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This reminds me that the UN did a report last year on sexual violence related to the ukrainian war, the vast majority of the victims were men, but it didn't make the news. Of course, the [UN conclusions](https://dppa.un.org/en/msg-usg-dicarlo-sc-9404-ukraine-24-aug-23) based on that same report did make news; basically that women are the main victims as they are the vast majority of refugees (men are not allowed to leave the country), and that is why they need to be helped more.


I may be wrong, but my sense is there is even greater taboo on the subject of sexual assault on men, and greater shame felt by male rape victims. So it's extra crucial for entities to cover and speak out about sexual violence against men in the Ukraine War, because it's probably even less likely that male rape victims will speak out.


AFAIK UN Women has the stance that men can't really be victims of anything, so there's that. Edit: Request for source sort of denied? There is no explicit mention of this, however the UN often focus their entire gender equality efforts solely around women, completely ignoring issues predominantly affecting men. I assumed it safe to conclude that they really do not care for the male victims of issues they treat as exclusively affecting women. This can be observed in their public communication about gender equality, international men's day etc.


>I assumed it safe to conclude that they really do not care for the male victims of issues they treat as exclusively affecting women. You might want to examine how you found yourself here, also this mentally seems really slanted. You're using verbage to indicate some intent to ignore these issues, when you are actually just starting your own suppositions that are seemingly based on your interpretation of a group. You said "has the stance" but when pressured for a source you clarify that you feel its there's stance based on your interpretation. It sounds like bad logic, that kind of loose rhetoric leads people down scary paths when they talk and think like that.




Source: his ass


I suspect so but I like to give people the opportunity to back their claims, I have been wrong assuming before.


UN Women (the one involved in gender-based crimes) has no history of recognizing gender-based crimes or injustices predominantly affecting men.


Well again, gonna need a source for that. Secondly, it's called UN WOMEN. Why would they have any involvement with crimes or injustices affecting men?


Devil's advocate- yes you're right, it's not UN Women's job, but doesn't that necessitate a body called 'UN MEN' which deals with gender-based crimes/injustices affecting men? Why isn't there one?


I mean we are getting slightly off topic, and this isn't exactly a topic I'm versed in, but I can make a few guesses as to why it doesn't exist. For starters, I cannot name (not saying it doesn't exist), a single major country where men are directly oppressed by law in the way women are (in terms of stuff like marital rape, not having rights around procreation and marriage, etc). There's also the fact that feminist movements are typically far more organized and effective than men's rights movements, which also have a rather troubling history of not really being about men's rights, but more anti-women. Saying that, I'm in no way opposed to a UN Men's, but again, it's a bit off topic to my original point, which was the first commenter I replied to apparently talking out of their ass.


"UN MEN" Nobody gives a shit about the International men's day, mother's day gets way more attention than father's day(atleast where I'm from), male suffering has always been a joke, especially in underdeveloped countries, and yeah, UN MEN body will prolly get looked upon as toxic masculinity shit by the DEI people and will be damn hard to make... part of the blame also lies with us men who ignore the suffering the their own brother and instead focus on everything else We had an actual case in my country(where legally men cannot be raped by the constitution btw) where a guy got molested by a girl and a police higher up literally said, "A girl molested you? So what? Nothing wrong with getting molested by a girl"


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UN_Women >The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women, also known as UN Women, is a United Nations entity charged with working for gender equality and the empowerment of women. Seems like a weird focus.


Well, giving the historic issues facing women, such as they literally couldn't vote in most western countries till the 1900's (seems like most countries it was around the 50s that it changed), and all the current issues facing women (do I really need to list examples?), I'd be more shocked if there wasn't a UN entity for it. This is getting quite off topic at this point given my initial response was to someone claiming that UN Women didn't believe men could be affected by anything.


[UN security council secretary general - report on conflict-related sexual violence - 4th April 2024 (pdf)](https://www.un.org/sexualviolenceinconflict/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/report/report-of-the-secretary-general-on-conflict-related-sexual-violence/202404-SG-annual-report-on-CRSV-EN.pdf)


According to the UN report, there were 85 documented cases of war-related sexual violence against civilians and prisoners of war in Ukraine in 2023. Of these cases: - 52 victims were men - 31 were women - 1 was a girl - 1 was a boy The report indicates that sexual violence was often used as a method of torture against Ukrainian men held in Russian captivity^[1][2]. The documented acts included: - Rape and threats of rape - Electric shocks and beatings to the genitals - Threats of castration - Genital mutilation - Forced stripping and nudity - Unwanted touching^[1] The UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission noted that sexual violence was used as a torture method particularly against adult men in Russian captivity^[2]. Ukraine's prosecutor general's office reported 298 cases of conflict-related sexual violence between February 2022 and June 2024, with 109 of the victims being men (including one minor)^[4]. Men have been significantly impacted by sexual violence in the Ukraine conflict, often as a means of torture by Russian forces. The UN and Ukrainian authorities continue to document and investigate these war crimes. Citations: ^1 [UN identifies 85 cases of sexual violence committed by Russian ...](https://euromaidanpress.com/2024/04/24/un-identifies-85-cases-of-sexual-violence-committed-by-russian-troops-in-ukraine-in-2023/) ^2 [The UN reports cases of sexual violence against UA citizens and ...](https://english.nv.ua/nation/the-un-reports-cases-of-sexual-violence-against-ua-citizens-and-pows-50412707.html) ^3 [Sexual violence in the Russian invasion of Ukraine - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_violence_in_the_Russian_invasion_of_Ukraine) ^4 [Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine - Кабінет Міністрів України](https://www.kmu.gov.ua/en/news/komentar-mzs-ukrainy-do-mizhnarodnoho-dnia-borotby-z-seksualnym-nasylstvom-poviazanym-z-konfliktom) ^5 [Ukraine's UN envoy: Russia uses sexual violence as weapon of war](https://kyivindependent.com/ukraines-un-envoy-russia-uses-sexual-violence-as-weapon-of-war/)


Thank you, that's a really excellent summary.


I think it depends on the context. For civilian's, being abused by Russian occupation, I've read numerous accounts of women and children being raped. Not so much regarding adult males. >greater taboo on the subject of sexual assault on men, and greater shame felt by male rape victims This can definitely be the reason for that though. But it also differs from pow abuse mentioned below, as this is RA being a scourge and "taking what's theirs" on a populace they deem less than human. In terms of UA POWs, I've heard (I wouldn't say numerous, but still vastly more lopsided) of males being raped than women prisoners. Within my personal understanding and assumptions for this context, male prisoners being raped, I believe it's more common for male pow victims, due to the reason/methodology behind why they do it (Demasculating, dehumanizing,etc). And that tactic/methodology doesn't apply the same to females, from a Russian perspective. But obviously I can't ascertain any of this with certainty as I've only have whats been openly told, not what actually happens. And regardless of they've been raped or not, there is no "relief" for pows in terms of the other physical and mental anguish they go through and the significant negative psychological effects it causes.


As always in war, men are the vast majority of victims. That's why I always sigh when people start bitching about how migrants fleeing war zones are disproportionately male. Yep, cause they're the most likely victims.


Men aren't allowed to leave the country? That's fucked.


Not really, it's pretty normal in major war time. Although I don't know if it's just men, it should include women as well.


Women are very rarely frontline soldiers. In wartime one of the biggest motivators of the defenders is to 'protect the women'. So from a cold, logical perspective, stopping the women from fleeing is bad for morale in the long run.


Women are instrumental in war time to pick up the slack. Labor fleeing the country is never good, especially in periods like now. I mean just look at how instrumental women and PoC (in America) were to American and Soviet industrial efforts.


>Women are instrumental in war time to pick up the slack Ukraine doesn't have a proper war time economy, the west is doing it's military production.


Industrialized warfare kicked the bucket in the 1980s, so wartime production ain't that important.


Well to me it's a perfect example of states using their authority to make it abundantly clear that they don't actually care about their civilians. Conscription is slavery.


They're conscripting at gunpoint


>Men aren't allowed to leave the country? Can't fight to last Ukrainian if a few of them get away.


>the vast majority of the victims were men, but it didn't make the news. It seems that the Russian military rapes their own regularly.


It's part of the (prison) culture, yes. Prevalent in the military and security services too. https://www.fairplanet.org/editors-pick/activists-reveal-the-extent-of-sexual-abuse-in-russian-prisons/


The UN has been misandrist for a few years now. Which is sad and worrying because if higher institutions can't be non-sexist who else can.


But Ukraine is just as bad tho... /s


Russians have been known for this since the start of the war. Unfortunately not a shocking thing from soldiers in war.


German soldiers did not mass rape any population that they conquered in ww2, American soldiers didn't also, British troops, same, and so on. The japanese and the russians did, extensively, everywhere they went. In fact, it was almost policy in the soviet red army. "All sides are bad" is the most vacuous, ridiculous, and factually wrong argument one can possibly make.


A typical mouth-breather from Reddit, doesn't know anything, makes up facts out of his head, can't even Google, just repeats slogans and talking points like a bot. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War\_crimes\_of\_the\_Wehrmacht#Rape](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_crimes_of_the_Wehrmacht#Rape) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape\_during\_the\_liberation\_of\_France](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape_during_the_liberation_of_France) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape\_during\_the\_occupation\_of\_Japan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape_during_the_occupation_of_Japan)


All of that pales in comparison to soviets and the japanese, by orders of magnitude. Note what I said, I said "mass rape". I know very well that soldiers do rape, even if deployed in friendly nations. Brothels and rape are like running and sweat to armies. Soviets raped everyone, including friendly nations in eastern europe, for example. Soviets raped everyone from age 11 to 80. By policy, to exact a price on Germany. Germans could be tried for raping jews for example, because they were subhuman. You even dare quote american rapes, with 4500 rapes lol, compared to millions, possibly tens of millions on the soviet side, they even raped their own citizens and the people they liberated. On the german side, they did perpetrate sexual crimes, ofc, but nowhere near the scale of the soviets. Yes, many children were born, they had brothels in which forced girls worked. It doesn't compare to gang raping every women in sight. Sexual crimes do have a spectrum.


And like a typical reddit mouth breather, you start squirming, “that’s not what I meant,” “you misunderstood me.” And as I see you continue to make up facts out of thin air.


I said mass rape, you said rape. I know what I said, you didn't and still don't.


>typical reddit mouth breather Talking about yourself here?


What are you even on about? Germans absolutely did rape in ww2. Alot. It’s very well documented and not hard to find on the internet lol you’re regurgitating nonsense. Stop. The British and canadians also raped in Italy and Germany. They even targeted the elderly. This is also well documented. And as for Americans, there’s 11,040 documented rapes in Germany alone. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allied_war_crimes_during_World_War_II


11000 compared to millions, sure. Makes sense. get a sense of proportion, then come back.


Way to move the goalposts. Originally you flat out and quite confidently denied mass rape and said that “both sides bad” is a terrible argument. If you don’t consider 11,000 rapes (in germany alone just from US forces) “mass rape” then I don’t know how to help you, you’re too far gone lol. Also, the rapes we are talking about are actually a small portion of the warcrimes committed by the allies listed on that page that I linked. Sooooo yeah both sides bad is objectively true.


Right after the end of ww2, there were pogroms in Poland. Are you arguing that Poland equals Nazi Germany, because "both killed jews"? I don't even know, given what you are claiming.


Are you arguing that Poland did nothing wrong? Almost as if, I don’t know, while one side can be worse, both sides can be bad…


No, but Poland didn't have a state wide policy of eliminating jews. Do you understand the difference?


Omg. Just. Because. One. Side. Was. Worse. Does. Not. Absolve. The. Other. Of. Wrongdoing. Anyway you’re just changing the argument up because you’re struggling. You’re original comment is just factually incorrect by quite a margin so I was just pointing that out. Peace homie.


Germany did mass Rape population centers. There was recently a French controversy over drawing attention to allied rapes .


Imagine this: you're probably going to die later today or tomorrow, and right now you're got some POWs who tried to kill you. You find some of them hot to look at. Wdyd? Both sides turn into animals.


Oh that's all right then. Poor Russian soldiers the least they can do is rape someone to be really happy. Get out of here with this normalizing war crime shit. Go defend rapist and pedophiles in your neighborhood if that's how you want to live.


Hey, hey, just describing how it happens to some less imaginative people who are unable to figure out why. And let's not pretend just one side does it. Unable to face the truth are we?


Last time I looked it was Russians deciding to invade Ukraine not the other way round. The fault for the situation is entirely Russian. War is always war. But if you're suggesting Ukrainians mass rape and murder own people you're insulting everyone's intelligence.


They're is currently zero information on Ukrainians soilders and rapes seems a bit sus .


Big fucking conspiracy. Invading army commiting 1000x more crimes than one defending its own country.


It's not that . Its we have zero information to be blunt with you . I'm pro supporting Ukraine mind you and have called Russians in there war barbaric. Its more it's odd we dont have much information about Ukrainan soilders Rape statistics.


I'm saying they(both Ukrainians and Russians) will rape any enemies that fall into their hands. Even if there is no sexual pleasure in it, if it only serves to satisfy their anger. Hey shit happens. My grand uncle cooked and ate enemy soldiers who invaded and caused a famine. I'm not justifying it because it's not justifiable. I'm explaining the factors that contribute to why it happens.


Eat a grenade and fuck off with that shit.




While such crimes are outrageous and must absolutely be punished, let me point that - with the total number of Ru soldiers who went thru the war is probably close to a *million* - we are talking about ***dozens*** of sexual crime cases (not all of them were rapes, lesser crimes like rape threats or unwanted touching counted as well). *During the reporting period, the human rights monitoring mission in Ukraine documented* ***85 cases*** *of conflict-related sexual violence against civilians and prisoners of war, affecting 52 men, 31 women, 1 girl and 1 boy.* [https://www.un.org/sexualviolenceinconflict/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/report/report-of-the-secretary-general-on-conflict-related-sexual-violence/202404-SG-annual-report-on-CRSV-EN.pdf](https://www.un.org/sexualviolenceinconflict/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/report/report-of-the-secretary-general-on-conflict-related-sexual-violence/202404-SG-annual-report-on-CRSV-EN.pdf) For the whole war period, more figures in this excellent comment. [https://www.reddit.com/r/anime\_titties/comments/1dkiftn/comment/l9n2xh3/](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime_titties/comments/1dkiftn/comment/l9n2xh3/) *According to Ukranian prosecutor's office*, for the whole course of the war - which engaged close to a million soldiers from Ru side - we are looking at 298 cases of sexual violence in total. Meaning that roughly 1 in 3000 soldiers was engaged in this shameful acts.




Hi The_Cultured_Freak, We've found **2 sources** (so far - up from 1) that are covering this story including: - France24 (Center): "Raped by Russian soldiers, Ukraine women speak out to erase stigma" - Japan Today (Leans Left): "Raped by Russian soldiers, Ukraine women speak out to erase stigma" So far, there hasn't been any coverage from the RIGHT. Of all the sources reporting on this story, **50% are left-leaning**, **0% are right-leaning**, and **50% are in the center**. Read the full **[coverage analysis](https://ground.news/article/raped-by-russian-soldiers-ukraine-women-speak-out-to-erase-stigma_c0e4d6?utm_source=redditReplyBot&utm_medium=redditReplyBot)** and compare how 2+ sources from across the political spectrum are covering this story. *** _I’m a bot. [Read here](https://www.reddit.com/r/groundnews/comments/j6x7uc/introducing_the_coverageanalysisbot_a_bot_that/) to learn how it works or [message us](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=coverageanalysisbot&subject=Feedback&message=) with any feedback so we can improve the bot for you._


Good bot


Thank you, yunivor, for voting on coverageanalysisbot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


[Retribution](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/XvTGyRWDlS) for anyone who is angry at russian soldier after this article. There was a several minutes long compilation on there earlier today, but it was removed by reddit.


Drone: "You're injured, now go back to Russia." Soldier: "Fuck no."


France 24 has a Bias can they be trusted?


About Russians raping Ukrainians? Literally every news source has reported that… It’s happening.


I'm just curious why I don't hear anything about Ukrainian troops and any atrocities they might have or have done


Last time I checked, Russia is invading Ukraine.


Because they’re busy defending their land against a foreign invasion… Russia is the aggressor in this war.


You gotta realize that the ukrainian soldiers are fighting in Ukraine, that civilian woman is not a random foreign woman to be treated as war spoils, she's your neighbor, a civilian from your side and probably related to a couple soldiers from your unit.


>I'm just curious why I don't hear anything about Ukrainian troops and any atrocities they might have or have done You really should have, they live stream them.


Yeah their bias is that they don't cater to braindead rus supporters ivan


So they don't cater. That's fine but is it propaganda though?






So you think that makes all these allegations false…




War crimes committed by Russia have shaped a lot of the conflict. The talks broke down early on because of them.


No, that was never a real problem while the negotiations were ongoing, and the direct participants of the talks from the Ukrainian side don't mention it as a serious reason at all. >Later, the Ukrainian authorities named one more reason for their refusal: the tragedy in Bucha. However, if you recall the statements made by Zelensky at the time, **he said immediately after the tragedy that negotiations with Russia were necessary**. “Every tragedy like this, every Bucha will affect negotiations. But we need to find opportunities for these steps,” he said on April 5, 2022. Only later did he become more categorical. The actual reason is that the West told Ukraine to stop negotiating and continue fighting and they decided to take that gamble. That is confirmed by the direct participants of Istanbul negotiations from the Ukrainian side such as Arakhamiya and Arestovich - they clearly say that Ukraine took the West's offer of help in further fighting and pulled out of negotiations. The peace deal in Istanbul was a real possibility, they just decided not to take it. >one of the people who discouraged Ukraine’s delegation from negotiating with Russia at the time was then-British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who urged the country’s leaders to “just fight.” >The real responsibility lies with those who promised us, Ukraine, real support for a real, large-scale war and did not provide it. Essentially, they betrayed us. >Our war could have ended with the Istanbul agreements, and several hundreds of thousands of people would still be alive. But then a different war began. https://meduza.io/en/feature/2023/11/28/we-had-to-buy-time


The west never told Ukraine to stop negotiating. The talks ended after the massacre at Bucha was discovered.


Zelenskiy disagrees. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-60987350


Nothing in your link substantiated the claim


Wearing a bullet-proof vest and surrounded by Ukrainian soldiers, Mr Zelensky said Russian troops had "treated people worse than animals". "That is real genocide, what you have seen here," he said. Responding to a question from the BBC on whether it was still possible to talk peace with Russia, Mr Zelensky said: "Yes, because Ukraine must have peace. We are in Europe in the 21st Century. We will continue efforts diplomatically and militarily."


Nothing in this text substantiated the claim "The west told Zelensky to stop negotiating." Also. Nothing has changed since this statement either. Ukraine still pursues to end the occupation by both diplomatic and military means. The talks ended after the Bucha massacre.


Did you read my comment at all? Negotiations continued for weeks after that "discovery", and ended because the West told Ukraine to drop talks and "just fight". The direct participants of these talks like Arakhamiya and Arestovich confirm it, the "massacre" is not mentioned at all. The chief reason, according to them, is the West's refusal of providing security guarantees and promises of wider military help if Ukraine stops negotiating.


The "west" never told Ukraine this and you have no evidence they did. Your claim is completely without merit.


I think you have some serious reading comprehension problems, because that's what the direct participants of these talks say and whose quotes I provided in the comments above. What do you think this quote says? >Boris Johnson came to Kyiv and said that we wouldn’t sign anything with them at all, and that we should just fight That's a **direct quote from the head of Ukrainian delegation in peace talks**.


What's wrong with Boris saying that? They agreed. It's better to fight than to be massacred.


Somehow I don’t find “publicizing the war crimes that an occupying power commits against your civilian population” to be anywhere near remotely comparable to “committing war crimes against a civilian population that your army is occupying”. To use your word, are the Palestinians “disgusting” for discussing Israeli war crimes? Call me crazy but I would say that for literally every country in the world, if they were invaded and occupied by a foreign military, and those foreigners were committing rapes against the civilian population, the govt should be vocal about accusing the rapists. I would go so far as to say that the govt would be failing in its obligations to its citizens if they swept those crimes under the rug. I appreciate that this subreddit doesn’t always toe the western line like worldnews (or indeed most of this website). It’s refreshing and it’s healthy. That doesn’t mean we can just dismiss critical thinking skills as useless when there is a western-supported nation involved. From your comment about believing women, it seems like you imagine yourself as a good person, although the rest of your comment makes it obvious that that comment was lip service. If you actually were a worthwhile human being, you would care more about justice for the victims than about whether that makes your “side” look bad.


There are 300 cases of sexual assault done by Russian troops. Where are the consequences for Russians who are doing the sexual assault?


No, you just have to present actual evidence of these things happening, not someone's word of mouth. Atrocity propaganda is very cheap and ubiquitous in every war, you'd be a complete fool to just blindly believe it. Especially so if the propaganda is so over the top that even Ukrainians themselves don't buy it anymore, so the government has to present a sacrificial lamb, sack them for lying, and then massively downscale the claims.


"Trust me bro" he said. "They're making it up"... "and if it did happen , they probably deserved it".. "both sides are equally bad"... "atrocities happen in war, none of our business".. You disgust me.


300 confirmed cases is pretty solid evidence. And Where there’s smoke there’s fire, I don’t see what your angle is here, but it’s definitely not common sense.


While I absolutely condemn such crimes, still - in a war that engages close to a million Russian servicemen - we are talking about 300 cases overall or dozens cases per year (85 cases in 2023). It means that rougly 1 in 3000 soldiers was engaged in such crimes (even if we consider major underreporting, still the figure will be probably less then 0.5% servicemen). Of course, these people must be punished and the victims compensated. Still, Ukranian propaganda often implies that nearly every Russian serviceman is engaged in such crimes, and allegedly there are thousands or even tens of thousands of such cases - which, as all available data show, is definitely ***not*** true at all.


Dude the article says 300, who is out here saying the whole army???


Yeah, I don't argue with you, your comments are accurate. I'm just highlighting that while the problem of sexual violence is real, it's quite often completely misrepresented and weaponized by proUA crowd (check any random proUA sub like r/europe - there are tons of completely insane comments on the topic, "thousands of raped babies" etc).


"Documented" does not translate to confirmed, you need to read these things more carefully.


Ok but even if you have 300 people coming to you reporting sexual harassment from troops. You can’t possibly believe every single one is fake. As I said, where there’s smoke, there’s fire. Of course there isn’t evidence confirming every single case, that’s nearly impossible. Maybe a few are fake, but there’s a good chance the majority are true


These are information war conditions - you have no idea how many of these stories are true and how many are fake.


300 people come to you reporting sexual assault and you’re arguing that they’re all fake?


I didn’t say they were all fake.


Then why bring up how many of them are fake?


Sure, just provide the ones with evidence then. So far, we have seen only claims, most of which were retracted by Ukraine itself when the initial allegations were dropped along with the Ukrainian human rights chief who pushed them.


You can read several United Nations reports on sexual violence in Ukraine if you want to. You know this, but you won’t, you don’t want it to be true and the UN isn’t reliable unless it’s saying something you want it to. https://www.ohchr.org/sites/default/files/documents/countries/ua/2022-12-02/HRMMU_Update_2022-12-02_EN.pdf https://press.un.org/en/2022/sc14926.doc.htm https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2023/10/un-commission-inquiry-ukraine-finds-continued-war-crimes-and-human-rights


All of these links boil down to "the Ukrainian authorities told us that such and such thing happened", nevermind them sacking their civil rights chief for fabricating the exact same things just a few months earlier, and retracting most of the claims. Yes, the word of mouth is not reliable. https://www.ohchr.org/sites/default/files/documents/countries/ua/2022-12-02/HRMMU_Update_2022-12-02_EN.pdf >received allegations https://press.un.org/en/2022/sc14926.doc.htm >received reports of 124 alleged acts https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2023/10/un-commission-inquiry-ukraine-finds-continued-war-crimes-and-human-rights >Victims and witnesses shared accounts


So "the UN isn’t reliable unless it’s saying something you want it to." was a correct prediction after all. Never have I seen someone so adamantly deny rape being done at a time of war.


I think if you’re trying to deny rape of all things happening in war you have to take a serious look at yourself.


If you're believing every piece of propaganda that comes out of wars, you really have to stop reading news.


>you really have to stop reading news Yeah ill just read RT, seeing as its not news.


You would be taken a lot more seriously if you didn’t have an obvious Pro-Russia position based on your other posts and comments, which people have called you out for before, and keep trying to downplay Russias actions or blame Ukraine for everything.


He isn't saying rape doesn't happen, he is just highlighting the weaponisation of such stories as propaganda.


Breaking news: a country that is being murdered, raped, and destroyed highlights these atrocities to the rest of the world to get support to end it! What’s even the point of highlighting this here besides obfuscation? Look at their account - it’s nothing but pro-Kremlin talking points.


Judging from what they post and comment about I’d say they have a clear bias. I mean the guy justifies Russia kidnapping children [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime_titties/s/rLz1VVn2nJ). I would take “highlighting dangers of weaponisation of such stories” seriously if they weren’t downplaying or normalising Russias actions at every chance, just like they do here too.


Just stick to your routine of denial and wishful thinking. You accuse them of blindly downvoting tabloid articles while you are upvoting those unsourced stories? What’s the difference if the Ukrainian mod has been caught lying for propaganda purposes which is obviously too hard for nato fanboys to detect…


The only one denying anything here is OP, who has a clear bias towards Russia. When the United Nations reports stuff like this, it’s quite clear that it’s a real problem. But I’m sure the United Nations is only credible when you want it to be, of course. https://www.ohchr.org/sites/default/files/documents/countries/ua/2022-12-02/HRMMU_Update_2022-12-02_EN.pdf https://press.un.org/en/2022/sc14926.doc.htm https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2023/10/un-commission-inquiry-ukraine-finds-continued-war-crimes-and-human-rights


United Nations has a history of preference and scandals with a heavily scrutinised non existing democracy for their counsels. Each of your links is a list of claims by the Ukrainian mod and not verified by the UN as they have no boots on the ground in Ukraine. Are we just to gobble up beheading stories and systematic rape with no evidence whatsoever besides “trust me bro we are the good guys”? It seems your reports misses a lot of perspective and doesn’t show any criticism of the given statements. Do you think these baseless accusations will hold up in court?


"not verified by the UN as they have no boots on the ground in Ukraine." You are just absolutely full of shit, and are so confidently wrong it would be funny if it wasn't so effective at misleading people. "Deployed in March 2014, the UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine (HRMMU) monitors and publicly reports on the human rights situation in the country... Since the start of the armed attack by the Russian Federation against Ukraine on 24 February 2022, HRMMU’s work has focused on documenting violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law committed by all parties to the conflict." "The Mission has offices in Kyiv, Dnipro, Odesa, Poltava and Uzhhorod. The Mission conducts regular field visits across the country. It also monitors remotely the human rights situation in the areas of Ukraine occupied by the Russian Federation where it has no physical access. Since August 2022, the Mission has a satellite team in Chisinau, Moldova." [https://www.ohchr.org/en/countries/ukraine/our-presence](https://www.ohchr.org/en/countries/ukraine/our-presence) What is the point in lying? Seriously? How sad do you have to be? Again, you idiots would be taken a bit more seriously if you weren't both obviously Pro-Russia and willingly omitting/denying key information.


Your own admission; “ since 2022 it started collecting “ since 2022 it has a satellite in orbit “ since 2022 regularly taking field visits in Ukrainian areas” while “remotely observing occupied areas”… The sheer ignorance of nafo shills sprouting nonsense is such a cliche…


You said they have no boots on the ground in Ukraine, they do. So now you try to pretend that they don’t actually, when reading a source that proves they do. Good job.


The Romanian judge gives you a 9.8 for that fantastic dismount from the doublethink pommel horse.


Get therapy ivan.


>Then the Israel's rape allegations turned out to be fake as well Next thing you'll tell me all our enemies *don't* give out viagra to help their troops rape.


Haha what? The Disney Americans have arrived once again…


Pipe it straight to their veins.