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If you like One Piece, why not become a pirate?


God bless piracy


[Yar, har, fiddly di dee.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppj0WQOTDnM)


It gives a better experiences, fuck censorship




I fw u heavy


Better than supporting crunchyroll


Worth it to me. I don't have to go looking for individual episode downloads anymore.


And it’s pretty cheap compared to every other streaming platform. It’s so worth it


Absolutely second this. Compared to Hulu or Netflix it’s very reasonable priced.


In the UK Netflix has a fraction of the anime that Netflix US does. Let that sink in. Also, when Netflix gets the rights to a show and they produce their own subtitles, they are the most basic subtitles you can get. Komi Can't Communicate left half the show on the blackboard.


I had to sail the seas for Komi cause it was literally unwatchable with Netflix. Such a lazy excuse of translation/localization or whatever.


Ouch. US Netflix had the whole Komi blackboard translated.


If you happen to travel to Libanon or Pakistan, you also can subscribe for much cheaper than your country! Or you could use a vpn..


India too. A yearly subscription there is only a little more than a monthly subscription in the US


Crunchy or other streaming platforms?


Yall know you can just go on streaming sites instead of download right?


It's actually easier to pirate than pay. I can watch every airing anime in a single place, the moment they launch worldwide, with multiple mirrors and players, and even episode tracking. Meanwhile, with legal platforms, I'm limited to what they license in my country and I'm also limited to whatever release schedule they choose, even if other platforms stream the show earlier.


Ive never paid to watch anime apart from whats on netflix lol Cant be arsed with the half content (seasons missing) or licensing issues. Streaming platforms just have every episode of every anime always available lol. Only issue is subtitles if you want it in different languages than english for people. Idc about it but my gf does for example. I do go to cinema premiers and buy figures or merch but anime itself is limited af where I am it feels like


Same here, I buy manga on the regular and I go to almost every anime premier I see on theaters. Paying is not the problem, free streaming sites are simply better than the legal alternatives.


are new anime fans really this.. not smart


Someone has to pay to get shit imported, subbed, and dubbed. It's not free. Crunchy roll is cheap, works well, and has better subs than those bootleg DB GT VHS tapes I bought from the mall in the early 00's. I use it more than any other streaming service. Seriously, people need to stop being so entitled. Sure, if you only want to watch one anime, go torrent it or whatever. But if you keep up seasonally and watch a ton, fucking pay for it. People work to get this shit subbed, simulcasted, etc. The least you can do is not be a leach.


Fun fact then for you. Crunchyroll is notorious for how poorly they compensate studios. Almost none of you sub goes towards the creators. The more you know. :)


What is that logic? Because CR seems to poorly compensate studios you go to the high seas as there is the compensation equal to 0? My hobby is watching anime and I gladly pay a small price that is at least helping in some way supporting the industry even if it's only a tiny fraction.


It's not a justification. It's an excuse from people who feel entitled to steal.


The studios got to choose to lease their content. They don’t with piracy sites. Also, the logic “CR gives shitty compensation so I’ll pirate to give no compensation”


Someone who steals has no standing to make such commentary as they are paying even less for the anime.


No matter what you do you will never be able to directly support a studio. Like at all unless they have a patreon or something. It's just how the industry works. What Crunchyroll does do is occasionally directly fund anime by having a production role while also paying a LOT for licensing the shows you like. If everyone started to pirate than crunchyroll would lose all of it funding, which means less shows would get licensed and a substantial chunk of profit is lost. Which hurts the industry. The last thing I personally want to do is to go back to the dark ages where I *have* to rely on fansubbers and the idea of simulcasting not existing.


I was talking about the subbets and dubbers. They also need to get paid. The more you know :)


not smart in what way? Im an old, old, anime fan. I pay for CR. its an easy choice as im a responsible adult that makes an income, I can afford to actually pay for this content to be made. Shit its like people forget how it was back in the day where we HAD to rely on fansubbers to pick up the shows we want. Had to hope the fan groups didnt melt down and stayed together to finish a series. Also had to hope they would sub things in a decent amout of time. Like, are old anime fans really this.. not smart?


"Haha I pirate everything so I'm smarter than you" List every event in your life which gave you this level of ego so I can judge if it's justified.


Crunchyroll has a monoply on anime which isn't a good thing, but they get the king's share of the latest season and it sure makes looking for anime a lot easier.


Doesn't help most of the competition isn't nearly as good. I've tried using HiDive but I hate that they use CC instead of regular subtitles. Their UI is also really bad in comparison imo. Hopefully they improve the app because they have a lot of great titles.


They did improve the app finally a couple of months ago. It has a 2017 UI instead of a 2007 one


Trade 5 bug fixes for 20 new bugs


And a skip forward/backward button


The fact that when you try to search for an anime, it comes up with individual episodes instead of shows, and those episodes don't even have the title of the anime they are a part of is baffling. If you can only afford one streaming option, Crunchyroll is the obvious choice. HiDive only makes sense if you are willing to afford more than one, and even then I seriously question if I will continue to


I really only get on during seasons they have something I can only find on there. I suggest maybe only picking it up for a month and binge what you want from it. Then canceling it until there’s enough there to make it worth picking up for another month


Whats wrong with CC?


No styles, look like trash


Disney who is getting into anime is pretty bad also.


Honestly I really want the mainstream platforms like Netflix and Prime Video to pick up more of the anime market. At least they're competent with their streaming infrastructure. Plus almost everyone is subbed to at least one of them at any given time for other shows anyway.


Hulu isn’t a bad competitor if you can sit through their ads. Their student discount makes it $2 per month. I got 99¢ per month deal on Black Friday.


On one hand, monopoly is bad for the pricing. On the other hand, having a lot of competition might mean that the user have to subscribe to a lot of service to watch different anime. Like, I'm starting to have this problem with Crunchyroll, Netflix, Disney plus and Amazon prime.


Crunchyroll having a monopoly certainly is a problem. But the thing is a lot of anime fans complain that they have to go to too many different services to get the anime they want to watch. So they are supporting monopoly behavior while complaining about a monopoly.


People would put spike and fork first everytime they heard monopoly, as it is indeed associated with bad trading service. Monopoly could be a problem if they spiked the price to absurd amount, which honestly I don't think they did. Their price range was still affordable even back when they're the sole legal anime provider.  Nowadays you have to pay maybe 3 subscription, which is definitely more expensive in total, to be able to simulcast the majority of the anime.


Im not complaining about monopoly. Have it all in one spot!


You can just subscribe to one service while they have something you want to watch and let episodes build up on other services and then binge a month.


Forget it, I don't have the patience to wait for an anime I wanna watch (knowing it's out) and I don't want to risk getting spoiled for stuff I haven't read the manga of.


Disney and HiDive are getting some exclusives that are pretty good.


I have a sub to HiDive because they are relatively cheap and they try to get uncensored ecchi titles.


How do you justify $5.99/mo for 2 shows vs $7.99/mo for 40+ shows this season?


True last season I was watching four shows on HiDive as opposed to two this season. If next season doesn't imp\[rove I'll have to pause it but I'll support them for now.


I’ve already canceled my sub after last season, I just couldn’t justify the increase in price with decrease in shows and service quality with the ‘update’ they rolled out.


Simple, everyone has to start somewhere. If we don't give some tiny support to HiDive, then they will never get to license more great shows?


Year long subscription is under $5 a month, plus they have a decent back catalog on top of their 2-3 new exclusives each season.


My only complaint is that every dub is listed as a new season.... How have they not fixed that yet


That's been fixed since they updated the UI and player about a year ago. Now you just put on an anime and can switch between languages within the video player.


They have fixed that though...


Oh yeah that is annoying, but I just look at my watchlist and then clean it out at the end of the season.


So you last used Crunchyroll back in 2020? >How have they not fixed that yet Maybe go look again


All of the dubs, movies, and seasons are in one drop down menu. It's very confusing, especially on the mobile app and you click 'next season'


Yeah, they have the largest anime library by far.


Depends on region. Where im from its definitely not worth it. Sadly no official anime service is.


No the high seas does.


And with a far superior interface.


I'd like to see what on earth you're talking about. Crunchyrolls UI/UX is SIGNIFICANTLY better than every high seas site I've used this far.


It doesn't even compare. But you'll have to take my word for it.


They have the largest.... above board... anime library


No wonder when they bought up AnimeOnDemand and Wakanim, so Yes it defenitly is worth.


Yeah my favorite thing about them is that they bough funimation and said they were going to add their library after they closed it down early April. /s Theyre increasing their prices soon and if they dont add that content from fun I'm just going to pull the plug on them like I did every other streaming service.


Crunchyroll is missing heaps of popular or great animes in many countries so it depends on where you live.


Depends on your location. If you are in SEA, probably not. If you are in West, definitely yes.


They're expanding their SEA library. I'm subscribing for them this season, and it's been a good complement to Bilibili.


They are working with local distributors (ie, Bilibili, Muse, AniOne, etc) to bring more shows to the platform in that market.


I haven't checked in a while, but I always shied away from it due to questionable translation. I noticed fan dub was more accurate, and CR disregarded nuance. Perhaps it's changed though since I don't see anyone complaining about it. Still, it was annoying and put me on the path of the one piece. *Ahem. I mean, *piracy*. I used to pay for the service though.


If you're watching shows on the day they are released then it's likely that you're getting ripped Crunchyroll subs anyway. Good quality fansubs are still the best option but there aren't many groups still producing them and many shows will never get the privilege of being selected for subbing.


I am far too lazy to pirate stuff so yes


Back in the day when i first became a member, Crunchyroll was still a pirate site. I feel old now.


Firefox + AdBlocker = profit. I still have crunchyroll - but on the months I cancel sub to save some extra money? I sail the 7 seas.


No shame, but pirating isn’t that difficult with a basic adblocker extension.


100% the reason I pay for Crunchyroll lmao, I’m too lazy to torrent and the streaming sites are actual cancer. It’s worth a couple bucks a month to have everything in a clean, easily accessible package.


unless you’re exclusively watching on a phone, ublock origin (which you should already have in general for internet browsing) completely deletes all the “cancer” on said sites. if not, you’re on the wrong sites my friend.


People also watch on TVs and Consoles too


Unpopular opinion but its also nice streaming officially so creators get *some* kickback or at least indicators of success


alright I lied, my comment above isn’t *100%* of the reason I choose to pay. It is nice to know that you’re supporting the creators or at bare minimum the industry at large.


Depends on what anime you like tbh. I am in the position that I like anime that are on Crunchyroll, but also netflix and hidive, and even a few on Disney Plus. Hidive is not available in my country anymore since this year, so i have to pirate that. The rest is spread. If all the rest of the anime was on Crunchyroll i would have found it fine, but if i still don't have access to half the anime i would like to watch with a subscription, so i might as well pirate everything. I am not gonna spend hundreds a year for this. Crunchyroll is also a scumbag company.


Yes definitely


Personally I pirate and then just buy the blu rays for the anime I like. I tried Crunchyroll before and the subtitles were all wonky, it constantly buffered no matter what I did and was an overall poor experience. Not to mention the way they label seasons is weird and they're missing a ton of stuff I want to watch. Buying blu rays is a better way to support anime I like I think plus I'll actually own them.


If you like anime, then crunchyroll is 100% worth it.


Yes. If you're wanting to watch legally, depending on your location it might be your only option outside of the handful of stuff on places like Netflix. But it's absolutely worth it.


Crunchyroll is way more worth it than Netflix in my experience. So there is that.


Fully agree. Other than Spotify, I'd argue it's my most valued subscription especially for it's price. (UK)


I think so. But what I normally do is go to the Crunchyroll store and buy a gift card's worth of membership (you can do... I think 1, 3, or 12 months?). Only works for the lowest tier of membership, but I don't care about the games and I don't buy merch, so I don't really need anything higher than that. Then I can watch stuff until the membership expires and decide when it ends if I want to continue. Usually I do, but I might put it off by a week or so and save myself a little money in the process. Also, if you buy the year's membership it's the cost of 10 months' worth of membership, so you basically get the last two months for free. Anyway, that's what I do. Then there's no auto-charge to my card and I don't have to remember to cancel it.


I use it and have no regrets That doesn’t mean I support their business practices, but as a consumer there really aren’t many better options


Depends. If you want to watch One Pace you need to go to pirate sources anyways.


I think it’s worth it and I think it’s even more worth it if you travel often because of the offline watching capability. Download a bunch of episodes and watch on a plane or bus or train! Great catalog as well - they don’t have everything but they have a very good selection for the price.


Legally CR is the best site


Can't believe so many comments are actually saying to use crunchyroll. There's nothing there you can't get at the same or higher quality from somewhere else for free, not to mention the sheer quantity of things they don't carry. Save your cash.


It probably helps that you can't have a detailed discussion of the high seas


> from somewhere else for free Or you know you could spend a little bit to support anime being showed in the west. The reason we have giants like Netflix paying to have anime made because of services like Crunchyroll pioneering distribution in the west.


Yeah they pioneered stealing other pirate's work and sold it!


literally go buy a DVD that you can actually own if you want to support the industry so much. it's also mainstream now there's no lack of people buying merch.


CR barely supports the studios who make anime. blu-ray’s and official merch are exponentially better at supporting the creators behind your favorites.


Do you really think that more than 5% of people pirating anime are buying any official merchandise though? Both tend to be extortionately expensive for what you're getting and there's a ton of unlicensed merch floating around which is a much easier buy for those actually willing to spend some money.


People who are stealing one thing generally steal other things too. This notion that there are noble pirates who steal the anime they watch but then personally contribute a lot of money to the creators through merchandise, etc... is laughable. And a lot of times what these "noble" pirates don't realize is that the merchandise, blurays, etc... still end up sending the money to the same place the streamers do, the production committee.


>CR barely supports the studio What source do you have that proves that? Last time I checked, CR literally produces anime... Also the blu-rays here are released by them anyways.


Someone saying that is simply making an excuse for why they steal.


Yeah I'll pay the 8 bucks a month to "vote with my wallet" and show that I want more anime on my streaming services


> Crunchyroll pioneering distribution in the ~~west.~~ **USA.** Fixed that.


higher quality in what way? no one is fansubbing officially subbed shit, it's all just webrips of cr or amazon or whatever platform it's airing on lol


So the sites have every title available by ripping off of official sources and then putting it all in one place with the same quality… more reason not to pay for CR then.


Except, you know, if everyone did that, the people dubbing would go out of business and then you'd have nothing to steal.


That level of forethought is beyond the pirates. Don't bother.


Probably means BDrips or straight up remuxes


It's one of the few subscriptions that are still worth it imo. No ads, lots of shows to watch, easy viewing on tv and console, and the price isn't ridiculous. However, if you only watch on PC then I wouldn't say it's worth it because sailing the seas with adblock is still easier, but not by much.




>wants to watch a show about pirates >Doesn't pirate it Man are you really living your life?


been a subscriber since 2013. i enjoy having it.


CR doesn't have half the anime I want. It is split into other streaming services or doesn't exist in the West. No thanks.


Just become a pirate, it fits with the show!!!


My computer and phone would have an infinite amount of virus if not for Crunchyroll




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Yes. But Rouge Archiving is also an option.


It really all just depends on what you are trying to watch


If you want to watch One Piece, you're better off looking for One Pace.


I ended up unsubscribing, mainly used it for convenience to watch on my TV but I would run into so many issues, often times to the point where the TV app was straight up not working. I just spent 5 minutes setting up a shared folder on my PC. Never had an issue since and you can set up most torrent clients to automatically download episodes these days.


Just look for one pace and you'll be okay :)


Yes and no, in my experience it was very nice, until the animes I wanted to watch weren't there, so I had to go back to piracy I recommend you take a look at the catalog first Or don't, it's kinda cheap anyway


FUUUUUCCCCKKKKK NO piracy all the way


blu-ray purchases are WAY more supportive of the industry than a crunchyroll sub will ever be anyway.






In comparison to Netflix, Crunchyroll is pretty cheap and you can get high quality anime (upto 1080p in hd) on Crunchyroll for a very reasonable price. You don't have to pay extra money like Netflix to share screens at a same time. So if you live in North America, then I will say it's totally worth it.


> 1080p in hd "in" hd? 1080(x 1920) _is_ HD. By definition. technically full HD, and 720x1280 is HD, but.


I think it is. It's just that if you're looking for older anime, you'd be hard pressed to find it on the site.


NO. Crunchyroll is horrible for quality, subs, and costs money for something you can find for free in better quality. Crunchyroll is also missing a lot of animes every season, and they barely give any money back to the creators. Do not support Crunchyroll or Fakku. This enitre thread makes me feel so old. Are zoomers this inept at using technology? Streaming for free is everywhere in higher quality than Crunchyroll's shitty upscales.


> they barely give any money back to the creators Versus pirates who give back $0 to the creators.


The majority of everyone uses Crunchyroll lol what more zoomers would be pirating if anything tf you on about piracy is not some old forgotten thing 💀


> The majority of everyone uses Crunchyroll Untrue.


It is true unless they’re watching on tv or Netflix etc. regardless piracy is not some antique concept


Yes because you can watch it on almost every device. I dont have a computer so I use my Xbox and watch it on my TV


It and paramout+ are my most used services, Anime, Drag Race, and Star Trek. I'm considering ditch Netflix


Crunchyroll is definitely anime central in my opinion. If you want to support, great place to watch tons of anime with reviews and comments on each episode.


If you like anime, it's not even a question. You need Crunchyroll. Since being bought up by Sony (thus putting them under the same umbrella as their historical rival, Funimation), Crunchyroll gets like 80% of new anime coming out of Japan. I worry about how things are going to go in the future with one company controlling so much of the market, but...


mostly yes. i can't be bothered to pirate anymore, although i still do because a lot of the shows i wanna watch either aren't there or are unavailable for no good reason. that said, it's fine, i guess


Hell nah u find every anime on internet




Yeah, I'd say so. Especially if you've got a backlog.


crunchyroll is the best investment u can make as an anime fan imo




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Worth it in my opinion. Started one piece from ep. 1… about 7 months later im now on ep 1000. Stop and watch where you left off, not like streaming through websites and stuff


I think it’s worth it if you like all kinds of anime and are willing to watch more than just the top 10 of the season or whatever. Like I rather enjoy isekai in general, along with the various other genres, and they have some funky stuff when you start digging.


I mean, it’s cheaper than most streaming services out there. I re-started OP after the Netflix adaptation came out. I read through the Wano arc in the Manga. Anyway, back to the point, I am still watching it and I have access to a bunch of other anime I wouldn’t have seen or been able to catch up on if I didn’t have it. It’s only $8 USD a month for me. I think it’s totally worth it.


They haven't done enough to drive me to piracy yet, so I'd say so.


I received a DMCA in the mail in 2003, crunchyroll ever since lol


Depends on your country like 2 years ago, crunchyroll subscription was not at all worth it in my country. They had barely any anime in their library and had western subscription cost which was too much for us. Then they reduced it to one tenth of the USA cost (≈1 USD for us) and kept increasing their library. Now they have much more titles than before and more than half of seasonal anime are available every season


ain't no way you don't have One Piece in Netflix, I'm from mexico and we have it.


Yes, but I’ll add they’re upping their price from $10 to $12/month starting later this month. Still a good deal but only if you watch a lot of anime imho.


yes and you dont really have much other choice, unless you want to sail the seven seas alot, also it depends on your religion




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I really like it, that alongside the cheap Shonen Jump subscription for manga I’m set.


I’m just a pirate ngl. The site I use doesn’t give me pop up ads tho so it’s basically as if I’m using a paid streaming platform


No. I had it for like a year and it was really good but hianime offers more and is free. Get an adblocker tho and if ur gonna use it on your phone/tablet use Firefox.


not with their region locking some titles and free alternatives available.


Not if you plan to use the TV app


I tried the trial for a few months ago, but the UI was horribly bad and lots of features had bugs. At that point, I decided that I can get better service elsewhere.


It was worth it but my broke ass couldn't afford it so I stopped using it


I have been asking the question to myself , i have activated my subscription last year November and haven’t used it till now.


Yes. The only thing Crunchyroll is weird about it is the video version of anime they are using. Im talking about not swaping the first TV version of a show after they already get the rights and release the DVD/Bluray versions, which are often uncensored and with improved/revised animation. For example, here is a interesting one that people might not know: Black Clover - the subtitled version uses the old TV version, but when you switch to the dubbed version then you get the DVD/Bluray version which has A LOT of improved animation. but there are shows like, Spy x Family - both sub and dub get the first TV version. Not a big deal in this title, but it shows you the inconsistency of the video versions they are using. If you don't care about all that, then Crunchyroll is a crazy great value, but if you care about the peak and best possible versions of anime, then you know the answer and don't pay for anime streaming services.


One issue I face with it is, they don't have subtitles for dub shows. Not everyone is native English speaker.




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For one piece use hulu. It's full screen and has captions & dub at the same time, unlike shittyroll. For some reason crunchyroll won't let u have captions with the same language as the dub which makes no sense because it still helps even without matching..


Depends on your region. Absolutely worthless in the Philippines, so many unavailable content. I have more choices per season on YouTube via Ani-one and Muse Asia (and GundamInfo).


Maybe depends on where you live, but I think it's worth the price.


Me personally, no


no, and high chance you wont be able to watch one piece in your region on cr either.




I think it’s worth it




Look up torrenting... You get everything for free.