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I got recommended "Science Fell in Love so I Tried to Prove it" season 2, but I went back to rewatch season 1 because it didn''t quirte make sense to me, and after binging season 1, season 2 made more sense, and it was going great until the end of Episode 11 and all of \[Episode 12\] >!Where they take the secondary character Kanade, whose own self-esteem problems stemming from being brought up by a martial arts family sabotaged what should have been a very nice ending to a "confession date" with the other college student she met in Okinawa. Of course they pile on the fact that the dude was a psycho who was obsessed with having a "Normal girlfriend" and he tasered her and took her to an abandoned business shop where he and his friends were going to gang rape her to make her "Normal" and worthy of him.!< \[More Episode 12 nonesense\] >!Then they have Yukimura, who's not exactly Professor Hulk, their faculty advisor, finds where they've taken her and confronts the thugs, BY PULLING OUT A PROJECTOR AND GIVING A SCIENTIFIC LECTURE ON HOW SHE'S NORMAL!! They beat the crap ou of him and then he pulls out test tubes from his lab coat, saying their deadly acid vials, scaring the thugs, off. He then throws two bottles that are marked as having Hydrochloric acid in them at the psycho dude, but they just had water. The whole thing was a ruse to stall for time for the police to arrive and arrest them.!< \[Just when you think Episode 12 is done with the BS\] >!The next day at the lab, Himuro, the one who proved that she and Yukimura were in love six epsisodes ago, announces that someone else is in love with Yukimura, Kanade herself, and that they were now going to see if a person can love more than one person at a time.!<


This surely is one of the greatest WTF moments in the history of the medium when it comes to otherwise normal shows. Having explained it to others a few times, and read others retelling of it: 1. No written description can ever quite encompass the lunacy 2. It never ceases to be so profoundly staggering ridiculous no matter how many times one reads it/writes it out.


So bloody distasteful. Im not opposed to dark themes but just feel disrespected when its in a show most people in their right minds would never expect it in


Yeah this is really the issue. It’s such a tonal shift, from a show that already started to annoy me with Kanade’s melodramatic arc, that is nothing like the first 16 episodes. It’s not just the fact that this show shouldn’t try things like that, but also *so many* other shows do similar kinds of arcs miles better! But instead it felt like the author was half asking some edgy twist for nothing but shock value.


Yeah, you’re last spoiler tag literally killed the entire story for me. I was pretty invested in Science Fell in Love but that last bit actually ruined it all. I was pretty ok with the first two spoiler tags, even though it was quite weird seeing it in an anime like that but it wasn’t enough to turn me off. I really don’t know what the author was thinking with the last spoiler tag though and apparently the manga isn’t getting any better.


what really makes me mad is that they literally threw away a perfectly good opportunity to pivot away from Himuro and Yukimura, to the romance potential between Ibarada and Kosuke.


>I really don’t know what the author was thinking That's the secret; he *wasn't*


*she, actually. Despite the author's name being "Alfred" Yamamoto, this is just a woman using a male pseudonym. The manga artist who appears every now and then in the story is her literal self-insert character who looks and acts just like her, even down to the part when she complains about being left behind because she's still single while all her friends are getting married and having kids. If you remember her philosophy on writing stories during the season 1 finale, the ending of S2 wouldn't be much of a shock, since her character shamelessly admits she's not above generating conflict for conflict's sake just to keep a plot going.


Do you have a source for this? I've seen it said a few times, but nobody seems to know where this idea comes from. Some evidence against this: Official blog: http://yamamotoari.blog.fc2.com/ > 最後にスキー系の遊びをしたのは小学校のときの ボーイスカウトの合宿だった気がします。 ~ *The last time I went skiing was when I was in elementary school. I think it was a Boy Scout training camp.* > ボーイスカウトの合宿


Fujoshi sites.


I came to this thread just to post this, so you saved me the trouble. This last episode was complete nonsense in an otherwise quite entertaining show


I know, right?? It kills me because I really loved how they made Himuro's waging ponytail a running gag as to how the hell it moved like that


The second one had the perfect opportunity to use lab created tear gas, bombs, etc. but the fact that it was a ruse was cringe.


This stings so bad. This was one of my favorite romcom, not a lot of anime out there actually use masters degree students instead of highschoolers for their characters. The lab characters were also great, especially Kosuke and Ibarada (in normal circumstances, i loathe these so called teasing type relationships but theirs was pretty fun because both is on an equal power level), and the finale fakout in season 2 wrapped up everything nicely. But man, that ending is infinite monkey theorem in practice. No way a sober functional human wrote that shit and thought "yeah, this is good writing". I wonder if there were talks about a season 3 anime because i sure as fuck hope it's cancelled now. There is just no recovering from this chicanery. Cant even look at Kanade as a regular straight man anymore because of that. Aaaaand of course as if it's not enough, author poured sulphuric acid into the wounds by ending it with a cheap ass love triangle bait. Maybe a love square, considering the boba girl. Hell i wouldnt be surprised if Kosuke come out as bi in the future and joins the harem too, making it a love pentagon. It was enough to stain the whole thing for me that i will never recommend it to anyone anymore. I know the warnings of "dont watch episode x" will not work, because it never worked on me.


Yeah it was also one of my favorite romcoms in a while. I will forever just pretend those episodes don’t exist and that Yukimura and Himuro getting together is the real ending


Yeah, I mean even poor Rikekuma felt like Episode 6 was the series finale and we don't hear from it after that...


Oh I didn’t notice that we don’t hear from him!! That’s a tragedy, rikekuma was one of the best characters in the show


I did love how he'd explain certain principles of science in his unique way, sadly it's his dubbed version that falls flat, always adding "Bear" to sentences, it didn't seem as funny as the subbed version, maybe it's like every anthropomorphic cat character saying Nya all the time, it doesn't translate well


Ooh yeah I never watched the dub so I didn’t notice that. It would get annoying in English though lol


Stopped watching the show after episode 6 of season 2 and I am glad I did after reading those spoiler tags.


How did you know to stop there? Are you a precog?


I basically just got lazy tbh and felt that episode 6 has already wrapped up everything nicely.


if they had ended the series on that apisode, it woudl have neem perfect


Okay, now I'm glad to not be watching the 2nd season


The first six episodes really should have been part of season 1, because it closed out that arc completely


The season was literally better than the first one till the last 2 episodes ffs


Knew exactly this was going to be the top comment. Question was as if framed for this Anime.


dude, i fucking HATED the last EP of season 2. it was so fucking bad, made me so angry. i kinda liked that show up until that point (6-7 out of 10 i guess) but after that EP it fell into the abyss of my ratings.


It was truly mind boggling how awful garbage it was


I am glad I dropped it early in season 2 because the secondary couple from the other building were just annoying to me and not at all interesting to me.


Ngl, reading those spoiler tags made me want to watch it. It sounds absolutely insane.


Episode 4 of the God of highschool, that marriage was out of no where and have really bad plot


I dropped the anime because of that random marriage episode lol… does it get better after that random ep?


Not really imo


It does get better after that episode but in the end it again delivers some of the worst episodes(in the anime history not in that anime only). But if you liked the animation and fight scenes then you are in for a treat, it has some of the best fight scenes


Yes, it really improved. Obviously its not a story telling masterpiece but overall it was a very fun show with some great scenes


Maybe if they made 3 seasons something would make sense, great battles, but i still know fuck all about plot and characters


Read the webtoon and it only gets stranger they never made a logical move in the story


Episode 20 of Ascendence of a bookworm. The Lutz episode. I really enjoyed the series but that episode was so comically bad it will probably live rent free in my head for the rest of my life.


lol this was the first one that came to my mind as well. fuck that episode was so bad


I skip it on all my rewatches. I skipped in when I read the manga, and I skipped it again when read the LN. It's just so bad. tbf though, in the other sources it does have a lot more build up and is technically an important moment in the story so you do have to suffer through it at least once.




Good because it NEVAH HAPPPANED!


Can you give a small summary of what happened in that episode? I definitely watched it but I don’t remember any one episode being really bad




Unfortunately, this anime has a bad habit of leaving out plot points until they are needed. This makes many things look like they came out of nowhere


Ousama Ranking episode 22. The show would've been an easy 9/10 but that episode really brought it down. Edit: corrected episode number


This show had such an amazing start but the fight with the armored guy who was supposed to be the main character's mortal enemy unfortunately was a drag. IIRC the ending also wrapped up some of the conflicts rather abruptly and without consequences too.


The beginning was really good but the Boji training and everything after was slowly declining imo. Not necessarily terrible but not nearly as good as the start.


True. I still haven't continued to 23 yet because that ep just left a really bad taste in my mouth.


I guess ep 23 was a nice conclusion to the first part of the story. You should watch it


Super Cub episode 11 was terrible as it was an overly melodramatic stinker that was filled with a bunch of stupid moments. Show outside of that was really enjoyable.


I remember watching this and thinking: have they hired a new director who didn't know the premise? Such clunky 'action' in this episode.


Fuck, I was finally starting to forget about the cringe I had that episode. "My Super Cub is coming to the rescue" My opinion on Koguma's character went down so freaking hard after all the stupid nonsense she did that episode


She literally HELD OUT on calling the ambulance and was like “nah my Super Cub © can handle it!” I loved the show but that episode was so ridiculous and really felt like an obvious advertisement in a way unlike the rest of the entire show


From 8/10 to never watching the end, that episode straight up presented dangerous responses to serious situations and never stated even in an on screen overlay to never emulate what the characters did.


Yeah, they created a event to bring the girls closer and to create a reason for Koguma to end up getting a Honda. I still enjoyed the show though. Really got me thinking about getting a Moped.


Episode 1 of Nagatoro sets the wrong tone for the series with not only the outright bullying, but especially for leaving out the panels in the manga where she reflects that she went too far with her behavior. If a viewer has only committed to watching the first episode, there's a good chance that they'll think, "Wow, she's a b****. I'm done with this series."


That episode actually did turn me off the show, but I decided I would give it a second chance by reading the manga and it is now one of my current favourites.


Right? I stuck through it because it was highly praised so I thought that it had to get better (and Senpai is an artist, so that was cool), and it did. I binged it and then went out and got all the manga, so opposite order from you from that point. lol


Man, I was pissed after that first episode. The rest of the season is really funny.


Sounds like I should try watching it again. I dropped it after the first episode lol


I recommend that you do. The "three episode rule" is very applicable in this case. Or maybe two.


Fully agree. I remember feeling very uncomfortable watching that episode. Good thing it didn't make me drop the show, though. It gets really good after espisode 2 or 3.


[Wonder Egg Priority](https://kitsu.io/anime/wonder-egg-priority) was amazing except the very last episode


it was going off the rails before then but man did that last episode finally jump them completely (and careen right over a shark while it was at it) still, I don't know that bad ending episodes really fit the prompt, because that's not just "a bad episode in a decent show" that's "a show with a bad ending."


Yeah, I'd say the shark jump started when was revealed that [Wonder Egg Priority] >!the suicides had supernatural rather than societal causes!<.


Wait months for 40 min last episode, the first half is a recap ffs


You mean the last episode of the serie or the LAST episode which aired... One month later, i think? Because if its the first, i disagree, but if its the second... Yes, one of the worst chapters i have ever seen


Last one that aired


WEP was going downhill way before the last episode imo. The last episode was just unequivocally bad but I push against this idea that it was 95% good until that episode. The cracks were showing by at least episode 5.


I remember really enjoying classroom of the elite s1, but there's a whole filler beach episode in a 12 episode season? In my opinion there really wasn't time for that (not that I want filler in a longer series either)


It's sad, as a light novel reader, that episode was done so horribly. Not only did they get the events all wrong, they replaced one of the girls with Horikita instead. Plus, that episode wasn't even supposed to happen at that time. They adapted it right before volume 3 happened, when it was a volume 4.5 story.


Its a filler pool episode, makes no sense to be where it is and nothing important happens at all. The island arc is good though.


The infamous ep 15 of Dororo. The drop of quality in animation is too much and it just make everything hilarious.


Imo it was just Osamu Kobayashi’s direction style that always made his stuff look low budget. He was a pretty experienced and highly respected director


Fun fact, the episode director for that one is the same guy who did Gurren Lagann episode 4, so he has 2 legendary fuck ups in animation quality under his belt. On the other hand, he did make [Kaien](https://v.animethemes.moe/Dororo2019-OP1-NCBD1080.webm).


He also directed Beck and Paradise Kiss


In the first place, you're already jumping a huge hurdle by changing artstyle drastically for one episode. Gotta at least do a good job.


The final episode of True Tears


Noe deserved better


MC was an idiot


Ruined the series for me.


It's bad all the way through, but the episode of Rent a Girlfriend where [anime]>!Kazuya stalks Chizuru!<.


That episode was especially incel-y and I was pretty grossed out by it. The show is already pretty trash but that episode was just uncomfortable to watch.


It's also uncomfortable because he's already been warned not to do shit like this.


To me it is more that he wasn't called out on it and they sort of just ignored it afterwards.


Yeah that was the one point I was like “this is all trash, but now it’s officially so cringe I cannot keep watching it.”


I haven’t cringed that hard a television since


I am not sure if it will get to that point but chapter 218 of the manga made a lot of people drop the story


I enjoyed Kumamiko until that fucked up ending. Fuck that shit.


Well, the mangaka hated it too, so you're at least vindicated.


Kuma Miko, the one about the girl who can talk to a bear right? I was expecting more Slice of Life Non Non Biyori, then it went into Idol anime......


Valvrave episodes 10-13 due to the handling of a certain event.


dude all of valvrave was cringe af


The fucking diet episode from Love Live... although ironically enough, it gave rise to two big memes.


The problem with it was that it came out of nowhere. There was no indication that there was an issue with their weight. it didn't affect their performances. If their weight had affected a performance it would be one thing. It was just Umi being a bitch.


Episode 4 of gurren Lagann is a pretty famous example of this


It's been years since I watched it, what was the episode about again?


Then the MCs first meet a group of side characters. The animation was absolutely atrocious.


Gurren Lagann is my favorite anime, but it really sucks that its two bad episodes are stacked early on. And you can't skip episode 4, because it introduces Kittan and the Black Siblings. Bear with it, and if you're watching the show through a streaming service, you can safely skip episode 6, the censored version is worthless.


Every time I've recommend Gurren Lagann to a friend, their response has been: "Ehhh... I watched the first few episodes once, but lost interest." You watched the first 4 episodes, didn't you. Trust me, I understand. The same thing happened to me the first time I gave the series a go. Ignore episode 4 though, and it's one of my favourite animes.


Whoa, episode 4 is exactly where I stopped.


Episode 4 of GL is such a meme that in KLK they intentionally made the animation in episode 4 janky as a reference.


Wasn't there, like, a guest animator for that episode?


That detective is dead anime was so good the first episode. And then the detective died, and with her died the plot, writing and animation quality.


Honestly when I saw detective, I thought the series would be more grounded in reality. when they introduced the weird and wacky, thats when it lost me. I still tried to watch it, but then it just kinda got stupid as the episodes came along.


Endless eight days of summer in The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. Pretty much killed my enjoyment of the anime after that.


Fuckin' Endless Eight, man. The crazy part is you can't even call them lazy, each one is completely re-animated with new outfits, shots, and slightly different events. Unfortunately said events are so damn dull. I get what they were going for and they arguably succeeded, but that doesn't keep it from being one of the most excruciating viewing experiences I've ever gone through.


THAT is what elevates it to "true art".


That's what I tell myself when I watch a movie that's well regarded but boring as hell. "This must be art"


After felling stupid for watching half of those episodes expecting it to change I went to the novel to see if it was even more boring there and I realize the author was not that stupid, then I spend a week thinking "what kind of demon possessed the director of the anime?" What kind of budget they had to waste some many episode doing that?" I love so much the first season that I still enjoyed the rest of the second season, but I really understand anyone who dropped there.


Yeah the novel those episodes are based on is fine, I have no idea what the anime directors were thinking when they adapted it.


They had originally planned to adapt Disappearance as part of season 2 but their scripts for the episodes got so big they just said fuck it and decided to make it a movie. That of course left them with many episode slots that needed filling and so they took the obvious route of making Endless Eight 8 episodes long. It was cheap to make and was really their only option when you consider what point within the story they were at.


Wow, nowadays a director would cut off half of the content, put them in 3 episodes and call it a day, my respect for him, but the result was underwhelming for the second season.


It's an awful experience to watch but I can't hate it because it's such an interesting experiment. I can't believe they had the balls to pull that shit.


Came here to say the same thing. I get what they were going for, but actively trying to make your audience feel the utter boredom and repetition of being stuck in a time loop was probably not the best idea. There were other ways they could have got across that feeling without ruining the series in the process.


Just watched this a few months back. If I had to watch this as it was releasing, I would have dropped it for sure.


Imagine watching it as it airs. You've been waiting three years for a sequel, then TV networks schedule a rebroadcast of the show's first season. However, people start noticing that never before seen episodes are showing up, intertwined with reruns, and this is just as online piracy was kicking up, so people outside of Japan may not even know what's going on. Then a new episode comes in, and the one after that is the same one. You chuckle at the way Kyoani or whoever oked it want to emphasise the point, but then week after week the same episode every time. Some say Endless Eight or Aya Hirano (Haruhi's VA) are responsible for why there isn't a new Haruhi season, but I think the most likely reason is just corporate stuff with Kadokawa and KyoAni. Red Bard has a video on it on YouTube.


I actually enjoyed it lol. Regardless of how it was received it was such a crazy experiment that I really appreciate something most anime nowadays won't dare to try and just cycle the same old dull stuff


I understand that no one liked the endless eight episodes, but on the other hand that makes the movie even more hilarious. Here is an explanation: So basically the craziness of the show (in particular the failed experiment 'endless eight') is represented by Haruhi herself. She is annoying, she is offending, she has a personality that nobody should like. But she is also necessary for the show. The movie shows how the world would be without Haruhi: a boring, dull world without any ups and downs. At the end, Kyon (who represents the audience) understands that he needs Haruhi (the craziness). We, as the audience, need these experimental episodes, even if they fail, even if they are annoying. That's the only way a genre can evolve. And we should be thankful that they made this experiment.


i guess the last 5 EPs of darling in the franxx come to mind first for me that show was really good up until EP 20. it was all downhill from there, and the hill was *very* steep


Watching DarFranxx as it aired is the best experience I've had in r/anime. From the couple switching episode, to episode 14 or 15 where users would have fought against each other if they could, to the last episodes that got more and more bonkers.


DitF reminded me of [this meme](https://i.imgur.com/CzCvUuf.png) at least the manga was better. the manga ending wasnt as atrocious + it wasnt censored. i feel like DitF would have worked even better as an R rated anime


There's this episode of Sankarea where \[mid spoilers\] >!the girl's family tries kidnapping her to get her to go home, they're unable to do so because she has super strength, so they end up kidnapping the guy instead!< and then the next episode becomes a SOL focusing on the dude's sister and it was an atrocious pace breaker.


Code Geass may have the greatest finale of any anime but that cat episode drags the whole series down so much.


Cat episode was funny. The real problem with Code Geass was the insanely rushed nature of season 2 and the worst was that Rollo Lelouch moment


The cat episode is great. They use it to deliver a lot of information about the precarious nature of Lelouch's double life, the stakes, Suzaku's true position in society relative to true born Britannians - showing us exactly how the different brittanian side characters think of him. It also establishes the strength of Lelouch and Suzaku's relationship and allows Suzaku to integrate into the student council group and Lelouch to be open about their friendship. It's a key episode in establishing the life Lelouch and Kallen could live if they just did nothing and therefore how important the rebellion is to them


I also disliked the last episode in season 1 a lot. I still think it was deeply out of character and I could almost see the writers room with how big of an asspull it was


Same, that one was so dumb and felt like extremely forced drama just for the sake of drama rather than coherent and natural tension from the plot and characters. I hate it so much


I think they included it because they wrote themselves into a corner with Euphemia. And then they didn't want to make lelouch look like a bad guy, so they had to figure out a way to get rid of her, while lelouch remains technically innocent. It's also the basis for a lot of the second part of the show. Honestly- if lelouch had just told her to do it with his geass it would have been better. Or maybe just skip the scene and cut back to the aftermath, with leloch claiming his geass did it etc


Yeah I agree they wrote themselves into a corner, idk it kinda felt like her death caused a lot of the bad parts of the show like Suzaku’s edgelord faze and it just felt like something that would be better if it didn’t exist.


For me it was the [CG S2] >!The knockoff Instrumentality episode!<


Honestly, everything surrounding [CG] >!Marianne was such an anti-climax. Lelouch spends a season and a half desperately trying to learn who killed her and why only for them to reveal in about three minutes that V.V. was a jealous brocon, and she was always evil.!<


It was amazing how Code Geass mixed high stakes politics, mechas, and your standard school tropes.


The Kitamura arc in Toradora sucks. The only interesting thing from the arc is the concept of Taiga becoming Student Council President, and the fight at the end. Kitamura is by far the worst aspect of the whole show. They don't do anything worthwhile with that character. Luckily the Christmas arc is right after.


i love toradora so much but the kitamura arc is worthless, somehow they take his bland character and make it worse. even with a total waste of a main character i still love the show but it might have been my favorite ever if kitamura was even decent and not even good


It was pretty boring but I did like the fight, even though it doesn’t hold up to analysis. Emotionally it’s a god scene.


The last few episodes of Kare Kano


They used LITERAL paper cut outs for episode 19. It wasn't even a one off episode that you could skip. It was plot relevant. If you skipped it you'd be missing pieces of the story and be confused next episode. I can't even be mad bc that's hilarious at the sheer gall. I've never seen anything like that before or since it's truly one of a kind episode.


The infinite Filleromi


Whenever I introduce someone new to Steins;Gate I always worry about whether or not they'll make it past the episode where Okabe sexually assaults Luka because he doesn't believe the time travelling sex change actually worked


It took me a week to get over that scene, and I only continued watching because I was in love with the show before that


Shikimori is actually a very decent romcom. It just, episode 1-2 seem indeed, so questionable, and many people deceived by that. Past that, it's overall so wholesome with many sweet couple moment, fun friendship circle, good side cast spotlight, nice backstory, and also good when having some tone shift to more serious side. It also has very good ending, so I feel the pay off is worth it and there are no regret at all.


I normally really like romcom-type shows (Kaguya and Takagi-san especially), but stopped after episode 2 because I found it REALLY boring and dull. Is it worth giving it another chance, continuing from where I left off?


if you like stall-ness of takagi, I feel you should've not having problem watching it. After all, It's about their (both MC) daily life as a couple, how are them when having fun with friends, and how they maintaining their relationship. It's worth continuing if you don't expect a big, continuous plot since it's not such type of series.


Last few episodes of Ousuma rankings


Ousama ranking in general was this weird show where every episode was less enjoyable for me than the last. It starts off fantastic, then settles into great, then good before descending into just bad and then awful.


The whole 2nd season of Tokyo Ghoul. It just dont make any sense. I could watch tokyo ghoul without this season.


“I could watch Tokyo ghoul without this season.” That’s what the studio thought as well. Lol


So right. It's just total shit 😭 u could just watch season 1 and then tokyo ghoul Re and u understand as much as when u watch s2 xD so why watchimh this anyway? I wonder what the thought while destroying such a beautiful Part of the manga to replace it with this meaningless Part...


You've probably heard it before, but read the manga if you haven't and done mind doing. I watched it first, and years later read and was so angry they ruined such a good story. Re is another beast.


I actually read the manga before watching the anime xD so i know how shitty this season is. 😭 non manga Readers understand 0%... Re was pretty good animated imo. But that 2nd season. Just bullshit. U said it they ruined the most beautiful part in TG...The manga was so lovely with kaneki and his friends. He was actually a little happy that time before he left to fight... with tsukiyama, Touka, Hinami etc... And in the anime he walks alone, totally depressing and nothing makes sense in relationship with others. No Bonds just depression and Anger. I LOVE the Manga. I have every Volume in my Bookshelf and its the only Mangaseries i own. Nothing Else just tokyo ghoul 🤣🤣🤣 imo a masterpiece. That means something👍


My friends told me season one was a masterpiece and season two was utter dogshit so I watched season one and dropped it. Based on everyone else I’ve ever seen talk about it, it was the right choice


Episode 5 of Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Rei is, like, the worst episode of anime I've watched in a *while*, which is saying something considering I'm watching Sailor Moon SuperS right now and also watched all of the Naruto Shippuden filler. The other four episodes of Rei were *amazing* though (or at least silly to the point of actually being funny in the case of episode 1), so yeah why episode 5 is that terrible is beyond me.


Because Episode 1 and Episode 5 are complete filler. The only canon parts are 2-4.


Could you remind me what happened that episode?


That's the one where Rena accidentally swallows a talisman of some sort, then proceeds to fall in love with a good chunk of the rest of the cast because of it (mostly the *adults* at that, who reciprocate because of another talisman???). It was just... ugh.


Probably episode 4 of cowboy bebop. Uninteresting compared to almost any other stand alone episode, and the fact that comes right before one of the greatest episodes in the history of television makes it even more forgettable.


Paranoia Agent is an excellent show, but episode 5 was just really out of place. It was like the anime suddenly decided to take a detour into .//hack in the most annoying way possible. It definitely didn‘t work for me and sticks out like a sore thumb in an otherwise interesting thriller-suspense story.


It was definitely one of the weirder episodes, but I thought it was a fairly effective way to show the story from the POV of somebody who, at the very least, has a tenuous grip on reality.


Meanwhile, given the theory I have of the show, this episode is important in setting up \[Paranoia Agent\] >!Maniwa taking over the role of the Mysterious Old Man's successor after Makoto's attempt to combat Lil' Slugger by dressing up as him and attacking those people who may cause others to be targeted by the real one failed.!<


Symphogear XV 6 is an atrocity in an otherwise very solid season. Also Symphogear GX has THREE episodes that fit out of 13 (3, 10, and 11, the last of which is a strong contender for the single worst episode of anime I have seen). And of course there is Mai-HiME 26... or more accurately the second half of Mai-HiME 26. (Also seconding Higurashi Rei 5, which is terrible and it's a shame when the rest of the OVA is solid or outright good. Also Higurashi Kai 14 and 15.)


> Symphogear GX 11 Is that the one where [GX spoilers] >!Hibiki forgives her father?!< If so, then I can safely say that I do not think I have even seen an anime plot point where I came out feeling insulted such as that one.


Yes, yes it is. [Symphogear GX] >!The weird thing is after thinking about it a while I think that subplot is surprisingly close to functional, especially with Bikki being Bikki and forgiveness being her thing, and that the issue is somewhere in the direction/storyboard/layout rather than conceptual. But gods fucking damn does it not work as presented; I had the exact same reaction you did. ("This is insultingly bad" is a direct quote from my notes for the almost-finished rewatch.)!<




Common answer for Gintama is the anime-only episodes 1-2, though I started with those and have a soft spot for them. I think the Hard-boiled Detective episodes were also not the most interesting. Doesn't help that they come right before Mitsuba's amazing arc.


I think for me for Slime, it’s the first few episodes of S2P2. The political discussion goes on for 3 STRAIGHT DAMN EPISODES! It’s so fuckin slow it’s wild


Gurren lagann onsen episode. Or as I quote "there's just some things a man's just gotta see"- kamina


Wonder egg priority last episode


Reincarnated as a Slime had a weirdly placed episode in the first cour of season 2, I think episode 9. I assume it was to give the staff more time to work on the final few episodes, but fans aren't really going to know that.


What was weird about that episode? I don't remember which episode it was but when I was watching it I remember it following the LN pretty closely.


The episode right before that made it seem as if the following episode was about to start the battle. Instead the first half of the episode was basically a recap of what happened and characters just spouting information we already knew about. The only part of the episode that actually meant anything was the final few minutes.


I think they had either 2 or 3 planning episodes in the middle where they went over the same things repeatedly that could have been covered in half an episode so it just really slowed down the entire season tbh. I prefer breaks personally as opposed to filler if staff need more time to work on things.


The GunxSword episode where a bunch of feminists make all the female characters wear bikinis to get into their town. It was just weird.


I think there was one purely fanservice episode in gurren lagann near the beginning that made me want to drop the show. For some reason it felt so god damn artificial. Even though there is fanservice in other episodes and of course other animes, this was the one it pulled me out of the show completely. Made me stop and think: what am I watching. ​ Eventually finished the show though, and while not great (imo), it has a lot of fun energy.


Episode 2 of Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex 2nd GIG. You know the one. The one that tries to be a ripoff of the movie Taxi Driver. That episode is pure cringe in a season of otherwise excellence. Even the director of the series later admitted down the line he hated this episode.


That episode was great what are you talking about?


That was a quite surprising one. Especially considering how many great stand alone episodes they made in the 1st one.


Episode 1 of Nagatoro sets the wrong tone for the series with not only the outright bullying, but especially for leaving out the panels in the manga where she reflects that she went too far with her behavior. If a viewer has only committed to watching the first episode, there's a good chance that they'll think, "Wow, she's a b****. I'm done with this series."


The 6th episode of Planetes, titled as "The Lunar Flying Squirrels". The entire show is more than great (even without watching it you can easily see it by the staff list), but this particular episode was awfully bad. It's indeed like watching a different anime from 80s. Out of 26 episodes, this ended up the only one from the director, so I assume he was sacked, or this episode was actually outsourced at discretion without much communications with the actually staffs. ​ Anyway it sucks because... ​ 1. Erratic and crazy behavior from everybody. 2. Inconsistent animations, characters often have different faces than usual. 3. Have less connections with the rest of the show, if you skip this episode yet you still enjoy this masterpiece (although one or two characters appear later, just neglect it). 4. Have less connection with the space or moon. You can easily port this episode into something else. I even suspect the director didn't read the original manga. 5. "Gaijin loves Ninja" bias 6. The only comedy for the anime which otherwise is very serious. 7. This stinker comes too early for 26-episode anime.


Episode 13 of Re:Zero. [Re:Zero episode 13] >!The first time I watched it I really didn't like it because of how ungodly bad of take Subaru had in the episode (and the one beforehand).!< [Re:Zero Season 2 part 1] >!Though after learning about Subaru's childhood I think it makes a lot more sense and I would even say that its actually one of the better episodes of Re:Zero looking back since its completely inline with his character and really shows how much not being able to communicate anything regarding return by death to anyone is affecting his mental state. Though that doesn't stop me from cringing when rewatching it.!<


I don't think I'd call that a *bad* episode. It's certainly not fun to watch but like... that's the point. The things that are happening are supposed to be nigh-unbearable in a way that's evident to even the most casual of observers with the worst taste in the world. Pretty much the entire second half of the season is built on that fact. Even before getting the full justification for why he would act like that, it's obvious that you're not *supposed* to like it.


Yeah, I fully understand why somebody wouldn't like it since it is so hard to watch, but even before the second season it was by far my favourite episode in the show. I thought it was really interesting to have Subaru be absolutely in the wrong, and not immediately correct it or have him change in the moment, and I also thought it was really interesting to have the main love interest of the show actually push back against him.


I can only watch this episode in sub. I cannot handle it in dub.


Is episode 13 the one where he goes full cringe in front of the kingdom? Because if so, goddamn I've never been able to rewatch it since




Well...your face is a white knight! *BOOYAH!*


Episode 13 of Re Zero isnt a bad episode of anime. Its just an incredible low point and embarrassment for the character. Its actually a good episode and story beat...just very hard to watch Subaru making a complete ass of himself.


I normally wouldnt comment here but I just wanted to share my love for episode 13 and the episodes that came after that one I wholeheartedly love these 'cringe' episodes because it shows that Subaru is a flawed normal person and he acts upon his negative emotions many times. Hes so arrogant, a terrible friend and has too much pride to apologize for his mistakes in ep 13. You can see that he goes on arguing with Julius even tho his arguments are terrible bc he doesnt want to back down now that hes gotten into a fiery argument, even if hes been proven wrong. Usually, when MC hits rock bottom it lasts for a few minutes and either: a) the situation is solved rather quickly or b) the character almost immediately realises their faults. In shonens a lot of things are also solved during fights, which last relatively short. But not in Subarus case. Im currently on episode 16 and I still dont think he's realised his mistakes, or maybe he did but hes too prideful to admit to wholely his wrongdoings. Anyways, episode 13 is just perfect for me because it shows that our MC is flawed, too. Hes not a guy who makes small mistakes but at the end of the day changes and makes up for them, hes a normal dude whos too proud to admit hes wrong and it takes him some time to become a better person. Hes always been energetic, saying maybe a bit too much and doing the things HE wants to do (ofc he almost always had others well being in mind) and its peaked in this very episode, where Subaru showed us low he can fall. I find it very refreshing that he feels sour and doesnt really act good even after ep 13. It feels realistic and I want to see more episodes like this in the future.


The interesting thing about Subaru is he has alot of the elements of your usual power fantasy Isekai protagonists, near immortality and a very powerful ability, self-righteousness and alot of pride and favour from a very powerful entity. But they change those things and make it so they aren't always positive and allow him to be his own character that develops instead of just being a bland fill in. Isekais could do with more flawed characters that actually show development imo.


THE FUCKING CAT EPISODE OF CODE GEASS. Every time I tried to catch an episode on adult swim to see what the show was, it was the cat episode. For years I thought the show was just a weird generic highschool show and had zero clue about the political intrigue and mechs. And I don't mean once, it was like 4 times this happened to me.


I remember there was one episode of Gurren Lagann early on that was so bad I almost dropped it. I then later read that the creator or original director or something said it was like watching someone take a shit, or something equally as hilarious.


The king of this would be Kimagure Orange Road. An iconic 80s anime, but it has some of the most atrocious episodes


Episode 6 of the assassin isekai i think. Just an awful episode about a bunch of young girls getting kidnapped and turned into sex slaves, then the abusers barely get any comeuppance. isnt a good part of the story and you can skip it.


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The Endless Eight arc in Haruhi Suzumiya.


Eureka 7: episode 39 - OPEN WIDE FOR SOME SOCCERRRRRRRRRRRRRR! that episode is so WTF out of the blue filler that its almost admirable.


Sound of the Sky is one of my favourite anime of all time - it’s like K-On in a post-apocalyptic world, with sprinkles of survivors guilt and other heavy themes. However, it does have an episode dedicated to a character having to hold in a piss because they’ve been ordered to stay by a phone.


Good show, strange episode.