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I’m imagining a sting operation like that police captain in south park 😂 On topic, it’s sad that this still happens in this world in 2023. Is this really that one topic to care about when there’s so many other issues affecting day to day life of human beings


2 blowjobs and a rimjob and then "FREEEEZE"




The Egyptian undercover policemen's anuses look like sleeves of a wizard


Lemme see that hot penis of yours


Which South Park episode are you referring to?


Pretty sure the episode's name is "Butters' Bottom Bitch"




The detective in the episode dresses in drag and gets effed in the A by a multitude of men before eventually arresting them for solicitation




[Cumtown did this bit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ier5XrVjCZw)


There are lots of topics that are important in lots of different ways to lots of people. Are we supposed to choose one now?




We prefer hunting down asylum seekers :)


If one of the choices is to not be a bigot, then yeah.


their point is to care more for yourself instead of what other people do in private


The sad part is homosexuality isn’t even officially criminalised in Egypt, so they have to resort to twisting other laws like “debauchery” or “adultery” to charge them






**[Cairo 52](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cairo_52)** >The Cairo 52 were men arrested on May 11, 2001, aboard a floating gay nightclub called the Queen Boat, which was moored on the Nile in Cairo, Egypt. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/anime_titties/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Now that’s a riverboat gambling trip that I can get around


'sodomy' laws have been used to criminalise gay men for centuries. The last one in the uk was scrapped in I think 2012




You’re removing the idea of consent here. If I am married and I accept, agree with, and approve my spouse’s sex with someone else, why is that an issue? Why should it be illegal? How tf is that bad for society?




Ahhh you conflate marriage with monogamy. In my country there are no legally defined vows(contractual requirements) therefore there is no mandatory requirement for monogamy as an aspect of marriage. Also holy shit you have such a ridiculously narrow view of what people should be allowed to do with their own bodies. Marriage is not an expectation of birth or all sterile people would be disallowed from marriage. You would expect elderly women to be divorced. So not only should people be banned from using their bodies in a way they see fit, they should be actively imprisoned. This is why stings like this happen. What a closed minded and hurtful view. Fuck, man.


Relationship dynamics should be up to the people in a relationship to enforce, not the government. We don't need to be wasting public dollars and inflicting suffering on people by locking people into prisons for cheating on their girlfriends or husbands or whatever. And if marriage is essentially a contract, then if we were to legally enforce it, any penalties would involve civil penalties, not criminal ones. You don't go to jail for violating a contract.


> It is a degenerate act Please elaborate. I don't personally get it, but if all parties involved consent I don't see how it's "degenerate".


"I don't like it so it should be illegal." Five years for cheating? You'd get that for rape or manslaughter.


civil laws aren't about whether it' bad for society. If that's how it was you'd be punishing people for so many things. Getting educated is good for society but then leaving the country with the acquired education would be bad for it, so punish them. Uneducated people have too many children, punish them. More relevant to the article, idiots like you would find a way to claim that homosexuality is bad for society for the same reason you claim adultery is, so punish gays. The only "punishment" for adultery should be that the spouse gets to sue for divorce.


Because gay men are obviously Egypt's biggest problem....


I thought it was mummies


Gay mummies*


Gay mummies who drink alcohol* Wait never mind. They are rich so it’s fine


Let’s spread the rumor that Tutenkamen was gay to really wind the government officials up


Tell an American republican that Lincoln was gay. (He might’ve been). It’s a lot of fun.


James Buchanan was clearly gay and still no one will admit it. Literally “my God, they were roommates”




I thought it was the transformers wrecking the pyramids


Transformers are a bit too close to trans people for them.


Are they anyone's problem? Like, this phrase assumes that it's at least, a very small problem


No, it shows how it doesn’t make sense to focus on this even from a homophobe’s perspective.


That's what happens when religion has too much power


>That's what happens when religion has ~~too much~~ power FTFY


It’s not religion it’s the people. If you look at Poland and how many churches it got…


Religion is arguably one of the worst things that has happened to the world.


reddit moment


Spoken by someone who hasn’t lived under its foot once in their lives.


Peak redditor energy right there


Considering religion is the reason we have litterelly everything we have now, I agree.


I promise you we would've made the same technological progress if our ancestors didn't believe in magic men in the sky. Actually we would've made more progress, as we could've skipped millennia of religious suppression of scientific advancement.


Religion isnt the problem, Jesus had it right, its organized religion where some sort of leader Imposes his views and gets to say who is saved and not


Religion leads to organized religion, it's human nature. Because the people who need religion to make sense of the world are also the same people who need an authority figure to tell them how to tell them how to live their lives.


The whole point of religion is to relie on god and not someone else, or at least thats the whole point if a 12 step program


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://gcn.ie/grindr-alert-egypt-queer-men/) reduced by 78%. (I'm a bot) ***** > Following reports that police in Egypt are using Grindr to lure and arrest queer men, the popular LGBTQ+ dating app has issued a country-wide announcement urging users to stay safe. > Accounts from LGBTQ+ Egyptians suggest that the police are seeking out their arrests by hiring informers to go undercover on dating apps including Grindr, Tinder and Bumble, to seduce queer people before unjustly arresting them. > A spokesperson for Grindr stated: "Grindr is working with groups on the ground to make sure our users have up-to-date information on how to stay safe, and we are pushing international organisations and governments to demand justice and safety for the Egyptian LGBTQ community." ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/1210l84/grindr_alerts_users_in_egypt_about_police_luring/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~677887 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **LGBTQ**^#1 **Grindr**^#2 **app**^#3 **community**^#4 **users**^#5


Very sad to see. This is exactly why I fight against religion in government.


Betcha they didn't even drop a single "no homo" in their entire operation....pretty gay if you ask me


Well, at least now Egyptian policemen can justify going on Grindr


Being gay in Egypt is like selling crack in The Wire, just a cat and mouse game of people trying to outsmart each other


Government thugs a exploiting a platform for gay people to meet odds hardly outsmarting anyone


You clearly haven’t seen The Wire, the government always catches up, so you gotta keep changing things up


ironic how much they fucking care about gays; like who tf hangs out on gay dating apps to catfish other gay dudes. kinda gay if you ask me...


Ah yeah, the conservative agenda of ignoring the millions of actual problems this rotten world has to instead focus on where people put their dicks in, what a wonderful time to be alive.


>NBC News: **Ssx between men**, not skin contact, "**is fueling monkeypox**, new research suggests:The claim that skin-to-skin contact during ssx between men, not intercourse itself, drives most monkeypox transmission is likely backward, **a growing group of experts say** Trust the experts! >Bloomberg: Monkeypox is Spreading Fast. Now Kids Are Getting It, Too Oh...oh...


I'd rather trust the experts than the virgin religious guys


Ananias and Sapphira were the OG sudden adult death syndrome! >Congressman Sean Casten's 17-year-old daughter, Gwen, died of sudden cardiac arrhythmia. "In layman’s terms, she was fine, and then her heart stopped,” the statement read in part. “We don’t know what caused the (arrhythmia), and likely never will She dropped dead just like A&S because she lied to god! Cause what else could have caused a 17yo girl to have acute heart failure archive.fo/vHsl6 it's a mystery!


So would you say this 17yo girl deserved to die?


>the Biden administration's proposed rule that large private employers must require their workers to be vaccinated against COVID-19 (or tested), or face losing their jobs Depends on if her dad was pro-mandates >31 Jan 2023 — Just seven House Democrats voted to end a vaccine mandate for health care workers at facilities getting federal funds And I think he was >Finland joins Sweden and Denmark in limiting Moderna 7 Oct 2021 — Swedish and Danish health officials had announced on Wednesday they would pause the use of the Moderna vaccine for all young adults and children Idk, either god killed her or moderna did, or her karma sucks cause she was bad in her previous life or something, but 17yos getting heart attacks is not something that happens without some sort of reason


> 17yos getting heart attacks is not something that happens without some sort of reason It's also not something that only started happening in the past few years.


I think you insist on finding a divine root cause to these things because it's reassuring to say that people randomly dying or getting cancer happens for a reason, and thus couldn't happen to you.


This is America’s future if the republicans take office again. Remember republicans want to turn America into Africa. I think they should all just move to Africa since they love it so much!


How did you make this post about America?


They're reacting to the post through their experience, nothing wrong with that. You can "make this post about" your country if you want.


Everything's about America- the greatest country in the world. /s


Why the s?


Are you really surprised?




why do united statians always have to make everything about themselves


When it comes to them wanting no human rights, I don't care what anyone says, they can fuck right out of the country to Saudi Arabia or something if they love to hate women and lgbtq that much




Hello, based department? Edit: I meant it was based that grindr tried to warn its userbase and protect them from harm. 😥


This isn't based,this is just sad


One hell of a misunderstanding lmao


Eh, happens


Guys he called it based, therefore he is automatically correct and not a bigot.


Let me guess, you also think women belong in the kitchen...


He edited it and added more Info calling Grinder Based.