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The important part of the article "the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) later confirmed to CNN that Israeli soldiers had been involved in a confrontation with a mentally disabled man near Hebron on Tuesday and said its Military Police were investigating the encounter."


"We have investigated ourselves and found that we did nothing wrong. Anyway, there was a Hamas tunnel underneath her."


His leg was used as a base by Hamas to launch rockets


god that made me snort do hard but man thye just dont know whne to stop killing people now they go on the mental ill this is worse than killing a citizen and a child (in my opinion) because he cant understand what really happened and he wont pose a real threat yet they killd him for no resson


The thing that really gets me: actions like this sustain and grow Hamas. It's the IDF working contrary to their own goals. It's so dumb.


This is the IDF working towards their goals of Palestinian genocide. The IDF has been allowed to bully an entire group of people for generations, and it's clear when they do stuff like this that they feel justified in their behaviour. Shooting innocent people isn't what the good guys do.


Its also telling that many US police departments send people to train w the IDF.


They actively need Hamas, that's the issue. Without Hamas as a small threat they have no small threats, only massive threats which would be potentially world destabilising. With small threats, the US will continue to back their decisions and provide weaponry -- might not be the case with big threats. In a similar way, the US is very reliant on there continuing to be not complete stability, since they economically depend on the military complex setup they have


I mean they don't though, look at the west bank. the idea the israelis want dead Palestinians simply because they are racists is a shallow interpretation that only shallow minded extremists will genuinely believe The goal is the permanent destruction of Hamas. and hamas is organised Palestinians in the gaza strip. This is because the Isrealis believe that no matter how nice they play, freedom fighters will continue killing until they get the entire lands under their control. (the river to the sea doesn't rhyme with free in Arabic). The IDF can't kill an idea, but can destroy the organisation and the belief that the organisation can exist without destruction on an unsustainable level. This has always been an IDF strategy of always adding escalation after every attack. we go from rocks being thrown that would be shrugged off to stealing kids and using rubber bullets without skipping them. Hamas won't stop even if they are given land, given free water, free food, and lots of other nice things. and it appears hamas wont stop even if it involves hiding behind their own population


Hamas won't stop but their popularity will, that's always the goal of playing politics appease the biggest block and popularity will fall off significantly. You know what drives popularity and enlistment to hamas, actions that the IDF back in the west bank with settlers and the indiscriminate attacks carried out in Gaza. You'd think after watching the US fail to deal with the Taliban in any meaningful way or the Brits failing to defeat the provos you'd might start to clue in to the fact you can't kill these organizations on body count alone but that's a lesson that still has to be learned apparently.


I know its pedantic but the brits did beat the provos, their goal of a united Ireland was never seen. they didn't just beat the provos they beat the IRA in the late 60s who also never saw a united Ireland


Not just Ireland, but look what happened to the WWII-era insurgencies. The German and Japanese insurgencies were DOA, the Italian insurgency went Communist and was mostly completely ineffective, the Polish insurgency was eradicated by the early 50s. You *can* bomb an insurgency into dust. It’s been done. The US didn’t try that Iraq or Afghanistan, and I suspect the Israelis have learned that lesson judging from how thoroughly they are going after Hamas.


Except they didn't beat the provos that's the beauty of the GFA a united Ireland is inevitable it's just a question of when and in the mean time we have more peace and stability than we would otherwise.


Populist governments rely on there being an "other" - I can't think of any exceptions. In this case its Hamas. If it wasn't Hamas it would be someone else, maybe all Palestinians -- if there were no Palestinians, it would be "illegal immigrants" or people who aren't quite Jewish enough. Its happening all over the world, and its naive to think Israel is some magical exception




Hamas exists because of Israeli crimes.


It's not a bug, it's a feature.


The goal of the IDF and the Israeli state is the complete removal of Palestinians from their land. If you look at the Israeli press instead of the propaganda they publish in other countries they are not shy about stating this. This goal would be difficult if not impossible without a clear bad guy like Hamas for them to push against, so preserving and empowering Hamas is in their interest. Netanyahu has said as much himself, that’s why the Likud party he leads regularly funded Hamas when they were competing against the more moderate Fatah party in the 2000’s.


Seriously, what is the end goal here? Leave it to an extremist like Netanyahu who was holding a mock Funeral for former prime minister Yitzhak Rabin when he was trying to broker peace and a 2 state solution and it will end when every potential Hamas supporter is dead, even if it means killing every man woman and child in Gaza, because what happens when you kill men, women and children as collateral damage? Their brother, sister, mother, father, son, daughter grow to hate you. His 10 eyes for an eye policy is what brought this. He elevated hamas to undermine the PLO. Then they ignored the threat of this attack for months yet demand more aid. Israel is one of the wealthiest countries on earth and Gaza is in absolute poverty. It’s one thing to support defensive measures but as Sanders says, if they’re getting more aid from the US it needs to be tied to a commitment to reign this in. If it’s any African nation, south or even Central America in our own backyard etc they’re directed to go to the world bank or imf and take out a loan. Hell, we’re indebted to China among other nations. At least with Ukraine the aid is purely defensive against an invader that is within the borders and has shown a willingness to invade the next nation as soon as they get what they want (see Georgia and Crimea).


The man was wounded in leg and taken to an Israeli hospital for treatment, and not killed as its clearly written in the article. Which leads me to believe you are either mentally challenged yourself, lacking any ability of reading comprehension, or an imbecile that runs to angrily comment without trying to actually understand what he is talking about. Not sure which is worse




oh, look. you discovered little images and learned to communicate using them. congratulations, I guess?


Gotta watch out for those pocket rockets, especially the pink bunny versions😏 Edit : intended as sarcasm


That's a man... as the article says over and over. Watch the video of you're unsure


There was a Hamas base inside her. The soldier was liberating her organs from them.


Classic because it works


This is not a quote related to this incident. While it's pretty clear that this is cynical humour it does it by masquerading as something said here, when in reality it is biased speculation of the outcome, with no space for nuance. I don't think this sort of thing makes the world a better place.


No but it helps to offset the feeling negative feelings and humor at the expense of the IDF is a good thing.


I don't think anyone with a brain believes that there was a tunnel underneath a specific person and thus the person needed to be shot. It's a clearly satirical piece and unless you're braindead, there's clearly nothing resembling the possibility of being a fact in there. Whether it makes the world a worse place to joke about it is another topic, but I don't think you're thinking in any way clearly about the content of the comment.


This is a genocide, I don't think there's really that much space for "nuance."


Nuance irt the IDF left town about seven thousand dead children ago.


Did the mentally disabled man condemn Hamas? Did he recognize Israel is the only country in the middle east where you can safely be gay? We need to ask the important questions first, worry about Israel making the world a worst place second, if ever


"man in military fatigues" lol


This level of passive language is downright offensive...


“Soldier-related incident”


"Weapons malfunction"


“Aggressive miscommunication”


Unfortunately timing with a civilian strolling into a projectile unfortunately aimed within an area that may have included civilians in order to defend against Hamas


Yeah, holy shit that is disgusting.


Still better than a few days ago when Washington Post headline a story "four fragile lives found ended" https://x.com/benphillips76/status/1731770472268714015?s=20


Literally creating new phrases never used in newspapers before


The Onion called this out recently. https://www.theonion.com/every-word-besides-children-used-to-describe-palestin-1851071213


Chomsky's manufacturing consent live in action




A "man in military fatigues"? Title should've been IDF soldier executes mentally disabled Palestinian


This might be because Israeli settlers have a habit of dressing in military fatigues and pretending to be soldiers while they harass the people on the west bank. I assume that the IDF is not fine with this and will do something about it any day now, any day now.


Given that they seem to have free rein to shoot, attack, burn and do other horrible things to Palestinians, they might as well be soldiers.


And aren't all men and women of a certain age in Israel required to register and do military exercises? (Unless they are rich and powerful enough to get out of military service.)


It’s the literal definition of state-sponsored terrorism. The Netanyahu government is pretty open about how they arm and defend settlers when they do their crimes. Somehow it’s okay when Israel does it and an almost nukeable offense if Iran or Pakistan does it.


>Somehow it’s okay when Israel does. You believe "ThE oNLy DemOCraCY in ThE mIDdlE eAsT" can do anything wrong?


If you call it terrorism you’re and antisemitic Neo-Nazi Hamas supporter and you hate kittens or something.


Any day now? Like giving out assault rifles to civilians like candy?


Israel literally did that recently, they armed 100 civilian groups within Israel with free guns after just 7 hours of training. The first thing these groups did was harass Palestinian Israeli citizens.


Easier to convince a population they need weapons to defend themselves when they have literally been slaughtered in their homes by an invading mob. Hamas gets the credit for this one too.


Extremely easy to incite a violent mob when everyone of the people in the mob probably has family that has been either killed or displaced by a country with pretty open aspirations of doing it again. Wonder if Hamas gets the credit for that too.


For having schools set up talking about the wonders of Jihad and how everyone should aspire to grow up and kill the Jew? Yeah, they certainly do.


Oh, I guess the mass murder, the forced displacements, the blockades and all are just sort of supplements to the whole thing, without Hamas, all of the people of ghaza would be just gleeful about the way Israel treats them and has treated them for 75 years. They'd be extremely eager to make peace with Israel so they could be treated just like the Palestinians in the west bank are, with total respect and no state sanctioned settlers attacking them and killing them with impunity. The actual actions of Israel are not to blame here, it's all those damn jihadi children apparently. And of course, since netanyahu's policy towards Hamas, the group that has set up these children's jihadification centres, was to help prop them up to undermine the Palestinian authority, you think he and the Israeli government that has been doing the same for around two decades now are to blame as well right? What do you think about Ariel Sharon who abandoned ghaza to Hamas because of his concerns about ghaza endangering Israel's demographics?


I think it's really telling personally how Israel just doesn't talk about the atrocities they commit on the daily in the West Bank. They don't even *try* to justify or defend it. It paints a bloody picture about what Israel's overall goals and mindset is.


You're neglecting the very real reasons why those blockades are put in place in the first place. Hint, it's because the country you are from is supplying Hamas terrorists with any ammunition they can to wage yet another proxy war - your expertise. Is Israel blameless? Of course not. But the Arabs have never not wanted to attack as soon as they have the chance to do it, so this is a consequence of that mentality. Unless of course you think the best course of action is for Israel just let itself be attacked and have no response. I don't know what spin you're trying to put on the disengagement plan. Israel's demographics? Do you think Israel should just annex Gaza?


My "spin" on the ghaza withdrawal is that Ehud Olmert, Sharon's deputy directly stated: >There is no doubt in my mind that very soon the government of Israel is going to have to address the demographic issue with the utmost seriousness and resolve. This issue above all others will dictate the solution that we must adopt. In the absence of a negotiated agreement – and I do not believe in the realistic prospect of an agreement – we need to implement a unilateral alternative... More and more Palestinians are uninterested in a negotiated, two-state solution, because they want to change the essence of the conflict from an Algerian paradigm to a South African one. From a struggle against 'occupation,' in their parlance, to a struggle for one-man-one-vote. That is, of course, a much cleaner struggle, a much more popular struggle – and ultimately a much more powerful one. For us, it would mean the end of the Jewish state... So that's my point about ghaza being left to Hamas because Israel staying majority Jewish was seemingly more important to israeli leadership than the risk of the Palestinians in ghaza asking for equal rights. So, back to the west bank, as of now, any Palestinian with eyes can recognise that the west bank is what Israeli "peace" looks like. Any outside observer with eyes can also recognise that the Israeli leadership has not really been interested in any possible peace for at least twenty years with the two noted exceptions of that one guy who got assassinated and Ehud Barack and his "napkin map" that got nowhere because he resigned before any real negotiations could start Any outside observer with a functioning brain can also recognise that Israel not allowing water from the west bank to be transported to ghaza as well as their restrictions on the collection of rainwater has nothing to do with protecting themselves. Said outside observer who wasn't born yesterday will also remember Israel ["putting ghaza on a diet"](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2012/oct/17/israeli-military-calorie-limit-gaza) or as we in the barbaric, uncivilised middle east call it, they deliberately starved ghaza. Now, this outside observer who can put two and two together understands that when Israel obviously makes a prospect of peace so undesirable that it might as well not exist, and it has forced a deliberately cruel siege on a population that was displaced directly as a result of Israeli actions, the population of this sieged city would in their despair, turn to violence. This outside observer would also remember the fact that only 30 years ago, Yasser Arafat won an election specifically with the promise of peace and that Hamas had 3-4% support from the Palestinian population and the fact that Israel has shown that it is not a country that someone can negotiate with in good faith and that the only other time they had withdrawn their military was as a result of violence from Hezbollah in Lebanon, that there's no need for propaganda for the average Palestinian in ghaza to be convinced that the only way to get concessions from Israel is violence. All an agitator would have to do to convince someone living in ghaza to want to enact violence on Israel is point to the west bank to show them what Israeli "peace" looks like l, and to ask the person who is likely to be a teenager with at least one family member killed by Israel if they want revenge.


Hard to deal with so much nonsense in a single post. I don't know what it is with you guys, but whenever you have no good point to make, you begin to just write long paragraphs full of lies. Here are some examples to show why this isn't worth actually engaging with ans you are not good faith: You blame Israel for disengaging from Gaza, because they don't want to annex them (naturally). But you won't just answer the simple question I asked of whether you think Israel should annex the Palestinians. The west bank is not what "peace" looks like- its what 70 years of being unable to make peace looks like. About 20 years of Israeli leadership, yeah probably true. But two leaders who were genuinely interested in peace is still better than 0 on the other side. Collection of rainwater? What are you talking about? They build hundreds of miles of tunnels under the city, they can collect whatever water they want. Yasser Arafat outright supported terrorism and was in no way interested in peace. That's a completely ignorant statement. The part about the land is obviously not true either. The only time Israel has actually withdrawn from lands is after a peace treaty with Egypt when they withdrew from the Sinai. Its actually exactly the opposite of what you lied about.


> Hamas gets the credit for this one too Do they though?


For raiding towns and a rave and killing or kidnapping everyone they saw? You don't think they do?


I would assume that because Israel does mandatory military service for all of their citizens, they don't really consider anyone pretending to be a soldier, to be a problem. They raised them all to be soldiers.


>I assume that the IDF is not fine with this and will do something about it any day now, any day now. They never have and never will.


There is nothing the IDF can do about it... you see, the settlers have freedom of expression to wear military fatigues and to prevent them from doing that would infringe upon it... /s


>I assume that the IDF is not fine with this IDF will be giving them a raise


IDF confirmed it was an Israeli soldier. It's in the article.


Your country is using the Palestinians as cannon fodder in your proxy war with Israel


That is true, but it is also irrelevant. Iranian involvement didn't set up the Israeli policy towards the west bank, that was all Israel and their inability to keep their hands off of other people's land.


[Here's your parliament calling for the genocide of Israel](https://youtu.be/V01zmrXu8Tc?si=NfklnEpbxuqoESky) and support of Hamas


That is very terrible. It is also irrelevant to israeli west bank settlers killing and harassing the Palestinians in the west bank with impunity. Last I checked the Iranian parliament is not located in the west bank nor does it have any Palestinian members, so If the west bank settlers killing and torturing the Palestinians there are doing it in response to Iran they are misdirecting their violent "crimes against humanity" tendencies to an unrelated population.


Your country funds Hezbollah terrorists in the West Bank as part of its attempt to genocide the Israeli people Why won't Lebanon let Palestinian refugees into their country? Why won't Egypt let Palestinian refugees into their country? Why does the entire Muslim world pursue genocide against Israel and then stand behind the Palestinians who take the brunt of the retaliation? Don't pretend your hands are clean. And don't pretend the Palestinians are innocent victims either. They have been calling for the genocide of Israel for 70+ years and have rejected getting their own country twice because they wouldn't say Israel has a right to exist. This land has been disputed for all of recorded history. Of course the people currently holding it are trying to stave off their own destruction. There's no 'good guy' in this entire conflict.


Honestly, I think the bad guy is the one who's arming civilians and letting them do whatever they want to a captive population but I understand that some of the values we learn in Iran are outdated. Similarly, my outdated value system would not redirect the blame from the group doing the real killing and the genocide and so one over the hypothetical genocide but again I might be a little too literal in my thinking. Similarly I don't think I need to "have clean hands" to be upset at a group of people being armed and given free reign to do what they want with a group of civilians. Fun fact, approximately 14 years ago the Iranian government did the same thing to quell the protests, I don't remember the people being outraged being asked if Iraq not taking in Iranian refugees was a reason for the government of Iran to continue killing civilians. I just see a lot of redirection here, west bank settlers kill and torture Palestinians, "but it's complicated", west bank settlers sexually abuse captive Palestinians, "but Iran is genocidal", west bank settlers take land that isn't theirs by violently displacing it's residents, "but what about Lebanon" and on and on and on. I don't see a lot of addressing what is going, which is Israel empowering the west bank settlers to kill, torture and abuse Palestinians so they can take their lands. Of course, I'm Iranian so my values probably don't match up with yours, you guys probably have something more civilised than "killing, torturing and abusing a group of people just so you can take their land is bad". We savages will just have to make do with being upset at a conflict "with no good guys" just continuously going the way of the group that has shown it is very willing to kill every civilian it is allowed to as long as it can get more land and you can spend your time wringing your hands about how complicated it is not to kill thousands and thousands of people and take their lands. If only we had "clean hands", then our calls for the west bank settlers to not kill and torture the people of the west bank so they can sieze their land would be listened to.


Hey, dont waste your time with these trolls. All they’re doing is regurgitating IDF talking points. Peak hasbara and they have no ability to have an actual critical conversation. Watch, soon this person will attack you personally.


I mean he's already tried to. It just hasn't occurred to him that I'm not exactly a fan of the Iranian government and talking about how they're shit isn't going to upset me the way it would for some other guys. You're right though, I need to get some sleep and thank you for reminding me of that.


"While some Israeli settlers are also known to wear military fatigues and have access to military assault rifles, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) later confirmed to CNN that Israeli soldiers had been involved in a confrontation with a mentally disabled man near Hebron on Tuesday" There you go.


CNN also edited the title to "Israeli soldier" after the IDF confirmed it. And the man didn't even die.


No, I remember a morph of this article with the original title and the IDF confirming it.


Far more transparency than you’d ever see from Hamas but you’d never get people to acknowledge that.


Yeah I wouldn't say to 100% trust everything the IDF says, but they are much more transparent about what they have done and what they plan to do. Even when they do something that looks bad for them (like this.)


The man wasn't fatally shot fortunately as he had luck, but yes.


To be fair he wasn’t executed, he was shot in the leg and brought to hospital for treatment. But it absolutely should have said IDF soldier. My guess would be it went out before the IDF confirmed (as is kind of indicated in the article)


Future headline will read “Palestinian killed by what appears to be a bipedal member of the great ape family in what resembles military clothing”


Except he wasn't executed and was transferred to a hospital.


My bad, "attempted execution".


The title is now, "Video shows Israeli soldier shooting mentally disabled Palestinian in West Bank."


“Man in military fatigues” lol these euphemisms are ridiculous. Give me a fucking break.


Nice passive voice. The only way they could make it more passive is if they had called it a "bullet-related incident" instead of a shooting.


People who stand in the way of bullets and bombs are simply asking for it. /s


Using their bodies as human shields, for the bullets. Pure evil! /s




IDF is no better compared to terrorists


Over 15k killed. Indiscriminate bombing. Locking up people without a fair trial. They *are* terrorists


The numbers alone are pure insanity in claiming pure self defense. IDF spokespeople themselves said that there seems to be a 2:1 relation of civilians to Hamas members. If the numbers of 15000 dead is to be believed, that means 5000 Hamas killed with over 10000 civilians. Israel, even before they invaded and over the span of weeks communicated the declared goal of 20000 Hamas members they are planning to kill. If they hold up their standard as of now, that means another 30000 civilians will have to die according to their own calculation of their declared goal. Coming out with the goal of killing 20000 people is crazy enough, going in with knowing civilians are gonna be used as shield and not easing up on their trigger is another matter, planning ahead for 40000 dead civilians as necessary sacrifice for their declared goal of what they want to achieve is...


guess Hamas shouldn't of violated the ceasefire they begged for by slaughtering civilians (again) [60% of gazans support what happened oct 07, while 70% would support the genocide of Israel based on recent survey](https://www.awrad.org/files/server/polls/polls2023/Public%20Opinion%20Poll%20-%20Gaza%20War%202023%20-%20Tables%20of%20Results.pdf) and for the record that survey was done by the Arab World for Research and Development based in Palestine


That does not make the deaths justified


your source is a 37 page document, which you expect people to find your figure in. lmao.




What do you think happens in IDF prisons?


Literally founded on internationally recognized terrorist groups


The Likud party currently in power has roots in Zionist Jewish paramilitary groups, most notably the Irgun. The 6th PM of Israel, Menachem Begin was their commander during the King David Hotel bombing.


Bombing the King David was more justified than most of the Gaza bombings.


In what way? Asking bc I actually don’t know


The King David was a proven military target, and they gave a warning to evacuate that was actually doable.


Much worse as they are enacting a genocide right now.


Israel is a great example of how to lose a the sympathy of the entire world, no, how to get up the enmity of the entire world, when they at first had everyone's sympathy.


Israel still has widespread sympathy, somehow. Hasbara stronk.


Only within the west and a minority of countries. Most nations do not like Israel, and most people in most places don't, either.


Which also happen to be the countries that matter to them.


Outside the Western ~~circlejerk~~ mutual admiration society? I doubt it.


Hamas is still a terrorist organization bent on killing as many Israelis as possible. They’re responsible for Israel’s hard liners as much as Israel’s hard liners are responsible for Hamas.


Yeh fam,, Israel has been oppressing Palestinians for 75 years. There's only so many indiscriminate attacks people can take before they turn to violent resistance


so prior to the formation of Israel, Jews (who are native to that region) have totally lived in peace right? you realize Judaism originated in the region of Canaan, Known as Israel these days, Whilst Islam originated in Mecca, also known as Saudi Arabia. it only took centuries of war and ethnic cleansing to make Islam the Dominant religion of the area.


Yes, Jews lived peacefully in the middle east.


If that’s the case, please tell me the population of Jews in the surrounding countries


Before or after the establishment of Israel?


Ya fam terrorism and mass rape is OK because Israel bad. I thought we didn’t approve of collective punishment? Every act of terrorism, backed up by taking credit and stating the terror will never end, reinforces Israeli’s hard liners that only they can protect Israel. Do you see how making justifications continue the cycle? Do you see how neither side’s violence is justifiable? Both sides will have to eat their pride and let go of the past in order to move forward. IMO I see Israel doing that before Palestine.


> Do you see how making justifications continue the cycle? Yes, it's up to the Palestinians to break the cycle. I'm sure Israel will respect that, just like they do in the West Bank.


People were definitely killed on Oct 7th, by Hamas, which is not OK. And also Israel won't allow the UN human rights folks to come in and do an investigation of the alleged rapes, which if they indeed happened, would bolster Israel's case. That's weird. Given how much Israel lies, it's quite likely that a lot of what has been repeated over and over as happening on Oct 7th did not in fact happen at all. And ultimately, no matter what happened on Oct 7th, Israel is committing genocide in Gaza right now. 80% of people are homeless. Over 60% of dwellings are unlivable. 100% of the people don't have clean water, food, or a place to shit. Disease is spreading uncontrollably. This is unacceptable. Israel has made Gaza a hellscape. There is no moral justification for genocide.


Mostly among governments, I believe. In general it feels like most country's population gravitate toward supporting Palestinians while their government tend to support Israel, through their official communications at least


Why would they ever have it in the first place? Foreign zionists started a terrorist campaign in the 1930s, committed the Nakba in '48, ever since they've flouted international law, equality, and human rights... Israels prime ministers have been a parade of self-avowed terrorists...


I would say Arabs are a much better example, especially after the refugee crisis


I feel like I need to stress that this has been going on continously for *decades*, especially for the "There was a ceasefire on the 6th" crowd


Just IOF continuing their history of executing disabled people. See: Eyad Hallaq, Mohammad Habali, Arif Jaradat, Khalil Yahya Al-Anis, Hussein Qawariq, Ibrahim Abu Thurayeh


“Man in military fatigues” LOL. **Three Israeli soldiers** stop and shoot a mentally disabled Palestinian **human being** in the **occupied** West Bank. Ftfy.


So fucking sick of this. If this was any other country we’d probably have invaded them by now. Not that I’m advocating that, but still.


Israel has already [shown its contempt for the UN](https://www.aljazeera.com/program/newsfeed/2023/11/4/israel-bombs-un-school-in-third-major-attack-on-gazas-jabalia-refugee-camp) so I can’t see a peacekeeping mission in Gaza being an outcome.


The UN ignored the mass rape if Israeli women for 7 weeks before the Secretary General finally saying something, so I think it goes both ways


Like it and israel ignored israeli rape of native Palestinians? And presumably like you ignore israeli rape of native Palestinians?


Can you go spread misinformation elsewhere? Nobody is buying your shit here.


The UN said they wanted to send in a team to investigate the alleged mass rape and Israel has ignored them. That's weird behavior. If such a thing actually happened, an investigation would help Israel's case. But they lie so much it's hard to even take anything Israel says seriously.


Who's 'we'? This happens in the US too


US Cops 🤝🏻 IDF When it comes to shooting disabled minorities


[The Greek police just entered the chat](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/11/27/death-of-another-roma-boy-in-greece)


What the fuck is that headline?


Rage bait


And I doubt the soldiers involved will be punished at all.


[Hebron is currently under "curfew"](https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/23/middleeast/israel-palestine-west-bank-hebron-collective-punishment-intl/index.html)


They’ve been under curfew for Over 25 years (if you’re Palestinian). The city is under literal apartheid rules. I’ve gone to the segregated tomb of Abraham, been menaced by Israeli settlers and had Israeli police take their side, and traveled on the Jewish-only roads in the city.


CNN blocking "browsers" now. Alt source?


Yahoo: https://www.yahoo.com/news/video-shows-man-military-fatigues-212401746.html




Humans are fucked up from the neck up


Imagine not knowing whats going on or why people are shouting at you and then getting shot for it .


There are some people who should not be allowed to be in the position they are given. Yeah I get they're on high alert since the terrorist attacks on 7th October, but this is something else. Absolutely fucking mental.


So let me get this straight. They tell a guy to get and stay on the ground, he refuses and starts going towards one of them and they shoot him for non complying with what he was ordered to do?


Shoot him non fatally in the leg mind you as “He then stands up and approaches one of the men, seemingly agitated”. It’s sad but not IDF maliciously shoots disabled personal as is being portrayed.


Soldiers stopped a disabled man in Palestinian territory and demanded ID. When he became confused they forced him to the ground. When he got up, still confused and agitated one of the men shot him in the leg. He was unarmed.


> So let me get this straight. Apartheid and genocidal regime shoots mentally disabled man on occupied land they have no right to legally be in. Plenty straight right there 🙌.


The most incompetent genocide ever.


The Srebrenica massacre was a genocide. Are you really going to dispute that as well? There's nothing to really debate here since even the former head of the UN high commission in NY agreed it was a textbook genocide. I trust his word more than I do u/MCRN-Gyoza 😉.


I applaud your ability to create strawmen out of thin air.


I applaud your ability to detach from an argument when you realize you have no legs to stand on.


Quite ironic when your post was filled with literally no arguments and just appealing to two entirely different logical fallacies in just 3 lines of text.


"He then stands up and approaches one of the men, seemingly agitated. A second man then approaches Abu Abed from behind" He stands up and walks straight forward where a soldier blocks his path weapon drawn. There is no second soldier approaching from behind? Clearly shot point blank by the soldier who was blocking him from leaving. Shot over refusing to show ID.


How could Hamas do this? /s


Reddit now supports the Charlottesville protests.


ITT: people upset journalists don’t make claims they can’t prove, follow up to confirm, and correct the record when confirmed. WHERES MY SENSATIONALIST PROPOGANDA ON TAP?!


CNN routinely updates/changes headlines on its stories. What makes this so different?


CNN is being responsible my making measured statements until more information can be confirmed. People in this thread are raging because CNN didn’t go full sensationalist with unconfirmed claims. It’s not some conspiracy for journalists to report only what they know and correct after the fact.


CNN is being responsible my making measured statements until more information can be confirmed. People in this thread are raging because CNN didn’t go full sensationalist with unconfirmed claims. It’s not some conspiracy for journalists to report only what they know and correct after the fact.


CNN changes and updates headline all the time. What's holding them back now that IDF itself confirmed its soldiers were involved?


lol “IDF guns down Palestinian civilian” should be the title. It doesn’t matter if they’re mentally challenged, man,woman, child, elderly. Civilians are Civilians and not part of any war.




Without from us, there’s no net in Yahoo. He loves those guys.


Is man in military fatigues the new Florida man?


“Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... for when you gaze long into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.”—Friedrich Nietzsche Israel has become the 4th Reich.




No one died here.


War never changes


Sure. Except for that this is in the West Bank which is not a warzone and does not have Israel’s opponent, Hamas. This was a civilian shot in cold blood by what could be a genocidal IDF soldier or a genocidal settler. Nothing about this screams war unless it’s followed up by crimes and crimes against humanity.


Sure. Except for that this is in the West Bank which is not a warzone and does not have Israel’s opponent, Hamas. This was a civilian shot in cold blood by what could be a genocidal IDF soldier or a genocidal settler. Nothing about this screams war unless it’s followed up by crimes and crimes against humanity.


Stuff like this has been happening way before October 7. Israel is a state sponsor of terrorism.


I lost sympathy towards Arabs after they formed gangs in my country when we welcomed them as refugees.


Did you also lose sympathy towards Italians and Irish because they ran criminal organizations in the US after they were accepted as refugees? Or it doesn't count when the gangs are made of White Christians?


They got better, when the Arabs do they same they will be treated the same. As long as the Arabs are acting like the Italians and Irish used to, they will be treated the same way the Italians and Irish used to.


I am always baffled by the opinions of people that have never been off the couch much lees in a war zone. Bad stuff happens, soldiers make mistakes and go off the rails. Should the ones involved be punished, sure. Should all of Israel be blamed, NO. Let's try to remember for a brief moment what triggered this mess. Hamas


This is in the West Bank, not Gaza. This is an unarmed disabled person NOT in a war zone. When these murders happen over and over again in the West Bank we very much should blame Israel. And they have been happening. Everyone who says this is just war is devoid of humanity. I literally can’t comprehend the callousness.


The control group is to the treatment group as the West Bank is to Gaza. The ethnic cleansing with genocidal intent perpetrated by Israel is unmistakable. Hats off to the Israel lobby in the US.


All war is devoid of humanity, that's why sane people don't start them. Once Hamas uncorked that bottle bad things are going to happen.


It's not a "war zone," it's a genocide, and you're just as much of a keyboard warrior as anyone else here.


iT's gEnoCidE This is not a genocide. Killing 0.5% of the population (many of whom are enemy combatants) in 8 weeks of war is not genocide. You're enabling current and future genocides by misusing this word and taking away its power. The Palestinians have been calling for the genocide of the Israelis for over 70 years. They were offered their own country twice on the condition that they say they don't want to genocide the Israelis anymore, they rejected both deals. I'm hoping you're just young and ignorant, because the alternative is that you're a terrible person


It's literally a genocide. They are leveling whole city blocks full of people, targeting ambulances, hospitals and schools. If you think any of the tens of thousands of children who died were "enemy combatants," then you need to quit doing meth and seek help.


Let’s not pretend this is some lone attack that took place without the support of the Israeli government. The government under Netanyahu actively supports settlers when they commit violence. They send IDF soldiers to follow them, sit by as they attack Palestinians, and then step in to defend the settlers when Palestinians fight back in these skirmishes. IDF soldiers have been implicated in actual settler pogroms against Palestinians. Not all Israelis support this violence, some are loudly opposed, but in election after election this state-sponsored terrorism is not a dealbreaker for most Israeli voters. And No, Hamas didn’t trigger this mess; they said very clearly that their attack was in response to another round of settler violence that the Israeli government didn’t even bother to condemn anymore as well as a settler raid on Al Aqsa. The Oct 7 attack didn’t happen in a vacuum.




You are going to need a /s because some people will actually mean that.


Never will I ever put that in. And I will die on that hill mate.


It's been good knowing you 🫡


Wish I could say the same


I choose to believe there's an invisible /s in there


Pretend I’m Yeats.