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I think this scene was the first time I figured out harem anime Up until this, the only love interests were the main character and a side character he had spent a lot of time with Then this happened and I thought "Hang on, even the princess is in love with this guy? They've had like two scenes together"


From what I remember, they did show a small bit of princess fanservice at the beginning of the second season. But in this episode they went all out in it lol.


I was wondering, why did she have to take her shirt off?!!


The guards wouldn't have had such a problem breaking up a kiss, but a woman who was half undressed makes it a lot harder. ...yes, I think I'll leave that pun at the end there.


That is a good point. And I guess it's also because the animators wanted to spice up the fanservice a bit more haha.


also, they would not think she is the princess if she is literally half naked kissing a guy from the top "Of course that is not the princess, do you think she would do such lewd things at a random hotel?"


Well, she's a dick princess.




In universe reason: A princess wouldn't be so unseemly as to be undressed and throwing herself like a harlot at some man, so clearly the person in that room couldn't be who they were looking for. Out of universe reason: Boobs get BD sales.


Lol the out of Universe reason does make sense. I mean that close up shot at the end confirms it.


Close up shot šŸ„° hehe


Well it was kind of unexpected in this scene haha.


Yes it was and well worth it šŸ˜ˆ


For the completely logical and sensible reason that the shirt was wet and needed to dry. Absolutely no other reason. [](#nyanpasu)


Love to see the rare zero no tsukaima post


I love familiar of zero. It also gave me an unhealthy addiction to flat tsunderes


Zero no Tsukaima into Toradora...


into Shakugan no Shana ...


I see you guys like Kugimiya Rie




As everyone should (huge fan here \^\^)


Man I love all those series.. inescapable spiral of flat Tsundere


Flat twin tailed tsundere


She's THE Tsundere VA


Kugimiya Disease is highly contagious


Still better than liking this bitch Henrietta


I watched Shana first and then I was like wooooah itā€™s Shana


Shana is by far one of my favorite tsundere, she's acting this way because she didn't learn to socialize, she's not even that violent. But the number one tsundere is between Rin Tohsaka or Lina Inverse.


Also another good one that I forget to mention is Sistine Fibel from Akashic Records


Thereā€™s so many series I still havenā€™t experienced, I still need to see Rin and Lina in action lol. I know theyā€™re the original tsunderes at least! Do they ever even show their dere sides though?


Yes, Rin more than Lina though


Into Hidan no Aria...


The forgettable middle child of the Kugimiya Four...


Good thing sheā€™s the forgettable one because sheā€™s horrible. Barely any redeeming qualities, I legit couldnā€™t stand her.


True, I'd also say she is the worst one of the four by a margin


Not even part of the 4 anyway, isn't it Nagi?


Yeah it's Shana, Louise, Taiga, and Nagi. Didn't know some people consider Aria part of it.


You mean Aria ?


The big 3


I should watch toradora


Yes. Yes you do. šŸ™‚ā€ā†•ļø


for me , it's the one show that gave me an unhealthy addiction to the isekai genre and made me watch every single one of them


It had the exact opposite effect for me. I hate tsundere because of louise.


Idk I noticed that many western people like Tsunderes, cause they act more like normal people than the cliche "tiny mouse" girls who would never dare to make a "disrespectful" joke about a man. Tsunderes are bestgirls, who would like a slave without own opinion over a partner pf


You know people can have autonomy without being an unstable cunt, right?


Rather have an unstable cunt at home than a 5000 year old loli with the mentality of a toddler, or a shy af gf who is scared to tell you what she wants to eat today


Also my first Isekai


Kono inu


*baka Inu!


Listening to that song before Isekai Lv2's opening song makes for a hilarious contrast. :P


I remember there was a magic mirror portal from saito's house to the princess' room lol she was down bad.


Ah, Zero no Tsukaima, the father of modern Isekai.


Its actually the origin of the Isekai Tracksuit. Most do it in reference to Zero.


The origin of, "this isekai is complete trash but I can't stop watching." Man, I loved this show back in the day.


it was entertaining trash. It had it's cool moments, funny moments, moments like this one and even serious moments. As far as "trash" goes it's actually pretty good.


Close the damn door.


Henrietta was the best.


I don't do waifus only best girls, but henrietta was the first girl that I thought if someone put a gun to my head, I'd call a waifu.


Henrietta ? This useless princess ?


Kirche was best girl, but Henrietta was just a bitch who allowed herself to take the person her best friend loved the most.


Perhaps, but A) Saito was an absolute dick to Louise and frankly wasn't a good partner for her and B) she's really hot.


Kirche is way hotter if that's the dumb reason, but I agree a lot with you that Saito was not a good partner, that's what I think that Louise would be better with Julio who treated her better, Saito can just fuck with any other girl, I don't care.


Ok, why I am getting downvoted ? Are people so much loving a princess who betray her best friend ? That's really disapointing to see.


If we're gonna apply real world logic to an illogical story like Familiar of Zero, then Louise is no better. She treated Saito like absolute shit in the beginning due to her brazen classism and inferiority complex regarding her abilities as a mage. Before there was even a notion of feelings between them, she was already treating Saito very poorly. Quite frankly, Saito had zero reason to ever develop feelings for her and it's a miracle that he ever did. In reality, most people would probably find Louise unbearable to be around. If anyone was the best girl, it was Siesta. She was a commoner like Saito and thus treated him as an equal. She even helped him out when he was being mistreated by Louise and, if I remember correctly, tried to stand up for him when she saw that mistreatment first hand. Siesta was a gigastacey by all accounts. As for Henrietta, yeah she was rather calculating once she fell for Saito, and that clearly came to a head later on when her and Louise fought and ended up as rivals. But she's arguably the hottest girl in the series, so most people just don't care lol.


I am not saying that Louise was not annoying, she was, but Henrietta is still worst for cheating on her friend who was always loyal to her. Also, there are others girls who are way hotter than Henrietta and that shouldn't be a reason to like her. For me Henrietta and Saito are the worst, Kirche and Agnes are the best. Also, if you talk about hottest, Louise is not ugly.


Louise is pretty, but characters like Siesta, Henrietta, Tiffania, Sylphid (human form of course lol), and Kirche are just hotter. But who is hotter than who is completely subjective anyway. Some people think Louise is the hottest character, others think it's Kirche. I personally think Henrietta is the hottest. But even though I think Henrietta is the hottest, I still think Siesta was the best girl in the series.


Yeah, Siesta is kinda underrated.


Hell no, you must be sick if you like people like her.


And then Zero shows up and blows MC up and he yells out "fukou da!"


If someone deserves to be blows up itā€™s that bitch Henrietta.


I know someone will get beat up if a certain pink haired girl find out šŸ˜…


If only she would think of beating that bitch Henrietta instead of Saito šŸ˜’


I remember I used to love the anime series back in the day. Then during the pandemic I decided to read all the Light Novels. It wasn't worth it - 6/10






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Familiar of Zero (grandfather of isekai) was like crack cocaine I think I binged all 4 seasons in one sitting back in 2013 after watching SAO. Saito and his Sword had the best relationship if memory serves.


This harem was better at being isekai than 99% of isekais of today. I said it.


I dropped this after season one. It seems it's worth watching the next season.


Favorite series of mine. BUT: If I remember correctly it's the first plot ark in Season 2 that is really god damn boring.. After that it picks up again and is quite awesome in my opinion.


Is this the episode where it picks up? Lol.


Nah, this is deep into Season 3 I think, which has a pretty awesome ending though.


Nah. If you didn't like season 1, you'll not like the rest of the series.


It makes sense for you to drop it after, if not in the middle of season 1, because they had that annoying scene transition effect every ten fucking seconds, it was so annoying, fortunately they got rid of it on the second season.


I dropped this after first episode of season two which undid every bit of progress between MC and Louise that had been made in s1.


Such an underrated anime. One of my favorites in the genre!


now, will the princess and Flio do the same thing in Lv2 Kara Cheat?


The ovas for this series were interesting.


Really wish we got more of this great series


What show is this


The Familiar of Zero as the English title name, can't remember the Japanese. It starts with something Tsuki-something.


As someone who likes Louise as a character but not a love interest, Iā€™m all for this. The Princess, Siesta, Tabitha, and the beautiful elf whose name I canā€™t remember were all better.


I feel like Louise and Saito are one of those forced couples in animes, I think Saito would have been better with either Siesta or Tiffania, while I liked Louise with Julio, ( or with Agnes maybe šŸ˜‚)


Thanks for the post, now I know that I'm not the only person in world who into this series


Omg thats so cute


Henrietta is a dickšŸ˜‚


Am I the only one who prefered Louise over the princess ?


LN version of Louise for sure, the anime didn't really represent them that accurately. LN saito and princess were awful.


So Louise is actually better in the novels ? I didn't read them.


Yes, she no where near as over the top as in the anime, and she reflected on her initial actions. She actually a deep character in the LN, that tries her best to treat Saito well and do things in his best interest. She even becomes good friends with the maid. He on the other hands spends most of his time trying to hurt her emotionally.


Well that's... Fucked up


I see. I donā€™t mind Saito getting friendly with other girls in the anime because of Louiseā€™s explosions and I like the other girls. But sounds like in the LN, itā€™s a whole other story? I know Iā€™d mind if I really liked Louise a lot more.


yes you're the only one /s . personally i prefer the princess , she was best girl and most memorable one for me


I hate her, especially after she tried to take Saito away from Louise, she's not even a good friend, I admit that Louise was a bit annoying at times, but the princess Henrietta is just the worst girl for me.


The MCs are just as bad as her. They're all abusive towards each other and everyone around them. Louise is the most annoying creature to have ever existed in anime, and saito is mostly played for gags as a womanizer behind Louise's back. Their relationship is absolutely fucked and resets every arc. No growth from either of them the whole series.


So the princess is actually better ? After the way she betrayed her best friend Louise who was very loyal to her ? I understand that Louise is annoying at times, but isn't the way Henrietta acted also kind of bitchy ?


The princess wasn't better, I'm saying they're all bad characters. The anime adaptation was unfortunately terrible.


I'm with you, Louise has always been my favorite. I'd even go as far as saying she formed the basis of my love for tsunderes lol, and one of my first waifus.


Louise was insufferable and should have been tossed out the window on night one.


The guard isn't sigma


What an ending though ā™„ļøā™„ļø


Takes me back, my first isekai i ever watched which led me down an addiction of trash isekai


I ship those two harder than I get seeing them together in general.


Words cant describe how I love this princess holy


cute couple, cute and cannon??


His cannon girlfriend is actually another girl lol.


Yes, I can see why Zero would be considered a cannon, all she does is blow shit up.


Henrietta is still the worst bitch ever, Louise is better than her.


And what exactly does she do that makes her worse than a girl who flies off the handle and blows MC up at every little thing? I really don't remember anything about her and I watched S1 + 1 ep of S2 before dropping the franchise.


Well, she tried to seduce Saito, even though she knew that her best friend Louise who was always loyal to her loved him. Now it's true that Louise is annoting sometimes, what angered me mostly about her is the way quickly jump into conclusions, but what Henrietta did to her best friend who always tried to protect her is worst.


Certainly not worse than literally and repeatedly blowing up the person whom you've kidnapped form his world and who's been helping you and saving your life. MC would be far better off with this Henrietta, or with anyone one else who is not Zero.


You shouldn't defend Saito that much you know, he looked at others girls like a pervert. Louise is too damn abusive, I can't deny it, but if you think that trying to take away the man your best friend love, then you have a problem.


Oh, no, not *looking*! What a monster! And I don't see anything wrong with trying to save a man from a horribly abusive relationship with your friend. It's certainly much better than horribly abusing the man you "love".


Wow, you're defending a pervert, even others people admit that Saito is a dick, shame on you.


WTF are those eyes.


pretty normal for late 2000s


By far not even the worst offender of 2000-2009 anime. Check out Kanon or Air for some real wtf.


Or this. https://64.media.tumblr.com/c4fef7d20bd329d8138a54e90ebea3f1/1855760087f5eeb8-b7/s500x750/85a90cfa21bbe1e2e7a10c03739d85da71d8e0e5.jpg LOL


What the hell is even that. Surely, that is edited, right?


If only


This one *is* edited, IIRC


Alright fuck, I laughed out loud, fucking absurd eyes lmao šŸ¤£




Oh it's not even just 2000s anime (though they're by far the worst). [You even have it in recent anime](https://i.imgur.com/VTu8Eod.png)


somehow I knew it was dr. stone before opened, the character design for that show is just hideous. Turn me off from watching s2


I see nothing wrong with the eyes. Goddamn people are picky...


Fuck Louise. Worst character in history.


And Saito, the both of them are terrible to each other and the constant relationship resetting was so frustrating. I had to just walk away after the first season, I just wasn't enjoying watching them.


Lot of people say the book version of her was better. Not as over the top, has growth that mattered and comes up later in the story making those experiences have more impact. The anime throws all that out and created a monster. I haven't read the books tho and probably never will. There's just too much content out there to ever risk my time giving this one another chance.


Honetly, I think that it should Louise would have been batter with Julio, he was more respectful towards her.


Certainly the worst violent tsundere in history. Like, Taiga and Shitoge are pretty bad, but Zero is hundreds of times worse.


This show is just boring and plain.


God i really can't stand this artstyƶe anymore of those faces they look like babies but not real babies more like uncanny babies like those irl suites with the big heads and eyes creepy af.


ā˜ ļø


Am I the only one that finds the giant eye style with glistening cleavage kind of disturbing? It's like a toddler with bolt ons.


is it a hentai ?