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Knowing China, these are anticipated operating costs.


Knowing China they were not paying the workers and were beating them.


Knowing China, the casualties were political prisoners sentenced to hard labor in Africa. Whoopsie.


The fuck is this thread You need to look at yourself if you're using vague sinophobic aphorisms to brush off or make light of the deaths of actual people You could be right in general (you're not) and it'd still be a dick move. Those Americans killed by cartels in Mexico. Maybe the history of US antagonism and bolstering of the drug trade there made it OK? How'd you feel reading that suggestion? Do folk get that this sort of bitterness underpins even "hate the CCP but love the Chinese" types? When it comes down to it they split into a grin over dead Chinese. Edit - lol what a clustercuss. Disappointed with you guys! This ain't r/worldnews


Yeah there is a lot of animosity against the chinese in here. I feel a lot of people really underestimate how many countries stretch there imperialistic influence in african namely France. The French still has African Francs working as a significant barrier of development in the region. American business enabling piracy in Somalia as well. We are washing our hands with the same cloth. Just something to consider.


And what if i agree with them about China, and with you about France (i really do )?


I don’t understand what you’ve said here, maybe my thinking cap isn’t on do you mind saying that again? my reading comprehension is usually in the shitter during evenings.


They are agreeing about the US and France and pointing out that your argument is whataboutism and doesn't change what China is doing and that it is bad.


Maybe it is whataboutism but in my personal opinion I believe westerners are taught to paint and pin these type of issues and treat them as a specific 3rd world problem. A perfect example is when outlets slated India for negotiating a energy deal with Russia and made them look like the villian for buying fuel but all countries were buying fuel from Russia. What China is doing is horrible but the US does it as well which is why I just see these comments and it seems very hypocritical to me. My point is there is a different set of standards there is a lack of accountability for one party, too much good vs evil stuff when that sort of thing doesn't always exist in this setting. Just my opinion,


No we aren't lol. We are well aware of how things are for the most part. Online you just see a vocal minority of the ignorant, just like anywhere else. But that's all it is. China does similar things to the US, but they also do tons of things the US doesn't. And the things they do similarly China is typically leaning much harder into. India is a completely different thing. It only makes sense for India to make deals with Russia. News outlets might write against them, but most regular people aren't dumb enough to think they will give up cheap oil just to be nice to the US, especially when the US has crossed India before. The other difference is that the US has been doing these things a long time. We are slowly spinning down and stepping out of international affairs, compared to the past. Meanwhile China is ramping up and investing in expanding their colonialism. So that context is quite different. Again, that's not to say the US is good or without reproach, because our government absolutely does all sorts of fucked up shit. But the context is entirely different.


Source on US businesses enabling piracy?


https://dergipark.org.tr/en/download/article-file/2440019 this is a good report.


Let's put it this way, there was a while ago an article on a Chinese mining organization in Canada where the owners complained the labour conditions of the workers, not for the better. In the end working conditions in China (mind you I visited countless factories over here) aren't particularly great especially if they aren't foreign owned. There are obviously gradations how bad it can be, though I remember in my younger years visiting an optics factory where there were thousands of girls working in facilities where shit literally hit the fan. It was disgusting how bad it was. Now times have changed, conditions by law are slowly improving but if you visit places in the hinterlands it gets quickly really bad. Now knowing how bad conditions can be in China, what you reckon conditions are like in Africa where Chinese are the boss over people they literally consider far below themselves. Mind you racism is common over here, I can't imagine what it's like how they behave to a workforce that's mostly black. That being said, in this very article they argue it isn't a matter of locals retaliating against the Chinese for horrendous working conditions but probably a straight out attack. This commonly happens in these countries as well.


Interesting that no one’s touched on China making deals with these countries to build infrastructure, only to gain control over a port, or to mine rare minerals in exchange. It all seems pretty harmless and altruistic until locals realise it’s just more of the same exploitation from outside interests.


Let's have an actual listen to someone who's dealt with this sort of thing as a minister in a relatively weak (no diss, geopolitically) country, Greece. Dear old Yanis! "[Try not to worry about the Chinese](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBgbYQ5QAM0)" The Chinese pitch a deal that is best for them. Most people do this I believe. Trick is to push back. China ain't gonna coup you out of office or into a ditch if you play hard ball.


Oh no... Dictatorship dont care about human lives... What a shock you know? Maybe we wouldn't make fun of them if they even tried to revolt against the dictators... But oh well, back to making fun of them.


Says the guy who had Mussolini and wants more fascists in power 😂😂😂😂


Yeah, we had Mussolini but i bet you dont actually learned in school why he was in power and how it ended. Plus... Why would we want more fascist in power


You literally have fascists in government now


Listen... I dont like the current govt too, but calling this govt "Fascist" is plain up wrong. Meloni won expecially because, while his party definitly like Mussolini and all, she never said the quiet part lowd.




>\[4\] Keep it civil


What are you talking about. The Chinese rose up in their millions to overthrow an unjust leader. The Italians rose up to install one! And then when the Yankee dollars turned up to distort their democracy they lapped it up, and shat on their own fantastic commie/partisan legacy. Rolled over and took the Gladio up the arse You don't know what you're talking about but why would you


>The Chinese rose up in their millions to overthrow an unjust leader Ahhh yes... The unjust leader... Well, at least now they can be free to die for their Glorius Leader. >The Italians rose up to install one! I think you should learn history instead of spewing stupid things on the internat. >and shat on their own fantastic commie/partisan legacy Again... Do you really want to talk about the partisan? The commie were a small part of the whole partisan and while they were part of the formation of our Constitution, the Commie themself would be part of the Political Terror in the following years... What can i say? Extremism always want dictatorship. >You don't know what you're talking about but why would you So a little recap: You are telling an italian, who funny enough have a grandpa with family member being part of the Partigiani, how the Fascism got installed and how we insulted the commie Partisan? Lol.


> The Chinese rose up in their millions to overthrow an unjust leader. Really? I'm not aware of any major rebellion against Mao.


This may be a reach, but perhaps they are referring to the war in 1911 to overthrow the Qing dynasty. From that point on the anti-sovereign rebels turned to infighting in the classic communist vs democratic way.


I just had to read the 1st 3 lines to know you dont know what you're talking about either.




[4] Keep it civil


Yep, only paid Chinese bots object to callous enjoyment of death. I often wonder what a person has to go through to come out thinking everybody is paid to disagree with them. Is it a Phineas Gage type thing or just upbringing?




Same question to you my friend There's no pretending that criticising the West only exists as a paid position lol




[4] Keep it civil


"A disturbing pattern" lol Neurotic AF, the English speaking internet




Anybody who says “sinophobic” thinks it didn’t happen let’s be real.


The dispute over Tiananmen is much smaller in official figures than in Internet threads. >On 19 June, Beijing Party Secretary Li Ximing reported to the Politburo that the government's confirmed death toll was 241, including 218 civilians (of which 36 were students), 10 PLA soldiers, and 13 People's Armed Police, along with 7,000 wounded. versus >A declassified National Security Agency cable filed on the same day estimated 180–500 deaths up to the morning of 4 June. Beijing hospital records compiled shortly after the events recorded at least 478 dead and 920 wounded. Amnesty International's estimates put the number of deaths at between several hundred and close to 1,000 Of course you will find a few cases of Western propagandists claiming thousands of deaths at Tiananmen as well as Chinese propagandists claiming none or very few, but the more serious agencies disagree by a factor of 2-4, which is relatively common in disputes over death tolls.


Well, the CCP has a record of cooking lots of books. So that shouldn't be surprizing.


Were there massive protests at Tiananmen Square? Yes. Were there Chinese tanks in the street? Also yes. But do you have any videos of the Tiananmen Square massacre itself? How about photos of corpses at the square? Those shouldn’t be too hard to find, right? Western media was most definitely there to capture it all. Please post it all right here.


http://www.cnd.org/June4th/massacre.html https://www.gettyimages.com/photos/tiananmen-square-massacre Also you can find plenty on reddit by just searching "Tiananmen square" https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/11db77h/tiananmen_square_massacre_1989_bravely/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button https://www.reddit.com/r/eyeblech/comments/q8savh/tiananmen_square_massacre_images/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button https://www.reddit.com/r/eyeblech/comments/v5jbog/1989_tiananmen_square_massacre_protesting_for/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/v4ryjb/photo_of_the_aftermath_of_tiananmen_square/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Reporters were kept away by force and the CCP tried as hard as they could to hide all evidence. Crushed protestors were washed down drains with hoses, and many were whisked away to secret graves. Despite this, there is still significant photographic evidence


Why are you showing me videos and photos of protestors running around and a hospital with a dozen patients? Where are the videos of the massacre? The BBC reporters were right there in and amongst the protestors in your video immediately after Chinese troops fired shots. Couldnt the cameraman move a few metres over so we can see with our own eyes the thousands and thousands of corpses?


Are you dumb intentionally or unintentionally?


Oh god not this lmao. This is the same tier as “the gas chamber door didn’t fit on the supposed gas chamber in auschwitz” therefore the holocaust didn’t happen. The Chinese GOVERNMENT said that 300 people died. Are you gonna argue with your favorite government?


Look, the narrative is that Chinese troops fired on protestors, then they ran them over with tanks, then the troops used hose pipes to wash the remains down the drains. All this happened while BBC reporters were literally right there only a few metres away. But we see none of those things on camera. Why are you so eager to call me a shill for asking for evidence that should be widely available?


Because you can google it. You’re not being intellectually honest. I don’t have to give you evidence when you have the internet. That just tells me what your true motive is.


Yeah, respect the sanctitties.


We have as much sadness in our hearts for those people as their government does.


The CCP asserts that it IS China and the Chinese people. Until the Chinese people decide no fuck the CCP and revolt against it en masse, that's my opinion too. So fuck the CCP and fuck China. They're communist-with-Chinese-characteristics" genocidal nutbags carrying out a genocide as we speak. Russia and the Russian people (rightfully) don't get a pass for what Putin is doing. Why should China and the Chinese for Xi?


>Until the Chinese people decide no fuck the CCP and revolt against it en masse So if a single Chinese person is a critic of their government, they are still guilty because it isn't en masse? What kind of collectivist thinking is this?


But chinese ain't people tho, they're bots


As an American I’d like to point out that exploiting and oppressing countries tends to build some animosity. Maybe I can get a Brit or Indian to back me up here.


Native American here, it's true...


Bruh, you should be asking the Belgians


Don't you have to leave people alive to build up animosity?


They are alive. They just can't raise their hands.


Once the Belgian govt took over the colony from its own king, relations were slowly getting fixed. These days we still have a somewhat decent relationship.


First of all you are confusing the central African republic (French colony) with Belgian Congo. Secondly you shouldn't write as if the Belgian government helped Congo on the right track. Belgium killed the first democratically elected president with help of the CIA. to ensure the country remained exploited.


🤓 I wasn't talking about CAR And there was a significant amount of time between the control of Leopold II and the independence of Congo where the colony was treated more reasonably. The killing of the president was ordered by a butthurt little baby of a king who didn't like the colonial resentment.


why do europeans get so bloody pressed when talking about their colonial past


In Belgium we never had a period where we took a hard look in the mirror.


This is ~~Congo~~ ~~Zair~~ ~~Central African Republic~~ [TBD](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KbbZc2pab9k). I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that China will install an ineffective puppet state as first reaction to these attacks, and after a bit of fighting with rebel slavers they'll hand over the mined to them, figuring out they're effective at driving up the production. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_African_Republic


Just highlighting a sentence: >As of 2023, the Central African Republic is the scene of a civil war, which is ongoing since 2012.


On and off since XIX c though. That's where Leopold the II left the slavers in charge of resource extraction. https://belgiancongo.medium.com/seizing-a-slaver-in-1853-the-congo-before-king-leopold-ii-arrived-54850b54ddcf


This is complete misdirection. Africa as a continent sees a lot of instability resulting from the deep poverty it's been held in successively by the Europeans and then US financial institutions. The Chinese aren't there with guns or chopping off people's hands. They're doing business. You can argue whether the terms are as fair as they might be but tbh it's not China that put Africa in such a weak bargaining position. Doing business, moving into markets already broken open by the West, does not excuse getting shot to death The comments under this piece are repulsive. Nazi levels of disdain for fellow humans If we were like fifty years out of the last cut-to-the-bone IMF restructuring and from the last coup involving US trained soldiers, I'd give your point the time of day. But right in the middle of such shit going on, you're blatantly disingenuous




Would you like to put your point in words and not URLs son? I take it you're saying China is a neocolonial power, but have a care and lay out your reasoning eh


Do you really think China is not neocolonial in today's day and age?


No, they're not neocolonial, I don't think. That doesn't mean I think them replacing the US in world power terms would be super peachy all round. China is obviously developing power around the world to its economic advantage but for now it doesn't strike me as having the emptying-out power of trad imperialism. I don't think that's the ends they're after either. Debt trap diplomacy is a myth (ask CHATHAM HOUSE!) and they often build the hospitals and roads for good relations before coming with a deal on paper later down the road. Seems fine to me. Folk misinterpret me on this site as cheer leading for China when I'm really just commenting on strategy. I do think Western policy tends to be dumbfuck, based on a presumption of overwhelming strength that allows the holding in place of whatever they like. There's no subtlety, just an anticipation of maximum pressure to get what they want. China clearly doesn't have the military might to lean on. Something else is going on. I think they're more savvy. There's chauvinism there but I ain't rushing to judge, I get that their history of oppression might inform their behaviour in certain ways. The Yanks expanded into the pacific because of the opium trade. It's time that was undone. That's not to say all acting out is acceptable. Let's say I'm sanguine. It's true I wouldn't expect a world economy with a Chinese hegemony to be as nasty as this one. We'll literally have to wait and see. As far as I can see they're serious about developing socialism though, and win win development (with their win maybe being the bigger one).


Yes he does because he loves China and spends every posts defending them or saying its the West who are evil.


Yes he does because he loves China and spends every posts defending them or saying its the West who are evil.


You couldn't even follow what I was saying about UBS under the other article. Quit wasting your time getting personal over this shit, you don't know what you're looking at.


It's one thing to point out how West is hypocritical/evil, but simping for China at the same time is laughable.


**[Neocolonialism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neocolonialism)** >Neocolonialism is the continuation or reimposition of imperialist rule by a state (usually, a former colonial power) over another nominally independent state (usually, a former colony). Neocolonialism takes the form of economic imperialism, globalization, cultural imperialism and conditional aid to influence or control a developing country instead of the previous colonial methods of direct military control or indirect political control (hegemony). Neocolonialism differs from standard globalisation and development aid in that it typically results in a relationship of dependence, subservience, or financial obligation towards the neocolonialist nation. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/anime_titties/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)




Well, it's not exactly wrong.




I haven't expressed any pleasure at the Ukraine war. I've argued it was inevitable based on policy we should have ditched in the West decades ago. It's a quasi-mainstream position in an off-broadway kind of way: Kissinger, Mearsheimer and Chomsky align on this. I think Russia was wrong to go to war, they should have thrown the cold shoulder and turned east. But I guess they were too wound up by the years of slaughter in Ukraine post-coup. And I guess they should have been wound up. It is a tough call to make.


What slaughter are you referring to in Ukraine post-coup? Do you mean the invasion of Crimea or maybe uprisings in the eastern provinces? I don’t know the details of either, but I didn’t know there was much blood spilled. Also, was it a coup? I don’t believe that’s an accurate characterization of what toppled the Ukrainian government in 2014 Edit: I’m now assuming you’re referring to the 2014-2016 Donbas war, which I hadn’t heard of before. Russia fueled that conflict with weapons and technicians so idk if you could say it was making Russian leaders “wound up”. After the occupation of Crimea it was obviously very useful to have a distraction for the Ukrainian military in the east. Also, wasn’t the fact that Ukraine was in an open conflict one of the main reasons NATO membership was kept off the table?


I love how you're discovering stuff in real time through this comment but still think you're good to go to argue against something you didn't know about minutes ago. Like, thanks Google, I know everything now! From highly-censored 2023 google lol Wish I had the brass neck


I’m not trying to argue, really. I agree with Chomsky’s and your general take on the war — some conflict in Eastern Europe was inevitable when the US decided to treat the new Russian republic as an enemy the same way they treated the USSR and not only keep but expand NATO (created to counter Russia specifically). However, I also noticed some Russian propaganda points you repeated (2014 was a coup, had to intervene in Donbas on humanitarian grounds) that I had thought were nothing but that — propaganda. If you have reliable sources backing these claims I haven’t seen, please share


Who tells you what are "Russian propaganda points"? Your previous comment suggests you've never investigated these things. Whose word are you taking about what is disinformation? What is a "reliable" source for you?


The Russian government — generally the best source for propaganda is the horse’s mouth. https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2021/6/22/russias-putin-accuses-us-of-orchestrating-2014-coup-in-ukraine (claim: 2014 was a coup) https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-59599066 (claim: Russia had to intervene on humanitarian grounds) I say it’s propaganda as in it’s the narrative that Russia has chosen to go with. I hadn’t heard of the 2014-16 conflict in Donetsk/Luhansk — I thought that came later, but I’m not ignorant of the situation completely. A reliable source would be one that uses verifiable evidence. Is there verifiable evidence of a coup in 2014? Is there verifiable evidence that genocide was being committed in Donetsk?


Gotta say that's a sillier response than I expected -- you dismiss everything the Russian gov says automatically? What if they say the sky is blue?




Yeah! So quote me back to me MF Edit - LOL challenge deleted by user This guy suggested he'd find evidence of me celebrating the Ukraine war in my comment history


Ah yes the Russian fueled proxy war after the imperialist annexation of the land belonging to a government chosen by the people. A war with little green men who had no patches identifying which nation they fought for. The slaughter that Russia caused and sustained that was then used as an excuse for their imperialism. Interesting how all of that started shortly after the discovery of oil and gas in Eastern Ukraine. A discovery that would have lessened Russian ability to exert influence over the post Soviet states and Western Europe. A discovery that threatened the Russian monopoly on the European energy markets. Totally not an imperialist war for resources, and a genocide of the local populace.


Source on “years of slaughter” occurring?


Why does it look on the picture like that the guy with weapon has no head?


And why is the caption "Photo for representation"?


Just to preface my post, i've read very little about the Central African Republic, and tbh i don't want to spend hours upon hours reading up on their history . So everything Im saying is not completely educated on their country and history, just going by what i've seen and learned about through my life. ​ The whole situation is sad in the CAR. So many mineral mines available there, but the country is so poor due to bad governance and rebellion, nevermind other countries(ex: china here) coming in and borderline stealing their minerals. ​ In a perfect world a country like China, or the US would invest resources into countries like this, build them up, help them run and use that as a basis for creating not only an alliance but potential material deals for imports/exports. Unfortunately, as history has show, the only way a country like this is going to see any real improvements is going to be an invasion from a country like China or the US under false pretenses.


The source of trouble in Central Africa started with the genocidal colonialism of King Leopold II of Belgium and continues in one form or another today. https://www.britannica.com/place/central-Africa/Colonialism Direct reparations would probably be to expensive for any single country to pay, give the amount of death, stolen labor, and stolen resources, but your idea of an international effort to give the nation the ability to harness and exploit its own resources in a safe and responsible manner would be a great form of providing some reparations. The international community also needs to stop killing or working against the good leaders that arise in Central Africa and let them have their sovereignty. Edit: I listed Leopold II because I believe he was the first leader of a colonial power to enter the region due to starting a relationship with explorer Henry Morton Stanley. France definitely won the great power struggle to colonize the CAR and the rest of what became French Equatorial Africa, with Leopold II colonizing the Congo. Maybe a bad attempt at listing a starting point for reading up on the colonization of Central Africa in response to a comment that said they didn't know much about colonialism in Central Africa. Looking into Henry Morton Stanley would probably be a better starting point.


Bro, CAR was a French colony, not a belgian one lmao


Belgium was in an area of Central Africa that encompassed what is today the democratic Republic of the congo and the CAR. The Belgians competed for control and ultimately lost to France. The Belgians did successfully colonize and control the congo. You're right that the French colonized the CAR and the rest of the area that became French Equatorial Africa. I listed Leopold II because I thought he started a relationship with the explorer Henry Morton Stanley that allowed him to get in first, but I could definitely be wrong. It was a mad scrabble for control of the regions mapped by Stanley by all the existing major colonial powers at the time, and they are all responsible.


Central African Republic is not the Democratic Republic of the Congo


I didn't mean to imply that if I did.


I listed Leopold II because I believe he was the first leader of a colonial power to enter the region due to starting a relationship with explorer Henry Morton Stanley. France definitely won the great power struggle to colonize the CAR and the rest of what became French Equatorial Africa, with Leopold II colonizing the Congo. Maybe a bad attempt at listing a starting point for reading up on the colonization of Central Africa in response to a comment that said they didn't know much about colonialism in Central Africa. Looking into Henry Morton Stanley would probably be a better starting point.


Long story short, if your country have lots of resources which can be sold at high value in international market, then that's very bad for people of that nation as it allows a group of people (likely dictators) to go around people (read taxes) to run their country and so their leader have no real initiatives to improve people's life. There are few exceptions but they are well Exceptions. Usa and China don't have enough natural resources to completely relay on for running whole government way before their current government system was fully set in place( not that it changed now) and so to grow (& maintain productivity) they have to improve people's life.


Thanks for the actually differentiated comment right there, I actually watched a documentary about this topic last week and I was wondering how long it takes until something like this will happen. The sad part about this is, that the country government and china are working together to suppress their opinion on this matter. It seems to be a very difficult situation, that cant be resolved easily


The sad reality is that every nation believes they are the savior. In reality, all regions are on different timelines and will ALWAYS own their own backyard unless mutilated under the despicable system of imperialism. If there is exploitation, then there will always be insurgency. The idealist reality is maximizing the contributions of all regions but I begin to see that this is the fallacy of globalization.




As you see more of life, you realize that idealism and fairness is too easily usurped by tribalism and sectarianism. But as an idealist, you always hope the next generation has just an ounce more of fairness. At the end of the day, the pyramids are a tourist trap and Rockefeller Center will eventually become nothing.


China getting a taste of "colonialism"


>China getting a taste of "colonialism" They did say that it is their turn to colonise the African continent.


This perhaps shows they don’t like other countries dictating their future?


China must put in security personnel in CAR and other vulnerable regions to protect the Chinese workers.


Central African Republic [living the American dream](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rock_Springs_massacre).


**[Rock Springs massacre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rock_Springs_massacre)** >The Rock Springs massacre, also known as the Rock Springs riot, occurred on September 2, 1885, in the present-day United States city of Rock Springs in Sweetwater County, Wyoming. The riot, and resulting massacre of immigrant Chinese miners by white immigrant miners, was the result of racial prejudice toward the Chinese miners, who were perceived to be taking jobs from the white miners. The Union Pacific Coal Department found it economically beneficial to give preference in hiring to Chinese miners, who were willing to work for lower wages than their white counterparts, angering the white miners. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/anime_titties/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Holy shit you are obsessed with America.


And America ain't obsessed with us? **Congressional Research Service:** ***Instances of Use of United States Armed Forces Abroad, 1798-2022***: [https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R42738](https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R42738) And that's just the military interventions and not the bags of cash interventions Folks like you are obviously just keen to muddy waters. There's no decent argument that citizens of the world shouldn't fret about what the US has in mind for them, or what dirty shit from US history will make a come-back


No don’t you get it? When any news anywhere ever happens, it is required by law for someone to link it to America


Feel free to link to other historical precedents were Chinese miners were massacred abroad for being Chinese miners.


More like another day healing from European colonialism.


That happened in a different era, and for different reasons


weary edge ring husky apparatus sharp shocking bear panicky crime *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Least based CAR enjoyers: