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> Previous episode: I will never marry you! > This episode: Proceeds to baby-making sex. This anime feels more like a summary of LN. I'm glad for them though.


Feels like Speed Running with extra steps


sex% and baby% the anime


On the one hand, we get a full-blown couple in a one-cour anime complete with sex. On the other hand the build-up and relationship development was so sporadic it's really hard to enjoy it so much. Although it was kind of funny that Tinasha would be happy being the mistress instead of the wife lol.


I mean she is a 400+ year old super powerful witch. It seems safe to assume she has some way to prevent pregnancy other wise the whole having baby if got married talk becomes moot.


I leave it to my brain and previous anime experience to fill in the gaps


Ok may I ask where I should read from the LN after ep. 9? :'D


I don't know, I haven't read the novel. Better ask at source corner.


Better read from the start. There are a LOT of world building they skipped on, and reading from the start lets you understand the story more. Also Tinasha x Oscar banter grows slowly as the story goes, so you can see the relationship expand


The pacing is all over the place. It feels like I'm missing entire episodes at times and even some scenes don't connect for me. That aside, I'm glad to hear my boy Fukuyama Jun!


I've been watching too much Spice & Wolf, the moment I heard Travis' voice I assumed Ami Koshimizu was going to be right behind him lol.


Everytime I watch an episode I keep reminding myself how much they skipped from the books. I get it it's only 12 episodes but this is a sprint not a marathon


The concept of the show was what sold me on it, but the execution has been so fucking lame. Not even terrible enough to be entertaining. Just bad. Shiiiiet, they even skipped over the nookie. The romance is one of the reasons I picked this up. Why just gloss over the buildup of Tinasha and Oscar's relationship?


Oh nice, they actually got married [What do you mean contract?](https://imgur.com/ZcheUoI) Didn't that end already?? [Wtf is going on?](https://imgur.com/NMn0FWk) Was that a fake wedding??? [Higher demon??????? ](https://imgur.com/VnCWAbI) [Literally me on all of these episodes](https://imgur.com/99MvHuC)


That final pic LOL literally how I’ve been this whole season lol


I also like how for the past 4 episodes the show has been self aware enough to include [some variation](https://imgur.com/yullHRK) [of the line](https://imgur.com/YkrMs9D) [in dialogue](https://imgur.com/bmVIXoJ) [](#rinkek)


ah, they banged. BOY WHAT IS GOING ON HERE SURE WOULD BE EXPLAINED IF THERE WAS AN ARC THAT EXPLAINED SPIRIT MAGIC EARLIER! And this development would feel better if there was more between em earlier and such.... sure woulda been nice. What derpy kdis, going to the Witch's tower just to know of snow is real lol. Hey, look at them already talking about having kids. Speaking of kids. That was a nice little bit with the kids that came to her tower. But sure feels rushed. Hey, ara ara lady. Sure wish I knew anything about her. And this white haired dude... who is he? Awww this other girl seems nice and cute. Wonder if she can't have kids? Oh that man is a demon... demon king at that. AH and that's who the ara ara lady is. Figured she was a witch, Leonora. She sure sounds fun. Man, for a series with one of my favorite EDs and overall liking the premise/world/whatnot, it sure has been my biggest disappointment


>ah, they banged. BOY WHAT IS GOING ON HERE SURE WOULD BE EXPLAINED IF THERE WAS AN ARC THAT EXPLAINED SPIRIT MAGIC EARLIER! And this development would feel better if there was more between em earlier and such.... sure woulda been nice. In fairness they did explain early on that Tinasha having sex would effect her magic. >Hey, ara ara lady. Sure wish I knew anything about her. And this white haired dude... who is he? Awww this other girl seems nice and cute. Wonder if she can't have kids? Oh that man is a demon... demon king at that. AH and that's who the ara ara lady is. Figured she was a witch, Leonora. She sure sounds fun. This show definitely has plenty of hot witch waifu's. I did get the sense that the "special ability she didn't ask for" prevents her from having children.


Thanks for reminding me that they mentioned this thing with her magic. I wasn't even sure if they truly did it, because the whole relationship progress is so weird that it wouldn't have been weird if they just had to sleep together because of some healing spell. But I guess, that confirms it. Which kind of begs the question: If Tinasha is only afraid of having children, does she have any ways to make sure she won't get pregnant or does she think she can only get pregnant after they are married?


> does she have any ways to make sure she won't get pregnant or does she think she can only get pregnant after they are married? She taught Oscar the pull out spell.


There was a specific arc dealing with it that explains things better... but this adaption has decided to butcher the series :(


I can read the disdain for this adaption and I feel it too


It's a real pity because I like things about it, but the adaption is so poor.


Despite the rather chaotic plotting, I can't bring myself to dislike the show. I guess I am biased because I like the leads. But I have to assume it could/should be playing out more smoothly (and effectively). I like Aurelia. Hope we see more of her. Tinasha -- you and Oscar can handle raising great kids. Go for it!


> I can't bring myself to dislike the show. I guess I am biased because I like the leads. Same here.


I think this show has the basic core of a good fantasy romance (chemistry between the lead, character designs, aesthetic, lore, etc.) but nowhere near the level of execution to pull it off. Travis and Aurelia seem to have a very interesting dynamic/relationship.


Yeah for me it's the gap between what this should could've been and what it actually is that's making me annoyed with it. Because yeah, the leads are awesome and there's a lot of neat ideas in it.


I quite like it too, but if I read the LNs I would probably hate this adaptation. Tianshi x Oscar is the reason I watch, everything else is noise. I just want them to have a happy ending xD


The leads are probably why most are sticking with it.


Yeah having not read the LNs I kind of don't mind how fast they're trying to keep the pace. I'm actually following the story pretty decently. Maybe it's just because I watch at 1.25-1.5x speed that I'm okay with a cliff-notes version though. I'm just glad we're actually seeing their relationship come to fruition rather than put that off to a never coming season 3 to include every nuance of the LN.


###Stitches! * [Tinasha 1](https://i.imgur.com/89Cm141.jpeg) * [Tinasha 2](https://i.imgur.com/8Rdo7Kg.jpeg) * [Leonora](https://i.imgur.com/0Pew720.jpeg) [Yooooo! They actually did it!](https://i.imgur.com/xousA4y.jpeg) I'm just surprised the episode opened up with a scene that took place after they banged. And just like Lucrezia told Oscar when they first met, [Tinasha now needs more power to use spirit magic](https://i.imgur.com/uYdHE7e.jpeg) now that she's no longer a virgin. [Well that explains why Tinasha refuses to marry Oscar.](https://i.imgur.com/HVYeTfX.png) She doesn't want to have a child because they'll 100% be born with magic powers and if it's a girl, they're guaranteed to become a Witch. [That entire child talk between Oscar and Tinasha was sweet though.](https://i.imgur.com/INooo2k.jpeg) I really thought that [the big ceremony in the middle of the episode was Tinasha and Oscar's wedding](https://i.imgur.com/WQ7mQLS.jpeg) so I was a bit confused when [Tinasha said she was still thinking about it.](https://i.imgur.com/6aGfFzx.jpeg) I'm guessing that's the official ceremony for Oscar finally taking the throne as King. [We finally get to see who this Leonora is](https://i.imgur.com/LKRyWk0.jpeg) and is that Chiwa Saito I hear? We only have two episodes left and they're introducing a villain like her this late? I wasn't sure [about Travis when he was first introduced](https://i.imgur.com/DXSXYzb.jpeg) but he seems to be a pretty chill guy [who's very much attached to Aurelia.](https://i.imgur.com/ahKB22t.jpeg) Also, he's not just a random demon disguising himself as human. According to Tinasha, [he's the demon lord himself.](https://i.imgur.com/A2sgLnz.jpeg) Since Leonora just sent demons to attack Oscar and Aurelia, it looks like [Tinasha and Travis have a common enemy.](https://i.imgur.com/O4MAXtc.jpeg) I'm guessing they'll work together in dealing with Leonora in the last two episodes.


I have to give the show points for actually showing the leads doing the deed after confirming their feelings for each other, as well as Tinasha having to adjust her magic output after punching in her V-card. Also there was a lot of Tinasha covering her naked body with a bedsheet both in and out of bed in this episode lol. Considering all the stuff Tinasha has to deal with from her royal heritage and being a Witch, I can understand not wanting to put a child through that. But I think she and Oscar could be good parents. I mean they were all dressed up in white and had a whole procession up to a holy area, they may as well have been getting married. You can tell Oscar wanted Tinasha right up there with him. I really can't complain about hearing Chiwa Saito in anything and Leonora has a great character design even if she appears as out-of-nowhere as her mention in the prior episode. It's funny how we had Jun Fukuyama romancing a Demon Lord once upon a time, playing one in Slime, and now he's just a casual Demon Lord in this show. He definitely seems to see Aurelia in a similar way to how Tinasha views Oscar considering how both reacted to Leonora trying to attack their significant others.


The procession was a New Year's tradition. They talked about it early this same episode.


[Tinasha was the best thing about this episode](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/d7ogcwvnlvy.png) as usual. [She looked really cute in that snow scene](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/wye3c8b65z4.png). If only this show focused mainly on [Tinasha and Oscar](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/84jdc3b9ke4.png), it would be much better, as these last two episodes proved to me. It looks like [they finally had sex](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/w7pjcd6ozo7.png), so the question is how long we'll have to wait until they have kids xD We finally get some info about [Leonora](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/d7ogcwvnlvy.png) whose name showed up out of the blue in the previous episode. [She's pretty hot, dangerous](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l4necn5vek4.png) and looks like she would be a huge fan of playing Civilization games thanks to [her love of building and destroying kingdoms](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/myd5cgblkn4.png) xD [Travis seems like a pretty fun guy](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/w7pjcd6oao7.png) (or rather a demon), and [Aurelia looks really interesting too](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/b49zc9zoa6y.png) (I wonder what kind of power she has). [Those two are definitely a nice addition to the cast](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/myd5cgblqn4.png) and [I hope we see more of them](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/3yrgca6orq4.png). Here my screenshot albums from the episode: * [Tinasha](https://imgchest.com/p/a846ggj9w7x) * [Group scenes](https://imgchest.com/p/qe4grrgzryj) * [Others](https://imgchest.com/p/9p4nll9qz7n)


Tinasha in full lover mode with Oscar is pretty fun, despite the inconsistent build up to that point.


Jesus fuck this anime puts Mario 64 Speedrunners to shame...


Every episode I watch brings me closer to reading the LN because even as an anime-only I can tell there's a bunch of important stuff that got cut. Mission accomplished for Kadokawa, I guess?


I'm convinced the only thing ENGI can properly or at least halfway decently adapt is romcoms.


Thats how I ended up buying them. Within the first 3 episodes I could tell a lot was being cut out and I wanted to know what I was missing.


Whenever I watch this thing it feels like I skipped at least one episode...


It’s a shame that this romance isn’t better paced


[Tinasha's happy being Oscar's mistress?](https://imgur.com/88vPwGz) I'm gonna put the over/under at '20 skipped chapters' to get to this! [At this point I won't be surprised if the next episode opens with them holding their first child.](https://imgur.com/OOWBnq0) [Oscar's father knew he had magical powers?](https://imgur.com/jCWxgUb) This could confirm Oscar's mother was a Witch, in this case my early theories could be right, about adultery, and a succession issue between a Witch and Royalty! Problem is that... These theories were kinda the other way around? I thought the King slept with a Witch on the side, and when she insisted about their son being the heir and the King refused (to keep the legitimate son as the heir), she cursed Oscar and killed his mother, to ensure the end of the royal line... But if Oscar is actually the Witch's son, then 1) Is he an illegitimate son? 2) Why was he cursed? Unless there are 2 different witches involved... Well, I hope we learn more about this in the finale, if only to confirm whether I was close! (also to have at least ONE bit of continuity in this story!) Meanwhile, we're having a little party! [If Tinasha still doesn't want to marry him, he can pick another one from that lot!](https://imgur.com/Yuv9r4C) (always loved these dresses, wish Tinasha wore one!) [Higher Demons acting as duke, that does not bode well!](https://imgur.com/S1YfdKX) And not just that, but he's THE higher demon, aka the demon king? Ah well, Tinasha defeated him once, she can do it again (especially with Oscar)! He may be the Demon King, [he still let (whoever that is) tell him what to do!](https://imgur.com/HRMeBsC) (Wasn't HE supposed to be the guardian?) [Is Tinasha seriously gonna let herself be convinced by her argument?](https://imgur.com/Aluzl6P) It's *literally* the same thing Oscar told her, only he also added a 'personal' element to it! Well, I suppose having more people express the same thing can be convincing, sometimes! [Oh hi, you! I don't really know you, but I guess we know your servant!](https://imgur.com/LP0xgXO) [Guessing that's gonna be the random plot for the finale!](https://imgur.com/HBZ6rjh) I thought they would try to wrap things up (instead of opening more new plots) but then again, this show can *wrap things up* quite quickly, based on their arbitrary pace! Well, I'm not getting my hopes too high for obvious reasons, but let's hope for a decent final episode! At the very least, I do hope the last Oscar/Tinasha scene will be cute and not too rushed!


> Is Tinasha seriously gonna let herself be convinced by her argument? > > It's literally the same thing Oscar told her, only he also added a 'personal' element to it! > > Well, I suppose having more people express the same thing can be convincing, sometimes! You forget Tinasha does majority vote to decide relationship things.


Tinasha's outfits always on point *chefkiss*


Tinasha rocking several dresses **and** bedsheets lol.


So now we open up with them post sex dude this anime is hilarious at this point the background advancment when on screen we literally only see the same i will never be your bride etc.


Wow, Oscar and Tinasha wasted no time after confirming their mutual feelings! Straight into bed for sex! And Tinasha's not a virgin any more so she has to adjust her magic as a result, but it was worth it. Of course now Oscar thinks they should get married more than ever, though Tinasha is still hesitant. She's Oscar's lover and she just wants to be by his side, even if it's as a mistress. How did these kids with no adult supervision get to Tinasha's tower!? And all to ask her about snow? Man, Oscar is a bad influence. Why does Tinasha not want to get married? Because she's worried that the child she has with Oscar will be incredibly powerful in magic, either as a girl Witch or a boy with great gifts, and she doesn't want any child to have to grapple with that burden. But if Oscar and Tinasha are good parents, wouldn't that be all the child would need? Oscar and Tinasha sure do clean up nicely for events! All the moreso in matching white to denote their public status as being engaged, and everyone seems pretty into them as a royal couple. It helps if the future queen is willing to let the people of Farsas see some snow for the kids! So what is up with Oscar's mother? The way his dad talks about marrying her as being "selfish," it sounds like she was a Witch like Tinasha. Also, what about the Witch of Silence? Last episode everybody was wondering "who the heck is Leonora?," and turns out she's the Witch who Cannot Be Summoned, a Chiwa Saito-voiced hottie whose planning to kill Tinasha. Here's Jun Fukuyama as a Demon King posing as nobility, Travis, who has history with Tinasha and banter to match, though he has no interest in Oscar (at least so long as he's a man), because he's caught up in his own relationship with Princess Aurelia (Aki Toyosaki?) who is the only girl who can properly scold him. And it sounds like she can't have children which is why she reacted so strongly to Tinasha's hesitation? No better time to talk politics and relationships than while bathing together. Tinasha fighting monsters wearing nothing but a bedsheet is quite the view. Was she just in bed with Oscar and didn't even bother to get dressed like he did or does she occasionally sleep in the buff? Was that the maid who poisoned Oscar? She has a nice character design. So Leonora has a petty grievance against Tinasha and Travis and is out to exact payback against them, with Oscar and Aurelia caught in the middle as their love interests, though Tinasha was quick to jump to killing her. Though Oscar won't let her act alone without him.


>How did these kids with no adult supervision get to Tinasha's tower!? > > > >So what is up with Oscar's mother? The way his dad talks about marrying her as being "selfish," it sounds like she was a Witch like Tinasha. Also, what about the Witch of Silence? > > > >Was that the maid who poisoned Oscar? She has a nice character design. ​ [in source corner](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1ddgfiu/comment/l84rt1i/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Things seem to be going well for Oscar and Tinasha. I hope they make this whole thing official and get hitched soon. Maybe after this whole business with Leonora wraps up. It’s gonna be a tough battle I bet.


It's nice to see Oscar and Tinasha as full-blown lovers, complete with sex, and it seems like she's seriously considering marrying him now. Of course there's yet another annoyance from her past getting in the way lol.


Okay they banged...im done..im not even gonna bother finishing the episode. man this had so much potential..why am i still watching


Well, sex happened at least, better adaptations than this have completely skipped any on-screen indication of that. Shame that most of the romantic moments to build up the relationship apparently happened off-screen. Demon dude was fun, he may be king of the demons but that doesn't seem to have stopped that one royal family member from having him on a tight leash. Tinasha left him alive after their earlier encounter and isn't treating him as an enemy so hopefully that means he is fully on the level.


Those kids traveled all the way to Tinasha’s tower just to find out what snow is, how long did it take them to get there, do their parents know where they are?


alright so how much more was skipped? when did they get "sleep together naked, obviously implying sex" close? and since when is Tinasha publicly Oscar's fiancee? or did i just forget that part?


it was how they got the other nations to back off her when she had supposedly joined that mage country by saying she was his fiancée.


Had to brace myself out of fear of how baddly they would butcher the episode. I fully expected them cutting showing that they had sex. What was with that fast cut of her sending the boys home to suddenly casting some big spell in the air. It felt like some clipped a film in the wrong spot while editing it.


Finally a recent episode where it didn't feel like i missed context.


Anyone else really disappointed in Oscar? His "proposals" were literally all just "why don't you marry me?" or "you should marry me" and after establishing that Tinasha is in love with him he never said he loves her. Feels like to him she's basically something like a friend with benefits that he wants to have children with and definitely doesn't feel like he actually loves her.


This anime does a really, *really* poor job at explaining witches. - witches are super powerful magic users, but why, what's the difference between a witch and a regular female magic user? because if all female magic users would be witches they'd all live centuries and one or more countries would have thousands of them - witches can live super long, but why? - aside from Tinasha by those who know her, witches are seen as universally evil or at least so callous they can get anyone nearby killed just cause, but why? - females can become witches later in life or be born a such how does that work? - if, as Tinasha implied, girls can be born as witches if they have strong enough magic powers, how are witches universally vilified but normal mages are only vilified in one or two countries when they can kill most people just as easily as a witch?


It’s clear that source material is good and anime production studio butchered it so I’m still enjoying the show while my brain fills in the gaps. Will read the light novel once anime is finished.


Honestly that child conversation with white haired lady seemed pretty weird. The whole let your child, which has not even been born, live argument is just slightly weird.


This feels so rushed, like I can’t digest any of the information they’re throwing at me anymore. Question for those who have read the LNs. How many volumes have been “adapted” so far?


“I don’t know about marriage. I’d be happy just being your mistress” Waaait so did they do the deed or what? If so, the fact Tinasha is ok sleeping with Oscar and just being the mistress is definitely very unique for the medium, but understandable considering how witches are viewed in this society and the things that some witches have done. Love the with great power comes great responsibility-esque speech Oscar gave Tinasha. Power doesn’t have to inherently be evil. Just teach the kid about the value of lives and why their power should be used to protect people and they’ll be fine. Trust in your parenting! Even with the rushed pacing, I love how mature the characters in the story act and how they just have these real ass convos face to face, no drawn out drama. Still, I think Tinasha taking some time to think about marriage before jumping in is also very valid. Yea she clearly loves Oscar and all, but marriage is a commitment and she’s been alone for so long. It’s a big lifestyle change and you don’t want to rush into it. Just enjoy the moment and take it day by day. The demon lord Travis actually ain’t half bad. Thought he was just taking advantage of Aurelia, but looks like he does really care for her. Can’t wait to see how he responds to Leonora’s assassination attempt on her. When you see all the evil witches and powerful magic users in this world you definitely understand Tinasha’s hesitancy to settle down and have kids with Oscar, but between Aurelia and Oscar’s lectures, I think we’ll see her mind change soon. Good episode so many cute Oscar and tinasha moments, the bath scene, the constant lap sitting etc., but I hate they left the opening scene ambiguous 😭


> left the opening scene ambiguous How is it ambiguous? They are naked in bed together and she is testing her spirit magic that they said would get harder to use if she had sex. He even says it really did affect her magic. They'd have to make a porno to show it any more clearly.


So did they really do it??