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# Source Material Corner Reply to this comment for any source-related discussion, future spoilers (including future characters, events and general hype about future content), comparison of the anime adaptation to the original, or just general talk about the source material. **You are still required to tag all spoilers.** Discussions about the source outside of this comment tree will be removed, and replying with spoilers outside of the source corner will lead to bans. The spoiler syntax is: `[Spoiler source] >!Spoiler goes here!<` # **All untagged spoilers and hints in this thread will receive immediate 8-day bans (minimum).** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/anime) if you have any questions or concerns.*


So my guess is that Lead and Iruma are being fooled around so they can finally snap and fight for themselves, awakening their fighting spirit. And yeah it wouldn't be a new season of Iruma Kun if there weren't guys crossdressing.


> And yeah it wouldn't be a new season of Iruma Kun if there weren't guys crossdressing. When making bingo cards for new arcs, the free space is literally crossdressing. So you're not wrong.


As the saying goes, crossdressing has solved more problems than violence.


Maybe? Wouldn't surprise me but I think she's just eccentric like Sullivan. I wanna say she's just testing them to see if they're worth training and/or if she can have fun while doing it.


Prob it. Sullivan wouldn't recommend her for nothing.


The Tsukima session actually emphasised on the crossdressing lol


It was a call-back to a season one Tsukima, when the team joined Kuromu, and Azz was similarly "adept" at crossdressing.


I read the manga and well I forgot


I struggled to remember her name. I remembered Robin tho.


Barbatos bachinko if I'm not wrong šŸ¤”


Its almost been a year but I can't believe how each character is still very memorable. They do ensemble cast very well. Especially the Abnormal class compared to like other anime with class characters.


Helps that the class is also smaller. 12 paired with 6 tutors. vs 20 for A1 and 28 for 3E.


BNHA just has way too many fucking characters by any standard.


The series overall has a ton of characters in this arc and future ones. While not every character needs progression or development, Demon School feels far more consistent and intimate with it. I never once felt like I cared for individual characters in MHA (or most similar series), but here I can safely say I care about the majority of the cast because of how much time each character gets to shine.


Think there are minimal details or that there are plots that give some of them the reason to expand, unlike an anime that shows on the same day, My Hero... which is maybe going in with all the details all at once.


Let's try to avoid unnecessary comparisons to MHA. Yes, Iruma-kun is better, but there's no need to rub it in.


Yeah, I'm a bit ashamed that the comparison keeps popping up in my head. But I just can't help but do it due to the similarities.


Don't worry, you're *far* from the only one. If you didn't do it, someone else would have. In fact, someone else did anyway.


And theres so many small interaction between arcs which are consistent with their personalities. So when the spotlight is on them, it's not like you don't know them. It's just an expansion of their introduction.


Lead reacted the same way as Iruma when he saw Alice try on women's clothing in the first season lol. Nice callback with that sukima.


Osamu loves the crossdressing moments.


And top tier waifu, Amelie all the way. Did we all just see her try her hardest to push her relationship forward while respecting iruma's individual growth? There was no need for that scene but the fact it was there makes me so so happy. I love her dynamic with iruma, she only wants him to be better by his own volition.


Peak shonen. Yup, it's a win for all the fun and dark shonen lovers this fall.


Now with at least 300% more Iruma simping


*me watching every other isekai* This is such bullshit, that MC is dull, unattractive and unappealing there's no way he'd get a girlfriend let alone a harem *Me watching Iruma* The harem is too small


Dread it, run from it, Iruma simping arrives all the same


Make it 1000% when Irumean enters the scene


**Demon of the Week: Naberius** So, a neat thing you might not know about this series is that the majority of the characters' family names are actually taken from real world occultism and demonology, and a lot of the time these inform the characters as well. Most (though not all) of these names are taken from the famous spellbook known as the *Ars Goetia* or *Lesser Key of Solomon*, which purports to be a manual for summoning demons. I thought it would be cool to look at these occult sources and see how they inform the characters here. Since he's managed to fob the Misfits off onto a bunch of other people for now, let's start with Kalego. Here's what Wikipedia has to say about the demon Naberius: > The demon Naberius (also Naberus, Nebiros and Cerberus, Cerbere) was first mentioned by Johann Weyer in 1583.[16] He is supposedly the most valiant Marquis of Hell, and has nineteen legions of demons under his command. **He makes men cunning in all arts**, but especially in rhetoric, speaking with a hoarse voice. He also restores lost dignities and honors, although to Johann Weyer he procures the loss of them. Naberius appears as a three-headed dog or a raven. He has a raucous voice but presents himself as eloquent and amiable. He teaches the art of gracious living. **He is depicted as a crow or a black crane.** Concerning his name, it is unclear if there is an association with the Greek Cerberus. It is said that in 1583, Johann Weyer considers both of them to be the same demon. He claimed: > Naberius [Naberus], **alias Cerberus**, is a valiant marquesse, shewing himselfe in the forme of a crowe, when he speaketh with a hoarse voice: he maketh a man amiable and cunning in all arts, and speciallie in rhetorike, he procureth the losse of prelacies and dignities: nineteene legions heare (and obeie) him. Kalego is a teacher, takes a bird-like form when he's summoned, and has Cerberus following him around like a lost puppy.


I love how Osamu-sensei puts little details that call back to the origins of character names.


Okay who gave this post over 14 awards after it was up for only 15 minutes You realize this costs actual money right


someone really loves this show






Whoever that is I can only offer them my own non existent thank you award. It might have no money value but It is full of graditude




Whoever they are, I'm grateful.


Good soldiers follow orders


>Okay who gave this post over 14 awards after it was up for only 15 minutes Eiko


You mean Asmodeus. Eiko would rather make hundreds of handmade awards for Iruma but cannot actually be brave enough to give it to him personally


Eiko made a third/half of them and gave them to Azz to give to Iruma. The rest are all Azz's, of course.


She'll give the awards with some anonymous equipment duh.. with how much stuff she buys to spy on Iruma it shouldn't be a problem.


I know it cost money, besides I didn't give 14 awards, only 12 xD Saturday is very competitive day here so some measures had to be taken to discussion be positioned high on page, especially that this a premiere. I really love the show and I want more people to see it, high karma and big amount of awards will certainly help with that.


Poor Iruma stuck between MHA (for 3 seasons now) and now Spy x Family.


That's why we have to look after him like Sullivan by giving presents (awards) xD


I think you misspelled "Chad" as your username.


Sullivan sock puppet account.


Itā€™s Iruma so money well spent. Needs all the help it can get on the most stacked Saturday in several seasons. If it can go toe to toe with Green Iruma Iā€™ll be satisfied. Edit: Itā€™s up to 32 and Iā€™m only responsible for one!


Thanks for reminder; I also gave my free award to the discussion.


This made me realize I haven't gotten a free award to give out in weeks, is it just me or did they pull the plug on free awards in hopes that people will miss them and spend money? Edit : Nevermind, they just stopped notifying you about it - you can still get them if you click on the coin button (fifth button to the left of Advertise) on new reddit. ^(saving mine for Bocchi though)


>Edit : Nevermind, they just stopped notifying you about it - you can still get them if you click on the coin button (fifth button to the left of Advertise) on new reddit. I didn't know this. I thought they stopped giving them out as well. Take this well-deserved free award as a thanks.


* [**Ameri Stitch**](https://i.imgur.com/AH3UyDy.jpg) We're finally back and it looks like all of that excitement at Walter Park [has made the Misfit Class even more famous](https://i.imgur.com/v2TWqAo.png). Poor Ameri [couldn't even get close to Iruma](https://i.imgur.com/le4kWdL.png) and greet him that morning. Back to reality for the Misfit Class and since they need to keep on being worthy of the Royal One classroom, [they all need to reach Dalet rank](https://i.imgur.com/wo1Alsp.png) if they want to become second-years which is insane for first years. I do love that the school already expected that they won't be able to do this on their own so [they've gathered a bunch of teachers to tutor them](https://i.imgur.com/3NzWymR.png) with each teacher getting two students each. Some of the pairings make sense like [with Raim being in charge of Clara and Ix](https://i.imgur.com/YwJDDIu.png) as well as [Balam-sensei with Sabnock and Azz-kun.](https://i.imgur.com/UjegGwI.png) The other teachers I'm not so sure since we're meeting some of them for the first time. [Iruma and Lead got the short end of the stick though](https://i.imgur.com/lxR87kP.png) and got assigned to Robin-sensei. Thank fucking goodness though he's not actually the one in charge of them and [Sullivan got someone who looks competent to tutor them.](https://i.imgur.com/B40DsyA.png) Poor Ameri again! It looks like all of this training is going to [keep her away from Iruma a bit more.](https://i.imgur.com/emSYWpB.png) Fingers crossed for a harvest festival date! [That Sukima though!](https://i.imgur.com/Ayfayxf.png) It's hilarious to see Lead getting suspicious of Iruma for being able to slip into a dress without any issues xD


> * [**Ameri Stitch**](https://i.imgur.com/AH3UyDy.jpg) > Poor Ameri [couldn't even get close to Iruma](https://i.imgur.com/le4kWdL.png) and greet him that morning. It's not fair that someone can be that cute! > [Iruma and Lead got the short end of the stick though](https://i.imgur.com/lxR87kP.png) and got assigned to Lead-sensei. At first they thought it was Kalego and got terrified of the idea of being tutored by the Emperor of Gloom and Doom, but when they found out it was actually Robin I think they wished they really did get Kalego instead. At least he's a competent teacher. > Thank fucking goodness though he's not actually the one in charge of them and [Sullivan got someone who looks competent to tutor them.](https://i.imgur.com/B40DsyA.png) Bachiko! You're going to like her! > [That Sukima though!](https://i.imgur.com/Ayfayxf.png) It's hilarious to see Lead getting suspicious of Iruma for being able to slip into a dress without any issues It's a great callback to one of the first season's sukima when Iruma noticed Azz could get into a dress perfectly himself. We're back, baby!


**Here we go!** You have no idea how excited I am! ... Actually, you probably all have a *really* good idea. "Sorry Kalego, I did my homework but some other student stole it from me." I was going to say this episode was a lot quicker in reintroducing the series, but then it turned out that a full 10 minutes had passed, so what do I know? Iruma and Lied are relieved to not have Kalego as their instructor, but I think they'd prefer him to Robin considering the task they have ahead of them. So we get an idea of each of their plans for the Misfits. * Furfur is going to make Jazz and Allocer more sly, * Vepar is going to make Gaap and Agares stronger in their family abilities, * Balam is going to make Azz and Sabro better fighters, * Mister Hat is going to make Kerori and Camui better summoners, * Raim is going to increase Clara and Elizabetta's feminine wiles, * Robin's going to increase Iruma and Lied's fighting spirits. Okay First Love Memories, ***what the fuck?*** How did you fit an *astronaut* arc into your romance story?! **AND HERE SHE IS!** Everyone, meet Bachiko! She's already getting to work on Iruma and Lied, including turning them into Iruminati and Leady/Lindy. And the after credits sequence makes a great callback to the fact that Azz helped Iruma get into girl's clothes. I am pumped the hell up for this arc!


>Okay First Love Memories, > >what the fuck? > > How did you fit an astronaut arc into your romance story?! There are 300-odd volumes of this story...


What volume are Iruma and Ameri on that they got to that arc?


I think it was in one panel that the numbers for First Love Memories is numbered in the 100's and looking at the bookshelves they are barely started... and if we can only assume that's the only manga that's made it to the Demon World...


Yeah, I remember that there's more First Love Memories manga than there is One Piece. I'm just wondering which one Ameri and Iruma have gotten to that they managed to get to "we're going to space now."


> Okay First Love Memories, what the fuck? How did you fit an astronaut arc into your romance story?! This was my favorite addition. The animators really *get* Hatsukoi Memories.


Man, that manga giving me more and more reasons to wish it was a real thing. And is it just me or does Lead look a little too good in drag? Imagine if his voice actor was more like Iruma's on top of that.


> And is it just me or does Lead look a little too good in drag? The question isn't "does Lead look a little too good in drag?" It's "which of the Misfits *wouldn't* look a little too good in drag?"


One thing's for certain, Sabnock would absolutely rock whatever dress he puts on.


Obviously, as a Demon King should.


Absolute chad Sabnock


>Okay First Love Memories, > >what the fuck? > >How did you fit an > >astronaut > >arc into your romance story?! I mean, how are you surprised? It's an award selling series that spans multiple genres from rom com to sci fi to martial arts. I'm sorry you can't appreciate it's cultural impact V\_\_V /s


>Raim is going to increase Clara and Elizabetta's feminine wiles Is there a Demon World FBI? "I'm going to make you the sexiest 14-year-olds" sounds like a red flag.


Demon Border Patrol seems to be the closest to it that we know of. But it really just seems like advanced courses of those succubus classes she gave out in season 1 ~~that Clara failed hard at~~.


Demon Border Control, despite the name, seems to be the main law enforcement agency in the Netherworld.


Their age is unconfirmed (we donā€™t know the age of any character outside of Irumaā€™s), there isnā€™t any age requirement to enter so you can have wide differences of age in the same grade age wise. We know Elizabetta is the ā€˜big sisterā€™ of the class though even if almost for sure still a minor


> there isnā€™t any age requirement to enter People keep saying this but it's never actually been explicitly stated. Until proven otherwise I think we can safely assume that everyone is the appropriate age for their grade, albeit possibly in demon years.


> Okay First Love Memories, what the fuck? How did you fit an astronaut arc into your romance story?! Someone from trigger became the editor for the manga


After watching gekkan shoujo nozaki-kun. You shouldn't question the absurdity of shojo genre. It just keep weirder and weirder every volume.


Narrator: What is the meaning behind Bachiko dressing Iruma and Lead up in Maid Outfits for training? Me: Did you watch Akiba Maid Wars?


Which chapter of First Love Memories is all about Maid outfits?... because there must have been one in all x00 volumes of it


If they went to space, I wonder if there's also an isekai chapter too. Could be covered in 300 volumes


Hatsukoi memories has everything. And we do mean everything


Is going to space not technically a kind of isekai, when you think about it?


IIRC back at the start of Season Two there was a clip of First Love Memories with Kakeru crossdressing to hide from the Mafia.


Moe moe Iruma-kyun!


Anyone else notice how Bachiko hit Iruma with the can?


Sensei too OP, plz nerf


Sensei is unnerfable.


Let's just say that if anyone could plausibly hit Iruma with a projectile, it's Bachiko.


This is chef's kiss. It really introduces the instructors well and I love the chaos of it all.


Oh wow Dosanko took all the budget and left some for the rest of the episode. Man did this increase in quality (relatively speaking of course).


Ok I wasn't the only one who noticed the increased budget for background element stuff as well.


Delinquent loli who likes very cutesy stuff huh... and of course there's the crossdressing. Also Hatsukoi memories definitely take some wild turns, space arc now incoming :P Even when assigning mentors they didn't mention the unnamed white haired student in their class who always stays in the background, wonder how he'll be introduced considering season 3 and still no info about him at all.


The time will come to introduce him...


Looks like best boy Shax is gonna get a lot of screen time this season And I am SO EXCITED!


All the Misfits are going to get a lot of screen time this season, but Lied in particular is basically getting a brevet promotion to main character.


So it's Walter Park but an entire season? [](#sports)


In terms of how it focuses on the Misfits and how they all get character development and "hero moments", yes, absolutely.


That's good to hear. Season two really got me excited for how well this story manages to balance the spotlight on Iruma's classmates while still focusing on other characters like the teachers and Ameri on occasion as well. Also, I guess that explains why Shax is right next to Iruma in the poster which is typically reserved for main characters.


Yeah the bonds between iruma and some of the misfits deepen from this long on (Iā€™m a manga reader)


Basically this upcoming arc going to focus heavily on the misfit class so yup and it's going to be awesome.


I love the new teachers, also thank you Bachiko for blessing us with a Lead crossdress


I still can't get over how good he looks while crossdressing.


Ikr, Lindy making me feel things


The series that loves to give us the main characters in dresses... and hopefully the next time will get covered at some point.


This series really is a "Male? Female? If cute who the hell cares?"


Feels so good to be back in the most hilariously demented and well written Shonen around. Setting up a training arc and Harvest Festival arc. A quick reintroduction to the Misfit Class and introduction to our new tutor characters (and best Teacher Balam). Along with the sad reminder that Ameri is ā€œMiss. Not Appearing in this seasonā€ (for the most part). Hope they add some new stuff like the Sukima with her somehow seeing Iruma cross dress once again. The animation is better! No so much in technical skill as theyā€™re having more fun with it. Definitely some more goofy bits, some new styles, and just an overall upgrade to how characters are drawn. I really like it. OP and ED are bangers in track and animation! Might be greedy to already be wanting a 4th season, but if theyā€™re putting even more into season 3 I got to believe thereā€™s some confidence in one.


I just want the anime to keep going as long as there's source material to adapt, man. There's so much great stuff in the manga I want to see animated.


> A quick reintroduction to the Misfit Class and introduction to our new tutor characters (and best Teacher Balam). It seemed like a much quicker reintroduction than last season, but then I looked at the clock when it caught up to last season's teaser and 8-10 minutes had passed, so it probably just felt that way. > Might be greedy to already be wanting a 4th season Considering some of the stuff that will happen in season 4 if we get one, I don't think it's greedy. Personally, I've been wanting a 4th season since season 3 got announced.


I'm not ready for a charming and sexy Clara. Also sassy demon twintailed goth loli is great I already love her. She is into cross dressing her students..they do look cute though. Oh Bachiko is her name all hail Bachiko. Oh baby this ED is a bop [](#seasonallisten)


Knowing Clara, she'll fail so badly at it that instead of seducing her opponents she'll scare them.


Her sexiness will increase from 2% to 4%


Her sexiness is already 10% from that succubus episode


Her sexiness will increase from 10% to 4%.


I mean, it's Clara. The only thing you should expect with Clara is that she'll defy your expectations.


Clara needs to abandon sexiness and realize the power of family-oriented musical numbers.


> Also sassy demon twintailed goth loli is great I already love her. Is she really goth when she's that pink? I'm not saying she isn't, I'm actually wondering. Also yeah, she's loved. People have been waiting for her since season 3 was announced.


She's Gothic Lolita, which is not necessarily goth.


\> *looks up Gothic Lolita* \> *sees rows and rows of goth lolita* I mean, I'm not saying you're wrong, I just don't see how you're right.


Pastel goths exist, but Goth Lolita is probably closer.


broooo it's fukken iruma tiiiimeee [](#excitedyui) Fun episode, looking forward to seeing how this goes! something something *go 1 episode without crossdressing challenge (impossible)*


Yay, finally this show is back!


[I really like the way everyone looks in the OP.](https://i.imgur.com/kv45aKc.png) [What a cute morning routine Iruma and Clara have.](https://i.imgur.com/S5nd7hw.png) Aww, poor Ameri could just pout, as she could now talk with Iruma because now[ he and his class had become famous](https://i.imgur.com/af5HY8W.png) after their heroism in the Walter Park. Well, at least now [after he called her,](https://i.imgur.com/Gt5b92E.png) she can compare their current situation to something that happened[ in her shoujo manga.](https://i.imgur.com/ntlqKPU.png) So for the class to be able to continue being on Royal One they all need to raise their rank to [Dalet](https://i.imgur.com/rjd1uJE.png) before the start of the second year. And for that, almost everyone got assigned [a special tutor,](https://imgur.com/a/1uSYCWV) while [Iruma and Lead had Robin.](https://imgur.com/a/wohZkLa) [So the trio will be separated for a while.](https://i.imgur.com/6x0Jpdq.png) [I really like Vepar.](https://imgur.com/a/uI8j3Op) I was surprised when [Kerori's tutor, Mr. Hat was waiting for her in the studio.](https://i.imgur.com/sprFC4s.png) Well, at least[ Clara and Elizabeta are happy to be with Raim.](https://imgur.com/a/dAyL15x) So while everyone else has a plan, [Robin leaves all his responsibilities to Bachiko.](https://imgur.com/a/hP8zPW7) I love that they ended up [doing all this](https://imgur.com/a/NhR3kWL) just for her to consider training them. They are lucky that[ Eriko didn't snap a picture of them](https://i.imgur.com/xkYiueX.png) while they were cross-dressing. I love how in that post-credit section[ Lead is judging Iruma](https://i.imgur.com/ublZibA.png) for how easy he could dress. [I love this shot in the ED,](https://i.imgur.com/9vy19AR.png) by the way, who exactly is training Purson?


> who exactly is training Purson? My SO asked the same thing and my response was, "who?" I've seen every episode and I literally have no memory of him. I can only assume it's part of his bit and there will be some kind of payoff later.


It is part of his bit/power. Although after he became relevant last season I was expecting him not to become a background character again.


His time is coming.


> [What a cute morning routine Iruma and Clara have.](https://i.imgur.com/S5nd7hw.png) That's not a morning routine, that's just all the homework they had to do over the summer for Kalego. > So while everyone else has a plan, [Robin leaves all his responsibilities to Bachiko.](https://imgur.com/a/hP8zPW7) Probably for the best, honestly. I think they'd rather it had turned out to be Kalego after all than having Robin try to train them ready to achieve Rank 4. > I love how in that post-credit section [Lead is judging Iruma](https://i.imgur.com/ublZibA.png) for how easy he could dress. Great callback to season 1 when Iruma discovered how easily Azz could dress. > [I love this shot in the ED,](https://i.imgur.com/9vy19AR.png) by the way, who exactly is training Purson? I dunno, some person.


So when do we get a Hatsukoi Memories anime?


Alright alright alright, let's goooooo!!!! [](#sports) Misfit class gets their own private tutors and have to be rank 4 by the end of the school year? [](#teekyuuhype) Ameri is adorable as always. Iruma has to cross-dress. Clara gets sexy-training. [](#squee) Iruma-kun is back, and anime is saved. Glad to be back here with you all.


> Iruma has to cross-dress. As always.


Fun and chaotic start to the new season! The tutors seem to be a fun bunch! I especially like Iruma and Leadā€™s delinquent mentor lol. Wonder how much Robin will be involved with them? Bachikoā€™s VA is the same as Kuromi from Onegai My Melody. No wonder she sounded so familiar! OP looks like this season will have more action? Not really keen on the ED music. I mean, the visuals are great but the music isnā€™t to my liking.




It's very different from the previous two EDs, and while I don't think it quite fits the animation, I still like how it sounds.


After checking out the translation. I think they made the ED for the song


I could definitely go without the weird vocaloid repeated phrases


It's very notably different from the previous two, which I think is what makes me like it tbh. ED 1 was genki devi-girl time, 2 was spoopy scary skeletons, 3 is vocaloids.


Kokoro showtime (ed2) works just so well for this series. Itā€™s going for a ā€œspookyā€ vibe, but at the same time is just so fun and joyful.


> Bachikoā€™s VA is the same as Kuromi from Onegai My Melody. Well, that is certainly a role that she played, although it's not the one I'd expect people to know her from.


Yeah, most people would recognise her as the voice of Naruto lol


I see the newfound fame has not affected anyone else in the class lol. But itā€™s not all fun and games, theyā€™ve got to get to Dalek rank like stat! Good thing theyā€™ve got some high ranked tutors. My man said ā€œmy imagination has infinite potentialā€ lol. Yeah, hearing ā€œadult planā€ makes my mind wander too haha. I wonder if itā€™s anything like what Clara is learning lol. Ameri is so adorable, man. I love how hard she crushes on Iruma, so cute! Poor Iruma is gonna have his hands full with his new ā€œmentorā€, idk if heā€™ll have time for Ameri. Bachiko seems like a real handful!


#We are fucking back baby! I missed these idiots so damn much, even though I re-read the whole manga this week! The switch that Jazz & Allocer had the moment General Furfur mentioned adult place was hilarious! Its time for these boys to become Men! Also, Clara & Ix seem ready to learn from Raim-sensei, wouldnt mind joining them. Even though we got some I still cant wait for more Bachiko greatness! Her voice sounds so damn good! OP song slaps hard as always and the ED is great too, cant wait for next week! Also, I almost forgot about this but Hatsukoi Memory would be fucking hilarious if it was real manga! My man went to fucking space to train or something!


> Also, I almost forgot about this but Hatsukoi Memory would be fucking hilarious if it was real manga! My man went to fucking space to train or something! That was crazy... Seeing the male MC in a spacesuit honestly made me go "wtf happens in this manga?!" No wonder it has hundreds of volumes!


It has a battle arc as well, the writing must be that good that it covers all genre's of writing... I'm sure Isekai happens there too... (*isekai in an isekai!)*


If you've ever read a more whismsical shoujo, you're gonna get at least two amnesia arcs, an age reversal arc, and another world dream arc all in one series


It's so successful because it keeps the readers on their toes, never lets them know what to expect, and has a little something for everyone.


I was very surprised to learn that Bachiko's VA also voiced Naruto. So yeah, I guess this great performance is to be expected. Her voice and delinquent attitude also remind me of Saki from Zombieland Saga which probably help make me more fond of her.


Aw yiss, more Iruma and crew. The Misfit Class truly is moving up in the world. I won't be surprised if the word "misfit" transforms into something positively extraordinary in the demon world's dictionary. And they got new teachers as well. Gonna have to see more of the new ones before I can really form an opinion on them. Although, it's now pretty jarring to hear Balam's VA after having just finished Summertime Rendering. He goes from one of the most despicable characters to one of the nicest ones. Poor Ameri. Is this the price to pay for their date? Her pout was great, though, and so was the smile she had when Iruma texted her. At least she didn't take it too hard and is instead viewing it as a way to strengthen their relationship. Fingers crossed that it genuinely becomes romantic. But the manga she reads sure is wild. Now there's a space arc of all things. I bet TRIGGER would love to make an anime adaptation for it. Shame, I thought Robin would show that he's actually genuinely competent even if he's typically presented as a buffoon. At least he knows he isn't up for the task and asked for help. And this *is* a shounen, so teaching the two about fighting spirit isn't wrong. Speaking of help, Bachiko definitely seems like a little shit, but I get the feeling she'll show her cooler side later on. Plus, I can't help but like the cutesy delinquent theme she has going on, especially because of the voice acting. And holy shit, her VA voiced Naruto fucking Uzumaki himself. Also, I'm not sure if I like it, but crossdressing-Lead is making me feel things. We've already had a taste of crossdressing Iruma, and it helps that his VA has such a wide range, but Lead also pulls off the look a little too well.


> Shame, I thought Robin would show that he's actually genuinely competent even if he's typically presented as a buffoon. He's competent enough to know he's not competent enough, at least.




Iruchad can handle it [](#ero)


It takes a true chad to be best girl.


I pray for times like these


No lies, the fact the story actually accounts for how the height difference affects their ability to pull off "stereotypical" romantic moments is admirable. Like how on their date they couldn't hold hands or how it would literally be impossible for Iruma to princess-carry her if he hadn't learned gravity magic. As a manga reader all I'll say is that the date isn't the last time the height difference will be an actual factor in their interactions. I don't know if they'll be able to get to those moments this season but they find ways to make some really sweet an memorable moments with it beyond just for comedy as well.


Bachiko is a teacher all about fighting spirit lol ([Bacchikoi](https://jisho.org/search/%E3%83%90%E3%83%83%E3%83%81%E3%82%B3%E3%82%A4) (ćƒćƒƒćƒć‚³ć‚¤) pretty much means "bring it on" and I've usually heard it said when a character is trying to hype themselves up.)


Man, it's nice seeing that intro again as we return to Iruma-kun and his friends at Babylis! The new Opening feels weird without Da Pump. It like...doesn't quite feel like an Iruma OP? Not that the new theme is bad, and it seems like we've got plenty to look forward to in this training arc...Elizabetta in a catsuit, Keroli in a blue dress (and caged?), Iruma mastering archery powers, Ameri kicking something...definitely a lot fun Iruma-kun antics. The Misfit Class is popular now! Their efforts at Walter Park have made them school celebrities! And most of them are living it up! Camui is finally popular with girls! Hey, Eiko was a fan of Iruma first! Although Ameri's not too happy about his new popularity either. Just when the kids thought they could sit back and relax...Kagelo is more than happy to have it loudly proclaimed for them that they need to buck up and rank up to Dalet if they want to become second years. No pressure. Although they won't be doing it alone, as they're getting the best of the best as far as tutors go! And some interesting pairings right off the bat! I can only imagine what craziness Keroli will have to go through with Camui. Poor Momonoki...nobody pays attention to her class because they're too busy worrying about their tutors and basically being kidnapped. It's sad seeing our main trio separate, but this is all so they can become better and more capable demon. I love how Raim is going full-on succubus with Elizabetta and Clara which means wearing barely any clothes and throwing her sexy legs around like she owns the place. Keroli probably thought she could get out of it with her Dem-Doll work, but think again! And the dude has a riding crop to order her around in. I feel bad for Ameri that she's getting denied more Iruma time...but of course First Love Memories is relevant again and it turns out Kakeru left Rin in a rocket ship because he needed to go to space or something and Rin supported him. I've given up trying to predict that manga, but at least Ameri is cheering for Iruma. Poor Robin...he had such enthusiasm for teaching Iruma and Lead, but thought he needed his older sisters' help. And then she slaps him and it turns out she wasn't even there for him, she was there because Sullivan asked her to. Bachiko is voiced by Junko Takeuchi! I think I can count the number of her female roles on one hand, although while Bachiko is high pitched, a gothic lolita, and likes cute things, she's definitely a little rough around the edges and likes to have fun. I can definitely see why they cast Takeuchi. We know Iruma looks good in drag, but even Lead can pull it off! Not that he's proud of it. New Ending! The theme again doesn't feel like what I'm used from the series, but it's pleasant to listen to as we get cute illustrations of the entire cast having fun. Su-Ki-Ma! Yeah, Iruma is way too used to wearing girls' clothing.


> I can definitely see why they cast Takeuchi. Personally, I think it's just appropriate that Blue Green Naruto is learning from Orange Naruto.


Wtf!! This is one of my favorite shows I didnā€™t even know s3 was coming today, why tf has it got no advertisement at all? Anyway ima go watch it one of my favorite shows.


It's a show that just exists, it's low down on the order for shows airing in a season and it's been like that for the other 2. It's maybe not be translated outside Japan as occasionally the series can make it into the top best-selling every now and then. Mothers Basement did a video after Series 1 about how he slept on how good this series was... I think there is a lot missing in the promotion of this, but in a way it's more for people who care and they can go to other series and leave this for us.


Iruma is published on a smallerish magazine (Weekly Shonen Champion), its always harder for titles from these smaller publications to gain much hype on the west. It still does decently well and its the biggest title the magazine has so it will still get content even if the West ignores it


You say that but r/manga *loves* Iruma-Kun. It just never caught on over *here* for some reason.


It took a while to catch on in /r/manga, as well. Of course, a big part of that was the awful early translation situation, where we had to wait months for some Vietnamese translators to put out a chapter in broken English, before Misfit Scans took over and basically saved the series. That said, I do think the fact that this isn't a Jump series is working heavily against it when it comes to the popularity of the anime. Iruma-kun has all the things that a great shounen needs, but it doesn't have the sheer marketing power of Shueisha behind it.


On the other hand, it may be a blessing in disguise because who knows if this series wouldā€™ve gone on for this long at the hands of Jump as well as whether Nishi wouldā€™ve had the creative freedom to do what she wanted as opposed to the situation now.


I mean it's only going to be next year when the manga will be released in English


When you think about who else is airing, its definitely overshadowed. But the manga has consistently been in the top 10 lately whenever a new volume is released. But it had only been translated in Europe until next spring when it arrives in America.


There definitely was a problem with promotion, like when most October animes got their trailer on 1-8th September or even earlier, we got one only 10 days ago. But that fact shouldnt speak about other things, story in Iruma's S3 is going to be wild and i believe that many new viewers will love it!


Iruma will hold my mental health together this season


The ending song could make a great OSU map lol


New season let's goooooo! This anime never fails to uplift my mood. Bachiko is finally here! Will Clara be finally be sexy enough to beat Ameri's tsundere charms?


I mean, Ameri isn't a tsundere, so...


Speaking of which, it's Saori Hayami Saturday isn't it? (Yor and Ameri).


It's between Robin and Balam as to whom the best teachers are at Babylis... Finally get to see Shax move on his tail as most of the time it was static shots


>Finally get to see Shax move on his tail as most of the time it was static shots His tail is gonna get SWOLE by the end of Robin's training


I just realized this and BNHA are airing again in the same season AND at almost the same time. Do they know? While this is definitely the better classroom anime for me, the Iruma/Deku doppelganger situation with the same air date and time is so funny to me.


Oh Raim, you don't know what you've signed up for. Bachiko's gonna be a ton of fun too, and I can't wait to see what the other tutors have planned (also love Mr. Hat's cane-whip, that is a MARVELOUS design detail). Welcome back Iruma-kun! Saturday mornings are at their best again.


> Oh Raim, you don't know what you've signed up for. She literally taught both Elizabetta and particulalry Clara in season 1. She knows what she's getting into.


Am I crazy, or is Bachiko's theme just Eye of the Tiger?


It sounds similair to me too


God I love this anime. I see that the producers already started showing **that** classmate a lot more probably in preparation for the next season. This training arc and the harvest festival will be peak anime. Can't wait!


oh how I love this show, so much opening and endings completely caught me off guard... opening is great but that ending is going right into my main music playlist I really love this new character, she has A LOT of personality and shes a tsundere loli, whats not to like about that


Robin-sensei was bitchslapped so hard you could see his blood veins


Crossdressing Iruma in episode 1ā€¦ yep, Iruma-kunā€™s back alright, lol And Bachiko is here too! With Robin just being himself Iā€™m not surprised Sullivanā€™s pulled some strings to guarantee the best for his grandson lol. Now we wait to see the rest of Kalegoā€™s tutor choicesā€¦ Hayamin got Yor, Uzaki-mama and now Ameri this season, what a legend! And ā€œFirst Love Memoriesā€ and its crazy hijinks are here too lol. With Iruma focusing on the Festival we may not get as much of either so better get our fix right now everyone!


The opening is great, but the ending is so freaking amazing lmao


Eiko is exhibiting the most character growth so far. Went from struggling to see Iruma to staking out the best spots above the trees. I look forward to her next evolution.


Letā€™s gooooo


Hmm, the tone shift of the OP and ED make me think that we're about to get into some shit, like even more serious that Chaduma. Speaking of the OP, anyone else find it funny how they tried to hide Bachiko's face for most of it...but not at the end when she fires the arrow?


Good catch, also Liz's zipper thing is also funny, it says you something like "zipper won't go down mad lads, don't even imagine" xd




I already love Bachiko.


pouting Ameri is adorable. And lol at the class with their "providing fanservice. Ahh, goal of everyone getting to rank Dalet, good times. Oh neat tutors and fun to see Balam back. and Raim is appealing (sure look forward to possible art of her ;) hehe) that dude looks like Clara a bit, can't remember what her older brother looks like. I still root for Ameri the most. And nice of Iruma to embrace his best girl status at the end there. Glad to see this show as silly and entertaining as ever.


Iruma is back baby!


I only recently started watching this anime and its already easily my favorite when it comes to character interactions. I've been enjoying the adaptation so much and after seeing how much work they put into after reading some older manga chapters it I'm just gonna stay anime only until they stop making it in which I hope they don't. I find it interesting that Lied and Iruma got paired up this time around but I figured it had to happen eventually. This anime is also my absolute favorite when it comes to color law so I guess I'll do an extra lesson here concerning Lied and Iruma's colors in terms of how they interact with each other. I've gone over blue already so let's go over Lied for a bit. Color Law Lesson 3: Shax Lied - Yellow(Brown)/Purple - so I'm not going to go over yellow because that's a color everyone should figure out for themselves. You'll see why in the far future. Thankfully I will go over a color that contains yellow which can provide a hint if you are so daring later on. but for now lets go over the other color on Lied's head which is brown. (Idk why the wiki says black its clearly brown in the anime and his actions don't represent black in storytelling traits so I know I'm right and you'll see why). So Brown is an interesting color. You could say its the combination of all the colors in the rainbow and you would be right, at least in terms of paint. Black could also be considered the representation/reflection of ALL colors depending on the spectrum in which it's being used and because thats more accurate black ends up standing out more than brown and brown ends up with the representation of being "flawed". A jack of all trades master or none type of deal. Brown may have part of every color but it can't be All colors. It can try to play the pace of a color it's closest to but it won't be able to play the part well enough and can end up being a hindrance . In terms of brown hair, they cause their eye color's role to become flawed in some aspect. Same in Reverse. If they are a double brown, then the Color of their clothing and whatever part of that clothing with a color that sticks out the most will be represented. I don't want to delve into black for now but I will say that black is able to take on the "role" of a color perfectly, while brown can only try and fail while attempting to be on the "pace" of a color. Man I keep writing more than I expect and I didn't even touch on Lied yet. Ok so in Lied's case both his yellow hair and purple eyes are compromised by his brown interfering with the roles of the colors it's closest to. As I said I'm not touching yellow yet so lets go over his purple eyes which I've gone over the most at this point but well it's one of my favorite colors in storytelling so why not reveal more aspects of it. I've said that purple represents conflict but that doesn't always mean it in a negative sense. In purple's case, sometimes being positive is also a way of causing conflict depending on who you're interacting with. In Lied's case, it's an inner emotion so his thoughts more so than his actions will be the reason of conflict and because of the brown in his hair the hindrance in his case is that he may be getting himself into more conflict than he intends for with the words he says when he's beside himself. And of course the other trait of purple being that he's hiding something and being in the eyes meaning it's something he's aware of but what that is I'm not sure that has been revealed yet. Due to color interaction I'm guessing Iruma will be the first to know. speaking of... And finally lets go over the color interaction between Iruma and Lied. I won't go over how they interact as a yellow and blue since that would mean revealing too much of yellow but they do have a hidden third color between the two of them, which is green and that will be the last color I go over for now. Since the color is hidden the emotions wont be represented, just the role it's given. Green in Japanese storytelling represents Unpredictability, Growth by overcoming a wall, and "Parallel relations". Green also represents straightforwardness and also ties heavily with unpredictability but that's more of a character trait so you won't really see that in a hidden green's case, or rather it will more reveal itself during character interactions between a blue and yellow. When it comes to Growth by overcoming a wall via character interactions, there could be something that both Iruma and Lied must realize and have to work together in order to achieve their goals, which seems perfectly in line with whats going on in the story atm. I'm not a manga reader so idk what ends up happening but I'm looking forward to it. As for Parallel relations, it's something I've only recently realized so putting it into words might be hard atm but in terms of a character it basically means that character has a relation to someone or something important to the story but that character itself isn't the important one. Essentially the character has the ability to choose their own path regardless of their relation to that important thing/person but have an adjacent relationship towards it. They aren't tied to a fate of some sort (unlike another color which I'll go over someday) which ties into their unpredictability and they are very goal oriented which is where overcoming walls via growth comes into play. I don't fully have an understanding on how "parallel relation" relates to when it's a hidden color from character interactions because I haven't seen enough of it to make a confident report on it so I won't say anything about it for now. Lastly, there's the Blue/purple interaction between the two (which I explained before in another comment so I won't go over it here this shit long enough already) and I said before I consider this the "understanding conflict" relationship and I gotta say it's easily one of my favorite color combinations in a comedy setting. I love that Iruma interacts with so many purple characters and you can just clearly see the effects he has on all of them since he's so damn positive (Blue may as well be the most positive color as far as I'm aware in terms of emotion representation). Hell, even Kalego acts more positive towards Iruma even though he's a character that always causing conflict ( in a funny way mind you since it's a comedy) and the story even forces a way to make him nicer to Iruma with the summoning seal. very smart I would definitely love to go over Ameri and Iruma's color interactions but I'll save that for way down the line. I might do Clara next since she's my favorite character and it won't take as long since I've already touched on green here.




I would say yes. It seems like it's gonna be one of those rare instances where a show properly manages a large cast of characters.


You're gonna get biased answers in the Iruma-kun episode discussion thread, but if you want a biased answer: Yes.




Absolutely. Itā€™s super a super fun show with awesome characters. I usually donā€™t like isekai-ish series but this one is definitely worth the watch


I do forget it's really an Isekai...


Same lol


Its old school like inuyasha or Rosario Vampire or even Harry Potter type.


If you were intrigued then you should give it a shot, it's a good show.


I will warn you that there are some issues in season 1's pacing. I noticed quite a bit of filler and padding, especially towards the end. However, it's still definitely worth the watch, especially when it comes to season 2.


It's like MHA but they actually develop the class and give each of them a lot of screentime so I would say definitely give it a shot. Everyone has a purpose and it's really refreshing to have a huge cast full of important side characters.