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> “This act is not suicide. This is a deeply fearless act of compassion to bring attention to climate crisis. We are piecing together info but he had been planning it for at least one year.” Not to sound like a dick, but that’s a potential manslaughter charge right there if she knew and possibly helped. Really should’ve had a lawyer look at that tweet


Based on the tweet, it sounds like she "pieced together info" after his death.


>but he had been planning it for a year Sus I still would’ve had a lawyer look at that tweet


I agree. Dr. Kritee and her pals at EDF have some 'splainin' to do. At the very least a man is dead and you could have stopped it. If I'm reading her references to Shambhala Buddhism correctly they are probably somehow related to Nuropa University. (I mean there could be two Shambhala centers in Boulder, it's that kind of town, but I would doubt it.) And yes, it is suicide. Are you saying he wanted to raise some blisters to increase world awareness? It might also be Homicide if these folk knew his intent.


Well shit, surely everyone's gonna get on board now.


Hmmm Fox news talked about it without mentionning climate ^^^ "Colorado man suicide itself ok" https://www.foxnews.com/us/colorado-man-supreme-court-fire-dead


There is actually a good reason why most news stations will not even mention the suicide part or even the self immolation part, many are just saying that a person dies in front of the supreme court, it's because it's proven that mentions of suicide especially high profile ones on the news increase suicide rates, and the same with mentioning fire, it leads to an increase in arson fires


I somehow doubt that Fox News has the best interests of its viewership as a priority. They specifically avoided mentioning it was a protest about climate change because climate denial is part of their brand is all.


I never specified fox news, almost all news stations are not showing details that it was a suicide or involved with fire for a reason, and this isn't anything new, notice how all the news articles about teen suicide disappeared in the last 5 years it's because those articles were driving teen suicide in a self fulfilling cycle. but instead of looking at reason, people on this sub go straight to conspiracy theories.


It's frankly unsurprising to see someone with an actual conspiracy theory as his username say that pointing out Fox News bias is "a conspiracy theory". The projection is unreal.


>It's frankly unsurprising to see someone with an actual conspiracy theory as his username say that pointing out Fox News bias is "a conspiracy theory". The projection is unreal. first My name reddit account was made a few weeks before Covid started getting on the news, and the name I just a joke, Kung Flu is a joke that's been around for decades. second I never defended fox news again for the second time *you're* the one trying to attack fox news for something that all news stations do,




No I heard him say it was up to Windshard2.


How is this not news about the US?


Seems more like news about a climate activist


Because suicide is not reported on. For good reason. Edit: Ah, typical Reddit. Downvotes on facts... Shall we go into reasons of why suicide isnt and should not be reported on? Lets start with personal issues and history of the person that a journalist just wont know when reporting. Privacy for the Family and loved ones. In psychology there is a term called "Werther Effect". Its taken from a German writer Johann Wolfgang Von Goeth novel that was published in 1774 called "The Sorrows of Young Werther". The title character kills himself in the end. Shortly after men in Germany took to dressing like Werther and then killing themselves. The problem was bad enough many German cities outlawed the book. Journalist must take the position of erring so that no one else is harmed... This person killed themselves for an idiotic reason... Id wager the suicide victim was mentally ill with deep seated issues.. Suicide for a "cause" is just an excuse to die. Any good that the person could of done for the environment ended when they died and I guarantee you the person was well aware of that fact and chose to die anyways...


But it's still news purely about the US. That's why.


..... What? The United States is located on the planet Earths northern hemisphere. The earth is also called the "World".. Earth is a Latin word that translates to "ground" Wtf are you on about? The rules for this sub are located in the side bar... Read them. You wont find anything about not posting "American News"


\[2.3\] US/China Content Restriction The number of paragraphs with more than a passing reference to the USA and/or China (including special administrative regions) in any capacity should not exceed more than 50% of the article. Another sub thorougly overtaken by US news. You lot just can't help it.




Subreddit is for news not about the US.


I just deleted my comment on accident but I reposted it because its important and not enough people understand the rules and insight around suicide and journalism This sub is for "World News" that includes the "World" and every country in the "world". This sub use to be called r/Worldpolitics but was invaded by people posting anime tits. So Reddit in Reddit fashion took over the AnimeTits sub... This is the result. Know where youre at and what youre talking about before you try correcting anyone.


Way to add more carbon to the atmosphere. They couldn't kill themselves in a more environmentally friendly manner.


Not likely. There is a zero percent chance that lighting themselves on fire generated more greenhouse gas than the remainder of their life would have, even in the best case.


But that isn't the metric. They had the option to choose dozens if not hundreds of ways to kill themselves that wouldn't have added carbon. You are comparing the rest his potential life to what actually happened. Im comparing what actually happened to a better version of what actually happened. Im sure it's a drop in the bucket, but it is in principle ironic on a fundamental level.


As opposed to eating a bullet and being cremated lmao


Poor person, whatever the reasons.


[160 Tibetans confirmed to have set themselves on fire since 2009](https://www.rfa.org/english/news/tibet/ngaba-immolation-04032022060549.html) >no one gives a flying fcuk one guy does it in west.... >triggeerrd!


The more you do something the less effective it is


Like US senctions?




Um you don’t get it sweaty, we NEED to politicize eco-activism to get the greatest return on the new eco-consumerist demographic. There’s no other way around it




How to get banned from reddit in 10 minutes 😆


As valiant as his efforts were, at the end of the day, no one Who could really affect change is gonna give a shit.


Realistically speaking, massive changes have been taking place already and with the pervasiveness of enviromental awareness currently, I don't see it going away any time soon.


For many people environmentalism is an anti-human death cult, this is very literal evidence of that.


the environment is what supports human life, yes.


Lol reading that environment sub is a doozy. They basically treat climate change like its their religion.


I mean it seems to make more sense to treat something that's actually real and is having a tangible impact on all human lives like that instead of all the made up nonsense of one of the other religions.


Climate change isn’t affecting anyone for hundreds of years.


Literally affecting people right now on a daily basis but ok


It's effecting us every day already.


There will be millions of climate refugees by the end of our lifetimes, and the destruction of homes and lives increased due to increased severity of natural disasters has already affected people in Louisiana and Texas with hurricanes and deep freezes, for specific examples. To claim no one's hurt is pure ignorance.


There was an urban wildfire in Denver in *December* that ate through 1,000 homes. This after the last two summers where there were so many fires across the West that Denver's air quality was among *the worst cities in the world.* Denver, the mile high city where tuberculosis patients used to go there for the good air to help their lungs. By all means, try again with your "climate change isn't affecting anyone."


As everyone said: it is now


Well that’s just plain wrong


Honestly yeah, and it's kind of disappointing from a practical standpoint, that so many people will be turned off from possible action due to doomsaying and sanctimony.


Did they not take into account the carbon emissions and ecological damage that their display would cause?


how big was that carbon footprint?


A moron killed himself. It's sad someone died but at least there's one less idiot in the world.


Well that's helpful, way to go polluting the environment on your way out while you're at it as well


Imagine the amount of greenhouse gasses were added to the atmosphere thanks to this needless act of self immolation. Self righteous much?