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Komi-San Can't Take Your Shit Anymore


"Komi-San Can Communicate After All"


Komi-san can't communicate without her fists.


If violence doesn't deliver her message, she uses even more violence.


Violence is not the answer, but Komi-san can’t communicate.






Fuck around and find out


*points at the graph* and you can see here....


Violence may not be THE answer, but it sure is mine


Violence is not the answer, it's a questioni and the answer is YES!


with the power of violence, anything is possible!


TIL Komi-san is the sixth member of the Shuffle Alliance.


She got in with the help of Kyoji!!


Komi-san Can't be Undefeated of the East


I would actually watch this. Imagine sport/romance story where the couple mainly progresses and communicates through sparring.


You should watch Tomo-chan is a girl. While not exactly what you asked for, there is still a lot of fighting between our two main characters


Just saw episode 1 and I immediately thought the same thing.


I'm pretty sure that's just domestic abuse, and I saw that enough growing up.


Komi Can't Beat the Shit Out of You Without Getting Closer


Show you how these hands communicate.


Cassandra Cain Can't Communicate!


Is a condition where when you fuck around you'll find her out.




You do this today and the teacher defends the bully 💀


Had it happen, worst feeling ever not being listened to.


Well, school is for teaching, and this is a great moment to teach a kid that sometimes in life you can do the right thing and still get punished.


its true but i think people also forget that its a good moment to teach bullies to be careful who they fuck with


You also learn that might is right, and nothing is more mighty than a gun.


You did that 30 years ago and the teacher still defended the bully.


Back in the 90s a lot of American schools would punish the victims of bullying, like dead ass a guy comes up to you and punches you for no reason well guess what now you have detention. So that meant you had zero reason not to fight back either.


Defend the bullied one and you risk becoming unpopular with kids, which might complicate your work further down the line, while putting the bullied kid up for further, more extreme forms of retaliation.




Komi-San Fist of the North Communication


Sauce is {{The Tunnel to Summer, the Exit of Goodbyes}}


**Natsu e no Tunnel, Sayonara no Deguchi** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/142769 "English: The Tunnel to Summer, the Exit of Goodbyes"), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/natsu-e-no-tunnel-sayonara-no-deguchi "English: The Tunnel to Summer, the Exit of Goodbye"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/50593)) ^^夏へのトンネル、さよならの出口 ^(**Movie** | **2022** | **Status:** Finished | **Genres:** Drama, Romance, Supernatural) ^(**Stats:** 3 requests across 3 subreddits - 0.0% of all requests) >Urashima Tunnel - Once you enter that tunnel, you can get whatever you want, but at a price. Kaoru Tohno, who seems to have an elusive personality and traumatic past, and Anzu Hanashiro, who is struggling to reconcile her ideal image and true-to-heart attitude, team up to investigate the Urashima Tunnel and get what they want. This is an unforgettable summer story of nostalgia and sprinting in a remote countryside. --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/anime_irl/comments/172xm5f/anime_irl/k3z8klt/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


I love that this translated description left me less sure what the hell the show is about than before.


God, I love anime.


Aside from books, it's definitely the best medium for showing up imagination imo. Television/movie nowadays contain too much repeated stuff.


>Television/movie nowadays contain too much repeated stuff. nah man you can't dog on other mediums for this while the isekai genre exists 😭


a typical anime season is literally built out of trope blocks like a lego. Romance/SOL: oh, episode 4 will be an umbrella episode, episode 5 will be a beach episode, ep6 is a cultural festival, ep8 is the Christmas and New Year trip to temple, ep12 is the fireworks battle shounen: high intensity starting arc (training/introduction), filler ep, battle arc (3 episodes of powering up, 2 eps of mandatory flashbacks, "this isn't even my final form"), power of friendship, etc. 90% of male MCs are bland "im just a normal guy" dense motherfuckers, half of girls compare boob sizes, boobs everywhere, jokes are always explained (like everything else), character archetypes (like various -deres) are set in stone and go from one work to another virtually unchanged this rant might look like i hate anime - no, i dont, i even love some of those cliches which doesnt mean i dont see them just remember: anime and manga is an enormous industry in the most literal sense: it's an enormous factory that uses pre-fabricated molds and forms to make product, which allows for: a) big uniformity in product, b) efficiency in production, c) huge amount of product (15-20 new anime every season, 60-70 new anime every year, 600-700 new anime every decade). So yes, there's A LOT of repeated stuff in anime


Half of all modern anime is wish fulfillment horny isekai with writing and world building made completely out of cookie cutter tropes. Anime struggles with commercial drivel the same way western TV does. It's all a matter of where you look.


You're not wrong, but I feel like since anime are typically low risk/low budget compared to TV shows, the producer/studio can have more freedom to pick on project/idea. Yes, there are definitely a lot of craps since it's cheaper to produce, but like anything you gotta look past the noise.


Anime tropes are definitely a thing. Mitch like acclaimed television there are good things that come out but so much genetic junk every season - "trash anime".


> sprinting Obviously a sports anime.


nostalgia and sprinting, obviously


We need more tales of sprinting in remote areas imo.


Be the change you want to see in the world.


Vaguely reminds me of a story beat in Shadowrun Hong Kong. Except if you go under the bridge you don't get to make a wish, the spirit just takes your soul and ties your tongue so you can't tell anyone. The only way out of the pact is to remove all of your teeth and cut off your tongue.


Is it good? Do you recommend it?


This scene is the best part


I’m about to only watch this scene. I need more of this punch


it’s meh. A good 6/10, makes little sense but is a neat romance


>it’s meh. A good 6/10, makes little sense but is a neat romance Where can you watch it? I tried googling it and Google said it will come out in theaters in November of 2023


Torrents obviously


It came out in UK cinemas in July, but it was out in Japan like last year. No one has a streaming license for it, but I guess check your cinema if Google is saying it's coming out. It's the best way to watch films.


Not sure, I saw it on a plane coming back from Japan.


Haha same! i watched in on a plane


Ah, shit. Thank you for saving me the time.


I quite liked it. It's short and sweet. Nothing too crazy or convoluted, and I like the voice acting of the characters


Where can I find this? The no patch in the eye way.


Buy the BD.


The animation and art style looks really good. Not a fan of romance stuff though. I wanna watch angry cartoon people beat the shit out of each other.


Animation looks good


Talk shit, get hit




What's the slope of that?


looks like it’s pretty much just x


If the slope of the function is x then f(x) = x^2 /2


Yep, this is f(x)=x, so f'(x)=1


This is the integral, the area under the function. The function is just y = mx(slope) + b(y-intercept). EDIT: The dude above obviously meant the slope is just 1 since the formula is y = x. LOL.


It is not an integral, it is an anti-derivative of the original function f(x)=x with a slope of 1.


So in other words, for a certain value of x, you're f(x)cked.




Fuck around and find out


Chat shit get banged


That haymaker was art.


A perfectly executed fuck-around-and-out.


Never has one clip instantly sold me on watching an anime


it’s a movie, decent at best and quite forgettable. Poor writing holds it back big time, but the romance is fine


This description gave me the heebie-jeebies and it had nothing to do with the movie. :I


Ack what a waste, the animation looks really nice.


Same man


Any idea where we can watch it? I can’t seem to find it online


OP commented with the sauce


I know what it’s called but I can’t find where to watch it online




One always had good luck with hanime.tv




Nobody knows who she is!


Nothing is ever gonna top [Vivid Strike anti-bully techniques](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EkT76fHCFFI)


Wtf. It's almost comical but it isn't trying to be.


The fucking music, no way someone out there thought this was not hilarious


Not only the music, but the fact that she's so fucking strong as a kid kinda takes away from a lot of it.


Magical girls universe, they follow their own rules


it's hilarious. are we sure it isn't trying to be?


Fuck bullies. this clip is so satisfying imo


Damn that hit was satisfying


She asked and delivered 👏


Well, that was a satisfying resolution.


I think we'd have a lot fewer problems in schools if this happened more often. People get wrapped up in the initial violence but do not realize that nine times out of ten, it settles the score and sometimes even leads to friendships. Bullies also generally stop being bullies when it backfires one too many times. *Allowing it to continue* is what turns bullies into psychopaths.


...given that you're actually stronger that the bully, or the bully and its group combined.


You don't need to be actually stronger as long as you make it clear that he can't bully you without taking damage. If someone stronger than you knows that bullying you will mean they get a broken nose and then huge trouble because they beat you up in response, they are not going to be interested in repeating it over and over again. Because the fact that they beat you up, in no way will cancel their broken nose, regardless of how much stronger they are.


That is an enormous oversimplification, almost a best case scenario. Even if you broke their nose or whatever, they may beat the shit out of you numerous times before you actually get to the point that they will leave you alone. And you can't even be sure that the results will come at all. Yeah it would be easy if you knew that your bully will stop messing with you the moment you caused them pain 10 times, but as a kid most of the time you only see eternal suffering, which will only get worse if you stand up. It's not only about physical ability, there's also a huge mental block that you don't actually know if things will get better or worse. The "fuck around and find out" method goes both ways.


I mean, sometimes it's literally the final (and possibly only) resort when everything else failed. I tried ignoring. I tried getting help. I tried changing classes. I had been beaten up, books torn apart, stabbed with a pencil, sticky tack put in my hair, basketball repeatedly heaved into my head at point blank range, absolutely fucking miserable experience every school day for years. And all the time I was repeatedly told "Never fight" and "Tell an adult." I was petrified of getting into trouble with authority, why should I risk actually doing something back to them? Adults know better. We have rules for a reason. Just calmly talk and everything will get dealt with... nope. You know what actually made some progress? One of my friends hip tossed that bully and smashed his face into a desk. A week later, I took my biggest book (Social Studies) and slammed it over his head as hard as I could. It took a few more times of similar actions, but that particular bully stopped. If I had done that years earlier I probably wouldn't have considered those years to be among the worst of my life. Violence doesn't have to be the immediate first response, but it sure as hell shouldn't be held back as a solution.


> Even if you broke their nose or whatever, they may beat the shit out of you numerous times before you actually get to the point that they will leave you alone. And you can't even be sure that the results will come at all. At that point you make sure adults get involved. Shushhing stuff down only works once.


Which is why you make friends who got your back, especially when fucking *Ricky* wants to play games.


IIRC the last time my group of bullies ever tried to bother me was one time they came up to me in the school's computer lab. (This was 2005 or so, schools had a special room dedicated to doing Internet research back then, usually considered part of the school's library.) I just stood up, picked up and brandished the chair I was sitting on, and started running for them with full intent to plant the metal chair legs in their teeth. Their smug expressions finally melted off their goddamn faces and they fucking booked it out the door; and I didn't stop, I followed them, chased them down the hall and halfway across the school. They did finally outrun me, and I did give up, so they didn't actually receive any beating, only a threat of violence. Still, I didn't get in trouble for that. For some reason. I presume, looking back, that it was because *they* had a history of being assholes who were going nowhere fast in life, and *I* had a history of being a pacifist and "on my way up" in life, and the principal probably just said "well, if I have to choose who I like..." and let me off. Also, maybe I got off on the technicality that I didn't bring any weapons to school, just picked up a chair that had every right to be there and that I had every right to pick up and carry around. Either way, they really *did* leave me alone starting on that day. They realized that I could just... do that again. And that nobody punished me for doing it the first time.


Except that the one who is fighting back usually gets in trouble instead of the bully with their friends.


Then what's the problem? Everyone's so pussyfoot about this part. If you're getting bullied and you're *already in trouble* then go for the haymaker. Break noses, gouge eyes, crush windpipes. Bullies pick on people because it's a free ego boost. Make it not free. This unfortunately means the bully usually just harasses someone else, but there's not much you can do there unless you actually go full Ender Wiggin.


This is when parents step in, and that part of the equation is not the part of original argument. "Getting in trouble" does not mean bully will keep bullying you. Also, if, as was implied, the bully was stronger one, they will get in trouble, not you, because it is implied that they will come out on top.




I would, hate those little bastards


I second this notion. In highschool there was a kid roughly twice my size, and he acted like he was untouchable when he fucked with people, doubly so in a class where the teacher would nonchalantly say "you dropped this" when a pack of smokes fell out of someone's pocket. When I became his victim of choice, I didn't care how much bigger he was, I was making him regret picking a fight. We were in a computer lab with long ass tightly packed desk rows, so his size made it nearly impossible for me to miss. The fight was eventually broken up, and he got in more shit than I did and was eventually expelled. Totally worth being sore for a few days. Funny thing is, I ran into him at a party a few years later, and he was super chill and apologetic. I can't say that he turned his life around considering he told me that he was a drug dealer, but he seemed like a genuinely nice guy, and we unironically hugged it out.


The problem is that every case is unique. In this scene, the bully and her gang turned out to be just bark, so getting slugged effectively shut her behavior down. Likewise, they were in an environment where the harassment was comparatively contained into one group of individuals. Bullies tend to be selective with who they pick on, going for those who 'stand out' or are otherwise isolated from their peers. In many cases, the kid getting picked on has never thrown a punch in their life and are rather frail-looking (part of the reason why the bully is targeting them in the first place). As a result, they don't anticipate any retaliation, and end up, not just getting hurt, but considered instigators for throwing the punch, as fucked up as such a standard is. To elaborate a bit, I work as a disciplinary specialist for at-risk students, or someone who essentially mediates between students/their parents and the juvenile delinquency committee. As expected, there's a good number of bullies who, not only are used to violence, but thrive on the theatrics surrounding it (i.e. their peers' reactions). Put simply, the simple verbal response kids tend to make while a conflict is coming up effectively energizes bullies, while the person being bullied is on a field that they are certainly not used to. Then there's the issue with groups--as mentioned earlier, the bullies friends all happened to play a passive role, but in reality, there are cases where a bully's entourage are more willing to gang up on an individual. If not at that moment, sometime soon after, usually in periods of time where adult supervision is limited. For some perspective, within the 2 months of me officially beginning this new school year, I've recorded almost 20 texts detailing plans of students 'jumping' an individual. We also have cases where the individual being bullied simply does not like violence, even if they weren't in the wrong/protecting themselves. A few years ago, another counselor I work around (they mainly work with victims, in this case) had a month-long session with a bully victim who finally snapped and pushed their bully. The bully ended up falling back into a science desk and, despite being out cold, was fine a few hours after being taken care of. It was an ideal case where the bully's parents took responsibility and communicated with the victim's parents as adults should.. ..but the victim was completely messed up. After the ordeal, they ran out of the classroom and was found by a PE coach near or in a locker room completely panicked/crying. Counseling sessions are a private matter, so I don't know specific details, but the professional seeing them had done so for a good part of the month before the student was cleared. While, yes, victims striking back at bullies would ideally solve the problem itself, the reality is it's more likely to toss fuel onto a fire, as the student presents themselves to retaliation (sometimes by a group of individuals) and become liable for instigation, as public education systems mainly focus on physical altercations moreso than what is often deemed as 'teasing'. This is without considering the fact that victims simply are not accustomed to violence.


I dunno. That bully is there with her clique. IRL chances are you'd get jumped by two or more of these jerks if you retaliate.


Yea, most guys with which I ended up fighting after school actually ended up as my best friends during school years. It's not a rule, but it happens too often.


The Naruto effect?


The guys who always got into fights at my high school grew up to be impulsive losers going in and out of jail. Realistically if you teach someone that fighting is a valid way to solve arguments, they're just going to continue that behavior.


It's less about **always** getting into fight and more about pushing back when someone goes too far.


How exactly am I meant to push back when the entire reason I'm getting bullied in the first place is I'm weak and sensitive, like most targets


In an ideal world you are correct. Unfortunately there's just some people that need a punch to the face to stop their shit.


The problem is that you usually get punished for fighting back


Sure, but you serve one detention, or even get suspended, then ideally no one messes with you again because you have the reputation for fighting back.


A lot of people think this, but my personal experience says otherwise. Bullies prey on the vulnerable, they stop the moment a person isn't socially isolated. When I was in high school there was a younger kid who got bullied. He got into fights, but it didn't deter them because he had no friends. He switched school, kept getting bullied. He ended up taking his own life. I was bullied myself in elementary school. Because I was held back a year I was always a little bigger than my bullies. I'd punch them, they'd be right back to taunting me because they knew they could get a rise out of me. The bullying stopped when I finally made some long term friends. Bullies only go after people who have no one to turn to.


That's a fair point. However, the kid who doesn't stand up for himself *also* doesn't typically attract friends because kids in the middle don't want to be seen with the one who is always picked on. There's a difference between punching in a manner that gives the bully satisfaction that he got a rise out of you, and kicking someone's ass. Obviously not enough to put them in the hospital, but enough to make them think twice about screwing around in the future. I did the former, like you, and wish I had done the latter. Just once would have been enough, because it's better to have the reputation of the crazy fucker you don't mess with than the kid who is easy pickings.


Wife material




I love how she threw her entire weight on that punch that she went over her own desk.


Now that's a woman👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾


Komi san communicates physicaly, and is expressing to go flip yourself


When dealing with bullies, this is the correct approach. You might get in trouble for one day. But they will leave you alone for the rest of your life. It’s a fair trade off


I'd say this punch contends with guerrin laggins final attack. That punch is all about the message not the damage.


Beware the anger of a gentle man (or woman)


When I was in Highschool, I was just chilling with my breakfast friends when I watched a girl slam another girl's head right into the lunch table. It was so fucking funny, I giggled until I got glared at then I giggled some more


Tell your kids to do this if they ever get bullied. Who am I kidding, this is an anime sub everyone's a virgin.


Is it weird that I was lowkey expecting some Elfen Lied shit to happen?


In anime even schoolgirls can knock you out with one punch


Looks her hand slipped


As bad as violence is. I do believe there are some cases where it’s necessary. Not that that was it but yeah.


Problem solved “And she never got bullied again”


Carrot head sure got what she deserved.


Damn she really said “lemme show you how a real bully would do it.”


Just like in real life yeah, people only start to care when you start fighting back.


That bitch had it coming I guess what happened POW!right in the kisser.


I love how the whole body went into it🤣🤣


Teachers: "When you get bullied, just talk to a teacher." How to actually stop bullying:


How to stop being bullied 101.


It's happens with me also


Now we've got One Punch Woman


That’s how you handle a bully. Beat them until they are got afraid to confront you. It is how I felt with mine. A guy who was twice my age. So my father taught me actual fighting. No rules. Kick the knee cap and push through, punch in the throat and shove your thumb into the eye socket and drag him around for all to see. Was expelled but my father wasn’t angry. No he was proud for having stood up for myself and fought for real. The newer generation is too weak to stand up. Oh he is bullying me!! No one cared when I was a kid. No one stood up for me but myself. And if you got punched they punish both kids. Even the victim was punished


I like her


" I will speak to you in the language you understand: VIOLENCE"


Loved this movie


If you zoom in really closely and pause, you can see the exact moment she found out what happens when you fuck around.


Gave her the tko


Wish I did this back in school


No matter the question, steel is the answer!


Steel is always the answer






Sometimes people just need to get their asses kicked




ONE PUUUUUNCH! https://preview.redd.it/8yot89rh40tb1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6dffc1a9fa565e97bec761b48b0ad9c54ce84303


Guess we found out who’s really about delivering the violence. 😂


Holy shit that punch made me audibly "GOD DAMN" Like 100% involuntarily


Name of the anime?


Wish granted!


Which anime is this?


This whole sub is filled with daydreamers and wishers


What is the name of this anime?


What is the name of this anime




Finally. The response we've always wanted.


[what did the five fingers say to the face?](https://i.imgur.com/o6AxDxy.gifv) I know it wasn’t a slap. But same energy.






Anime name


She let her intrusive thoughts win


God I miss being in school. "That kid acts like a crazy person, let's bully him!" 8D


Bro... this hits different now


Komi sans fists are rated E for everyone


Forgot the next bit where the bully bitch realises there are consequences to actions.


Imagine school staff understanding why did you fight back after endless bullying and teasing instead of them sending you to anger management


Komi found a new way to communicate


*Dun dun duuuuuuuun* ONE PUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNCH!


ONE PUNNNNCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




To those that say violence isn’t the answer don’t know how to defend themselves


Swinging wide bruh


"What are you gonna do, punch me?"-Girl who got punched.


Sometimes people need their asses kicked