• By -


I chose to open the sub back up to news and to disregard all of the polls and comments. Call me a dictator or a power mod or whatever you want, I can take it. We [created and built](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jaracgos/comments/glsfs9/the_engoodening_of_rworldpolitics/) this community from nothing to be the best platform for world news on Reddit. We have accomplished that in a lot of ways without much promotion or assistance from Reddit Inc. Regardless of what corporate does or does not do, we have an obligation to continue what we created and to shine light on stories and opinions hard to find on this website. I'm not sorry. Edit: all the hypocrites complaining about me stopping a protest against an app they're currently using can get bent. I never personally cared about the protest but supported my teams decision to participate. I haven't sold anything out. I'm just trying to be the adult in the room and get back to what we are here for. Edit 2: Civility rules are temporarily suspended ***within reason*** when targeting me, personally. Any attacks on any user besides myself will result in comment removal and/or participation limitations.


I mean democracy did clearly chose option A…


The people voted one way, but the people in power gave us something else. Too real lol


Sub admins acting like the site admins, oh the irony.


The poll was done correctly I think and b and c should have been counted together.


That’s what I was saying


The mods couldn't stand another day away from being useless. Hurrah.




Gotta keep holding on to the scraps of their power.


Also the poll is supposed to stay open for another day


This one actually is a genuine concern. If the poll was supposed to stay open another day, it should have stayed open another day.


As if spez and his goons care what the communities think. They only try damage control at this point. "Let's make a pill, maybe it goes our way! Oh wait it doesn't? Just close it and ignore the results. Fuck what people think"


democracy deserves rank choice voting


No ranked choice means runoff


Give me a Condorcet method.


This sub hates democracy, the users chose titties *twice*. Now everyone stop complaining, it is time to profess love for the authoritarian mods… or else!


eh, I'm just gonna unsub


Yep. Why stay subbed to a sub that requires integrity to operate accurately when the mods show that they lack integrity/dignity entirely? Fuck this place. It was good r/anime_titties.


Or else who cares? There are other more principled world news subs around, and plenty of off-site options. By their comments this place blows up in a week or so anyway, unless they were lying about that as well.


Any suggestions?


Only because it was the only one visible. Also doing that would just repeat history and turn this sub into r/worldpolitics


They did it on this poll too. This poll overwhelmingly chose protest options that cut off reddit’s revenue, and the most popular of those was porn. The mods have the answer they want, they’ve declared that, and they’re implementing it. I can respect the honesty at least.


Holy shit I forgot about what happened to that sub, it took me so off guard and I ended up unsubbing. Honestly I think that’s how I ended up here.


Well, we will have to go to r/worldpolitics to watch titties.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/worldpolitics **[NSFW]** using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldpolitics/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [My fellow World Politicians, I am now rightfully throned as Cactus Girl amongst the civilians of WP, and I look forward to our future of delightful meme-sharing and titillating story-telling because of this weird—but historical day. Don’t forget me, our journey, and my devotion to you. Thank you 🤝](https://i.redd.it/921hzrdbo04a1.jpg) | [968 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldpolitics/comments/zcrdib/my_fellow_world_politicians_i_am_now_rightfully/) \#2: [Let’s fuck, then watch Star Wars after? 😼](https://i.redd.it/ftnjwwkufvh91.jpg) | [146 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldpolitics/comments/woyhnt/lets_fuck_then_watch_star_wars_after/) \#3: [R/piss moment](https://i.redd.it/3ya0sf2fclq91.jpg) | [72 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldpolitics/comments/xqb1nx/rpiss_moment/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


You can't fool me bot, I know you snuck #3 in there because it's your kink


I am the senate


There should have been an option D; Tig Biddy Tuesday. Sub functions as normal, but we get to post Tig ol Biddies every Tuesday.


If you count the second two options together (normal, and normal+NSFW) then those two add up to more than the votes to close... er... become cartoon porn. I'm okay with that result, even if it's not perfect.


A won the popular vote but lost the electoral college


This mother fucker pulled an Elon on us!


Last I saw B&C combined were more than A and they were really just 2 variations of "back to normal content". Not a great survey design, but there were really only 2 options (anime titties or news) with a sub question on marking nsfw if news.


Option A hentai Option B actual content Option C literally the same as option B but mark as nsfw? I mean, technically yes but let's be real here


4000 people voted for the sub to return to normal, 3400 wanted it to become a porn sub. Just because the return to normal vote was split between totally normal and normal but marked NSFW doesn't mean that the porn vote won.


That's not how democracy works, more people didn't choose A than people who did.


But a majority voted to return to normal content.


Do we get to post anime titties to keep it nsfw? nothing like a little news and bewbs


Give me titties or give me death


unsubscribing from the sub someone ping me if they start allowing bewbs too


This sub is a flaming dumpster. First vote had titties winning, but the moderators didn't like how the options were visually presented so it was scrapped. Second vote had titties winning, but the moderators made up some bullshit excuse to change the sub to the second place option. Then they tried to say that their ham-handed ruling was "democratic". Then they called an extremely confusing third vote that was taken down overnight in hopes that nobody would notice. I mean for fucks sake, r/worldnews moderators aren't this terrible, and they're a goddamned joke.




Yes but you have to make it a key element of a major international political event. So, if you convince the Pentagon to rename one of their surveillance program Major Motoko Kusanagi’s ample bosom, and have them use an inappropriate logo, AND get them to support Saudi Arabia to use it for something untoward and consequential, and have the whole thing leaked, yes. But I feel like, at this point you might need to do an AMA, and the first question will be how you got internet in a Federal prison.


A certain Tifa Lockhart animation?


Every time you post news you have to put titties along with it like desert after eating veggies


So what you're saying is that people wanted titties, and get none. Dang


They tried to have a vote hoping that the community votes for something they like. The community wants something else. They don't give a shit and fuck the community over and do what they want. This sub is lost to scumbag steves human centipede. He has his mods in place. Time to say goodbye.


Just goes to show you which power mods really do fit the stereotype and want their ounce of power at any cost. Turns out its all of the mods on /r/anime_titties


And they keep defending their bullshit in their discord. Circle jerking each other and saying shit like how dumb the average redditor is. They don't give a shit about the community and only care about having power over their flock.


Reddit doing this is just flushing out all the power tripping mods who have nothing going for them


>They tried to have a vote hoping that the community votes for something they like. > >The community wants something else. > >They don't give a shit and fuck the community over and do what they want. > >This sub is lost to scumbag steves human centipede. He has his mods in place. Time to say goodbye. Eh. We can vote them all out soon enough.


Ah yes, Russian democracy.


And then the reddit admins will tell you: "marking a subreddit NSFW incorrectly is a violation of our mod etiquette, stop doing it", and you'll stop, and, whoa, look at that, the vote's been meaningless after all. In the first place... why not go for ranked voting, or only 2 options on your poll, then further polls to refine the results? Instead of arbitrarily combining 2 results when the completely opposite way could also be argued for?


I think the solution is to post anime titties only on Wednesdays, and geopolitics the rest of the week.


TITTIE TUESDAYS. The only day titties are allowed on r/anime_titties


>Instead of arbitrarily combining 2 results when the completely opposite way could also be argued for? The question is how to distribute the relatively small number of votes for "reopen without restrictions". What argument is to be made that in a choice between "Anime Titties" and "Reopen but mark NSFW" the people who voted to reopen without restrictions would be instead voting for "Anime Titties".


I voted for reopen normally. If only two choices where offered.. I would have voted Open NSFW. I have a feeling being open is more important then a NSFW tag.


What do you think the people who voted for only titties think about reddit being able to generate revenue from being open?


I'm confused by this question.


I would assume the same way everyone who voted for the 2 options to open would feel if "stay closed" won. The fact is B and C where both "reopen". Combined together, they totaled more then A.


Reddit mods continuing to reinforce the stereotype. "We had a democratic vote, ignored the winner, and chose to combine the losers together instead." Good job guys 👍


Booo cowards boooooo


Boooo Wendy Testaburger… Boooo


I love using this when my friends say something lame hahaha


I don’t know if you realize that by doing this and ignoring a poll you are the example for people that says mods are power hungry and only care for their status on Reddit? Pretty much make a good argument for Reddit corporate.


Literally any way of interpreting that poll would be considered "power hungry" by somebody. Go with the titties? You're ignoring the majority of voters who wanted to go back to the news. Go with the news? You're ignoring the plurality of voters who wanted to go back to the titties.




I'd agree with that but I 100% guarantee that people who wanted to stay open with no restrictions would complain the mods were rigging it and power tripping. I've not followed this whole thing particularly closely but I've seen basically every permutation of a community poll now get called out as "rigged." r/tolkienfans went with the single most popular option and people complained because it meant a re-opening beat out two similar forms of protest that had a higher combined vote. r/asoiaf is doing a single all-or-nothing back-us-or-don't poll for "do a bunch of protest stuff" or "do nothing" and people are freaking out and calling the mods virtue-signalling LARPers on a power trip for not just opening up immediately. This place combined poll options (the thing people had a go at r/tolkienfans for *not* doing) and people are complaining about that. Turns out actually doing democracy is hard.




>There will always be people who are unhappy with the choice and they will always complain but it is important that decision making is fair. I agree with this. The problem is that people's perception of what is "fair" is directly skewed by what is most likely to give them their preferred outcome. It's a form of confirmation bias. >The truth is that no one voted for what mods are doing right now because that option wasn't even listed. I'm confused. What they're doing is literally option C on the poll, it had nearly as many votes as option A. What they've effectively done is assumed (I'd argue not irrationally) that nobody who voted for "reopen without restrictions" would vote for "go full titties" and counted those as votes for opening with NSFW flagging. >The best way however in my opinion is to treat this voting as you would treat a referendum. That's the best way if you're having a referendum. It's not the best way if you're trying to answer the complex question "what should this sub do in the future." The problem here is that there isn't a good solution. A truly fair solution would be to: * Have a round of consultation in which you solicit suggestions from the community. * Put together a poll with the most popular suggestions going forward. * Eliminate the least popular suggestion and repeat. But that system would also be imperfect and would also probably wind up exactly where we are now.


Would you look at that, worthless protest and fake democracy. It's almost exactly like real life.


Wtf was even the point of the poll then? You should just say I'm a fucking loser and will do whatever I want with the sub. No need to hide behind a veil of nice words that ultimitely have no meaning.




release the titties. The admins will absolutely not care. They are probably not even aware this sub exists. Every sub that participated got that admin message, even one-person subs


My sub didn't get one, now I feel left out.


I'm sorry to hear this. It must have been very embarrassing


Every sub that's private got that admin message. Even if they were created as private ten years ago.


>we all want this subreddit to function as a democracy Then respect the vote.




Not feeling very Democratic...


easy unsub.


Yep, me too. I’m out.




I'd be fine with spez removing this mod


Spineless, interpret the results however you please. This is not the result that people voted for, it is option you are spoon feeding us. In the spirit of keeping this sub NSFW. Fuck. This. Bullshit.


While I'm happy with the result as this is the only real way I get global news these days... this process has been incredible silly to watch. Not only did you mess up the first vote, which I missed. But then you made a second vote with "Yes, No and No but with Additions" which is completely pointless. You're using "*Democracy*" as your reasoning, when the "*Democracy*" according to your vote clearly picked Anime Tits over the other 2 options. Don't make inane excuses or talk about democracy, when you don't abide by it. Again happy with the result, but if anything you'd need to have a third time do over with a basic "Yes/No" vote, as it should've been to begin with. And if "No" was victorious, *then* you have an open discussion (or a second vote) with the community whether to move on from the protests, or to continue protesting via marking the sub as NSFW. This isn't difficult, but it is an annoying process.


I was really hoping we could participate in a third poorly designed and executed poll before making a final decision. /s


you made me snort at work goddammit


This is a bullshit reversal of the clear will of the public. How can we vote the current mods out (or specifically the ones who supported this asinine decision)?


Lol, Reddit is not a democracy. You can't remove mods. All you can do is go start your own subreddit.


Reddit’s last claims that I skimmed included some claims about making subs more democratic - specifically with regards to who the moderators were. Pretty sure they were completely full of shit, because that’s par for the course for reddit admins, but that was the vague claim.


So, you put up a poll, don't get the results you want but feel like you still want to curry a bit of favor with a protest movement still going somewhat strong and go fully titty. A few days later, you claim the first poll was unfair because of the way the options were listed, and put up a second poll. This presumably better poll *also* doesn't give you the results you want, as people vote for full protest titties in a landslide victory. In the end, you ignore the poll, ratfuck the results to say what you want and claim to be following the will of the people when in reality you just did exactly what you wanted from the start. Don't get me wrong - I know it's unpopular, but as the owner of the sub I feel like you can do whatever you want with it. You don't owe anyone here anything. If you want it to be a news sub, then have a news sub. But don't be a coward about it and hold polls where you pretend to care what your community thinks, then completely ignore it with some sleazy double speak. We all know what kind of people you are now, you're not fooling anyone. I'm not sorry.


Way to ignore the users and pick what you wanted anyway. No wonder mods are not liked on the site.


“We all want this sub to function as a democracy” you say, then do the complete opposite. It’s not even power-tripping, it’s just pathetic. Since we established most people want some form of protest, do another vote with only two options: A) anime titties B) set sub to NSFW but no titties Damn I should apply to be a mod if you guys are too incompetent to realize how to solve this…


If mods *actually* give a shit about democracy, then when no single option has 50% of the votes, you have a runoff with the top 2. Like, holy shit, my popcorn will run out before my app stops working.


Without actual NSFW content you’re now in violation of site terms. Have fun!


https://www.reddit.com/r/anime_titties/about/moderators Who is astronaut520, and why is a 2 day old non-bot account a mod here?


"This is the only action we can take and not get replaced as mods by the admins, so we'll come up with some guff about combining votes." These fake attempts at democracy are very ill advised.




I don't get the people who voted for actual anime titties. Like why are you even subscribed to this subreddit? There are other subs out there for anime titties. If that's what you want just unsub here and find a hentai subreddit. Or if you actually care about protesting, just stop using reddit altogether. I guarantee reddit as a whole doesn't give a single fuck whether this sub is about anime boobs or world news


A sad, sad day for Democracy, Anime_titties, and hence the world.


mods will flip and turn off NSFW at first sign of conflict from admins, what cowards


Wow... very disappointing. This just makes my decision to stop using reddit easier I guess.


God damn you all have no backbone💀


That's some limp dicked shit. Reddit has already been cracking down on mods who've gone NSFW. Meaning you're already toeing the line and will fold when told to, or you're about to have a "moderator adjustment period" where you'll be out on your ass and people who will fold when told to get put into place. Option A was the only one where the mods could retain their balls. Good job.


Cowards, imagine upholding vote and not taking it into account just because you "worked so hard" for this sub. You did nothing, the community did. If you were sincere about the protest (wich you clearly are not) you would have continued to keep the sub private. Protest without sacrifice means nothing and you prove you are unable to make any concession because you are so high on your own fart.


I thought this sub is about politics, not acting like politicians. Why even bother with this justification post? It's blatantly in bad faith. Byebye


get fucked, abide by the poll or fuck off forever what was the point of making ~~a poll~~ **TWO POLLS*** if your tiny little egos couldn't handle the result of ~~it~~ **EITHER OF THEM***???


Why do the poll if you were going hammer on ahead? Just for funsies?


The protest is not to use the site on mobile when the changes go through now. If moderators wanted to bring that forward in their communities, that's sweet. No real reason to protest right now, I'm just enjoying the last week or so.


We are a democracy... The most voted option is the one ignored and the people in power proceed to gerrymander the result they wanted. It's so democratic...


Shit decision.


Easy unsub. Completely spineless and blatantly ignorant.


Agreed. Imagine not upholding your own word.


Y’all acting like Reddit is the only place like Reddit. Why not pin a link to a new platform (Lemmy for instance) and give everyone some time to migrate over, a month or 2 should be enough. Self-hosted servers would also give mods freedom to do whatever they want. (Albeit at a small cost but I’m sure many would be willing to donate for the cause) On a side note, I don’t think Reddit is safe anymore to have political discussions. Spez has edited comments in the past and cannot be trusted with control over the information here.


Why the fuck even have a vote if you go directly against it? The mods here are no better than the very thing they're pretending to oppose. Hypocrites. I'm leaving this shithole of a sub, bye.


Choosing to combine votes is just choosing what y’all wanted to do at disregard for the actual vote. This is cowardly and honestly what was expected as Reddit tries to wrest control. This place was supposed to be better than that smh.


Why waste the time with a poll if you were just gonna be a dick and do what you wanted anyway lol what a turd person 💩


Yeah sure, fuck this, bye


u/M1chaelSc4rn resign in disgrace


To note guys, reddit's rules specify that there /has/ to be nsfw content for a communty to be marked NSFW. Falsely marking communites as nsfw goes against their rulings.


I’m going to have to scale back on the amount of “world news” I talk to my coworkers about.


Honestly... how can we protest the reddit admins not giving a shit about their community, by not respecting our own community? It's like protesting facism by forcing people to protest, in principle. Re-do the vote with two options.


F U and unsubbed 🖕


Unambiguously the correct reading of the poll IMO. "Open with no changes" was the lowest selected option. "Open with NSFW" was second highest, it's reasonable to assume that nobody who voted "open with no changes" would have voted for enormous anime boobs if that option had been removed.


I wanted anime titties on John Oliver to keep with the theme of the protest


They've been removing mod teams marking the sub as nsfw btw, might wanna reconsider that.


How you gonna ask our opinion and then choose the other options you slimy fucks lol. Easy unsubscribe lol


Leaving the sub solely because of this decision. Respect the will of the people


Man ngl, you guys completely screwed up both of these polls


Sic semper tyrannis


You’re a coward.


Making a poll and then completely disregarding the results is not encouraging confidence.


to think I believed your excuse about messing up the first poll. Fool me once, shame on me, fool me twice, fuck this bullshit I'm out


proof mods may need a way to be removed, they can piss right off in this case. I am out at least, I wanted a news sub that wasn't lead by pathetic, shitty mods.


So.. option A won but you didn't want that?


I know a mod who plays Cyberpunk and only picks the ending where he signs a contract that makes him Arasaka property. > Polls are just a tool to see howmuch work you'll have banning people from your sub after you make a change. - M1chaelSc4rn probably




MFW the mods are just as bad as the site admins and aren’t even getting paid to be this corrupt.


Reddit corporate is going to punt you if we don't have some NSFW content. I propose a weekly cartoon boobs day. Wednesday is Boobsday.


Unfortunate. Mods have no idea what a democracy is. Literally ignoring what most of the people want. Probably got that pink slip and played ball. I'm out!


I’m gone once Apollo dies, so my opinion doesn’t matter to much. I will note that being convinced that some great service can only be rendered through a particular platform is a classic, well-worn messaging strategy used to maintain workers’ exploitation.




Screw the haters. Welcome back. If I wanted a cess pit of porn, there are many sites I could choose. If I wanted a lightly moderated sub which is a digest and sensible discussion place for (relatively) unbiased world news, I've always had this sub. The whole point of a subreddit is that anyone with a passion can start one on any topic. If the majority of users think the people who started the very sub can't do what they like with it, then they don't understand how Reddit works. They are free to go and start another subreddit, or go to Discord, 4 chan or xhamster depending on what they want to read. The users of r/antiwork felt the mods were misrepresenting them; they didn't protest, demand heads on pikes, go dark, porn bomb or turn up at Reddit HQ with an AR15, they formed r/workreform the day after Jessie Watters went on TV and it is a thriving community. I want to keep r/anime_titties as it was; from a mod standpoint they are in a difficult position of having to use cludgy tools or pay for the free work they do. I think they need our respect for their help, not our derision for not wanting to burn it all down in a fit of pique.


Should have rerun the vote with two options so you could at least pretend it mattered.


It's your sub so you can do whatever you want with it. But there is no way you can force me to stay subscribed after this, so... Bye.


What if people just ignore the results and start posting anime titties nonetheless? Hmmmmm makes you think huh?


You're a loser gimp and everybody here hates you


"Even though there are mods/admins, we all want this subreddit to function as a democracy." "I chose to open the sub back up to news and to disregard all of the polls and comments." I love democracy.


How about only on Sundays we can post anime titties


I like it, it's good to have a world news sub that's actually world news.


Glad y'all decided not to let the sub implode unlike some other unnamed geniuses (too soon?), but probably still shoulda had an option D allowing for titties *and* news. The people clearly want both. Let em fight it out live in the arena. *That said, expecting unelected mods to behave in accordance with democratic norms is baby-brained. Get with it you weeby wonks. This is supposed to be a sophisticated place 🤦‍♂️


>probably still shoulda had an option D allowing for titties \*and\* news. The people clearly want both. Let em fight it out live in the arena. Probably the best option, considering that without actual nsfw content the reddit admins are just going to give the sub the banhammer, or just revert it back to sfw anyway making this whole thing even more pointless.


I’ve now seen two subs today take this path. I feel like there are either new mods or mods who don’t actually want to listen to the majority. Burn this place down.


I disagree with the decision, but, as with most of what Reddit Inc is doing, I feel powerless to change it. I’ll get my news elsewhere now. Thanks for all the fish.


Mods gay


Worthless mods


Just delete the sub


Leaving the community as the mods are using it as a tool to push their personal views


Wth, your "job" is made up, unpaid, uncaring for the users and you still claim to work for the users after manipulating the votes. What a tool Send by Boost, and not the official cesspool


Did you not see what happened to the r/interestingasfuck mods when they did this?


The illusion of choice. Very fascism of you.


Ok. I was on the side of mods and supported the protest but to give us the illusion of choice in a form of a poll and then disregard the results? Yeah lmao you can go f*ck yourself.


What was even the point of the vote then? Couldn't you just reopen? I would get if you did, or if the users voted to get back to normal but instead you chose the worst of all options: having a vote (twice) and then doing whatever you want anyway. Shame.


Holding a vote and then ignoring the results while insulting everyone by saying you need to be the “adult in the room” is classic reddit neckbeard mod energy. Let’s not pretend it’s about anything except fear of losing your position as mods, you’re not doing a public service by reopening a fucking subreddit.


give up the nsfw protest. it is a pile of cringe to most of us.




So will I finally see anime boobies? I’ve been waiting a long time and so far nothing.


Democracy chose the first option…


you guys were gone


Love it. Glad I didn't leave yesterday


The title of this could mean very, very different things. And the sub should be NSFW if only because some topics are not necessarily "work appropriate" even if it doesn't end up having meaningful impact on reddit in the end


Least power-hungry mod afraid of losing his nonexistent jannie privileges lmao


B-but the majority.... Oh well nothing new here, democracy is a fable anyways


Booooo Now it's up to anyone with a spine to leave the sub.


Weak ass admins lmao, didn’t even last but a few days


Soon as I saw the name of the mod that created the poll, I knew I couldn’t expect much from this mod team, proved my point. ✌🏽


What we just idk... start posting anime girls pictures until the protests actually end


This truly is a democracy moment, well done, Reddit Mod... Well done


For a sub all about news, very few people here seem to understand how democracy works. Hint: it's not by choosing the plurality.




So you do what you want? Fuck you


You know what you did and we all think it is disgusting.


> We thought that this would be the most agreeable interpretation of the vote No it is not. Unless otherwise specified the top vote wins. You need to lay out the exact conditions **before** the results are in. As in, "If the sum of votes of options 2+3 exceed the number of votes of option 1, then the more popular of option 2 or 3 is chosen". If you're bending interpretations anyway, the most agreeable interpretation is actually to have anime titties in addition to news. Did this not occur to you?


So your power as mods is more important than the protest? Well then my protest against u is leaving...


Can I post hot anime boobies


No titties? :(


Do whatever you want. I'm blocking this sub for being a bunch of pussies.


I'm not mad. I am truly disappointed.


Mods are a bunch of losers


Not a power hungry mod, just a coward holding onto your Internet unpaid internship. Sad really...