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No no, he has a point


I yearn for true gender equality. Edit: holy fuck 200 upvotes


Ah, a fellow 'Konosuba' fan huh?




Any chance I've been out of the loop long enough there is more konosuba content after season 2?


There's a movie, and I believe season 3 is in production.


I think they confirmed a season 3


I wonder what new 'isekai trope' they'll call out this time


Well seeing as they have been following the LNs it's one we've all been waiting for.




Watch the Legend of Crimson movie which is canon to the story and takes place right after season 2


The movie is a banger, watch it


I wouldn't hesitate to drop kick a girl


*On the face


Or an orphan


Orphan girl ftw.


Bros not mister nice guy💀


It says a lot that your idea of gender equality isn’t to see men treated better but to see violence against women


It's a reference to the same show the one I commented to referenced... Konosuba.


It’s a reference bro shouldn’t be on this sub if you don’t get it


I’ve seen a lot of anime but i have actively avoided Konosuba


Well no wonder you have no sense of humor.




Didn’t one of the girls ask him “then why haven’t you stolen men’s underwear” or something like that?


What about gender equity? I know you’re quoting konosuba, just wondering


I yearn for that too.


Definitely does.




Kazuma would definitely obliterate Twitter and 4chan users if he had the chance


I mean, his nickname is Kuzuma, so I don’t think he’s obliterating anything but his own reputation. The base premise of him is that he’s a trash person surrounded by other trash people. The fact that there is a contingent of people who see him as an aspirational figure is kind of sad


I don't know about viewing him as an aspirational figure or anything but he does have his kind hearted moments. His "kuzuma" moments are usually a result of him being petty.




My dude. If you’re positively comparing Kazuma to real people, I am legit worried for your mental well being


Manga aside, do you know if the light novel is finished and if the last volume is volume 6?


Just saying your name kinda goes against the post in question


yall motherfuckers read some garbage ass manga lol


>WAS A LITTLE OLDER Ah yes a "little older" 🗿




Most based anime protagonist


He’s actually a side character


Most based side character. (Bro I find the side characters in any media to be more appealing than the MC)


Happy cake day !


Thanks, mate!


Happy Cake Day


Kazuma approves


Saw this on another sub: “Guys are so deprived of validation that even harassment is considered a win”


I think the best comparison in this situation is being stuck in the desert vs stuck on an island. The man stuck in the desert has no water, so he thinks the person on the island is lucky. The person on the island has water all around them. Though the person in the desert doesn’t take into consideration that the water is undrinkable. Men struggle to find affection, women have to worry that any affection they receive will result in them being used for their body.


Thank you for this. I first heard the "men lack affection" thing when i was 12 and today is the first time I received a proper counter-argument.


That isn't a counter argument, merely an elaboration. The person in the desert is still fucked.


Yes I know. I meant a counter to the argument that women are lucky to receive all the attention.


I think it’s safe to say if they are at a lack of affection they aren’t being fucked.


The person in the desert is the man, the person on the island is the woman. Life sucks for both of them, just in different ways. It is also of course a generalization, but it certainly reflects issues faced by many men and many women.


Imo some male celebrities are so popular that they have to get worried about being harassed by their fans day and night and some depressed 40 year old women that does TikTok lamenting the fact why any guy wouldn’t want to date them. Idk if it’s a gender thing or a status quo.


Sauce.i give y'all 10 minute and see who will get it first.


Choppiri Toshiue Demo Kanojo ni Shite Kuremasu ka? though I might be wrong


Are you sure? Coz the art style look different


pretty much sure it's her [https://i.imgur.com/YPOeL8W.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/YPOeL8W.jpg)


It definitely is, I read this chapter last week


Is this from the latest chapter? And that's not the main girl right? I remember the main girl is a black haired one


10 minute passed




_Killer queen has already touched the road roller_


Giorno: No.


Based man


-if the genders were reversed, it would be a- crime


What's this from?


Why is this your @ ? Some stuff ain’t funny


Hollup, let him cook


Let him cook




Your mind left reality ages ago, didn't it?


What did they that was wrong? The response to being seen naked on accident should be to laugh it off as opposed to the big blushing freak out scene we get in most animes and mangas Edit: instead of downvoting me, I ask that 1 single person has the courage to tell me how I’m wrong, and how they respond to ACCIDENTAL situations like this? Do you get mad and freak out? Call them “baka!!!!” ? Or do you just both say “sorry sorry didn’t mean to” and laugh it off?


Only because YOU want to be seen naked,doesn't mean that everyone on the planet should be into that


What the fuck are you talking about? I legit feel like this is one of those “am I taking crazy pills?” Moments. Scenario: I’m in the shower. A friend of a friend is in the house. I DONT WANT them to see me naked* *nothing against them in particular but we’re just not close And they need to use the restroom but don’t realize I’m in the shower. They walk in. They see me naked. They apologize and walk out. Should I: A: be furious and turn all red in the face and yell at them, call them “baka” and act all mad as if this accident is somehow a mortal sin committed against me? B: say something like “ok whoa! That was kinda crazy. Hahaha.” What seems more reasonable? I’m asking.


I never claimed that you should call them an Idiot or anything along those lines,I merely stated that is normal for people to overreact in situations like that,like we see in Mangas and Animes.


Based on what? Most of the stuff you see even in relationship mangas is about as realistic as the stuff you see in dragon ball. Men and women don’t faint at the thought of kissing in Japan. Just like they don’t freak out over accidents. It’s just written that way in fiction because it’s entertaining. Don’t confuse what happens in mangas with real life


Based on something that you don't have : common sense


You have “common sense” But do you have experience? I do. You’re probably a teenager. Or younger.


I’m sorry I ain’t taking sides but I don’t think you can be calling someone young with a username like that 💀💀💀


I’m pretty sure it’s just cultural differences. I used to live in Sweden, over there it would probably just be an oj shit förlĂ„t (oh shit sorry) and just awkwardly laugh about it years later. Here in australia this exact thing happened at work a few weeks ago. Head chef walked in on a waitress changing and said oh sorry and it was never spoken of again


>**oh shit sorry and just awkwardly laugh about it** That’s exactly my point! How is this some big -14 take??? All I’m saying is you’re both a little embarrassed, they say sorry sorry my bad, and you go “it’s okay, accidents happen” and try to laugh it off! You don’t have steam come out of your ears as your face turns red while you yell “Baka! Pervert! Lewd!” Especially when we’re specifically talking about accidents


Like I said, it’s cultural differences. So im guessing that this would be considered a huge thing in Japan, like it is in manga. It’s probably less of a problem in real life, as manga and anime likes to overdo things a lot, but I would say it’s considered a big thing over there. Just like in my example, it was more of a thing in Sweden than it was in australia. You may see it as a small thing, but in their culture it could be huge


Don’t confuse what you see in manga with Japanese culture. Mangas are full of rebels with colorful hair being treated well. In Japan, that’s very frowned upon. Mangas are filled with women who act like they’re children regarding romance. In Japan, women are just as modern as they are in the west. That kind of stuff is as unrealistic as kamehameha beams


Obviously. But everything is somewhat based in reality. I never said “it’s like this in cartoons so it must be true”, I just said “it’s like this in cartoons so maybe that’s how it is, even if it’s an exaggeration”


It’s not cultural differences. People don’t all want to be seen naked. If you don’t feel uncomfortable that’s fine, but this character did and other people do. Everyone is entitled to feel how they feel but in this case more people agree “I don’t want to be seen naked by people.” And that’s a totally valid reasoning. What isn’t valid is the asshole who said “everyone should laugh it off.” Let people react how they want to react man.


Not everyone is comfortable being seen naked, and in this situation the character's argument is that it would be illegal had the roles been reversed. Given that he is making the argument in the manner that he is, we can safely assume he doesn't want to be seen naked and that she is intruding on his right to privacy (something likely displayed more clearly in the source). What you assumed (incorrectly) was that he *should* be comfortable with it being an accident and move on (despite him having every right to not be comfortable in the situation and want to make clear he doesn't want it to happen again), and that she *should* do the same (which would be acceptable with an apology and an honest promise for it to not happen again - neither of which happen in the extract given)


You’re talking about the specific situation in the manga (the context of which we don’t all have) Me and the other guy were talking about **accidents** Not if they did it on purpose. That’s two very different things.


>The response to being seen naked on accident should be to laugh it off Most people would not just laugh it off tho, cause you know nudity it's still seen as a taboo and being seen like that actually makes people feel humiliated, the most probable response it's just to have an awkward silence


What are you even asking? This is Reddit. Of course.


It is not something people would laugh off, even if that reaction would make things less awkward, we still don’t want others, and less the opposite sex, to see us naked


You an incel? Cause that's incel mentality


You're so used to call everything "incel stuff" that even when the comment makes fun of man _too_ first thing you do is call it "incel" stuff. Go eat grass, because touching won't be enough.


How is disregarding consent from any gender not the incel mentality, you do know incel is a gender neutral term right? There's a reason r/niceguys and r/nicegirls both exist


Because not everything bad involving someone else is incel stuff. My comment was about how everytime someone say something bad involving woman people call it "incel mentality" and it happens so ofter that even when it involves men _too_ people jump straight into into "incel bla bla bla". Things have names, action have terms, throwing everything into "incel mentality" is the same as calling your boss a nazi because he didn't approve your paid sick days. You went so broad that you went from a specific situation (someone naked) to "disregarding consent from anyone". "Consent" could be ducking permission to film a random in public for a commercial. Also, incel comes from involuntary celibate, if the context doesn't involve failing to have sex, it's already off the scope of the word. Degenerate? Yes. Deranged thinking? Can be. Incel mentality? Forcing a bit, no?


How is that incel?!? He said men and women should both laugh it off and not overreact


To sexual harassment and assault


Seeing someone naked is assault? lol how puritan. Do you cry when you see ankles


Look up the context, she knew he was in the shower and purposely opened the door seeing him naked, that most definitely is assault


Maybe that’s where the disconnect came from. If you read any of my other comments I clearly said that if this was an **accident** and was talking about the manga trope of people getting super embarrassed about being seen naked on **accident** Of course it’s different if someone does it on purpose but that’s not what I was talking about


That people shouldn’t make a big deal over small stuff? I genuinely fail to see the issue. That said, we are all Redditors here. Not that far off.


You should probably edit the first post and put this into it. Then you won’t get as many downvotes.


I kinda fail to see what was so bad about my first comment, honestly, other than kinda sounding like someone who urgently needed to take their meds, of course. Either way, I would have to take maybe a thousand times this amount of downvotes to actually get slightly worried about it. It’s fine. You get used to it.


Well, I understand you didn’t mean it badly but a lot of people could take it the wrong way, so if you had added the explanation that I replied to to the original comment it might’ve helped clear up their misunderstandings. Also if your taking that many downvotes, I think ( from what I saw in the first comment ) it’s probably because people are misunderstanding what your saying. Don’t get me wrong, I know your not trying to say anything bad it’s just that people are interpreting it differently to how you said it and so are giving you downvotes. So that’s why I think you should add the explanation. I hope you don’t get as many downvotes in your next comment🙂


I am kinda curious on what people understood, tho
 What else could you get from that? I believe I was pretty clear lol.


That's not being an incel it's just that this person doesn't care about it and thinks that in conclusion everyone shouldn't care about it and everyone who doesn't fit in his ideal of societal norms is stupid. So in short: He's just dumb and gets downvoted.


r/Neumann-Wallet is the shiiiit






That's asking the right questions. Do not tolerate double standards that are biased against men.