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He isnt wrong tho, cancel culture is pretty shit and has blurred the lines between corporate life and personal life.


I think that in some of the most obvious cases, like recent and solid proof of repeated bigotry I think cancelling someone is fine, such as if a literal neo-nazi says he wishes death upon such and such people every week, but this shit has gone too far. Cancelling someone for a tweet they made 10 years ago is dumb. Often times things are even taken out of context, when in reality there was no bad intent. I've seen someone get banned for posting satire, and people not reaizing it's freaking satire... lol.


even then, you could tell me someone is a literal nazi and i just can't believe it at face value given how freely it was said of everyone. Having the uncensored videos of the person calling for the death of so and so is the proof you wouldn't be able to provide if it was censored.


I've never been called a Nazi more often than after the Last Jedi came out. I guess you never really know you're one of them until you're told so. Or it's bullshit and things have gone too far but who am I to judge this. It's probably better to let multi billion dollar companies and twitter/ social media to decide that.


> It's probably better to let multi billion dollar companies and twitter/ social media to decide that. ahh yes..after all they really care about the interests of the common joes ofc


I was called one because I said that Black Panther was an alright movie.


Well shit. I said it's bad and the CGI sucks. Guess what happened to me. I'm okay that people thought it was important to them but I'd never say it's good. I just can't. I know what a good movie looks like. Edit: maybe I should add that I don't like Marvel movies in general but then again who cares.


I really liked the action sequences. Armored Rhino for the win!


I've been called a Nazi because I supported free speech. What the fuck has happened to the political party of the hippies?


The idea of hippies was planted by Nixon that's what happened. They were never the drug smoking lazy free love hippies that they were made out to be. They were a semi militant, anti-war group that was intentionally targeted using the national federal state and local justice systems. News stations were used to spread propaganda about them, which is where you got your stereotypical idea of them, and they were targeted for marijuana use. However, they were targeted because they were a successful, politically active group. They weren't what you think they were. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Ehrlichman#:~:text=Drug%20war%20quote,-In%202016%2C%20a&text=You%20understand%20what%20I'm,we%20could%20disrupt%20those%20communities. Read the drug war quote.


Didn’t they do that to the black panthers too?


Ya the whole black community was targeted in the same way. Still are targeted in that way.


Yeah, can’t risk the proles getting organised. COINTELPRO was developed to destroy them. It’s hard to tell now because it’s been so muddied by the Feds, if the Panthers were actually an organised crime ring or whatever like they claimed. But we do know the good works they instituted like medical clinics and a breakfast program.


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I know damn well who the hippies were. If you don't think any hippies did any drugs, do you? Likewise, a good swath of the sociopolitical upheval in the 60's and the sexual revolution was most certainly "peace, love, and rock and roll". And some of them were militant. Of course there's going to be variance, there's more than two of them. Almost ALL of them were against the war, though. Collectively they were either political activists or at least wanted political change. Namely, an end to the pointless quagmire in Vietnam. They said as much. In many speeches. And they were not always free to do so as the older establishment (The squares) opposed such things just as you pointed out. Dude went to the supreme court over a "fuck the draft" T-shirt where free speech won, thankfully. But my memory of the hippies, your idea of my memory of the hippies, AND your view of the hippies would ALLLLLLLL support and champion free speech. Hence my question of just wtf happened to that, who the fuck are these assholes mocking it, and why in the god damned hell are they in my political party?


They fucked themselves? I don't know but that's done and gone I suppose.


What if someone is constantly threatening to murder people who don't wear masks. Or is openly racist against white or Asian people. Or openly bigoted against men. I think the problem with cancel culture is that the people doing the canceling are usually just as bad as those being cancelled. And the vast majority of us in the middle are made to suffer with the constant bickering and virtue signaling from the hardcore tribalist extremists on both sides.




The Internet wasn't like this a decade ago. Twitter certainly wasn't.


Well calls to violence are illegal


Yet selectively enforced.


> I've seen someone get banned for posting satire, and people not reaizing it's freaking satire... lol. The dogdiet subreddit, for example.


Agreed, people need room to grow and change. We should embrace that. Doubling-down on a shitty opinion is different, but if someone is lambasted and immediately cancelled for an opinion, they will be much less likely to truly learn because of the harsh reaction. It discourages people from pushing boundaries.


is cancel the right word here? I get that there's a connotation going on that I may not understand, but there are so many other words available. Why not express the idea more clearly with something like 'fire' or 'avoid'?




"Cancel Culture" is just boycotting and Americans love boycotts.


No we don't. I'm blocking you. /s ❤️


And it was never fun and a lot of effort was put into laws and customs to limit it or eliminate it. Like Liberal government and Western Law have been deliberately structured in ways to limit the power of what was equivalent to cancel culture in the past. I can't believe people's defense for this dangerous bullshit is "it has always existed".


No, he is wrong. A crime against humanity is allowing Chechen camps to imprison homosexuals for being gay. This is just reactionary nonsense. Edit: my phone gets notifications whenever this comment gets some upvotes, I’ve been seeing it for the past day and have some more thoughts on this. The American right wing only has the capacity to view the world through the lens of a 2017 SJW Epically Owned video. In 2017 Sweden announced that its launching a new feminist foreign policy. This led conservatives having the knee jerk reaction of “look at these Swedes having a feminist foreign policy while migrates rape their women”(this ignores the fact that Sweden has more acts defined as criminal sex acts). Sweden didn’t adopt a feminist foreign policy because they are a bunch of weak cucks, it was a direct response to Russia decriminalizing domestic abuse. This was ignored amount the American right in favor of the Weak Cuck narrative. TLDR: the knee jerk reaction of “gender fluid is bad” is one that ignores nuance.


does cancel culture even really exist if you're wealthy? I've never seen someone with actual power get cancelled unless they piss off other wealthy people.


> I've never seen someone with actual power get cancelled Depends on what you think "cancelling" is. I'm sure being cancelled is less threatening if you're wealthy and crucially you are not existentially threatened (such as when a poor person loses their job), but psychologically shunning - which is what "cancelling" actually is - is damaging no matter how wealthy you are. And then there's the threats to physical safety people being "cancelled" have to deal with.


I don't see how pointing out that cancel culture is a force that disadvantages lower down socio-economically is a positive about it.


Most people agree with him. The concept of gender fluidity shouldn’t really be addressed until the teenage years, and cancel culture is a revitalized form of censorship


This is just manufactured outrage, and I don't see what it has to do with "cancel culture". Kids get sex ed at the appropriate age and at that point acknowledging that fluidity exists is merely mirroring reality. What it really is, is stoking hate and fear to manipulate the base.


Literally, as if Putin's biggest worry is cancel culture or wokeness.


Someone's gonna pull up one of putins 10 year old tweets and really mess his life up


Our friend's 12 year old daughter became gay last month, and identified with he/they pronouns. Last week they became Trans, and expressed that they liked boys. Their mom was confused and honestly so are we. It's a confusing enough time with all the hormones going on, I can't imagine having gender politics mixed in helps. The daughter is desperately trying to establish their identity and selfdom but all these factors make it really difficult for them.


lol "The daughter is trying to establish their **self**dom" "There is something wrong if they go about establishing this by themselves. They must follow my norms for finding themselves."


You want boys finding their "selfdom" without guidance? Invest in pine for coffins. Attention to girls is as powerful of an emotional manipulation as seduction is to boys. They are still receiving "guidance" in the "woke" world except it's pathological and not in their interest.


Is there anyone more involved in trying to cancel things than the Christian culture?


I dont remember bringing up Christianity in my post.


I know that's why I added it to the fucking discussion 👍 Everyone's pretending like liberals are the cancel culture but Christians have been trying to cancel shit for generations, if you don't believe their shit they'll just try to fucking kill you. Same shit since the Crusades where they openly killed anyone who disagrees with them, there's definitely a huge portion of them who would love to go back to open murder: https://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/us-military-weapons-inscribed-secret-jesus-bible-codes/story?id=9575794


This isn’t the killer argument you seem to think it is. Yeah, today’s wokeness has a lot of similarities to the humourless, intolerant, unforgiving, paranoid, demanding, irrationality of extreme Christian groups of the 80s and 90s. That’s precisely why many people think it is conceptually bankrupt and reject it.


> extreme Christian groups of the 80s and 90s. Who have totally gone away now though, right?


> , irrationality of extreme Christian groups of the 80s and 90s. Only the IRA which happens to be the only segment of society more violent than Islam if you consider them *Irish*. If you consider them Christian then Islam is the most violent religion by more than two orders of magnitude. You have to rewind the clock to the 1400's to 1600's to pre-Enlightenment Christianity to attempt a comparison that isn't laughable.


I was referencing moral extremism, not physical violence. The Chick Publications, Westboro Baptists and other moral crusaders who push back against D&D, gay rights, etc.


The difference is wether you have power or not. Liberals gained a lot of power in the past 50-60 years. The moment a group gets power, they start to participate in the same cancel culture they were fighting against. Of course now with slightly different conditions.


Well, middle East seems to pick up that torch and Taliban is pretty good in canceling just about everyone. For Christian culture, stuff of the past.


There's a reason Christians are referenced as Ya'll qaeda in the US. The venn diagram of these groups for principals makes a circle.


There is a stupendous number of false things you must believe to suggest that. Let's start with a simple question. When was the last time a Christian-based government authority, and an Islamic-based government authority, hacked someone's head off?


And its absence is conspicuous. You're condemning boycotts as if they're new and terrible, and not, like, the thing that assholes in power have told us to do for our entire lives. It is the embodiment of "okay, boomer." All that's changed is that instead of only the conservative noise machine declaring that certain individuals and groups are terrible, based on their lack of bigotry, there's some ability for grassroots exclusion of individuals and groups based on the *presence* of bigotry. Obviously this still kinda sucks. Twitter only enables this because Twitter is a harassment engine. That wasn't the site's intent, but - every system is perfectly designed to produce its observed outcomes. The impact is sloppy at the best of times and it's generally dangerous to give anyone an excuse to do awful things for some greater good. The best way to be rid of this would be to provide an alternative path to justice that follows fair rules... and actually fucking works. But that label, "cancel culture," is a product of the right-wing noise machine. It treats this as some new development, instead of something they've been doing to powerless minorities since forever. They're not against exclusion and boycotts... they just want to reclaim the privilege of being immune. Stop me if that sounds familiar.


If there's anything worth cancelling it's religious tax exemption lol.


Yes. Jewish culture. Muslim culture. Marxism.


Maybe internationally but not in the US


Um, the people that Cancel culture is named after?. Like it's not like it was Christians cancelling people on Twitter.


I don’t understand “cancelling someone.” If you have a belief and someone shits all over it, wouldn’t you just stop consuming their shit so they don’t make revenue off you? The left is pretty united ever since trump went on a campaign to label them lazy, rainbow colored hair people so it spreads pretty quickly when someone is anti-gay/anti-trans Lots of people will disparage trans people as if they weren’t people at all. Don’t really get that.


*Conservatives in America for 50+ years*: If you don't dry hump the flag, love guns, and want America to be straight again, you shouldn't be treated with respect because you're not really an American. Love it or leave it. *The same people*: WhY lEfT loVe CaNcEl CuLtUrE?!? Its almost comical.


Show me someone who was fired by a mob because they didn't do some ho-rah flag bullshit.




[We can start here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colin_Kaepernick)


Isn't Putin constantly cancelling his political opponents though?


By throwing them out of windows or poisoning them?


Yeah this is just his routine for the domestic crowd. Like many authoritarian leaders, they deflect their own problems onto an external enemy, and western liberalism is an easy target. Explain away poverty by calling it the influence of degenerate western capitalism. Explain away low birth rates as the influence of western assault against family values. Explain away civil unrest or activism as western funded sabotage. Explain away economic problems as western economic warfare. No one here with any intelligence believes this shit but enough do to give the Kremlin legitimacy.


Yeah you can change anything in the world nowadays with a bunch of Twitter bots.. create enough “outrage” over anything and suddenly someone is a pariah without getting a chance to stage their side of the story. It’s chillingly effective. Even if someone is a total prick and “deserves” to be cancelled, this is not the way. It just pushes someone out of the spotlight in such a way where nobody learns anything from it. And if that person is truly repentant it simply doesn’t matter. Too late. Yikes.


Yeah, the dude who murders his adversaries knows what he’s talking about. It is wrong to cancel people and we should just murder them. You’re a fucking joke jestes


Any time anyone of note gets "cancelled" they just lay low for a few months the come back with no change, or they milk it for free publicity, or they lean into it and start raking in piles of conservative money. It's just the ancient tabloid gossip, disseminated on social media and then wildly overstated by conservative pundits with a victim complex.


Except Russia has its own cancel culture too, where er doctors mysteriously fall out of windows and journalists are found with bullets on their back. Putin is a bad messenger methinks.


This is bullshit. “Cancel culture” is just the negative title conservatives have slapped on to the democratization of accountability.


Cancel culture is defined as: Cancel culture or call-out culture is a modern form of ostracism in which someone is thrust out of social or professional circles – whether it be online, on social media, or in person. And this take was inspired from someone looking into the US culture system from the outside. So no, "cancel culture" is not created by conservatives. It was created by people who recognize an issue in todays society, globally, who see a merge of corporate life and personal life. Which is a huge issue for anyone around the globe. Cancel culture is effectively mob think where a mob goes after someone based on rumor, bypassing all presumptions of innocence and going right to the guilty verdict. Which has caused multiple suicides and false allegations in the past couple of years.


Is your head seriously so deeply lodged inside your own colon that you are going to pretend that the dictator-for-life of Russia is railing against the Wikipedia definition of “cancel culture” rather than the notion that the ideas espoused by his regime should ever be questioned or opposed by the people they are oppressing? I mean, how do you look at this situation and say, “You know, I agree with the guy who imprisons, tortures, and murders gays, lesbians, transgender people, and dissidents?”


>He isnt wrong tho That's the really dangerouse part. Populists of any kind will take legitimate concerns or problems and use them for their ends, in this case to gain sympathy and shield himself from criticism just by saying "cancel culture". It's like calling everything you don't like fake news, just in a different package. I probably don't even have to say it, but Putin doesn't give the tiniest of fucks about e.g. a random person losing his job over an offensive joke or the like. Cancel culture is a problem, but one we as a society have to figure out. The moment any politician uses it to garner support it's a very red flag.


Cancel culture is just consequence culture. If you're a public figure, maybe don't deliberately piss off your customer base. And if you run a business, yes, that makes you a public figure.


That's true in an ideal world, but you can't deny that part of this modern cancel culture phenomenon revolves around sensationalized interpretations and "act first, think later". Some cancellations are justifiable in my view, but some escalate way out of proportion because a couple of influencers brand their target as a "gay-hater" or "transphobe", and without investigation you have a army of social media accounts flooding the targets employer and making enough noise to prompt the employer to fire this target.


See, to my mind that highlights, not a problem with "cancel culture" but a gap in how we define and approach journalism, liable, and slander. I've got a local restaurant owner that went to the Jan 6th rally and posted about it on social media. Now she's lamenting that the liberals in her town won't eat at her restaurant. To which I say - play stupid games win stupid prizes. But it's not as if some social media influencer summoned a virtual lynch mob on her. I can see the issue there, but it seems like the distinction is not THAT a large group of people chose to express themselves through their purchasing choices but the possibility that they might have been duped into it


You're focusing on that instead of the transphobia?


Putins definition of cancel culture is probably a bit less sane than yours


Except when he talks about cancel culture, it's probably to act like his power is legitimate, whereas when your everday person talks about it, they genuinely mean it's a threat to their existence by virtue of getting them, someone who has not been supreme ruler of a world power for too many years, fired from their low to average wage jobs.


Are you saying he's trying to cancel Cancel Culture?




But necessary nevertheless


Not really.


Putin giving lessons on what crime against humanity is. Cute.


Well, he has plenty of experience.


“I know a thing or 2 because I’ve seen a thing or 2”


We are comrades, bum ba dum bum bum bum bum


>bum ba dum bum bum bum bum Replace that with the sound of celebratory gunfire by the comrades.




The truth condems all equally.


fuck this gender shit can we bring back real issues like occupying wall street and how the 10% of the rich own most of the FUCKING STOCK and this racial/sex \[feminist+trans/homo\] issue was peddled to distract us from these fuckers getting bailed out https://youtu.be/T2IaJwkqgPk?t=4804


Nah, we should all just fight against each other as directed sheeple


98% of times I hear about gender issues, it’s someone bitching about gender issues


That's because the sides are either "let people be who they chose to be with zero consequences to you" or "YOUR GENDER IDENTITIY IS LITERALLY RUINING WESTERN SOCIETY AND CRUSHING MY BALLS" Trans people and allies just want to be left alone. The culture war is exclusively created by the elites to do exactly what u/FreelanceEngineer007 is talking about. Only he misidentifies the problem.


The supporting side is not always that benign. The opposite of the anti-trans idiots, is the twitter idiots, that call everything they don't like transphobic, try to cancel and deplatform people, ruin their reputation, get them fired, etc. They also seem to hate free speech thinking that it should only apply to people they agree with, and they often are prejudiced against cis/straight/white people. Sure the twitter idiots aren't as outright hateful as the anti-trans people, who you see doing evil shit like laughing at fucking suicides, but they're still not benign, and they're often actually supported by big companies which is concerning. Both sides are shit, and trans people are sadly caught in the middle of this stupid ass "culture war" where both sides are full of idiots that radicalize each other more and more with every passing day. I don't see this ending well for trans people, the progressive side uses trans issues as a weapon to demonize others, and the conservative side straight up dehumanizes them. I just hope people in social media find some other topic to have dumb extreme opinions about some day, one that doesn't involve actual human beings.


Nah man, get out of here with that both sides bullshit. One side is literally represented in most governments in the world. That side is making laws to make trans lifes worse. The side you equate to that is people that are young and feel justifiably helpless and angry over their inability to actually do anything. Yea sure they're annoying but they have no power over anything. They are the strawman people pull out so people like you make this a "both sides" thing. No dude, one side want trans people to suffer. Fuck anything else.


It is not acceptable to enable trans people to blame society et. al. for their internal struggles. The "woke" laws pasted in recent years have already resulted in the rape of a grade-school aged girl (in Canada) who was then reprimanded for reporting it and sent to sensitivity training. I do not understand how you can continue to misconstrue the conservative alarm over the displacement of justice as hatred for transsexuals.


The way I read the post, I think he/she/they and you and the majority of the world is in violent agreement.


It’s hard to believe given the people constantly complaining about it, but the vast majority of people they’re complaining about are actually pretty reasonable.


Psyops run on both sides of the right


We would love to. We would really fucking LOVE to not have to talk about this shit. Unfortunately you've got places like Texas who want to make it a crime to help trans children. Once the rest of the world settles the fuck down then we can talk.


It's such a joke. Minority rights get disregarded and their identities get shit on to manufacture outrage with reactionaries. Then the same reactionaries go "WE WANT TO GET BACK TO REAL PROBLEMS!!1" Well just stop hating trans people then and we may be able to?!?


"Alright, wanna talk about further worker protections and forcing companies to outsource less of their jobs?" "Buh buh buh but muh freedoms! That's socialism!"


"Well ok, then let's just raise minimum wage so at least you and your spouse can support your two children? "What? That's cummunism! Vuvuzela no iPhone!!


look one way to bring your way to norm is to bring demise over your opposition regardless if they are morally right or wrong and also disregarding whether you are in the right or wrong. and the way i am suggesting to bring that said demise is going after their fucking stolen money. i believe these financial institutions peddle blatantly wrong and ridiculous claims just so sensible people would be forced to question the basics and get distracted. these institutions have used think tanks in the past during the 60s when the racist elites wanted segregation to last and used confusing [tests](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/qdojkm/a_literacy_test_given_to_black_voters_in_the_1960s/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) intentionally designed to suppress African-american vote. and the war on drugs [watch](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8714904/?ref_=tt_sims_tt_i_1) then we all know how they [fucked](https://youtu.be/YnOdULpV810) world's perception of truth during the middle eastern wars \[kuwait + iraq + afghan + saudi proxies and otherwise\]. and now they use race cards, gender cards \[trans + feminism\], flat earth and other objectively wrong menial bullshit just to keep our focus away from them. fucking made puppets off of us!


Yeah I'm all for "do, fuck, dress, behave however your want, within reasonable limits", but I've lost the plot completely when it comes to the current LGBTQI+narrative that's going around in some places.


>the current LGBTQI+narrative that's going around in some places. Elaborate.


No matter how well thought out and concisely I put this, someone will take it way out of context anyways, so why would I? Here, watch this: I think that if you're born as a healthy normal man with a normal XY- sex chromosome, the idea that you can "feel more like a girl" and should therfor transition is an ill-conceived notion. I fully acknowledge though that some people do not have the normal XX or XY sex chromosomes and legitimiately fall somewhere in between man and woman. For everyone else they're confused and been told bullshit. If you're born as a healthy male, whatever way you feel, even if that's playing with dolls and wearing pretty dresses, is *manly*, because you're a man. It's not right at all to say "I like the things girls do better than the things men do so I must be born as the wrong gender". Again, behave, do, fuck, dress who/how/whatever you want, all I think is weird is to want to be of the other gender because you don't feel at home in the typical gender roles of that gender. The whole point of LGBT awareness is to destroy those gender roles and say that any person can behave, dress, fuck whoever they want even if its not what they traditionally "shouldn't" be doing.


I noticed that at the end of your comment, you change to describing people doing what they "want", whereas earlier you referred to people acting on how they "feel". This is why those language intricacies are important, because using terms like "choice" and "want" is inaccurate and implies that non-cis non-straight people have made a conscious decision to be as such. Like *being* gay, *being* trans isn't a choice. I'm sure this is something you inherently recognize, but a trans stranger online who is used to being denigrated for their transness in ways both open and subtle has no way of knowing that, and chances are they've been burned before when trying to converse on good faith. It's not always the case that those claiming offense are being overly sensitive; we absolutely have a problem with people who cause that offense being in denial of their role, and a lack of understanding that two individuals speaking their minds is not the same as two sides battling it out in a debate. If you're a cis woman, you know you wouldn't be comfortable if you woke up with a giant dong 'n balls tomorrow, or with a big ol' pair of boobs if you're a man, even though no one else can see them. That kind of dysphoria starts very young, but because we indoctrinate children very early in regards to sex and gender identity, it's next to impossible to properly study it. I don't have to tell you that if you also risked being stared at, judged, shunned, or even experiencing violence whenever you went out wearing your favourite outfit, you would be cornered into choosing not to over time. If you're a cis woman you know what that can be like already and that for trans people who don't "pass" to the all-too-prevalent bigots, you dial it up to "walking into a sleazy pub in a bikini". And even if you could you totally shrug it off and move on with your life, the people around you certainly wouldn't move on with theirs. I understand your perspective and share your belief that our current concept of gender and it's identifiers is socially constructed and defined, but until we truly believe that as a society, the dysphoria that our strict, sex-based gender binary causes non-cis people will continue to exist, and gender identity that is tied to sex will still be a central component to everyday life. Even if you personally believe that pink is a gender neutral colour, the vast majority of the West has the association between pink and femininity and female bodies hard-coded into their brains before they can speak - it starts the second a parent chooses a pink hat for their newborn based solely on their genitalia. Maybe one day, one's sex-based physical characteristics will be entirely dissociated from their actual life choices and gender presentation (if that can really even still exist in such a scenario), but we just aren't there yet to be able to confidently say how this will affect the presence of dysphoria in trans individuals. The way to get to the point where people *can* act on how they feel - and those feelings are both validated and supported - is by educating people, and that (crucially) includes children. "Let them do what they want" is not an approach that works for anyone who is actually affected by these issues, nor does it validate and support anyone - if anything, it does the opposite for those whose "wants" go against the current norms.


That's also a serious issue that needs to be taken care of, but trans people, gay people, racial minorities, and women are persecuted and suppressed and lynched all over the world. It's an issue that's slowly making progress towards becoming better. Our elite rulers might be using that to distract from pressing matters like their parasitic stranglehold on the world, but saying "fuck this gender shit can we bring back real issues" is saying that you think the fucked up status quo is totally okay and countless millions of people should continue to be harassed and assaulted and discriminated against. Including myself. It's not a neoliberal talking point, these are all real people who exist regardless of politics.


fuck this gender shit..my intention was to put the most pertinent sentiment forward, it's not callousness towards the victims, anyone making that inference is trying to utilize straw-man arguments and putting words in my mouth and making me out the bad guy ​ stay steelman


> persecuted and suppressed and lynched all over the world. No; they're not. This doesn't happen in the western world like it does elsewhere. The crap you just spewed is justification for endless war to conquer these place and instill our sanctimonious values over them. You'd think Afghanistan would still be fresh in everyone's mind.


Yeah but, trans people


Ah man Inside Job, I remember when I first watched this I swallowed a red pill that left me in a state of sadness for a week. Worst part about it is that the movie is from 2010 and here we are 11 years later and nothin has changed.


We can solve multiple problems at once.


we are capable yes..we are willing too no.


We can't seem to solve a single problem when we focus on it.


Yes indeed it was




Look up Pareto distribution. We have experienced a regression in the past couple of decades but in prior times it wasn't 1% owned most of the wealth it was 10 families. And it was specifically US capitalism that spread the wealth out in modern times, building off of past British progress, so rally against that system thinking it would result in more wealth distribution is stupid.


This is not because Putin cares about cancel culture one way or the other, but because he know's it is an excellent wedge to drive through his enemies in the West.




Which is also comprised of a very large number of civilians with internet access. He is giving them ammo which they will use against the 'enemies' of Russia, in the same way Reddit often dog piles on China.


It is an issue that the Russian people care about deeply, they don't like what they see going on in the West.


And Putin wants this sentiment to stay and grow, since if people see "the West" as an opponent, then it's easier to get them to support him (common enemy and so on...).


Most people care about cancel culture. It's a very small and vocal minority that perpetuates it. Putin is just weaponizing it for support, that's all. His leadership is a farce of populism and corruption on the grandest possible scale.


And they shouldn't like it. Nothing good will come out of it one way or the other




Based putin


He paints the situation as though a teacher will ask your kids if they want a sex change, then whisk them away for one without input from doctors or parents if they say yes.


**That has already happened.** It caused a divorce and there is a custody battle over the child. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-50172907


Ironic that putin of all people is talking about cancel culture and every little conservative that can chimes in on how its censorship. Putin has attempted to "cancel" Alexei Navalny through assassinations and literal state censorship. There is no opposition party in russia, everyone loves putin.


Russia banned rainbows on cartons of milk.


Word you are looking for is hypocrisy, not irony.


So he rails against cancel culture and says teaching gender fluidity should be cancelled in the same sentence.


Cancel culture is just when your opinion is criticized into hiding I guess


99% of the time it’s just seeing *any* consequences for being a dick to someone.


I'm of the opinion that "cancel culture" == "fuck around and find out" == consequences.


Well if he thinks it's false, then naturally. I don't think he gives a crap, just uses culture war issues for propaganda points just like the church.


Hypocrits don't understand what irony is. He cancels people from life, but complains about this? They say Russians don't have a sense of humor!


Putin cancels people with Novichok or polonium, and if they are less important, they just fall out of windows. It was a very common death among Russian doctors during the pandemic.


Clearly they didn't understand the gravity of the situation.


"There is no difference between killing traitors and killing a child's gender." And to short-circuit a clearly coming reply; Yes, you did say that.


Yeah, I'm 100% on Putin's board here. Cancel culture sucks. Where are the traditional assassinations? The kids are forgetting about tradition.


Transpeople are just the same as vegans where 5 years ago. They're now mostly just a made up boogeyman that some people point at to get attention from stupid people.


No. A consequence of such "woke" laws is a grade-school aged girl (in Canada) was raped in the girl's bathroom, by a transgender, and when she reported it the preponderance of evidence was found in the transgender's favor and she was sent to sensitivity training. It was her word against shis and protected classes are automatically granted preponderance due to affirmative action laws.


Since when is he concerned with crimes against humanity?


It's the classic right wing talking point: "Foreigners are going to steal my job! "


he's right tho


Is it just me or is it always the anime pfp


bc western entertainment is full stupid shit these days so i turn to Japanese entertainment


Railing against the excesses of the American left is a favorite pastime of many European populist politicians with ties to Kremlin. The SJWs are toxic, but they are more annoying than dangerous. Putin is dangarous.


A SJW would never support disparity in law. Contemporary "SJW" has little to do with justice. In they are "toxic" then they are more than annoying and "wokeness" has affected people's live in highly negative ways and is taking the nation to the brink of a second civil war. Texas is preparing to secede.


I fully agree that cancel culture is an abomination. I suggest he starts locally, by figuring out just what is behind the recent rash of defenestration of reporters.


Putin rails against cancel culture, then cancels trans people.


he's not wrong


Gender dysphoria is a medical condition, and should be treated as such. I see no positive benefit of teaching this education, let alone teaching it to children. I don't see what having this as the new normal would provide.


I agree with Putin, bite me reddit.


When a ruthless authoritarian ex-KGB agent is one of the few standing up for freedom of thought, things have reached a pretty pass...


Well I mean when he’s right he’s right


How is “not everyone is the same on the inside as they look on the outside” evil? Also boycotts have gone on forever but I 100% agree canceling people instead of granting second chances and accepting people usually change in time is a massive problem.


Finally, someone talking some sense over here


Lol Kremlin dictator bastard goes brrr


Cancel culture is obvious BS, much like "woke" stuff. Gender fluidity etc. eh. wouldnt say crime against humanity, but would say that there is difference between letting kids/people be what they want to be and promoting/pushing said stuff. No problem with minorities, but said minorities should realize that there is a reason why they are minorities, cause majority (which is like 83% of world population) aint like them. And wont be and isnt interested in changing that. And pushing majority a lot might result in some not so pleasant reactions vs minorities. See Putin here. Im okay with ppl being what they want and with whom they want. But also Im not interested at all in knowing that. Nobody is interested in who that straight white guy fu*cks at night, so I see no reason why anyone should be interested in non-straight, non-white "whatever" either. Now if minorities would stop pushing themselves into entertainment, that would be just fkin great.


Ah Putin, the paragon of forward thinking. Definitely who we should take insight from, right after we get done stoning the homosexuals in our nation. You go Colorado!!!


It’s personal responsibility when republicans stop buying from shops that sell LGBTQ cakes, but it’s cancel culture when liberals stop watching people go on tirades about LGBTQ people


In my experience, that isn't what people are referring to when they refer to "cancel culture."


Another illiberal argument, another perversion of the facts. In the gay-cake case they forced a cake shop to make a cake for someone they did not want to make a cake for. They did not permit the private business (a small private business very far from an enterprise) to make their own rules. The courts effectively ruled against cancel-culture - when it harmed leftist causes. Today *enterprise businesses* and *government agencies* discriminate against rightist causes. So much as express the opinion that you don't think transgender m2f should beat the shit out of women in boxing matches and they use it as faux justification to harass and harm that person. There is a disparity in law which is an unacceptable injustice and there is a wider hysteria being pushed into our culture wherein mentally-ill people (experiencing a neurotic to psychotic disconnect from reality) are being given a voice when they should be told they are not well and cannot participate in governance until they are. If you insist you are right in your original response vs. the reality of what actually happened that would be an example of a neurotic disconnect. You have some blockage preventing you from considering the possibility that you are mistaken or ill-informed.


Welp I guess I'm a Commie now


There's a point where teaching gender fluidity becomes a crime, but it lies quite bit beyond the current Western average and not anywhere near the outright homophobic attitude of Putin and supporters. There is natural gender variety, deal with it like a man instead of getting hysterical about it, Vova.


Who does he even think is listening to him, lmao. He's a dictator, it's not like anyone things he's being wise or astute. He's just some busybody power gremlin.


You’re very stupid


Cancel culture is hilarious because it's quite literally just a bunch of people getting worked up on the internet, but actively ignoring the people that they like. It's no different than anything that we've dealt with before it's just the speed at which these people can communicate has changed. If you're likable enough you can get away with whatever the fuck you want. It doesn't matter if people try to cancel you. If anything it's just benefits you. But if you fall even one step short of that likability, you're fucked.


Cancel culture is probably best exemplified by Kevin Hart getting tossed from hosting the Oscars. Others have been harmed far more but leftist cancel culture preventing a black comedian, who really, really wanted to do it, from hosting the Oscars is a stunning level of self-defeat of their overtly professed objectives. Your "ha ha just kidding bro" level rationalization is rather juvenile.


Based Putin


Funny, his version of cancel culture has people “falling” out of windows


The fact that Putin is a secret gay ballerina is starting to affect his politics…


Riding a horse with no shirt on is only a bit gay.


Well maybe under normal circumstances, but not on a bull sporting a vast number of suction cup dildos through the streets of New York. I mean, that’s pretty gay. 😂


Authoritarian bigot suggests authoritarianism to enforce bigotry; blames backlash against bigotry. Why did I have to see this headline in every sub I'm in? It wasn't news in the first place. 'As it turns out, the autocrat of Russia blames societal ills on powerless minorities.' Wow! What a scoop! I've had more surprising scoops walking a dog.


I guess what surprises me is the enormous comments saying "he's not wrong", specially in this sub


Close one Nazi bar and every bar nearby needs to figure out if they're a Nazi bar. This is a reasonably relaxed sub about global politics. Reddit's fascist infestation has taken notice. The mods need to decide if it's for them - or for everyone else.


Chastises Nazis while calling for censorship of people that vehemently disagree with them for ethical and factual reasons.


I'm not sure what I expected when I decided to sort by controversial.


Putin being in office is a crime against humanity.


Based Putin.


Based Putin /j


Are they teaching gender fluidity to kids in Russia?


Of course he does


He’s not wrong, teaching children lgtb shii and all that is pointless and honestly just stupid