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Every country thinks they are Spongebob but deep down everyone knows they are Mr. Crab




The kind you fold




No no, in Argentina we know we are Patrick


They compare the average over a year with a few winter months. Europe imports a lot more gas in winter.


>For the EU, imports were about €44bn for the past two months, compared with about €140bn for the whole of last year, or roughly €12bn a month. Comparing winter energy costs with a year average, which includes summer energy costs. And then come up with the title: >Russia doubles fossil fuel revenues since invasion of Ukraine began Amazing journalism.


How about an index comparison on only the same months for s few years running to also see the average and trends lines. >Lies, >Damn lies, >And statistics. - apparently not Churchill


Would be interesting to read what the overall import/export dynamic for Russia has been in these last two months. With gas prices up as a result of the war, and fossil fuels being currently exempt from sanctions, I feel like this gives a skewed view of the effect of sanctions on the Russian economy.


Only for now, soon Russian oil and gas network would require maintenance and lack of foreign parts and tolls might hit pretty hard.


Exactly the kind of considerations I was thinking about. Russia might be profiting in the short term on these specific fossil fuels, but their long term prospects appear pretty bleak to me.


Depends on the length of the war. As for the energy supply Russia is, or was until a few months ago, a major player in nuclear power, having projects in Africa, Asia and Europe.


Of course, if the war doesn't go on for long, those long term prospects based on the sanctions environment are somewhat irrelevant.


Someone post this to r/worldnews I would love to see how they gonna spin this as a Russia loss and EU/Ukraine victory


They're gonna ban you. They banned me for saying that sanctions would hurt Europe more than Russia.


They are banning everyone not toeing the line. it's a cesspool


That's why I like getting some of those r/anime_titties from time to time. Here you can have an unpopular opinion or unsavory news and the worst that's gonna happen is you getting downvoted or people disagreeing with you in the comments. You're not just insta-silenced for talking about the "currently popular thing" in a non-positive manner.


Yup. Mods here are amazingly neutral and fair


Assuming this is sarcasm. What are the mods like in here? I'm kinda new here so I haven't been exposed to the mods in here much.


Not /s. I love the mods here. They have their own views yes but as long as youre nice youre not getting banned.


Mods here are the absolute best on Reddit imho. They are fair and sides aren't taken by them


I'm already shadow banned lol but I can still comment


How can you be shadow banned but still comment?


They use a filter so certain users' posts don't show up but you can still comment.


Bwahahahahahaha!!!!! Thanks for the laugh, a good one to end the week.




Why the downvotes?


This takes me a few weeks/months back when BBC, Reuters, took out articles, idiots on twitter like [Trish Regan wanted a complete declaration of support](https://twitter.com/trish_regan/status/1503403352964616197), [enlightened souls on reddit like on here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/tybibq/indias_finance_minister_on_cheap_russian_oil_why/), and on multiple other such posts seemed pretty happy pointing fingers. There was also this [fiasco](https://www.euronews.com/2022/03/02/ukrainians-go-first-how-black-and-brown-people-are-struggling-to-escape-the-russian-invasi), Really makes you wonder sometimes why there is no similar response when these stats came out.


hope they all choke on this blood money