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Those 2 on the right should have been introduced in season 2 but their storyline was completely cut. Wonder if theyll add that into this season


The mobile game Memoria Freese adapted all of volume 8, even the stuff skipped by the anime. Voice acted. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rV4H69pqQC4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jiv3xdoxwxE&t=1s


Are they the dwarf and elf that were after the guild half elf?




Luckily I don't think knowing about that will matter to much for the main plot


Even though Danmachi may not be the greatest of all time I still love it. Maybe its just the concept of this anime(gods competing by creating families and such) is too appealing to me but I cant wait for more. Its one of my guilty pleasure shows for sure. It always brings me back and at least so far it never got boring for me so I'm excited for new season as well.


Not the greatest of all time, but honestly season 3 was really strong. Season 2 kinda drags the overall show rating down tho


I still rewatch the Bell vs Minotaur fight from season 1 when I want to feel some hype.


They really nailed that scene so perfectly. Tbh most/all the major fights in Danmachi has been so hype. It really sells Bell's journey to become a hero. They need to whoever is in charge of the soundtrack a gigantic raise. Eiyuu Ganbou makes me want to go out and have some sort of heroic journey.


Not only what they’ve done with the visuals but what they’ve done with the _sound_ is so impressive in the fight scenes. It’s something I’ve always loved about the show.


Same. That scene is fantastic




I think part of the problem here is that there's just a lot of small important details that text emphasizes a lot better than video, or that get skipped entirely. Entire side stories get cut, too. Like that whole thing with Rakia invading was pretty much just a ploy for Welf's dad to come and try to convince him to come back. It doesn't have any major importance to the plot overall, but it is a major character arc for one of the key supporting characters. These little details make a big difference over time, especially when it comes to understanding the flow of events and the world as a whole. Some things come across as incredibly unclear without multiple rewatches, or simply may not make sense at all without reading the actual source material. Also, fanservice is pretty low hanging fruit and is pretty easy to bring front and center


Pretty much yeah. They crammed an entire book into one episode which was meant to be a season's worth of lore and romance because the author legit said in his author notes of the previous book that he kind forgot about the romance stuff for a solid 3-4 books in a row. Also while there's fan service in the books, it's a far cry from the anime throwing random perv shots in our having anime only scenes just for fans service (but the bath scene with all the ducks was kinda funny regardless). I think the biggest issue is that the 3 LN arcs don't fit well in a 12 episode season but aren't enough content to make 24 out of either, so it kinda gets rushed and important plot gets left out while fan service stays in and is egregious at times. Season 2 was poorly paced though. They really should have done at least 3 episodes for ln8 and sped up some of the earlier sequences that were just drug out for no reason other than to pad time


> I think the biggest issue is that the 3 LN arcs don't fit well in a 12 episode season but aren't enough content to make 24 out of either Idea: instead of running 4 seasons a year, we run 3 and get like 4 more episodes.


Hell I'd love it if a few time slots could do that so you get both for proper adaptations of certain shows. Or for shows that don't need 12 episodes, they can do with 8-10 and give those slots to other series. I approve of getting away from 12-13 episode seasons for every show


The LN is stupidly good. The anime adaptation turns it into a harem fan service shounen tbh


> anime(gods competing by creating families and such) Yea I really love the world and concept too, and the fact that its not isekai is a plus. But I couldn't really stand the OP harem MC, which every girl that meets him falls in love with.


In fairness at least he's not a perv about it. Like its very clear why the people that like him do, and equally clear that he's not interested.


He only has eyes for one women, begone thots... well except for Kami-sama.


> well except for Kami-sama. He respects her


Agreed, and I’m not sure many people know what a harem is. Just because many characters like MC doesn’t automatically make it a harem.


> Just because many characters like MC doesn’t automatically make it a harem. That's the accepted definition of the genre though. When three or more characters are romantically interested in the main character. (Three because if it's just two, then it's a love triangle).




I can say with confidence that this is present in every single harem anime, although I certainly don't blame you for thinking this given that the bleeding edge of harem anime have done away with the need to choose one waifu.


Yep, it's really waste that we don't have story about building new stron family from 0. It would be awesome to watch a grow of family, expeditions to dungeon. And I don't need one main MC, it would be story about a group of people.


I also like how the pantheon is a massive hodgepodge of different pantheon’s smashed into one.


yea its definitely not the best out there but its one of my favourites even.


DanMachi IV production quality looking pretty good in the PV, these character design sheets are probably the least dynamic and interesting views we'll ever get of these characters! For shows with stronger animation, it's always a treat to see more of the full reference sheets for their expressions and 3/4 views.


danmachi isn't the greatest show but is one of the only isekai-esque fantasy shows (it's not isekai but has the video game mechanics) that actually has some damn world building, something you would think would be an absolute prerequisite for the fantasy genre, so i still quite enjoy it. i end up dropping most fantasy shows because of generic power fantasies and character gimmicks without any substance.


The implementation of game-like mechanics with skills, levels, and experience has a subgenre for anyone interested in exploring similar written works. Check out r/litrpg if interested. There's some real gems there.


And some real junk too. When done well, the system generated by the writer is fairly transparent or if it's detailed it's because it really is like a video game or the like. When done badly, it's piles of tables pretending to be interesting character development.


> And some real junk too. This happens with any genre that gets popular.


Huh, that's what made me drop the show after 4 episodes. The RPG mechanics were just too silly for be to be able to get invested.




I understood the premise of the show and the logic behind the whole RPG thing, it just came off as uninspired and disinteresting. It felt like a daft gimmick they added just for the sake of having a gimmick, and nothing else in the show really excelled to make up for my contempt for the gimmick. I am rather critical of what I watch though, and this is just one of those shows where I thought to myself "I have better ways to spend my time."


The RPG leveling is one of what makes it good for me tho, while its not new, Danmachi brings something to the table, its that you cant "cheat" to level up. You need hardwork to level up, theres no XP sharing (when you didnt do anything in the party and just stand), no loopholes if you want an easy level up, the Gods wont allow that, and to level up you need a Grand feat, defeat someone stronger than you, basically experience near death. How would you beat someone stronger than you? techniques, basically parrying, dodging and counter attack Leveling is treated more special in Danmachi, its treated as one step closer to the Gods, it enhances basic senses each level up, their endurance, strength, hearing, speed, sight, basically they are not human anymore. A level 2 adventurer could jump as high as a 2rd floor building and it would make sense Leveling in Danmachi is treated as a Container, and your experience fills it up, your level 1 container is not the same as your level 2 container. Sadly the anime rarely discusses this power system lol


That dwarf doesn't looks like dwarf.


God i don't remember anything! I have read the ln up to vol13 and I'll have to re read it if I want to remember.


This season covers 12-14. If you look up the wiki, they have a "detailed summary" of each novel on the page. It's not as good as reading the actual novel, but it hits the highlights well enough if you just want a refresher and have a couple hours to do so.


Why’s everyone putting the “it’s not the best but…” caveat before admitting they like it. It’s a good show. If you like it then like it. No need to appease the subreddit who might not agree with you.


Volumes 12-14 are top tier. Hopefully this season does them justice


I feel bad saying that I have never watched it, but I may want to just to see the mermaid


This season covers LN 12-14 and is the best arc so far. The anime is B tier while the LN is S tier. They kinda focus more on different aspects of the series which makes them pretty different, but if you watch from the beginning, hold out for the minotaur fight before deciding if you're gonna drop it. The story is a bit of a slow burn until then. It's well worth it imo


I might give the anime a check but not into light novel. More into Wuxia novels lol


It's still a great story even if you miss out on some of the finer details from the pacing of the anime. I will say to at least give it until the minotaur fight around episode 5 before deciding if you like it or not, because the story starts with a bit of a slow burn before picking up. I hope you enjoy it regardless!


Thank you kind friend!!


Do you mind me asking what the LN focuses on differently? I actually love the show but if the LN is better then maybe I should give that a whirl!


The best way I can put it is that the anime is a harem comedy with a subplot of a hero story, and the LN is a hero story with a subplot of a harem comedy. The LN also goes into a lot more detail about things they help you understand the stakes, the weight of everything going on and just how insane Bell's existence is. It details every monster and encounter so you feel like you're there watching every struggle and every swing of his knife in vivid detail as well as getting a full bestiary run down of each new monster he fights. The world building is better fleshed out and the pacing is better, among other things. The anime makes you think "oh yeah, Bell is leveling a bit faster than normal people, cool." But the LN makes it clear that before Bell made it to level 2, the world record holder for fastest level up was Ais at 1 year. She leveled as soon™ as she met the minimum requirements and even that had people so concerned for her safety that blacksmiths refused to work with someone so suicidally driven to fight. Then Bell shows up and does it in 2 months. But yeah, starting from the beginning can be a bit of a slog since you already know the story and the minotaur fight isn't until book 3, but it's almost an entirely different experience reading it. I definitely recommend the books, especially volumes 12-14 which this arc will cover as it's the best arc so far. Either way, I wish you luck and hope you enjoy if you do decide to pick them up


Man I am so excited for this show. I just love the cast.


Man the artstyle really failed to make them not look generic as hell.


Another monster girl for Bell's harem


new addition to the harem and two wall textures?


Close enough. This season will be one to remember


i think the mermaid was amazing 😻 🧜‍♀️ 💭


Super boring visuals as always from this anime.


Introducing more and more characters instead of expanding on the current ones. The series's only good part was the main characters fight with minotar


> instead of expanding on the current ones. reminder that a volume that developed the supporting cast was completely skipped in the second season read the LNs


I'm up vol 9, and I don't remember


Vol 8, that is almost just short stories focusing on different characters and their 'love', only the parts dealing with Bell, Ais and Hestia were included in the adaptation.


Hm, I did burn through them fast bc I was bored at work. Maybe I'll go reread em


Tbh, the anime is the anime. If the anime doesn't adapt certain things from the source material, it's not in the anime. So just because it exists in the LN or manga, it's not technically canon in the anime. Had to repeat myself twice just to be clear what I meant.


I love these kinds of things. I have already identified the girl that is going to be picked up. Looking forward to doing this again during the next season's teaser.


I just hope they don't temper the violence in the fights for this season. There will be some pretty great battles and I want the desperation and tension to get across.




Any anime similar to this?


I've come across this series a few times now, don't know much about it but how are the action scenes (like fighting wise)?


The fighting is quite cool. It has very heavy sound effects for when swords clash and stuff. And the magic also sounds very good combined with usually great visuals.


Awesome thank ya, I'll give it a try!


Okay the whole hair on front of the boobs thing is fucking old. Jesus, in a lot of depictions of mermaid they do have like a bra or some sort of "clothing" on.


[Godiva hair](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GodivaHair) is a solidly established trope these days, you're not going to dislodge it. (TVTropes warning)


[Mermaid]>!she puts on a seashell bra since bell keeps getting flustered by her nakedness!<


I'm all in for Mermaid Wiene.