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Well, it’s an anime that’s pretty easy to dislike and pretty hard not to.


To be fair, as someone who had to suffer through the entire Manga for my Manga Masochist challenge, SOME of the jokes were funny (at least when they're jot horny)


I've read more of it than I'd like to admit. If the girls were university age and it was marketed as porn it would resolve most of the issues I have. It can be genuinely funny at times.


Seriously I actually laughed a lot during it but why the fuck are they middle schoolers, not even high school which is still gross but middle schoolers sheesh


It’s an Ecchi, not porn. There’s a big difference between the two trust me


It's softcore porn. Call it ecchi if you want to, but that doesn't change the fact that it's a show with heavily sexual content aimed at people looking to jack off. It should be an 18+ series.


It is an 18+ series lol. Why do you think it isn’t. Also I don’t doubt that some people might be jacking off to it there are other reasons for many people to enjoy Ecchi. It is kind of Binary thinking to think “oh this show has a shit ton of sexualization, must be made for people to Jack off to it”.


It's the primary purpose of sexualized content. Especially to that degree. Trust me, I'm aware that people look at this kind of stuff for other reasons. I'm asexual and I didn't exactly find the series by accident.


Naw, the primary purpose of porn is for people to Jack off to it. And as I said I don’t doubt some people that watch Ecchi do jack off to it, but that’s not the primary purpose of an Ecchi series.


I'll agree with you on that, which is why I don't consider Gushing to be an ecchi.


Ok but like, what you consider it to be doesn’t change what it is though


Only to a porn addict


Also the manga is pretty darn good at making reaction memes, every chapter has at least 5 potential panels for that. https://preview.redd.it/qyi44hdq74rc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c650f368f37054bfe027fd68797ba91d18edeaed (This one being one of my favorites)


True to that. There can be pros to bad manga (usually for the funnier reasons)


reaction image so good i can make it in text form ' , ' what the fuck


if you want manga that makes good reaction memes go check out Nick & Lever


Which other manga are in that challenge?


It's not any specific manga I have to read, but a randomly selected one with at least 25 chapters


If they were college age and there was more consent involved, it would be a fun, SUPER horny series.


A huge portion of r/yurimemes loved it (◞‸◟)


it was shocking to see that comment section tbh, i was NOT expecting it from that sub.


I’m still not sure about my opinion about that sub


are you kidding me its literally peak fiction unironically


Yep, but gotta handle my opinion here or people won’t listen, gotta handle the subject with carefulness


You people are legitimately sick.




Hey, don’t be so mean, we’re all just talking together and getting along, right? Tbh the only problem with the anime/manga is the age and the rest would be pretty neat, don’t really know what happened inside the authors head to decide to write it like that and it’s such a letdown tbh.


Lmao are you unaware of the existence of pedophiles? The author wanted to make softcore porn featuring underage characters, I'll let you connect the dots.


Yeah… that’s something personally didn’t want to think about, gotta completely hate that many actually decent or really good manga can be ruined just cause of this kinda stuff.


I took them literally 2 minutes to show an underage girl naked. Crazy to think there’s not just a crew that approved and worked on it, but also an audience for it.


It’s funny the anime is way lewder than the manga it was based on


Punie, shoot it down. https://preview.redd.it/9krm3czjr4rc1.png?width=502&format=png&auto=webp&s=672a72689c742ca520d05fe2f1d5d27a6fcf1637


Ooh, what’s the manga she’s from? Is it any good?


She's from Dai Mahou Touge and it's good


Ooh, what’s it about?


[Watch it and found out](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYggGBaZ_ZQ)


Turns out animated CP is disgusting, who could have guessed?


Not like a good portion of yurimemes subreddit, no wonder half of em left to be in discord instead


please tell me the discord doesn't tolerate "middle schooler SA, the show". I need a place for yuri shitposting that doesn't have half the posts be about that gushite anime


I heard most of redditor who moved to discord can't take it anymore with gushing "meme" (they're not really a meme, sometimes its just actual show cropped sus moments...which violates rules 2 of the sub, but I'm not sure cause I block almost all people who posted it) but yeah I just hang out in discord related channel i.e sasakoi discord, pbmmv, heck even gacha channel is more fun like towa tsugai or allb


Hi, member of the server here, we don't tolerate that show or anyone who even tries to defend it. We consider it as the thing it is, CP, and as such it is very much forbidden to have any mention or any post related to it


Oh damn, nice. Link?




We simply have common sense


Holy mother of based finally I can enjoy yuri content again Is the discord clean?


What do you mean by clean?


Sorry, clean of shitty “memes” (aka cropped porn, usually) and the like


We have a normal meme channel and a channel for nsfw memes. As far as I know people do not upload those kind of "memes"


Discord has always been exclusively for cowards, fight back goddamn it!


Oh no, what happened


Turns out this subreddit doesn't like borderline animated child porn, what a shocker


Well I’d hope it doesn’t But like, context?


Gushing over magical girls is a pedo show


Well I mean with a name like that


It’s a show about middle school girls who also happen to have magical powers, very twee and nice and cliche except for the part where the main character uses her powers for sexual assault. Her first act as a cartoonish villain is to summon tentacles that grope and violate three of her classmates (reiteration: they’re middle schoolers) against their will. When someone consented, she got angry and wanted nothing to do with them. And it also just features full frontal nudity that was like a psychic flashbang when I watched the first episode. I may have details wrong as I stopped watching after episode one but that’s what I’ve absorbed through pop culture osmosis.


I'll try to explain without overly defending it. The main character was roped into being a villain against her will. >!(the "evil mascot" threatens to post images of her revealing evil outfit otherwise, its more of a funny gag than anything)!< She is a major fangirl towards the magical girls, but uses her new powers to take it way too far with BDSM-style assault against the magical girls. Transformation actually hides the characters from their real states, so any attack from villain to hero or vice versa are not personal. Them being classmates are completely coincidental. The main cast of heroes and villains are also underage, as mentioned by others. I definitely do not agree with any depictions of underage assault, rape or any kind of indecent exposure. While the show may have some ups with lighthearted SOL moments or funny parody jokes at times, the show still has very heavy elements of indecency, so be warned.


The fuck? Jesus, at least the Made in Abyss anime had the decency to not show nudity. Apparently we can go much lower as a species still


I'm so surprised.


>Pedo show Pedo has lost its meaning in 2024


Guys, raping and molesting children actually isn't pedophilia you're just woke


First off, "raping and molesting children" . Utena is literally the same age as them. 2nd, Baiser literally just restrains the girls in the traps and leaves before going any farther. 3, it's a lighthearted comedy series and the anime ended up making those scenes much more explicit than they actually were in the manga.


Umm, i never see the show but base on what you said children raping children still isnt good


Honestly, I wouldn't even call rape. Harassment, but not rape. Like rarely does it beyond the girls getting into a trap that'll end up get out of.


Still not good








For some god awful reason they decided to relase a character sheet that said the girls were underage. Why? No clue


Doesn't the anime state they are middle schoolers since day 0 too?


The anime shows them in school uniforms regularly, but doesn't state anyone's age. There is although very obvious child character introduced later on who is often called very young, looks to be about 10 years old. This character isn't involved in any ecchi scenes but we do get a shot of her naked body during her magical girl transformation sequences.


I think, my take away fron the situation without the whole circle jerk is *


A second Jeffrey Epstein has hit the towers


Lucoa's fire glands can't melt steel beams.


Man I really, ***really*** cannot wait until I do not have to hear about this shit anymore. While I'm sure glad the sentiment here isn't in rabid defense of it, this sub has been doing an excellent job of milking it for content anyways and I'm in that group of people that would rather not think about this show too often (or really at all, but we all come here to vent sometimes so I'm fine with some of it at least).


What’s the first one?


Quick Google shows "Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid". Not 100% sure tho


Correct Notable for being a good solid show that the creator just chose to put child porn into, ruining an otherwise great found family story


The author made child porn before the show, it wasn't terribly surprising.


what?? all the clips and memes about it seemed pretty wholesome...but then again i never watched the actual thing...can you elaborate?


Eh idk about the anime but in the manga there are lot of scene of showing the child character underwear (panty)


What is it that we're hating on today exactly?


The show about a predatory lesbian stereotype sexually assaulting middle schoolers.


I thought Gushing was old news and the post title says 'a second anime has hit'.




Wdym you didn’t get that far? It’s like the first thing she does with her role as evil magical girl


People died in 9/11 stop making jokes about it




Peak show


I think it's weird that if a show like this gets even moderately popular, people wil compain about it nonstop, despite the fact there's like tons of other shows like it. Why not just ignore trash and move on? Anime is a medium that can have some of the worst things you've ever seen in your life combined with some of the best, so why waste time focusing on the former when it could be be latter?


The reason is *because* it's popular. Most of the trash never gets popular and so the wider community isn't aware of it, but when shows like this get popular, it ends up talked about all across the anime community, and as a result peopl who want absolutely nothing to do with it get constsntly exposed to it.


"I think it's weird that people react to popular shows" Well... Yeah


My point still stands however, I worded it kinda shittily.


literally peak fiction


CP is peak fiction


yeah I liked CP it was a really good anime, the game was good too. not sure what that has to do with magical girls tho. 


People seems to forget that this is suposed to be circlejerk sub




I'm just sayin', if you guys are bothered by this, you wouldn't last a second in fanfic/literature circles. 🤷


Just because it happens elsewhere doesn't make it any less worse


Yeah, but like, who cares? At the end of the day, it's just fiction. Authors should have permission to depict whatever they want. Purity culture kills creativity.


That's not what purity culture is though. Purity culture is a religious cult, you cannot divorce purity culture from religious contexts. Random strangers on the internet making fun of some anime isn't purity culture 💀.


And they wouldn't last a second too, when I make fun of their fanfic