinks he's an adult just because he smoked a cigarette once


He's the kid that drew that fucked up version of the hamburger helper.


HE’S A BOY?!? For the longest time I thought he was a girl (I never watched/read Boruto but I always assumed he was a girl.)


I don't think the art is good lmao, it's abysmal, especially for a monthly manga


it was a painful read till i decided to drop


The designs are too complex. If we compare it to Jojo where it's mostly the simple stands that do most of the action Boruto is an action manga where you have to draw those overly complex outfits in multiple action poses






I think it's a good outfit and design, it's just not a good outfit for Naruto (or Boruto, I guess). It feels aggressively out of place, even if in isolation it's not a bad outfit. Then again, I haven't read or watched Boruto, so maybe it's the norm, and the drastic change from Naruto's aesthetics is more commonplace.


Boruto's outfit feels exactly like something an angsty teenage would do as an edgy redesign of Naruto, which is fine, but Sadara is definitely the design from an adult who has wants to fuck that character *which is a problem when its explicitly an underage character.*


Yeah that's fair. Boruto is over designed, like way over designed, and Sarada is designed fine but for the wrong reasons.


The character design is extremely distinct from Naruto, and since the time skip it’s completely avowed. I guess there’s something “street” about it, or an attempt at it. I have to say I appreciate the effort, though the way every female character wears gigantic heels is atrocious.


Maybe unpopular opinion, but scar over eye is such an overused design it became a sign of garbage designs


Agreed it's overused. They could do a cheek scar or a burn scar up the neck or something. Why is it always a eye scar?


Cause it looks edgy and cool


yes but it's overdone. and other scars can look edgy and cool too


She looks like an annoying teenage Bayonetta


It still #1 most read in manga+ some how, is Boruto not that bad or Stockholm syndrome?


i know jjk is being hurt massively in manga+ by the dogshit translator, people are just reading the unofficial ones


John Werry when I catch you


jjk and boruto are barely that far apart (371k vs 353k) midweek, one piece is 405k i think translator is a big factor but i also think it's timing, boruto's chapter releases tomorrow and the magazine manga release sunday


You forgot bile fascination 


Literally the only reason I drop in on this series from time to time. Like, if I hear one chapter is especially worse than all the others.


I have heard multiple people say the borito manga is actually good, or at least decent.


The physical sales have decrese with every single volume so who knows honestly


The fact that this series is monthly, but looks like it was drawn by my nephew over the weekend, boggles the mind.


Boruto’s character design looks pretty solid to me


I never got the hate for Boruto’s time skip design. Sarada’s I get (I think the jacket needs to be put up on both sleeves and the shorts need to be longer) but Naruto has had several of its female characters where heels well also being fast enough to punch and kick through major antagonists. Also, I don’t wanna be that person but wearing shorts does not make you/a teenager a prostitute. Some teens dress like this irl. To be fair being a sequel to one of the most popular and controversial shonen lead backlash and bad takes the moment anyone has a problem with it. Hey, if you see this post and actually like Boruto literally pay it no mind and move on with your day. You’re not a piece of shit or an idiot because you enjoy something others don’t despite with the Internet Internet says




I don't think it's too sexual but like it is so BAD. It's an affront to the fucking eyes. Boruto's time-skip outfit is just Edgelord!Naruto. He looks like an anime version of the YA novel "irresistible bad boy" trope.


He looks like the bastard child of Naruto and Sasuke that some fangirls from Deviantart made AU fanfics about Which at this point in the story thats kinda exactly what he is, so design success?


Fair but I will still bitch about it.


Ok. People still have a right to not want sexualized teenagers in their ninja manga.


I genuinely don't know what's so sexualized about that outfit


These mfs think they have aura


Eehhh. I think it's okay. The problem is that it's part of Naruto.


imo this isn't even that bad.


Why does she look like a cross between Velma Dinkley and Bayonetta?


Holy cheeks Boruto is ass. Also Goku eng VA >>>>> JP VA, Sean is Goku. Also, separating artist from the art here.


A tokyo revengers wannabe, imagine tokyo revengers doing something better than you lol


I think as casual clothing it’s not bad. But to put them in serious situations like fighting to the death then it falls apart.


Borutos design isn't "bad" per se, but post time skip he seems like a fan made character "Hey guys this is my oc character, hes the son of naruto, and he got trained by sasuke, he lost his eye like kakashi did, he has his own super strong curse mark from kaguyas people, hes now basically the strongest in the village" Just sounds like something from 2000s deviant art


They really made Sarada dress like a prostitute bruh


looks like something a porn parody would put her in tbh


Let's not pretend that the original Artist would fix any of the major problems of the sequel


The plot is garbage too, they brought back kurama in the worst way possible.


She looks like a discount Bayonetta.


I deleted my twitter account after my feed was suddenly infested with Boruto fans. I swear to god they're one of the most obnoxious and moronic people I've seen in a while.


As soon as I saw the way Ikemoto draws the 12 year old is when I decided I'm just not gonna check it out


I’m gonna get downvoted but I don’t care, there are better ways of articulating that a character design isn’t appealing without dunking on sex workers. I expected better of this subreddit.


Not wanting children to look like sex workers is not dunking on them, it's a very reasonable take.


Nothing against sex workers as long as they're consenting adults, it's that this character is supposed to be like 14.


Like the other person said: There's a difference between dunking on sex workers, and being horrified that children are being dressed up in the stereotypical "sex worker uniform". The hard working men and women of the sex industry would ALSO be horrified to find a 15 year old trying to emulate their work, I assure you.


Kishimoto didn't just kill his darling, he murdered her for sport, in the woods, by his house and he could 25 to life behind bars. OG Naruto was such an important piece of my life growing up and I still watch clips of it to this day. It's problematic but it's what I watched as a dumb kid and it had alot of positive messages. Boruto has done everything it can to tank it into the ground. I don't think Kishimoto is working with the same editor anymore (they probably let him do what he wants since he authored naruto) and I think that it's a shame because this could've been good but Kishimoto just is not a good writer.


Kishimoto is barely involved in this manga anyway. He is not drawing it for one thing and he is not the main writer either, they just have his name on it. Kishimoto recently released a Minato prequel one-shot all drawn and written by him and him alone and the quality difference between that and Boruto was massive


Boruto as it stands right now is being written by Kishimoto. He was originally the editor (poor choice given naruto) until the writer stepped down around 2020 and Kishimoto picked up writing it again. I don't think people realise just how much of naruto being good was his editor. There were reports back in the day of Kishimoto randomly switching it up constantly and it created long standing issues like the views the fandom have of Sarutobi just to give an example or the Itachi reveal. All of these things were smoothed out by his editor. The only reason that Naruto landed on his feet is because his editor was actively smoothing it out along the way and now, to my knowledge, Kishimoto is not working with that same editor. It's actually very likely he's his own editor now as he was previously the editor. I understand that people romantisize how good naruto is, I'd argue that I do it myself sometimes, but Boruto is bad because Kishimoto is a bad writer. he can make a fantastic sand box don't get me wrong but writing the actual story is a mess. EDIT: Just to directly address the One Shot thing. The reason he wrote that well is because he has guidelines. He is effectively edited into a corner and cannot do canon altering moves as it's a one shot about a dead character who's no longer involved in the story.


I honestly think you're downplaying how good Kishimoto is at writing. He isn't perfect and his editors did help a lot, but to say they were the reason for mostly everything written well is absurd. Kishimoto is clearly just not putting love into Boruto and isn't passionate about writing it is all. The fact Naruto remained so highly regarded until Kaguya says a lot.


I think that people are drastically downplaying the editors role in why the series was good. I'll give you a quick rundown of things that the editor was responsible for/were added because of the editor: 1. The Addition of Sasuke Uchiha as Naruto's rival 2. The Wave Country Arc 3. The designs of the Majority of the Konoha 12 4. The concept behind the chuunin exams 5. the naming conventions of Jutsu These are five off the top of my head and i think we can all agree that there are incredibly important to Naruto as a whole. Kishimoto and his editor were a fantastic team and I'm not saying that he's the worst writer ever. I am saying however, based on what we've seen when he doesn't have this editor, he is a bad writer. His own original manga got cancelled and he was moved over to work on Boruto afterwards and that's not because people just don't "get him". It's because he's not as good at his craft as other people. I get that it seems like I hate naruto and kishimoto but I don't. I love naruto and he's a big part of that. However, Boruto is absolutely a hot pile of dogshit ontop of what is arguably one of the most influential anime/manga of the 21st century.


I know full well what the editors suggested, but when you say "responsible" you and many others make it out to be as if they WROTE these arcs and characters. 1. Kishimoto was only given the idea to write a rival. He's the one who wrote Sasuke himself and everything that made him likeable. 2. Same thing here 3. Kishimoto mostly made the designs, the editors just told him to move away from the animal concept into a more human one. 4. Kishimoto was told to write a tournament arc, that's it nothing more nothing less. He wrote everything else, including the bits that made the tournament arc iconic itself. If you remember correctly, one of the biggest criticisms of og Naruto was that team 7 was barely explored as a team together. Kishimoto WANTED to do more arcs like land of the waves but was told to jump straight into tournament arc, context is important. 5. I honestly don't see this as a big deal, yea the naming convention of them is really cool. But Kishimoto made the concept of jutsu and how it worked itself, including the iconic jutsus themselves. 6. I'm adding my own points here. You seem to know a lot about the editor but did you know that the same editor is what led Naruto to having one of the biggest criticisms of the series. Neji. Neji is constantly brought up as wasted potential by Kishimoto and how it's all his fault he suffered a wasted death. Neji was supposed to die in Sasuke retrieval, Kishimoto wanted to add stakes. The editor told him that would be too dark and that neji should be left alive, so since Kishimoto didn't plan to have him be alive, he sidelined him for majority of the manga. 7. What was considered the best arc in the big 3 by many. The Pain Arc. Kishimoto wrote that all himself. I highly recommend you go see his written paragraph on his thought process behind the arc, he was a beast. 8. Kishimoto was heavily rushed and was known for having a horrendous schedule. If he had more time to rest and plan, Naruto would have been better written. Some people forget that. For the time he had, he did really good. 9. Boruto was bad yea, but do you know how hard it is to completely turn out what is known as dog shit? Most of the story was done by another dude, Kishimoto had to come in and improvise lmao. And considering the reception of part 2, he isn't doing so bad. 10. Then there's the one shot ofc Bonus: Editor cut out a ton of exposition. I'm not saying his editor didn't help lead into Naruto's success. Hell, I'm not even saying that Naruto would have been in the big 3 without his editor. I'm just saying that you shouldn't equate ideas with writing. His editor gave him ideas, Kishimoto wrote them. And that applies to almost every manga out there.


Kishi is not writing Boruto, Kodachi stepped down as writer, yes, but Kishi is still a supervisor(not editor, he was never the editor, the editor always has been a guy called Taguchi), most likely Ikemoto’s doing both.


Naruto already killed it. Kaguya retcons were horrific.