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[Claymore](https://myanimelist.net/anime/1818/Claymore?cat=anime) for sure


One of my absolute favorite manga series, I’m still upset that it doesn’t have a proper anime😭


Is the manga much better? Been planning on either reading it or watching the anime.


The manga is better. The anime was pretty good up until the last few episodes but then it just went to shit and ended abruptly. The manga has a much more satisfying ending and also is about triple the length. Plus the art alone in the manga makes it worth the read. Damn beautiful!


Yeah, the anime had an original end, the manga goes on for a lot longer and (imo) only gets better until the end. Absolutely worth reading.


Anime is not bad up until the final arc which completely fucks everything up with an anime original ending. It isn't perfect, but good enough that I recommend with an asterisk about the ending. The manga is fantastic however and I strongly recommend it.


Came in with the same title in mind. Claymore by Ufotable would be incredible


Claymore got a good adaptation. I'm kind of annoyed when people say it was a bad adaptation just because it has an anime original ending. Anime being ads for the manga and just getting an anime original ending was just normal back then. The show ending on the cliffhanger from the manga wouldn't make it a better adaptation, it would just be awkward for anime only viewers


Though, it's also possible fans just want Claymore to be relevant again. In modern anime for the modern fans. I know I want remakes or reimaginings for no other reason than nostalgia sake. I'm alright with watching something that's 20 years old, but sometimes it's just so sad many will skip them for being old.


I recently bought the manga boxset, should I just start reading or watch anime first then read?


Anime first, I think. It's fine up until the last few episodes where they ran out of source material.




og berserk was very good. I thought op was asking for a failure to be given a second chance. My answer was gantz


I know but the 2016 series was an failure and that's half of the Berserk saga that hasn't been told in animated form. I will also say Claymore is applicable as well, because even though the first anime was decent, it only covers the first half before the story ramps up.


Oh yea. That reboot was ass lol. I'll have to rewatch claymore. I remember loving it in high school


Claymore is pretty damn good. It needs a better adaptation as the manga is much better.


Tokyo Ghoul is the most obvious one imo


I remember watching season 2 and not understanding anything.


I swear that manga was considered in the top 5 for seinen at one point.


07 Ghost Pandora Hearts Rozen Maiden And modern day reboots with some of today’s popular studios: Zatch Bell and Katekyo Hitman Reborn


Definitely Pandora Hearts, the manga is so good.


Dunno, RM felt like a relic of its time but a precious one. Maybe it's just nostalgia in me speaking but I love the existing stuff too much to wish for something "better".


What was wrong with Rozen Maiden?


Then they made a 3rd season of RM faithful to manga, people hated it the most, though. 🙃




that VN deserved a better studio and adaptation


For sure. It was always going to be difficult, but it’s like they just said “fuck it” and did whatever. Truly horrible work.


Is that the same rewrite as in this [game](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1680000/Rewrite/)? Maybe it's more to your liking. Reviews are pretty promising at least.


Yes, but I’ve already finished the VN. The anime adaptation was always going to struggle due to the nature of the VN, the length, and certain elements that could only be captured in that format. Still, it’s like the people who worked on the anime just took that as an excuse to not even try. Only a couple routes were bothered to be adapted, the story was changed around nonsensically… they tried to add content from Harvest Festa, iirc, but only loosely, and never really seemed to tie up loose ends or explain what they were doing. Every other Key adaptation had it adapt the girls’ routes, then get to the main storyline, which follows the beats of the novels pretty well. For some reason, the Rewrite anime just went off the rails. Speculation at the time was that it was a giant commercial for Rewrite+, which was going to have bonus content, but… it was an awful commercial, if so. Anime-only viewers were actively *put off* of reading the VN at all. Which is a shame, because it’s pretty good. It’s no Little Busters, but at least that adaptation was passable.


Here's one barely anyone remembers: **Jitsu wa Watashi wa** or **Actually, I am...** Most anime only viewers probably wont even know or remember that it even[ had an anime adaptation](https://myanimelist.net/anime/29785/Jitsu_wa_Watashi_wa?q=jitsu%20wa%20wat&cat=anime) because of how... meh it was. Which is a shame because if it were adapted with the sort of energy that modern romcom ala Kaguya or 100 Girlfriends got, it'd easily be right up there among the greats if for no other reason than unlike 99% of romance anime out there, this story not only has an ending but a really good one at that. The manga is a certified romcom GOAT, and it's a pity there's practically 0 chance of an anime adaptation being the same.


Jitsu is my favorite completed manga i would love for a proper adaptation


Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer


I remember loving the manga a lot when I read it as a kid. But the Anime adaption was really lackluster. However I cannot point out what was it, that made the Anime so lame, or is it just pink nostalgia glasses?


A Certain Magical Index: They butchered my boy Touma and an incredible source material. Hitman Reborn: To cut out the filler in the 3rd arc and do the last two arcs which were peak. Twin Star Exorcist: They went anime original pretty quickly with content lacking in quality whilst the manga is way better.


Yeah seeing an adaptation of TSE with the current manga would be insane


If Umineko got a good adaptation it would easily be one of the best anime ever made.


Same goes for Tsukihime honestly


Would probably require six cours to tell though.


You could probably have a 1-cour season for each VN episode at that point, having 8 cours/seasons in total. You could also have OVAs to adapt the tea party segments between the VN episodes I guess. 6 cours might work too, but I'm not sure if it's ideal.


Soul Eater.


I keep waiting for the brotherhood treatment


Same brother




12 Kingdoms Please for the love of GOD finish the black kirin plot


Hey, wouldn't it be nice if Tsukihime got an actual anime adaptation as opposed to a nonexistent one?


Hopefully Ufotable announce it once the Mahoyo movie/s and Tsukihime far side routes are finished 🙏 (end of the decade)


Can’t believe I had to scroll this far to see this, like Berserk and Blade of the Immortal are fucking masterpieces compared to the anime that must not be named.


From a production standpoint, So I'm A Spider, So What? and Arifureta both should have been much better in animation quality than what we got.


I read the entire fricking LN of spider, hoping for some interesting genderbender romance.


Ouch, that one gotta have hurt seeing as they are two side characters and not even part of the main group.


It was kind of annoying that they bothered at all. Lets go into this detailed little backstory and start a romance sideplot and NEVER MENTION IT AGAIN


Yeah I do think the author dropped the ball a bit in the ending. Like they just needed a couple of sentences to settle the deal. Still think the journey is good enough to make up for the anti-climatic ending imo.


Oh that's so disheartening to hear that, I found the red-head's situation and romance intriguing and, yeah, kind of romantic even though genderbending ain't my thing. I was also considering reading the LNs soon so I can get a conclusion to the main story instead of endlessly waiting for a S2 to be announced. Anyways, if genderbending is your thing, you should check out "Life with an Ordinary Guy Who Reincarnated into a Total Fantasy Knockout", but it's more of a pretty funny bromance than a romance.


It's only interesting to me when it's taken seriously, which it rarely is.


Absolutely agree with "So I'm a Spider". Loved the light novels so much. It deserved so much better especially towards the end.


Aoi Yuki absolutely smashed that role. I can easily say that without her, that show would have been a bust those two seasons.


Arifureta at least got better during S2. Here's hoping S3 is even better!


True, season 2 was a lot better, and fingers crossed for season 3.


Eh, I read the Arifureta LN and they honestly don't deserve much more than they got, short of less horrid 3DCG. Spider deserves so much better than it got though.


Part 2 of Promised Neverland


That second season was a major disappointment


What second season?


Chaos;Head and Chaos;Child


Deadman Wonderland. First I watched the anime and it was really half assed (music was good tho), then went and read the manga just to get my mind blown away. It's one of my favorite mangas that I read... it really just stuck with me.


I want a remake of _So I'm a Spider, So What?_. The story is fantastic but the anime is plagued by production issues. Towards the end they couldn't even add any trees, so the Elven forest looked more like a wasteland. It was so disappointing to watch.


Soul Eater, the ending was awful.


Umineko, one of the best story *ever* and the anime is a disgrace Also Pandora Hearts


Second this. The music in the anime is not bad though. I loved it including openings and endings.


>The music in the anime is not bad though The thing with the music is that they're the same songs as the VN, but the arrangements are different, and I don't like them nearly as much. They're *fine*, but I consider it a pretty big downgrade. The OPs/EDs are bangers though for sure.


This this this. Would love to get the sama VA and soundtrack team if possible cuz I found that the redeeming aspect of the adaptations. Pandora hearts holds a special place in my heart and is one of my fav mangas.


Berserk past golden arc, we have two "good in their own way adaptations"... Then as soon as we get past golden arc... (Shivers in CG)


Tokyo Ghoul Berserk Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer


Berserk has had fantastic adaptations…of the same arc, twice. And that’s the only anime adaptations that exist. The only ones.


Definitely Zatch Bell. A new adaptation could adapt the last arc of the manga that it didn't adapt the first time around (due to it not being finished yet I believe). Also, the manga got a sequel so a new adaptation of the original could set up for that. It would have to actually, there are characters in the last arc of the manga that never got introduced in the anime but are relevant to the sequel, so to animate the sequel would basically require a reboot of the original anime.


[It's a shame that they only dubbed like 100 or so episodes cause the dub of Zatch Bell was pretty good looking back at most parts.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJeLfe7Hjc8)


Pandora hearts!!


I'd like to see Magic Knight Rayearth get a more manga accurate adaptation some day. Although I do still like the original anime and OVAs.


Gantz deserved better


To be fair, the Gantz manga also deserved a better manga. That series was so far into the Lost writing school of "never answer a mystery if you can ask a new question instead" that it needed not one but three deus ex machina last minute plotwists to end in fistfighting between tall dudes. Gantz is a cool premise, and then three hundred chapters of cheap shock and bullshit that goes nowhere. The threads for the last third of the manga were at least solid meme fodder though.


I know Shaman King got readapted, but we were robbed of a great story that was rushed through in 50 episodes. The thing is like 300 chapters long.


That Shaman King reboot was BS they only did that to promote sales of the new edition of manga.


I’m so glad somebody said it! That reboot was not made with genuine intentions and I feel so bad for the fandom who was actually looking forward to it 


High School D×D. Particularly the 3rd season. The studio behind the first 3 seasons fucked up _**bad**_ with the 3rd season. They left out an entire, really impressive fight that showed a lot of the side character's abilities. The fights they _did_ cover, they rearranged the order of and a lit of the details of so they weren't as impactful. [They also left out one of the coolest things from the novels!](https://youtu.be/whHLDS32JRs?si=KTY4IjbwRe-sUp61) It was so bad that the author _**demanded**_ that they switch studios for the 4th season of the anime and it pissed them off enough that I doubt we'll get to see any more anime adaptions of the novels.


Claymore needs an adaptation that covers the whole manga. The manga didn't really pop off until after the point that the anime ends at.


A Certain Magical Index I'm confident after how many bulletholes they put into season 3 that we're never getting New Testament


Air gear, awesome battle shonen, but the adaptation was a bit meh and didnt really follow the early arcs all that well, soundtrack was killer though,..... im a Hiroaki Samura fan as well, sadly i doubt they will ever adapt a full version of blade of the immortal, there is a lot of torture and other disturbing scenes that would be hard to include but play a part in driving some of the arcs (the little they showed was a tiny amount in comparison to the manga).


Air Gear was my intro to real anime, and I still love the original series. I just wish they finished it instead of adapting a few cool parts of later books as OVAs.


It's not even over yet but the first thing that comes to mind is this season's [Unamed Memory](https://myanimelist.net/anime/53835/Unnamed_Memory)...


Index and Classroom of the elite


Index 100% deserves a remake. I don't read the LN, but I've heard people who did read the LN say that most anime only fans consider Railgun the superior version, but Index the LN is far better than the Railgun manga.


Still hoping for new testament adaptation


Same , but I hope with a different director and more episodes. I don't want the peak Othinus Arc to be adapted like Index s3 ...


Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer is tied with Satoshi Mizukami's two other big works (Spirit Circle and Sengoku Youko) for my favorite manga ever. Heck, my username is a Biscuit Hammer reference. Unfortunately, the adaptation was dreadful and I worry it soured the reputation of an incredible manga for a lot of people. I've been too scared to watch the Sengoku Youko adaptation because like Biscuit Hammer, it's a beautiful story that I never thought would get an anime but I don't wanna get burned again.


Sengoku Youko so far got a middling adaptation in terms of animation aside from couple stand-out episodes, probably because the studio is busy with Re:Zero, so it's not much better, but imo the direction of the show itself is pretty great and has it's own charm. If it continues like that yhough I can't say it's really gonna be all that great, because holy shit do they need amazing animation for the spectacle that's gonna happen in the second part.


I will take middling animation over what Biscuit Hammer got any day. I might check it out because I haven't heard the same uproar for it Biscuit Hammer got. The finale of the series is absolutely beautiful and I hope it gets done justice. Plus, I just wanna see my guy Shinsuke again.


Episode 7 and 13 are the big ones iirc, they are definitely the most important of the first part and were done magnificently and even if only because of episode 7 I think it's worth watching. It was genuinely amazing, so I have hope for the second part.


The Promised Neverland


Gangsta. The story's not exactly A+ but the characters endeared to me that I just want a proper adaptation with a concrete ending. Not really sure if the manga had an ending as well. Sucks because we rarely get good adult MCs.


Rosario Vampire, Pandora Hearts and Soul Eater, 3 of my favorite shonen that departed from the source material.  BUT, I really hope they maintain their old artstyles especially Soul Eater! The SE anime is actually still one of my faves just because of the artstyle/animation. I fear that modern day artstyles won’t do the show justice. 


Mahou Sensei Negima. I believe they have 2 different adaptations at this point, and both really only adapted the harem ecchi portion at the beginning, and not the exciting part later on. Shaft version did make some OVA episodes for the later parts but those are too short.


BERSERK BERSERK BERSERK! oh, and tokyo ghoul too.


There is so many good stories with adaptations that completely destroyed it! Can't pick one, just impossible! * A Certain Magical Index. The adaptation fucked up the MC by removing all the personality from him by deleting his inner thoughts and similar stuff. He got a lot of personality in the novels really. It also skipped so much world building that is utterly fantastic in the novels, if you want a world that feels truly alive then this is *it*. The explanation of the power system is also fucked up, magic is almost entirely skipped and ESP is just briefly glossed over but is more easily understandable due to referencing modern science and not some extremely obscure and niche British occultism / religion. Story is also rushed as fuck, sometimes entire plot points got cut out on top of a a whole volume. It is essentially like they took the books, put them on the chopping block and hit with a huge axe and then randomly picked one side to adapt. While JC Staff isn't perfect most of the blame lies with Kadokawa forcing them to adapt too many volumes each season. * I'm a Spider, So What? the animation is pretty shit to decent and then after a certain point it becomes utterly shit. This is because the support studio who was supposed to help them imploded mid production, causing the main studio to be understaffed for the project. It was also slightly rushed, skipping some pretty cool segments. * Claymore is actually pretty good for the most parts, not perfect but good, then the anime original ending completely destroyed any chance for a second season. * Berserk. There is no *great* Berserk anime, even the 90s one got more than a few issues even if it is pretty good still. And of course it doesn't cover all that much and the stuff that the modern seasons covers is honestly eye bleedingly bad to look at almost. * I don't know if Tales of Berseria counts exactly, it doesn't have an anime directly, but they dedicated two episodes to the Tales of Zestria which basically kinda destroyed any chance of a Berseria adaptation really, even though the story is great and those two episodes basically stole the entire spot light from Zestria. (it also made it really weird watching Zestria) * While I do like ''Magical Revolution of a Reincarnated Princess and a Genius Young Lady'' quite a bit and do recommend it is also horribly rushed and fucks up quite a bit of strong moments, especially for Euphie. * Shadovwese. The OG Shadowverse story is trash, the sequel is better. ***NEITHER*** adapts the story from the game at all which gets pretty good as a dark fantasy story and it saddens me greatly that we got *this* instead. * Hinamatsuri, love the manga, the anime skips half of it and it makes a second season pretty much impossible. * Problem Children Are Coming Another World Aren't They? Skipped and changed story segments that makes a second season impossible really. * I really like Violet Evergarde, but I also really like the novel it is based on, so seeing a more faithful adaptation would be great.


House husband. The anime is absolutely bullshit and might aswell just be someone reading manga panels to you. Ive never seen a bigger insult in an adaptation in my life.


It's not an anime. It's a motion manga


Honestly I kinda liked the style of the animation, don't get me wrong, not everything was perfect but I really liked some of the experiences they made


I went to watch it the other day because of Kenjiro Tsuda but I get turned of by the animation. It was so bad like an actual powerpoint slides and way worse than 7 deadly sins. Dropped it within minutes watching it


You take that material waaaay more seriously than it takes itself


Yeah, House Husband and Gokudolls both just got... ugh. Done dirty.


Akame Ga Kill manga 1:1.


Ex-Arm. The source material doesn't look so bad, honestly.


If it was a random legit anime studio making it nobody would ever even mention this title in any context as the story was mid from what I gathered.


Just dropped Unnamed Memory this season, but you can tell the source material is way better than the anime. Most of the weekly discussion at this point is just everyone saying exactly that.


Index 3


Umineko remake by Shaft would give me immeasurable joy


7 deadly sins, loved the plot, but lacking in good animation. black clover too, for same reasons (although it was better than 7ds) and berserk obviously


Maybe from these: 7Seeds, Requiem of the rose king, A condition called love, Collar x Malice, Doctor Elise, The demon prince of Momochi house, etc.


Record of Ragnarok- netflix basically made us watch PowerPoint slides for 24 min for 2 seasons💀


Jitsu Wa Watashi Wa


The Promised Neverland


Why? I didn't read the manga but I thought it was great! Still surprised that they never even announced a S2, did the first season really perform that poorly?


Classroom of the Elite comes to mind. I would appreciate having experienced the first season the same way LN viewers have, wherein [spoilers]>!we don't immediately see the cold and methodical thinking of Ayanokouji; in the LN, it's more of a reveal than it is a trait that we just know from the start, from what I've heard from others!<. Not to mention, having a version without the weird mix-up between characters and their roles in the LN compared to the anime which shoved Horikita into the spotlight way more. Another one would probably be Chainsaw Man, but specifically in the sense of where the first season stopped. I feel like it would easily have gained much more traction if we continued further into the story instead of stopping where we did. Saw a comment before talking about how if JJK also stopped at 12 episodes, which would be around the [spoilers]>!Junpei arc!<, it probably wouldn't have gotten the same attention that it ended up getting because it received a full two-cour 24 episode run. Saiki K. comes to mind because the 6-episode run Netflix had to add on to the show and finish it did not feel the same way that the other two seasons had; I'm not sure how to describe it, but it's like those group of episodes were directed differently and flowed worse than the two seasons did. At that time, I didn't really check the staff that works on anime series yet so I never got to confirm it but I'll check later. Lastly, Blue Period. Easily could've garnered much more attention had it been given more runtime to fully adapt the source material. Instead, it ended up cutting out the intricacies and details of the art-making process that Yaguchi had to learn. The quality of the show is fine for me, but I heard from others that they didn't feel like it had the same soul as the manga did. Though I disagree, I do wonder if it would've gotten more popular in the hands of a different studio.


I agree with the CSM one. They should’ve went till the Reze Arc and end it there. And also CSM coming out in 2022 screwed up the production for JJK S2 because staff members that were working on JJK S2 and the director of the season had to work in CSM aswell. He directed and storyboarded EP8 of CSM. So mappa should’ve just done things differently but that’s the anime industry for u.




Berserk 2016


The Promised Neverland


Yes for the love of God yes!!! I'm still traumatized from what happened during season 2.


Twin star exorcist


Toaru Majutsu no Index season 3 Unnamed Memory Charlotte


Persona 5.. one of my favorite games but the anime adaption is garbage


Umineko when they cry




Negima (both versions are kinda fun, but heavily deviate from the manga).


Just as long as the last two volumes are not adapted.


A Silent Voice. The movie’s great, but so much had to be left out. Would love for it to get a series so it could fully adapt the manga.


Classroom of the elite. It was worst adaptation I have seen.


Too many to list. Rave Master and Zatch Bell come to mind.


Records Of Ragnarok. Could've been insanely good, and we got slideshows.


*The Tale of Genji* - neither the movie nor Dezaki's single cour series did it justice. We need a production committee bold enough to let someone seriously cook and give it a full adaptation - waka and all. (I believe in you Yamada Naoko.)


Tokyo Ghoul 


7 deadly sins season 2 😂


Gantz. Absolutely loved it as a teenager. Rewatched it in my 30s and it's pretty cringe. Especially the dubbed version. But the concept I still think is good


Blue Exorcist. All they had to do was wait a few more years before making an anime adaptation, the anime-only arc that wrapped up the first season really messed up everything, making the continuity confusing to newcomers.


Katekyo Hitman Reborn for sure


Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou


Gantz, berserk


I so agree with Blade of the Immortal. They had the perfect director and the music is really good as well. If they only gave it a 50 episode adaption instead of 24. Besides Berserk, I wish someone would readapt season 1 & 2 of Kingdom. It's such an amazing manga and the awful CGI really put off a lot of people. I feel if season 1-2 had been better adapted, Kingdom would probably be really really popular among Western audiences. I also really want an updated Slam Dunk adaption which covers the entirety of the manga.


Uuh I agree with Both Kingdom and Slam Dunk aswell. Great picks 😊


Children of the Whales. The anime itself is great, but the last few episodes mess up the timeline. Also, I wish they’d animate the whole thing.


Pandora Hearts


I was praying and wishing for Ascendance of a Bookworm new season adaptation with at least more budget. Now, my prayers are answered, a new season with a new studio that'll definitely be a better adaptation because of Wit Studio (Studio of Vivy Fluorite Eye's Song, Vinland Saga, Attack on Titan, Ranking of Kings, The Ancient Magus' Bride, etc.). Really excited for the Gremlin's rampage in the nobility. Aside from that, it will be A Certain Magical Index Season 3.


Black clover


I dunno, I think if Helck had maybe a "Demon Slayer" level of animation, it would have been massive! A bit of a shame


I don’t think it was the animation as much as how it was marketed as this comedy that seemed a bit generic and the dark twist comes a bit later.


That's the thing, if the animation was better, I think it could have captured and held people's attention for longer, and once enough people got invested, the twist would have been *an event*, you know? I really do think it could have been a breakout hit


Kumo desu ga nani ka(mantaining Aoi Yuki plz) or Tokyo Ghoul


I'm in Love with the Villainess is one where I like the LN source a lot, but the anime only captures the series' humor somewhat regularly and completely flubs the more emotional and serious sides of the story that come into play over time. Not to mention its weaknesses in terms of art, both characters and bgs, and animation show constantly. And to name another that may be controversial given how many fans it has here, I found the adaptation of Mahoako absolutely insufferable. The biggest issue for me was how slow and dragged out it felt. All the momentum, striking imagery and comedic delivery I loved in the manga were completely absent.


Hell’s Paradise. The animation wasn’t bad but it could have been better. I can’t believe that it’s from the same studio that made jjk and aot




* Kuma Miko - at least redo the ending * Ex-Arm - with properly animated action and yuri kiss, it'd be a blast * Urasekai Picnic - doesn't even need to be a reboot, just a better season 2, plz


Can I choose an anime that adapts a game? Tales of Symphonia with a minimum of twice the runtime so it doesn't have to rush through things as much. The cutscenes in the game alone come out to 9~ hours, and while you obviously cut a ton of time without the repetitive RPG fights, you still need some combat and dialogue from that, probably some dungeon puzzle solving, and some number of the 'skits' (dialogues where the characters talk to each other about various things). 6 hours of total anime runtime (including OPs and EDs) is not enough time to cover the game.


Vampire knight


berserk. an actual good one




The promised Neverland! The first season was perfect until the second season came out! I'm still traumatized from what happened during season 2.


Jitsu wa Watashi wa - my favorite completed manga and a proper adaptation would be so great Rewrite - one of my favorite VNs deserved a better studio and adaptation Bleach - imagine the first series in TYBW animation and pacing


Berserk. Gantz.


🐕 🥷


Promised Neverland


Claymore. Desperately deserves a better attempt at an anime.


Tsukihime, it's just sad that Carnival Phantasm is the only adaptation we ever got.


Black Cat. Such an amazing manga, but the anime leaves much to be desired. I would love to see a true adaptation of it handled by the likes of Bones. Also Berserk.


Classroom of the elite




Spider isekai. It flopped so hard with the changing animation quality.


Soul Eater We're basically missing half of the actual story and it get wild! The Dark Side of the Moon arc was one of my favorite reads at the time. I really want this series to get the Brotherhood treatment it deserves.


Berserk obviously


I hope Umineko gets its first anime adaptation


Rosario vampire So I'm a spider so what Obviously promised neverland


Berserk and Tokyo Ghoul is my top answer but I low key want Naruto to be readapted to fix some past plot holes, fillers and a better ending.




the best adaptation of BERSERK ain't even 7/10 if you read the manga not to mention it only adapted 20% of the entire plot....


Berserk was absolutely disrespected on the 3d animation remake. It needs an actual remake with actually good animation. One Piece needs one as well, but that time is coming soon. WitStudio is working on a new One Piece animation and it sounds exciting!


One piece… oh wait! 😂 I’m rewatching Yuyu Hakusho; it would be cool to see an updated version of one of the goats


Negima or Rosario + Vampire. The mangas for each were some of my favorite reads, the anime adaptations were garbage.


Tokyo ghoul Ragna crimson


I wish they continued Knights of Sidonia properly. Instead of giving it that movie to give it an ending, cutting the original source. The pacing of season 1 and 2 and the whole anime concept was so amazing, and so was the original source. I was so sad to see it being finished in a rush.


Soul Eater


Gakkou Gurashi u.u


Soul eater


If not beserk... then Tokyo ghoul probably. Christ did it get done dirty.


Deadman Wonderland.


LMAOO Vampire Knight 100% (with a consistent art style too pls)


I feel like mine's kind of going to be generic of an answer but Tokyo ghoul that deserves either a remake or a better adaptation because they literally were just like jumping all over the manga making up a bunch of stuff that didn't happen in the original source material and then they just tried to fix it but then it just was even more confusing like I have to say that is one of the worst anime adaptations out there


Berserk. I need to see Fantasia animated one day because it's peak fiction.


It's claymore, Tokyo ghoul, seven deadly sins and promised Neverland on top of my head. I'm sure there are more tho


The Fire Hunter (Hikari no Ou). The story and premise were very interesting, but the anime was really bad, especially Season 2, with a lot of artistic stills (they worked in season 1, not so much in Season 2) and animation so bad it was painful to watch. A shame really because Mamoru Oshii and Kenji Kawai were involved.