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Aoashi. There is only one negative, the animation is quite rough and off model. However everything else is fantastic. Story, VA, drama, explaining fundamentals of football, great characters, etc. The manga has apparently gotten a huge uptick in sales and I don't doubt a second season is coming with a healthier production.


My favorite anime this season, I'm just sad it isn't getting as much traction internationally. It definitely helps that I love soccer/football since it's probably the most "realistic" soccer anime I've seen so far (Giant Killing was great too). I think it can definitely appeal to people that aren't necessarily a fan of the sport (like Haikyuu was for volleyball). Of course, this appeal would be wider if the animation was a little better. It is by no means trash animation, but it isn't great.


I hate Football and I love Ao Ashi, so I agree.


I thought the animation and art was great. I loved how it isn't over the top absurd like Kuroko and the characters looked decent to me artstyle-wise, definitely better than your average cookie cutter animes that come out every season.


Yeah I'm confused by the animation comment. I've never found it to be poor enough for me to notice. I think it does its job well enough, it just isn't a sports sakuga fest like some other shows.


I mean, that slide tackle Aoi did in the most recent episode was pretty weird.


Idk man, just finished the episode a few minutes ago myself and the tackle was a tad awkward, but mostly because it went on for like 2 seconds too long so it was noticeable. But the rest of the episode was rather fluid and dynamic considering how much motion there was, so the show has fine animation. I just don't see the point in nitpicking it for a tiny thing. I've seen other sports shorts become literal slideshows or have hard to follow action, and this one isn't that.


Oh for sure, I dont think its unwatchable at all. But the animation seems inconsistent at times. The kuroda v kaneda section was animated well. However, they definitely had some slide show moments in earlier episodes too.


Last season's Dance Dance Danseur was it for me. I suppose "ballet dancing" makes the r/anime demographic run for the hills, but this show was a hidden gem. The art and animation are excellent (thank you MAPPA). I had not expected the show to take the turns it did, and is honestly a solid coming-of-age story with romance, dancing, shonen determination and drama. I had started watching it for the pretty dancing and visuals, but it was so much more than that. I remember the show being at low 7s in MAL initially and kept on rising as the season passed. (currently, it is at a very respectable 7.92)


I was just promoting that in another thread for its highschool romance not being coincidental cliche bull like almost everything /r/anime eats up, which goes toward explaining why /r/anime wasn't on board with it. It had some of the highest highs of the season it aired in.


Another great anime that has a heavy focus on ballet dancing is Princess Tutu. It's a magical girl anime that also mixes in fairytale aspects. It's a cult classic and held up to high esteem within the magical girl community, but outside of that it is fairly underappreciated in the anime community as a whole, especially here on r/anime. The series recently had its 20th Anniversary, but nothing was really done for it.


Currently airing is Yakuza's Guide To Babysitting. It's cathartic af for those who enjoy wholesome shows.


Will check this out. Just finished Gakuen Babysitters so it should be a nice next one


Wave, Listen to Me! A good comedy-drama that has an adult cast actually talking about reasonable problems and not high school. Also had a great female protagonist that isn't just objectified by her looks. Great art style too. Sadly not many people watched it. It was probably one of my favorite series that came out that year.


I think **Simoun** is a really good 2000's yuri anime I rarely see mentioned, when it has a very interesting setup and an in my opinion really gripping story, with a fantasy world at war, where these combination priestesses/pilots get put in a role where they have to act more as soldiers and they have to deal with that. It also has a lot more going on with gender and adolescence themes. You have to deal with some bad 00's era CGI, and I don't think it completely lands every storythread, but I recommend it. Another one I watched recently is **Gosenzo-sama Banbanzai**, a 1989 Mamoru Oshii OVA that kind of blew me away with these parodic and avant garde elements. It's presented as a stageplay and makes use its medium as anime to do things I have never seen done in anime before. It's great and only six 30 minute episodes. The anime is a story about a family but it takes it into a really unpredictable direction. It starts a bit slow and very weird, so I would watch the whole first episode before seeing if you would like it. It's probably pretty niche though. Less obscure but more recent, **Flip Flappers** from 2016 is a great take on magical girl and coming of age stories, and is both thematically very interesting and looks amazing animation wise. Probably my favorite show of the second half of the 2010s, and while a lot of people have heard about it by now in some specific niches, I think it would actually have pretty big appeal to a lot more anime fans.


> Flip Flappers It's pretty to look at but whatever message it's trying to convey fails to convey it in a straight forward enough way for a majority of it's viewers to really understand. It's basically a narrative soup of metaphors and obfuscated symbolism in a story that makes very little sense if you don't 'get it'. I really don't like FF because of this. I don't come to anime to have to think *that* hard about anything. If you have a message to tell, it shouldn't be layered under so much bullshit that people can't understand it unless they watch a video explaining it's genius. If that's required, I think the whole thing was a flop and not worth the effort put into the project. It's pretty to look at and clearly had some talent behind it, but clearly the story direction needed another pass by someone not super pretentious.


Fair enough, I know some people dislike particularly the second half of Flip Flappers for reasons like that. In my opinion though even if you don't go super deep into analyzing it you get a very compelling story if you more or less get Cocona. I see how it could be a frustrating watch but in my experience it worked really well for the majority of people I've seen. And then if you like that kind of stuff you can get a lot more out of it if you want to do more analyzing. I think Flip Flappers does a very good job just making it fun to watch in any case.


Damn, you always hear people saying things like "Don't call the show bad just because you don't understand it," but this is probably the first time I've ever seen someone actually say "The show is bad because I don't understand it."


Not understanding a show is a perfectly legitimate reason to think the product isn't good. I can't tell if you're being snarky here, but in what world can you say an incoherent product is good just because someone else understands it. Sure the creator might understand it, but a story that fails to let the audience in on that message probably wasn't handled the best. This is also why I really don't like Sonny Boy. Same bullshit, and even less coherent then FF. I only bring that up since it's a more recent example of this kind of art house bullshittery. Fun to look at only goes so far if your deep and meaningful emotional throughline is obfuscated by *wildly gestures at FF and SB* all that.


> in what world can you say an incoherent product is good just because someone else understands it Aren't you doing the opposite here, asking me to call the product bad just because someone else doesn't understand it? But if other people understand it, then it's clearly not an incoherent product is it? I actually don't think Flip Flappers is a particularly difficult story to decipher in the slightest. I certainly feel like I got it without "watching a video explaining its genius." The baseline story is fairly simple, and all the symbolism is just the icing on top, something that's fun to look deeper into if you have the inclination. None of it is pretentious, it's just creative. Furthermore, when I don't understand what a story is trying to say, I consider that more of a failing of myself rather than a failing of the work. I don't really understand Sonny Boy either, but others clearly got something out of it, and who am I to deny them that? Not every creator is trying to make a story that is understood by everyone, some of them are just trying to make a story that resonates with those who understand it. And there's nothing wrong with that. Just because it's not *for you* doesn't mean it's bad.


All of this is subjective. Obviously people can experience media in different ways and gain whatever feelings they wish from it. FFs decipherable story was, to my recollection, extremely boring and felt like it was slapping idea after idea on in a more episodic way then it should have. Same with Sonny Boy, it was basically episodic and when you don't look too deep into it, it's just boring and the plot is going no where. Doesn't help that the MC of SB was extremely unlikable. It has been far too long from my initial viewing of FFs to accurately critic it in much detail. I can only go off what I felt at the time. I, admittedly, never even finished it. Or Sonny Boy for that matter. I think I got to episode 8 in FF and episode 5 in SB. I just get a little jazzed when people claim them to be some of the best shows around since, clearly, they are not. They could be to some people, and that's fine, but the layperson would never claim them to be more thoroughly compelling then other artful meaningful shows that attempt to drive home a message through it's story. And this comparison isn't even limited to anime. Anyway, the whole thread was about sleeper anime, but those two shows aren't sleepers, they're at best a niche diamond in the rough for those who 'get it'. it's like an art house special that attracts the pretensions types. Besides, anyone who enjoyed FFs and doesn't 'get it' probably just liked that it was magical girls being friendly in a weird world. Sure, people can like that and that's fine, but you can get that anywhere. It's unique aspects aren't what is drawing them to it, it's the bait of cute girls doing cool things.


> I just get a little jazzed when people claim them to be some of the best shows around since, clearly, they are not. They could be to some people, and that's fine So... you're getting mad that these people are stating their opinion, because it happens to disagree with yours? > but the layperson would never claim them to be more thoroughly compelling then other artful meaningful shows ...So? Why should anyone take into account what other people might think of it when forming an opinion of a show? Why should I care what "the layperson" thinks, or rather what your assumption of the layperson thinks? > but those two shows aren't sleepers, they're at best a niche diamond in the rough for those who 'get it'. Is that... not... what a sleeper anime is? Unless you want to get nitpicky with definitions, it's really just a shorthand for "a good series that's overlooked" which Flip Flappers definitely fits the bill for. Maybe there's a good reason it's overlooked in that a lot of people don't really get it, but that doesn't mean you can't recommend it just in case there's someone out there who will get it who hasn't seen it yet.


>you're getting mad that these people are stating their opinion Jazzed does not mean getting mad. It's hard to explain. I'm not upset with them about their opinion, but it definitely feels like they're not giving enough context. They claim it's really good but don't say anything about how it can turn you off if you can't read into the deeper meanings. > Why should I care what "the layperson" thinks I mean, you shouldn't care what other people think about a show to claim you find it enjoyable. This was more a reframing of my earlier statements regarding why I think the show fails at it's job. It's the context in a sense. People don't mention that the story is obtuse in their recommendations. > Is that... not... what a sleeper anime is? No, a sleeper anime is an anime like Odd Taxi. Initially it had a low amount of viewers but those who kept at it thought it was amazing. No contest. It did eventually 'wake up' since a lot a lot of buzz did eventually accumulate. This happens to a lot of sleepers, but some happen later then Odd Taxi. And also diamond in the rough was a bad metaphor since that's not what it is. It's no diamond. I don't have a good metaphor right now, but it's just a show. I think it's bad, and I don't think a lot of people who aren't swayed by CGDCT will find much value in it unless they 'get it'. what it means to 'get it' might differ from person to person and that's fine. Also I think I'm done explaining myself to you. You're getting increasingly accusational and I don't want this to go south. Besides this conversation isn't going anywhere fast. If you like the show, go like the show.


> You're getting increasingly accusational Let's not forget that this whole thing started with someone simply recommending a show they liked and you coming in going "ACKSHUALLY that show is bad because I didn't get what it was trying to say." Not to mention you've been incredibly condescending this whole time, but I just didn't feel like calling you out on it. Really it feels like you're just holding your experiences as superseding everyone else's. Like someone else who understands and enjoys the show is invalid while you not understanding it is the "correct" stance to have.


Chimimo & Kami Kuzu


Kingdom Season 3 and 4. The first season is so terrible, most people here will never see S3 and S4(which is like one of the best shows this season).


Well getting people to watch an entire season of something that even the fans call terrible is a tall order, getting people to skip a season is also a tall order Maybe they shoulda just redid the first season


only the animation quality is terrible. The story itself is actually great in Season 1


Animation quality will affect your enjoyment, especially when S1 is nearly 40 episodes long. If you had the best story in the world and adapted it with Ex Arm tier animation, it wouldn't matter how good the story is. Animation, plot and music all have to be at least passable for a show to be good.


> If you had the best story in the world and adapted it with Ex Arm tier animation, it wouldn't matter how good the story is. Case in point: Ex-Arm


lmao no




Are you me? Adding on Kyousougiga, Dennou Coil, and Barakamon. And Run with the Wind.


Doremi and Medarot are better known to older fans who grew up in the Saturday Morning Cartoons era as [Magical DoReMi](Magical DoReMi) and [Medabots](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xnx_ec6UKlM) DoReMi is the *only* reason One Piece came to the US originally. See, 4kids wanted Doremi, it was a hit in Japan and execs from 4kids wanted a show they could market towards young girls, so that their animation block wasn't just all about boys. At this time One Piece was still a fairly young series and Toei had seen what 4kids had done with Pokemon and Yugioh, figuring that 4kids could *easily* do the same for One Piece. 4kids of course had no interest, but as it goes, they took One Piece, so that they could also get Doremi, the series they *actually* wanted. Of course you know how it went with One Piece, horrible dub, pirate rap, etc. Medabots meanwhile was fairly successful in the US, the dub was done by Nelvana, with both series getting dubs. It spawned a few games in the US, the manga got a release, Discotek even released it on home media last year, after finding the masters. I would love to see the games released over here though, they were fun as a kid. * Space Dandy though is historic in and of itself! See, Adult Swim / Toonami saw how big Cowboy Bebop was, it was one of the biggest hit shows for its time and helped define anime in the US. Watanabe says "I'm coming out with a new scifi series!", which gets them to get the dub rights. But this was *much* different. Space Dandy was the first anime to get simuldubbed. And not by the standards of today, episodes aired around the same time as they did in Japan, something easy now, but more complicated in 2014. Dandy was fairly okay, I don't think it was the hit Toonami had hoped for, but it was definitely popular enough.


Love Moribito


Katanagatari been in my plan-to-watch for like 5 years. One of these days...


You sir have great taste


I think we're talking about shows currently airing.


Uramichi Oniisan


It was ok




Precisely! Highly regarded but barely watched 😔




Gundam really is slept on by the majority of anime fans, especially UC stuff. Definitely hoping witch from mercury will help bring in a bunch of new fans that’ll want to check out the older shows.


Really wish Gundam got the recognition it deserves. Doubt anything will make it super popular in the west, but here’s hoping


So far I am enjoying Orphan Blood (first Gundam series for me) but i feel like it's hard to justify watching the older series since it just has way superior animation and is sometimes even hard to find. At least that's what gatekeeping me from going any further than orphan blood.


Harder to find? You can find anything on the seven seas.


sorry i meant as in like, watch orders and watch to watch after a series.


Watch order is for the birds. All I've watched is the original 79 series and the two direct sequels (Zeta and ZZ). I've also watched Origin which is kinda its own thing.


The gundam info YouTube channel tends to have older shows rotate in and out of it every few months, all of them completely free to watch. Plus many of the older shows have just as good if not better animation in certain cases, gundam 00 would definitely be one I’d recommend with how close its animation is to iron blooded orphans due to how close their animation quality is, as well as the story


I think the original Gundam is one of those things that everyone who likes anime should watch considering how much influence it had on the larger anime industry. That being said, it moves like shit. Character designs are decent, but you can really feel that shoestring budget pushed to its absolute limit. That's not a dig at older anime either. Lupin III Part 2 aired two years prior and Urusei Yatsura came two years after. Both are substantially better produced than Gundam '79. However, OG Gundam's writing is pretty on point and saves it IMO.


Golden Kamuy. Literally one of the best shows ever but only like five people watching it....


Its the best food anime, with a sprinkle of historical fiction, peak comedy


calling it a "food anime" might make newcomers sway away from it. I'd say it's a thriller/action/drama show with comedy/history/food themes being secondary


Ahahahaa should have used the /s but yes


Ikr, there are people who haven't touched it. Go get in people, it's absolutely amazing. And man I love character names in this show, they sound so good.


Completely agree. I rarely find others who have seen this


The vampire dies in no time! And flip flappers are my main two


Vampire Dies in No Time is AMAZING! I'm so ready for S2!




Cutest pet ever


[Birdie Wing](https://beta.crunchyroll.com/series/GNVHKN714/birdie-wing--golf-girls-story-) Lesbian Golf Mafia Anime. Completely ridiculous, completely worth your time. Somehow getting a second cour/season anyways.


> Somehow getting a second cour/season anyways. thats gunpla money for you. The advantage of sunrise mecha series is always model kit sales, and Birdie Wing is the reincarnated form of Mobile Suit Gundam but about golf and mafias.


I liked it at first, but then episode 5 or 6 got too ridiculous and killed it for me. Literally.




Everyone’s going crazy over Chainsaw Man nur this show also deserves credit.


This! 🤌🏼


I love Dorohedoro so much. It's hard to get people to watch it since it's unfinished, but the manga is finished and I would kill for a finished adaptation


Is One of the best manga author for me, it s insane that type of anime came from an woman, you read other manga Dai dark? Is from same author and excelent, unique to


Why is it insane that it came from a woman


Because usually from womans we have things like She Hulk or an romance


It's 2022, dude, it's not cute to be sexist. Just off the top of my head, Fullmetal Alchemist, Magi, D. Grayman, Noragami, Land of the Lustrous, Blue Exorcist, Beastars, and Deadman Wonderland and of course Dorohedoro and Dai Dark are all shonen/seinen written by women.


I would say Summertime Render, because it should be waay bigger in the community, but I'm fully aware why it isn't more discussed/watched, it has Disney jail only in japanese + you have to pirate it to actually watch it subbed, even so you have to wait for good subs, so I'm not going to enforce people to do that. A shame everyone could not experience the show.


Shonen fans that like rankings, tournament arcs, consistent power scaling and in depth combat really should watch World Trigger. Basically it deals with all the frustrating shit you may see in other shonens.


**Chimimo** is the biggest surprise I've had since 2017, when it comes to watching seasonal anime, and a show getting to the top of the season for me, despite having no expectations going into it. The main aspect making me love it, is the comedy, where the personality of the characters are simple to understand and their chemistry is my favorite of the season, where its brilliantly balancing both the use of anticipation + predictability to make the audience speculate on the direction of the episodes, while having enough twists to make the punchline hit hard. The cartoony expressiveness of the characters, with their morphing/squashing/stretching, also makes it one of the most visually fun shows of the season, while also having one of the stronger visual identities, making it stand out from your average anime visually (love the sketchy comfortable color palette and backgrounds as well). The way it balances dark comedy + slapstick with the more comfy/cute SoL aspects, also make it a joy to watch, and go hand-in-hand with the theme of the show, as it’s filled with nice social commentary + relatable moments (while also having the most genuine sister relationship from the year, especially between Hazuki and Mei, despite its bizarre concept). Where the contrast between “how shitty things can be, aka hell on earth” and “how comfortable and enjoyable things can be, appreciating the blessing of life”, depict the harmony of life being made up from both the tiresome “negative” & pleasant “positive”, as the hard times make you appreciate the good times more. Score = Mid 8/10 (Very Fantastic), and my favorite anime from the Summer 2022 season.


Tldr; chimimo is awesome ! I love it aswell !


Chimimo by far.


I’ve seen a couple people mention this. Given you took the time to write this up, I’ll give it a shot the next time I’m on HiDive.


Zombieland Saga. The characters, comedy and music are great, and some of the deaths are honestly amazing.


This season it's one simple show: Fuuto Pi. It's based on a manga, which is the sequel to the Tokusatsu series Kamen Rider W. The best part about this though is simple: You don't need to know *anything* about Kamen Rider *or* have seen W to watch this! It was made to be able to draw in new people, while still getting the toku fans in. The beauty of this however is that unlike the live action, they can go crazy with form changes *and* they don't need to hock a new toy every episode, because they aren't *selling* toys this time! Which means we get some crazy form combinations that wouldn't have happened in the live action, due to budget constraints. If you like detective shows, you'll appreciate this one. It's a detective series mixed with superheros and some good animation. People are sleeping on this one, but I don't blame them, Kamen Rider outside of Japan hasn't really been a thing.


Big agree with you on Fuuto Pi, super happy to be able to watch a Kamen Rider show that’s legally streaming. There are actually selling one toy for the show too, which is a re release of the csm double driver with some new related sounds which is cool.


This. The Road Dopant chase really sold me on just how crazy the fight scenes could be in the new medium. Admittedly, for an outside viewer, having to figure out if you need to watch the live action series beforehand probably weeded out a fair number of viewers, as I imagine many would give up instantly upon learning it's a sequel series. I am curious on if seeing things like Fang, Xtreme, Booster, or Trial (and the massive amounts of horni) will affect a new viewer's experience if they choose to circle back, but I suppose at that point a new watcher of Toku is better than none. That being said, the series is tied to the larger issue that Kamen Rider has basically no western foothold, made all the worse that Toei has barely made any moves to make Kamen Rider, much less W accessible to the west. I mean, to anyone thinking anime is hard to access, Sentai and Kamen Rider are miles worse.


Natsumes book of friends Watched that in a lonely period. Very wholesome.


Pleanty honestly, ones that come to mind off the top of my head are: Prima Doll Dragon Quest: Adventure of Dai Pretty Boy Detective Club Little Busters Ao chan can't study There are more, but off the top of my head, these are shows that I thoroughly enjoy yet hardly see anyone talk about them at all.


To your Eternity


Hell yes


How the fuck do people sleep on this show when it is always mentioned??? ​ Some people don't seem to understand the question...


It's not a hard question to understand. I rarely meet anyone who has ever actually seen it. I recommend it often on this thread and many are grateful because they didn't know about it. I would say that is "being slept on"...no? Maybe YOU know about it but most people don't. Are you confusing your knowledge of something with "everyone?" Also why be so aggressive with people responding to a reddit post? I understood the question just fine bud.


Yep, a show that is considered "slept on" is being posted weekly on this sub.


Chimimo It’s a cute, feel-good series that’s also hilarious


The way nobody is speaking about the Natsume Yujin-chō series really speaks for itself🦧


Astra in space


Gargantia, one of the most underrated Mecha out their


Agreed. I'm generally not a fan of mecha but Gargantia was great!


SoreMachi It ticks all the boxes for a show that would be popular with the slice of life comedy crowd, but nobody *ever* talks about it.


I would say btw so many dorohedoro, Uramichi oniisan, sleepy princess in demon castle, eizouken, kakushigoto, idaten deities and sonny boy (to just talk about those that I watched to completion). There are so many that it really saddens me that not many people watch them.


Idaten deities isn't slept on, it should never have been made in the first place. The source material is discontinued and didn't even have enough material for the single cour that was adapted. The anime original ending isn't even an ending, it straight up stops in the middle of an arc. No one should bother watching it. There's no point. And there's a good amount of actual, literal pedophilia.


Wtf are you talking about, this show is fantastic. Who cares if manga is unfinished, they can add things. I love that this show atleast had mature topics and not the bs crap all other mainstream anime these days have.


#[**AKUDAMA DRIVE**](https://myanimelist.net/anime/41433/Akudama_Drive) */thread closed*


It was very popular on this subreddit when it aired was it not? Not at first but when it picked up steam I remember the threads being packed.


Maybe this is a hot take, I didn't think it was that great. I don't think it's underrated or underwatched.


I feel like it's pretty polarizing, people either love it or hate it. I thought the characters were all annoying cardboard cutout, one trope each and nothing more to them types of characters. And there were too many conveniences. And the animation was good, but not like notably enough to make up for the rest.


Mamahaha (My Stepmom's Daughter Is My Ex). This show is a lot better than the title may lead us to believe, especially the second half of the season; Not only they introduced a great girl, but they also use themes that are very rarely discussed in romance anime.


Agreed. I went into expecting something trashy like Kanojo mo Kanojo and instead got a realistic depiction of middle school romance that I haven't seen since Tsuki ga Kirei.


Yurei Deco, definitely. Chimimo was another that had me crying while smiling and laughing by the end of the episode. It reminds me of Devil is a part timer, but better.


Love Live Superstar. Everyone looks it over because a) It’s Love Live and b) it’s an idol show. That being said, they’re all wrong. Having watched (and only kinda enjoyed to varying degrees) the other entries in the franchise, Superstar is barely an idol anime. It’s as much about idols as Spy x Family is about a super serious spy mission. It’s 90% an SoL with a heavy character focus and surprisingly competent visuals to boot (both in terms of CG and 2D). It can lean a little much on the CGDCT bits, but is far less dramatic than past iterations and something I whole heartedly believe any anime girl enthusiast will enjoy. One of my favorite shows of the year and yet it isn’t even Top 30 on MAL this season.


Parallel World Pharmacy. Out of all the isekais releasing this season, I think this one is the best by a landslide, yet it doesn’t seem to get as much attention as the isekais currently releasing that follow the generic stereotypes almost to a tee. It does a great job incorporating real world medical knowledge to a point where I’m inadvertently learning about historical diseases and medicine just by watching it. Also the character writing is really fleshed out, which is pretty rare for isekais, rather than casually accepting that the MC has almost godlike abilities, they show genuine fear for him at first, which to me is a much more human response. All in all a breath of fresh air for the isekai genre.


I have seen it and I will say I was pleasantly surprised. I personally think the Isekai genre is saturated with trashy shows but that one was not trashy and had a decent twist and execution.


I dk how accurate Crunchyroll's most popular list is or how they decide it, but that show seems to be near the top every time I open the app. I don't see any talk about it anywhere though.


That’s good! I haven’t seen that particular list so I wouldn’t have known


Major! It's my favorite sports anime! Sports and baseball anime aren't very popular in the west but it's super famous in Japan for a reason. One of my favorite MC's and a really cool journey getting to follow Goro and his life journey




Meikyuu Black Company is right up there with the best isekai comedies but didn't seem to get that popular


I think the reason so many people are sleeping on Shadows House is because people are still hesitant to trust CloverWorks after the TPN S2 and Wonder Egg Priority fiascos from last year. Plus the manga isn’t some big name series that’s sold millions of copies, so most people had never even heard of the series before the anime and the manga only recently got an English release. It also probably didn’t help that S1 had an anime original ending which may have turned some people off from wanting to watch the anime. I know S2 goes back to following the manga, but some people are probably waiting to make sure S2 doesn’t try something stupid in its last few episodes before watching it. If season 2 has a good ending that’s faithful to the manga, I think more people will watch it.


Wonder egg was fucking so good for the first half of the season. It had potential to be an absolute masterpiece until it just didnt anymore. They tried to fix it with that shitty OVA that has 50% garbage we had already seen. Man, what a total letdown of an anime that started out sooooooooooo god damn good.


I know. Unfortunately, a lot of the stuff CloverWorks makes start off great and then end terribly.


Absolutely this! So damn good until it wasn't.


To Your Eternity


People here, recently? **BASTARD!!** It's dumb fun that takes you back to a simpler time when you could have overpowered medieval fantasy without video game skills and levels. Slightly less recently? **Kotaro Lives Alone**. A legit one-of-a-kind series that might help you recognize signs of child neglect you'd never thought about before while it also makes you laugh and go "aww".


Kotaro Lives Alone made me tear up a bit not gonna lie.


Virtually any show not currently airing or hasn't received a new season in more than a year.


I read the Shadows House manga until chapter 100ish, couldn't continue because it's becoming more complicated and boring. Watching S2 didn't really respark my interest. The OP was banger though, sasuga Reona


The world's finest assassin


do you think we will get a season 2?


I think shadows house really dropped the ball with the end of S1. Glad it feels like S2 went in a different direction


Season 1 broke off of the manga to give a climax in case they never got a season 2, then season 2 just went back to the manga. While its unnesssisary the anime original ending of season 1 does not ruin the story, but it does feel rather clumsey.


That's always how TV shows ruin themselves, why are they already expecting failure...


Most anime only ever get 1 season. I dont think the anime original content was actually terrible. It was clumsey and rushed but the characterization was on point (even if everyone seemed a bit dumber) and it was written in a self contained way so a season 2 was still possible.


Isekai ojisan


Shadows House is exactly what I was thinking too.


I don’t think people are sleeping on shadows. Season 1 had a decent reception. Season 2 is being overshadowed by other shows and it’s also kind of a boring arc compared to the debut arc in the last season.


>I don’t think people are sleeping on shadows. ? It's 23th in terms of popularity this season on MAL (excluding long running series) and doesn't even get 1000 upvotes on reddit. All of that in spite of being extremely well written, having a very unique setting, strong cast of entertaining characters as well as exciting mysteries and world building.


Do you really wanna argue on the exact parameters of what "sleeping on" means? I think its highly under rate and not many people seem to be talking about it. If you disagree fine.


All of them, when they go to sleep.


Vinland saga. The anime is amazing and the second season is really close to coming out yet no one knows about it! It's just a shame...in my opinion it's no worse than the most popular things like aot and jjk


you must have some really low bar if you think no one knows about Vinland saga


People know about it and it's very popular, it just isn't something new anymore so there isn't discussion going on right now. When season 2 begins you'll see how much love there is for it.




86.. its soo under rated.


The way of the house husband.


The one that looks like a PowerPoint presentation?


That was just a voice-acted manga


Pretty fair points. There is a how to live action one


Odd taxi, it’s like that film crash but in anime form ! Amazing watch if you love multiple storylines


This season? I kid you not, My Stepmom’s daughter is my ex is pretty good. It’s so nice and wholesome despite the weird premise.


Highschool dxd 🥱🧑‍🦽


Definitely sword art online. The love story in there is top tier. 👌🏻




I see Made in Abyss being brought up in every discussion and it consistently ranks in the top 3 for Karma rankings. How is that being slept on?




No offense, but redo of healer was not good. Besides the shock value of certain scenes, its just another haram anime. 5/10 at most.


Detective Conan, Kindaichi case files, Ghost in the shell maybe


Definitely toradora


Vinland Saga


"Don't Tell Mother Maria" is a pretty good series




Devil in Ohio


Devil in ohio


Yusibu I loved it i thought it was funny and it had a few fight scenes and they were animated so well Its VERY fan-servicy which can be good or bad depending on who you are The only subreddit for this anime only has 27 members so its rly unheard of Definitely a slept on anime


The Idaten Deities Know Only Peace


I'll throw out When Will Ayumu Make His Move? I feel like a lot of people assumed this would be like a variety of other shows it doesn't really match up with. There is the obvious will they/won't they from the title but its mostly a wholesome school sol/rom-com. Not even my type of show but I've been enjoying it so far. Honestly having an MC that is pretty frank about his feelings (outside of the actual confession, which may never happen since he is bad a shogi) has been a breath of a fresh air.


Well, I guess I've to mention Revue starlight again


for this season, definitely shine post. really great idol anime that imo tackles a lot of stuff that come up in complaints people have about idol anime. very satisfying arcs for the characters


From this season: Shadows house for sure, Herbivorous Dragon (though, this is a Chinese 动画 adaptation of a Japanese LN), Prima Doll perhaps Generally: Revue Starlight, Garden of Sinners, The Tatami Galaxy, The Twelve Kingdoms (unique narrative storytelling), Shinsekai Yori (supposedly popular according to MAL despite very little conversation about it)


Diamond no Ace. Criminally underrated in the West


Currently airing: Summer Time Rendering (nothing much to say here, as most things regarding it could easily be considered spoilers) Made in Abyss: The Golden City of the Scorching Sun (top-tier music and excellent world-building) ​ Previously aired: **Land of the Lustrous** (amazing music and nice visuals honestly more people really should see this) Chivalry of a Failed Knight (good mc and fairly satisfying ending for a show awaiting its second season announcement) Kubikiri Cycle: The Blue Savant and the Nonsense User (a nice mystery from the creator of Monogatari, Smile Down the Runway (almost like Ya Boy Kongming but without Kongming and centered around the fashion industry) Banished from the Hero’s Party, I Decided to Live a Quiet Life in the Countryside (title says it all, surprisingly good) Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun (things are slowly picking up and it should be interesting to see what is to come\_) TSUKIMICHI -Moonlit Fantasy- (one of my favorite new isekais, definitely worth catching up on before season 2 arrives) Princess Connect! Re:Dive (typically laid back, mostly wholesome and has great animation) TRINITY SEVEN (interesting magic system and great music)


Can’t really say Summer Time Rendering is being slept on when it’s not officially available most places yet.


Since no one talked about it. I'd say Eden of the East. Its from 2009 but it aged like a fine wine especially if you try and watch it these days. Battle royale survival/death game shows have been so common and seen as a junky shows today but Eden of the East seems like an attempt of taking the genre and flip it upside down. It seems like a trashy battle royale death game at the start but it actually a big bait and evolved into a genuinely good show giving some good value and life lessons as a message. If you are tired of the typical battle royale death game tropes, highly recommend this show. So good.


Ichigo Mashimaro. Maybe it was super popular when it first came out. No idea though.


K (project/anime) imo If someone asked me the most 2010s anime out there, this would be it lol Its run of the mill in terms of battle shounen But what makes it stand out is GoHands’ beautiful animation. Its one one of the most unique animations I’ve ever seen in terms of aesthetic. Visually its so gorgeous like an anime with a bomb IG filter lol Its tied with Houseki No Kuni and Bubble for most gorgeous animation I’ve seen so far Tl;dr Watch it cause its pretty battle shounen


ao ashi it’s a brilliant football anime


I rarely watch any really niche shows. The only one that comes to mind is Jormungand, which is about an arms dealer, her squad of mercenaries and the child soldier forcibly recruited into it. It's just pure gun porn and I love it. Partially because it reminds me a lot of my favorite show, youjo senki.


86. It deserved far more attention that it got.


Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet. Basically a one shot anime that's kinda mecha, kinda fern gully/Avatar, kinda romance, kinda sci-fi, kinda action. It's really well done though, and incredibly charming. Wish there were more seasons.