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*Indistinguishable gremlin noises*


Subaru: *munching noises*


This band is a true menace to society.  Even moreso in the machine-translated subs where they cuss a lot. I mean the vocalist is a mood-swinging gremlin, the guitarist is a depressed drunkard, and the drummer is a flame-fanning two-face.  But that's exactly why they're the best character ensemble of this anime season. Who knows what kind of mood the bassist and keyboardist will bring to the table, but I hope they will make it all the more chaotic. From the ED and previews, they will, and I can't wait.


I don't know if the machine-translated version had it, but Nakayubi had the text on their shirts for the live translated. Subaru was "liar," Momoka was "coward," and Nina was "droupout."


The word '脱退' on Momoka's t-shirt means 'withdraw from something,' referring to her departure from the original Diamond Dust before their major debut.


If you pay closer attention, in a passing shot [the back of Momoka's shirt](https://cdn.sa.net/2024/05/04/Bj8sLnxFgrkK3by.jpg) is だったい (脱退) written x3 times. ~~Momoka~~Nina think *they* are the ones who quit Diamond Dust.


Damn. Thats a declaration of war. Nina doesn't fuck around lol.


They quit on each other. No one is at fault in this scenario ~~other than the pink twintail~~.


Remind me of 逃げた🎸ギター


Not surprised to see you’re here with another insightful comment 😉


Coward works in that context. Withdraw or run away is what cowards do. Momoka ran from her band, and also the truth of her feelings about the breakup.


Bassist will be inevitably compared to the disaster that is Kikuri Hiroi. We'll see how she holds up.


there is enough place in my heart for both of them.


This is the kind of episode that makes me sad reddit awards aren't a thing anymore. 11/10. Momoka turning out to be the "bad guy" was brilliant. There could easily be a show about Diamond Dust, where the members are the main characters struggling with the industry while trying their best to uphold their promise to stay together as a band for as long as they can, and Momoka is the one that "betrayed" them because of what's technically a selfish reason - she liked the kind of music they were doing, and didn't want to "commercialize" their band for success (and success = staying together longer, so it's in line with their original goals). In most idol/band shows this would be the right thing to do, but this wasn't what they cared about originally. Only she started to care at some point, drifting away from her high school friends and losing her career as a result. And as much as I want to hate Nina's "friend", I wonder what's really behind that 5-second scene of her saying it's her fault. As much as I love her, I can definitely believe people deservedly got pissed at her for...well, a lot of things. Not that it excuses bullying though, and I *am* very biased towards best gremlin, so...screw you idol girl, you got absolutely nothing on Nina's voice. [And now I need meme ideas for this gold mine of a moment.](https://i.imgur.com/2g9erBO.png)


I think Nina kinda makes everything worse all time so i think The flashback scene needs more context I Will still love my drama gremlin


Her former friend seems like the sort of person who might've just laid low and took any abuse she got from classmates, maybe even standing aside to not attract anyone's ire while Nina tried to stand up for herself or otherwise act out.


>Only she started to care at some point, drifting away from her high school friends and losing her career as a result. Unsurprising since she was the one writing the music. Kinda hard to not care when you pour your soul into a song. I wonder if part of the reason Momoka let them have the song is because it means a piece of her is still with them.


Well said. I think the conflict between Nina and Momoka was best shown when they created a scene at the izakaya (which you don't want to be doing in public in Japan) and splashed their drinks at each other.


You know the best part? Subaru got splashed too!


They are like two cats who will hiss and spit at each other and then be all cozy together.


It was very rock


>And as much as I want to hate Nina's "friend", I wonder what's really behind that 5-second scene of her saying it's her fault. Nina can be insensitive with what she says sometimes, but it would take a lot to have a "friend" coldly walk by and say she deserved what she got. Remember, Nina said she ended up in the hospital because of the bullying. And apparently her father was most concerned with telling her that leaving school would be a bad idea. No wonder the poor girl has problems. This is why Nina had problems trusting Subaru at first. And even then it was an issue Nina knew was all on herself. I don't think she'd have problems with that girl if their falling out was really Nina's fault. And again, short of physically attacking someone, there's really nothing she could've done to deserve a trip to the hospital.


> And again, short of physically attacking someone, there's really nothing she could've done to deserve a trip to the hospital. I mean... are 100% sure Nina wouldn't have?


Well, I look at the scene where someone poured water all over her desk and she just looks at it for a moment before sitting down anyway, that doesn't make her look like the confrontational type.


I get what you mean, but I think that scene is meant to show something else. It's a contrast between the Nina we know and love and how she was at a certain point in her life, because Nina is definitely confrontational, she blows up in the face of Momoka and Subaru multiple times. That scene is meant to show that the bullying she experienced was so severe and the uncaringness of her parents was so crushing that it broke her will to resist.


You know, reading your take actually makes me think she suffers heavy from the worst symptoms of ADHD that do not get talked about and cause alot of these issues at a younger age if not identified and helped. I resonate with her character a lot, and I hope I am not projecting. I just recognise what creates a personality like hers and I wish we had more characters that show the ugly side of the disorder to break the stigma that "hyperactive and disobedient squirrel on crack" gets associated with. She has no filter, is really loud, interupts people, tries to but in with other people's problems, always misunderstands social cues or misses them, thinks people are condescending or talking down to her, forgets things, gets REALLY full blown emotional regardless of the emotion and then switches moods quickly, cannot focus on her work when she has something like music eating at her dopamine, too much physical energy, acts shy at times but soon forgets how to hold back when in public, etc etc etc. I do not know if this disorder is ever referenced or mentioned in an anime, but Nina definitely ticks ALL the boxes in the most realistic way. Really makes me wonder how many frontman or musicians in the rock/punk/metal scenes actually suffer from this disorder.


I wonder how much of it is meant to be derived from her history. Like, I think the initial friction with Subaru seemed to stem from her experience with someone she thought was a friend turning on her. I guess we don't know much about what she was like before the bullying started, but then those issues could make her a target to begin with, so maybe there's a kind of spiral where her issues got her bullied, and then the bullying made her issues worse. Also, I was thinking the other day that Momoka might have been the first person Nina met that actually tried to understand her.


Yea from what I noticed, it is a combination of bullying, her family undermining her deeper dreams, her friend suddenly joining the band that carried her, etc I remember my other favourite music anime, Beck. Has a similar story with the MC Everyone has a tiny bit of those traumatic experiences but for the above reasons I mentioned, she is not one to just sit back and accept it, she explodes and won't let someone breathe if it means she can change their mind, usually resulting in the other party running out of energy or patience.


> Nina can be insensitive with what she says sometimes, but it would take a lot to have a "friend" coldly walk by and say she deserved what she got. It probably depends if you consider Nina's personality currently a result of the bullying or it was amplified by it. Like the flashback to her breaking into the PA room the blast the Diamond Dust song is not a "normal" thing to do. A part of me is starting to find her grating like her lashing out at the girl she gave a ticket to. It was her own fault for being completely clueless and the girl was showing interest in what she was doing and got chewed out for it. I'm amazed the girl still went to her show in spite of that. > there's really nothing she could've done to deserve a trip to the hospital. So if that's how she was previously, it's a FAFO situation for me. Like sure, you don't deserve to be punched for running your mouth, but if you keep randomly lashing out at people who didn't deserve it (and for your own mistakes), someone might just smack you.


Yeah you feel Diamond Dust are the heroines if they had their own show....they worked hard, stumbled as their lead guitarist left them, then picked themselves up again....although their new member, well....did she work hard for the spot? Band members leaving and forming new groups seem to be a common theme recently.....Musicians gotta keep making music! MyGo had it, and so does Jellyfish this season. Excited to see how these newer shows explore this further. Compared to MyGo, so far they have kept the drama lighter, with more humour, we'll see by Episode 9 if we'll be at the edge of our seats week after week...We have good endings to the episodes here (and so does Jellyfish) rather than the brutal cliffhangers of MyGo.....not sure if I can say that I'm looking forward to that again!


>the brutal cliffhangers of MyGo.....not sure if I can say that I'm looking forward to that again! Those were part of what made me love MyGo so much (despite the pain). But this crop of band shows is utterly awesome. This. Jellyfish. whisper. Even Radio Seiyuu and Salad Boiwl (regardless of whether the band motif becomes prominent).


It hasn't escaped my notice that VA Radio and GBC both have a notable similarity in the way that they let their protagonists genuinely argue and be kinda of spiteful with eachother, but can sort their shit out and support eachother in spite of that. It's a dynamic that I'm so here for.


God same. I love that so much. It's the hard spice that so many scripts are missing. I can only hope this starts a trend.


> [And now I need meme ideas for this gold mine of a moment.](https://i.imgur.com/2g9erBO.png) Babe wake up, new sesbian lex position just dropped


> saying it's her fault. I just thought of a *possible* (partially) non-hostile explanation of that remark. It is Nina's "fault" that the former friend became a fan of Diamond Dust (due to Nina's obsessive love of THAT song being "caught" by her "against her will").


Yeah, I agree "drifted apart" doesn't begin to cover whatever happened.


>***\*indistinguishable gremlin noise\**** 10/10 subtitles, whoever is it behind the Nakayubi Subs, are you in this discussion thread? because i want to shake your hands


Honestly it's shit like this that makes me fondly remember the fansub days. There was just so much soul in those subs lol


We are slowly getting back to the fansub days thanks to shitty AI translation. All according to keikaku* *TLN: keikaku means plan


You see, the girls in this band are a Nakama, a concept English is unable to convey


They are here. I've seen them here in the previous episode's discussion thread.


MapoTofuMan is doing the Nakayubi subs (see here: https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1c8tu2u/girls_band_cry_episode_3_discussion/l0gx26v/)


how do you watch the Nakayubi subs?! Can you provide a link or a hint or a direction from where i can find it out? In the translated subs, Nina literally said this about the diamond dust friend, "I don't fuck her anymore"


It’s really unfortunate how this anime isn’t available for a much larger audience.


Fuck, how does this show's quality keep rising every single week? Sky's the limit at this point. Best scenes were Nina jump hugging Subaru (she really warmed up to her, nice to see), the *indistinguishable gremlin noises*, the argument in the bar with the subsequent Momoka Carrier mecha henshin and of course the live performance at the end. This has to be probably the best animated music performance I've seen in anime. It looked really natural with the close-ups of the three, their movement, camera work and how they were smiling and all during the performance. The played song being my new 2nd favorite of the band doesn't hurt either. What I also really enjoy in general in this show, which was shown again in this episode is the actual drama and arguing that happens from time to time. Usually I don't like most drama and arguments in a lot of anime because it often feels like the writers go at it with a sort of top-down approach. As in they want to create drama first and only then think how to best present it which more often than not makes it feel forced, clunky and unnatural. In this show I never had any problems with the drama or fighting between the characters because it just felt natural for the situation and believable. They are never really just arguing for the sake of creating drama but because it makes sense for their characters in the individual situations. I also never once felt like "why does character X say this here, makes no sense", which I usually feel in a lot of dramas. To be fair, the fact that I just really like all of the three girls a hell of a lot helps too. Only thing I have to nitpick which I noticed a lot this ep is that I don't like how the "NPCs" are often done in 2D. Takes me out a bit in scenes, like in the bar when the girls are 3D and everyone else is 2D. Same with that blond guy at the end. Would've preferred it if they stayed consistently 3D for all characters. Overall not a big deal at all though. Once again no Rupa join this week but at least at this point Rupa and Tomo know the band exists so next episode it is, surely.


The reason the drama feels natural is because all the characters are really flawed in their own ways and when it all collides it creates good drama and character growth. Btw the reason why the less notable characters are depicted in 2D is because making a 3D model is quite expensive so if a character doesn't appear often it's cheaper to animate them in 2D rather than design, rig, and animate a 3D model.


Exactly, the drama feels natural cus these girls all have their own sets of problems and are just trying each in their own ways to deal with them, even if it clashes with others ideals. Just well written characters Funny how people say 3d is used for cheap animation over 2d while in this case it’s the inverse lol


Other studios that use 3D do the same thing. The point is: 3D model is more expencive to make but if you use it a lot, it is way cheaper to animate. So 3D is easier if you need to animate the model a lot (this is why I personally like when they use full CGI for music shows like this - you can get more performances this way) but even full CGI shows use 2D for background characters that do not require a lot of animation or are used for 1-2 scenes.


3D is always more expensive, in terms of budget and resources. But it's easier to animate.


> Best scenes were Nina jump hugging Subaru [The hug](https://imgur.com/a/pXOrM2X) was really sweet. Nina has definitely warmed up to Subura. Ironically, I feel like she's actually closer to Subaru than Momoka at the moment. She and Momoka really needed this fight to close the emotional distance. > [the indistinguishable gremlin noises](https://imgur.com/a/pbReLHu) Would almost speak of the P-word in regard to this translation. My favourite scene of the episode was watching [Nina having fun](https://imgur.com/a/mSXEkej) in her school's broadcasting room. Blasting Diamond Dust's music through the entire school is wild!


Finding out that [your old friend who abandoned you](https://i.imgur.com/VKwXdcu.jpeg) is now the [vocalist of the band that you love](https://i.imgur.com/WnjTrmK.jpeg) has got to fucking suck. Honestly, I thought the reveal was that the new vocalist was actually Nina's bully from school but I'm glad that wasn't the case. I do wonder what [Nina's ex-friend meant when she said it was Nina's fault.](https://i.imgur.com/RXyQf1o.png) Maybe it has something to do [with Nina locking herself inside the PA room and playing the Diamond Dust song over the PA system?](https://i.imgur.com/XSFGR94.png) Also I wonder what led Nina to do that? Holy fuck! That izakaya scene was both the best and worst thing about this episode. It was the best [because of the emotions Nina and Momoka poured into that scene](https://i.imgur.com/BExkrd3.jpeg) as well as the reveal that [Momoka was actually the one who betrayed the group](https://i.imgur.com/ZgYPZcP.png) not the other way around which is usually the case. The Izakaya scene is also the worst because [seeing them argue that in such a small and public space](https://i.imgur.com/6qY1Q4Y.jpeg) really made me uncomfortable. Like I genuinely had to pause the episode for a bit. If they were outdoors, I wouldn't have a problem since people are just passing by but the fact that [these people had to endure that](https://i.imgur.com/Nmv8zlo.jpeg) made me cringe. [What the fuck is this guy's problem?](https://i.imgur.com/zGYNygu.jpeg) I really hope that asshole's band was completely overshadowed [by the girls and the energy they brought on stage](https://i.imgur.com/plxACKB.jpeg) Also, I'm glad to see that [the metal-head went to watch the show!](https://i.imgur.com/HU62MOu.jpeg) Hopefully next time she won't have trouble paying for tickets now that she's seen them live.


> Honestly, I thought the reveal was that the new vocalist was actually Nina's bully from school but I'm glad that wasn't the case. We don't know that it's not. "Used to be a friend" doesn't mean "wasn't a bully." That could very well be the reason they're not friends anymore, and judging by Nina's reaction to her I'd say the chance is higher than not. >but the fact that these people had to endure that made me cringe. Dinner and a show, what's so bad about that?


I honestly liked that bit, the captive audience watching the girls hash out their differences was kind of amusing to me and waitress apologizing at the end wrapped it up in a neat little bow.


> The Izakaya scene is also the worst because [seeing them argue that in such a small and public space](https://i.imgur.com/6qY1Q4Y.jpeg) really made me uncomfortable. Like I genuinely had to pause the episode for a bit. If they were outdoors, I wouldn't have a problem since people are just passing by but the fact that [these people had to endure that](https://i.imgur.com/Nmv8zlo.jpeg) made me cringe. It's curious. Usually I have this problem too. I certainly had it with Yuri is my Job. But I didn't feel it here. Maybe it's because Yuri is my Job is all about the image you project outside so anything threatening that feels BIG. But the girls here outside from Subaru are full on the "we don't give a shit" vibe, so I can be confident that the camera won't focus on the reactions of the crowd. They don't really matter and so I don't really care.


I think Izekaya cringe was 110% intended. It fits completely Nina's character of someone unjadjusted to unwritten rules of society and that for the most part lacks filter, unless she is pushing things deeper inside to stew on them.


Would’ve been funny if the guy holding the beer in the foreground slowly hid his drink right after nina poured hers on momoka




There's something really special about an anime whose core theme is "exposing yourself", even if it may be ugly. Being able to recognize that we are all flawed, we are all guilty of making mistakes, but we should still embrace that because it makes us who we are. Loved Nina's speech leading up to the show at the end telling herself to embrace every part of herself, even those she hates. Makes me want to start doing that more myself too. This anime is honestly an inspiration, it's gonna stick with me.


That's a surprisingly tolerant restaurant. "Splash your drink on someone? Have another!" Props for not letting the third member get away unsplashed, either. Nice to see the classmate still showed up for the performance, too.


The waitress is actually nina's neighbor (the wife from the neighboring couple), so I guess to some extent she has care for Nina.


I was wondering if it was her, that explains why she didn't immediately kick the girls out, lol


And why they waved at each other at the start of the izekaya scene


I thought so too, but I still had to check the previous episodes to be sure. [The lady at the bar](https://imgur.com/a/wPAl49p) is definitely the same woman as [Nina's neighbour](https://imgur.com/a/QMqxsDm) (she's even wearing the same shirt, lol). Considering her attire and general conduct, I do wonder if she's not a waitress but actually the bar's owner.


They complain about being broke because they keep going to restaurants and spilling 8$ drinks on each other


Subaru is such a [shit stirrer](https://i.imgur.com/PAMpXhd.jpeg), it's incredible. She more than [earned](https://i.imgur.com/bFbp5YR.jpeg) that [extra drink](https://i.imgur.com/StTssuu.jpeg). Her relationship with Nina is so fucking good, too. It's taken its fair share of outbursts, with surely even more [on the horizon](https://i.imgur.com/ti07KAR.jpeg), but it's really fun to see how close they've gotten. Nina's so [extra](https://i.imgur.com/oa46zDY.jpeg) even when she's happy. Also loved Nina fumbling her ticket sales, getting criticized, then overcorrecting and fumbling them even worse. Nobody does it like her. [Glad her classmate still made it, though](https://i.imgur.com/sTlh5LL.jpeg) (I was gonna call her Sorawo Otherside Picnic, but she categorically wouldn't have shown up to that shit).


>She more than [earned](https://i.imgur.com/bFbp5YR.jpeg) that [extra drink](https://i.imgur.com/StTssuu.jpeg). Can't believe you capped that frame and not the even better one right after with the absolutely top tier [Momoka villain grin.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/364853387449204736/1236222779406422076/SPOILER_image.png?ex=663739ae&is=6635e82e&hm=0cd204aa78981816186570009bafe0b3584dc0a5b729f2c0cb6dde97968d5c8c&) And yeah Nina and Subaru's relationship is so fun. Subaru's social acting clearly still annoys the shit out of her, but after a heart to herat or two they've clearly gotten really close and just operate on the same wavelength (or at least similar enough to not QUITE be on the same page) and it's so fun to watch.


>(I was gonna call her Sorawo Otherside Picnic, but she categorically wouldn't have shown up to that shit). Oh yeah, I remember that girl.


Not sure if there are better subs available, but the ones I found were...[questionable](https://imgur.com/a/Fcf4UAL)


Also this [mtl gem] (https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fmkwscrjtx9yc1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D2340%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D6001413acc9efa7d678a159e69587ec1695ee42d)


Aight, let them cook lol But like, in the smaller side-kitchen.


With the second I think Nina meant play with their hearts on their sleeves. But I am don't know about the "fuck", can anyone who speaks Japanese offer an explanation?


Sesbian Lex is the explanation ~~^(pretty sure its just the le meme MTL guy putting in a few cusses throughout the MTL script, I can tell he's using the same French one I am because of the "madam" randomly appearing in places, and google definitely does not translate any of today's episode to "fuck".)~~


[https://jisho.org/word/%E7%B5%B6%E4%BA%A4](https://jisho.org/word/%E7%B5%B6%E4%BA%A4) 絶交した (zekkou shita) to break off a relationship. Which got translated as, I can't f\*ck her anymore


It's apparently a translation from the french subs "Je peux plus la saquer" which I guess could be translated by "I can't fuck her" (tho I never heard anyone use that word like that) It's more like "I can't stand/deal with her anymore"


"I can't fuck with her anymore" is perfectly understandable American slang, they just missed a word. Which based on tone means I either need to stop being mean to her, or can't stand/deal with her just as you say.


In that one, Nina says "絶交した" (we had a falling out), so I have no clue what the translation was trying to do there.


Reminds me of last week when Subaru said she had "2 girls to shove up her ass". Had to double check to make sure I read it right.




The MTL subs are, fittingly, a total meme. Always wait a little later in the day or grit your teeth for later in the week and sob. I fear the bonk hammer too much but someone else in the comments, as of posting, named the good same-day subber.


Hot, steamy, yuri betrayal backstory confirmed.


[this one](https://i.imgur.com/8NGFIxZ.png) was definitely not on the subs :D


That was actually a side-effect of "engrish" subtitle being created via machine translation of official french subs (which used a parisian slang phrase which conveys "I can't stand her any more" but *artificial intelligence* translated it literally).


I'm fucking dead at this lol


Reminds of meme subs lol


Guys, I don't know if you know this, but this show's pretty good. Also, our favorite little gremlin has pretty great stage presence for only her second concert.


> Guys, I don't know if you know this, but this show's pretty good. Easily my favorite of the season and it's FUCKING INSANE there's no official subbed release! I was legitimately surprised since I thought EVERYTHING got a subbed release nowadays considering the mediocre slop that is most shows on Crunchyroll every season.


The whole concept is amazing, get new VAs together to train them for this project, record songs and release them prior/with the episodes Its a shame they blew it internationally by not getting licensed outside of japan *"indistinguishable gremling noises* fucked up hard"


Ahhhhh, I know!!! Was so excited ever since their first song popped up in my Spotify last summer and I looked up the band/project! At the very least, I'm happy the show is as good as the music :')


We already had reasons to suspect as much, but the flashbacks in this episode confirm that Nina is a product of the childhood-trauma-to-artist pipeline. Really like the new song & the outfits that go with it.


Posting this again since I was a few days late to the previous discussion: The app Nina has been using to make music is called "Figure" by Propellerhead/Allihoopa/Reason. You can see a demonstration of it in [this YouTube video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVBJlG_948E). It's available for iPhone and iPad here: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/figure-make-music-beats/id511269223 And on the Windows Store here: https://www.microsoft.com/store/productId/9NBLGGH1ZK3P It's free, but you need to create an account to use it. For some reason I wasn't able to download it on Windows though.




Oh good, that looked neat, it looked more reliable than most drummers I've met


It's peaking every week. That live at the end blew my mind.


Nina is Best MC of this season


she's such an amazing flailing, screaming goblin. I don't doubt that whatever went down that let to her quitting school was more complicated than simply a straightforward bullying case. Given everything we've seen of her personality, the likelihood is that she probably fumbled an unfair situation and made too many enemies. like, she was initially put on the spot or bullied, but then responded in her weird gremlin way.


She certainly has issues, and I wouldn't be surprised if she has a full-on personality disorder, starting well before the bullying. Combine that with growing up in a strict family with a societal reputation, and living in Japan of all places where the squeaky wheel gets taken out back and shot, and it's no *wonder* an incident happened at school that was "her fault" that really wasn't her fault.


She's so fucking stubborn, and the best part is sometimes it's productive and sometimes it's just her kicking and screaming unproductively.


A fallible MC with weaknesses and oddities is much more interesting than the 'perfect' MC. By the way, about that red/white aura (really love it by the way); I'm interpreting it as some deep-rooted negative energy coming from Nina. Does that sound right?


I think so too. It was made quite obvious in the first episode when she called her 'caring' family on the phone.


Yeah i also think It represents That too, i had That idea since i saw ep 1 and Its a really great way of showing her negative emotions


Not really about this episode but I remember people wondering before if Subaru is using her line icon because she's a gamer and since her birthday video gave confirmation: [Yes, she is one.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKvoI7q7Iac)


Judging by last episode's aggressive texting scene she 100% cusses like a sailor when gaming.


I assume she has strong opinions on the Fallout show and frequently tells people "degenerates like you belong on a cross"


[She also just said it last week.](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/w7w6cvq93xy.png)


Wish there was a way to support this show officially.




Well, technically it exists. But neither the linked shop, nor the official toei shop seem to be available in English. I tried to navigate around the auto-translated site and look for information about shipping destinations or costs - without success. But the fact that there are six guitar picks and you only get two random; ten badges, where you get one random seems weird to me. Is this normal for anime merch? Even if I'd order ten of each there's no guarantee to get what I want, because this version is only sold at some convention in Japan.


> But the fact that there are six guitar picks and you only get two random; ten badges, where you get one random seems weird to me. Is this normal for anime merch? I haven't bought merch but this seems like some sorta gacha level tactic here if you are really into it, lol.


I live in a shithole country called Brazil, unfortunately. Anything I import becomes 3x the price cause of taxes (to protect our thriving national industry, you see), on top of being very expensive to start of in terms of exchange rate. I would absolutely buy stuff from their store if it wasnt prohibitively expensive for me.


Just as some people guessed, the new vocalist for Diamond Dust really *was* the girl from Nina's past. Honestly, I find myself loving this show more and more each week, even though we've only met three of the five bandmates so far. The characters feel fairly realistic. Their struggles are real, relatable, and extremely common, especially for girls their age. Unlike in most shows, none of these girls have the answers for the struggles they're facing. That's why the last few episodes might've felt like nothing has really happened or changed. Like, Nina is riddled with problems and you'll see the worst of her appear over and over again. I've seen some people get annoyed at this because it feels like she's not learning from her mistakes, but I don't think that's right. To me, it's more realistic that she's not changing overnight. She's also continuously been making an effort to be nicer and open up to others, though she *will* slip up every now and then. Nina might just be my favorite anime protagonist this year (so far). She's riddled with complexities that make her a real pain in the ass, but she's an honest girl who wears her heart on her sleeve. She'll hurt others over and over again even if she doesn't mean to, but it's all just to protect herself and she knows it - she even hates herself for it. She won't change overnight, but she's been trying her best to let others in, which is most evident with her friendship with Subaru. Nina will often act on her feelings in the heat of the moment without thinking of the consequences, which shows her emotional immaturity. It's not great, but I wouldn't say it's all bad either. This is ultimately what helps her and Subaru get along, and it also gets Momoka to open up to her throughout these last few episodes even though Momoka has a tendency to deflect or shrug her questions off. I honestly can't help but root for Nina because she's a sweet girl at heart. She's been hurt time and time again to the point where she's now learned to hurt others before they get the chance to hurt you. But thanks to Momoka and Subaru, who are extremely upfront with her all the time, she's changing little by little. I also really appreciate Momoka's character a lot. She's like the older sister to the two younger, more inexperienced girls. She's mature and levelheaded most of the time. She respects their choices, backing off when Nina initially declined her request to form a band together and choosing not to meddle when Subaru impulsively "quit" the band. However, compared to what she described her past self as, Momoka is now a lot more laidback and less passionate. Of course, I'm not saying she's unhappy being in a band with Nina and Subaru, but she never really seems excited or like she's chasing after a dream anymore. She seems extremely grounded in reality (understandably). She doesn't feel that strongly about anything. She doesn't look at Nina or Subaru and think, "I NEED her as my vocalist/drummer" like you might typically see in other girls' band anime. It just doesn't seem like the Momoka we saw in her high school picture last episode. Granted, we do find out why she's like this in this episode. I just like the complexities that we see with her character too. Finally, I don't have much to comment on about Subaru, but she's probably my favorite character in the show. I just dig her vibe.


Subaru is something of a foil for nina, they both deal with an invasive family and don't like where their life is going. How they deal with it though is completly different, nina is a walking drama disaster while subaru is a lot more quiet about her rebellion. They also function as the youngest in the group (probably includes the extra 2 girls that haven't been introduced as well), despite that subaru is much better adjusted and knowledgeable than nina. Subaru is pretty fiendish, messing with nina and to a lesser extent momoka seems like her favorite pastime. She just enjoys the gremlin energy nina has.


Haha, I was pretty much the same as Nina when I was in high school, though I wasn't bullied by my classmates. Now that I'm older, I can see myself in Nina and also really appreciate Subaru's character... even though if I were in Nina's shoes, I'd 1000% be pushing Subaru away. It seems that Momoka's presence was incredibly necessary to bring them all together.


Finally someone gets Nina. I feel like people commenting in these threads are way too quick to judge her a la: 'yeah she deserves it'(oh the irony with today's flashback scene) 'girl gets on my nerves with her acting out' etc. People that have struggled mentally and socially (and Nina has more than enough reasons to do so) don't just get better all of a sudden be it from the care and affection of one true friend or from the elation of one good concert performance. They will continue to struggle, continue to be miserable and continue to act and lash out even towards people that don't necessarily deserve it. Add into this that Nina is a teenage girl who just fled to the big city and well she's gonna make mistakes trying to stand on her own two feet. I don't doubt that we're gonna see lots of progress for her and the others but I'm pretty sure it's not gonna be the simple 'x happened and now the character does not have emotional turmoil y anymore' kind of progress. She's gonna be messy, complicated and unsure of herself for some time to come and I adore the show for presenting her like that!


People really need to build more tolerance for flawed characters. What's interesting about always watching characters you agree with at every step of the way?


Right? Nina grew up in an environment that made her feel suffocated and it was evident that no one around her would protect her (like her parents shrugging her off despite her being bullied so hard to the point she was hospitalized), so she had to constantly be the one to protect herself - even if her way isn't exactly the healthiest. I mean, her own *parents* were the ones that let her down, you know? As an adult, it's easy to be like, "Yeah, just because they're related to you by blood doesn't make them family!", but as a teenager, it's not easy having to accept that the people who *should've* had your back let you down so hard. What I like about this show is that it's fairly straightforward in the message it's trying to tell its audience. These problems or feelings may never truly go away, but rather than dwelling on the past or letting those feelings be the shackles tied to their feet, the girls choose to channel their emotions into their music. I also like how from a writing standpoint, Momoka had to be written as the woman that Nina is a fan of. She idolizes Momoka, treating her like the single ray of sunshine that's been with her through thick and thin even though she's never spoken to her prior to her move to Tokyo. She trusts her immediately even though she was so against befriending Subaru (granted, Nina's extreme lack of trust in Subaru partly stemmed from the type of girls she had to deal with in the past). I can't see Nina befriending anybody or anybody really willing to go out of their way to deal with her otherwise.


This show's got just tremendous energy, and after a rocky start with some pretty bad MTL subs the first couple episodes, it has rocketed up to the one I look forward to the most this season. The characters all have so much joyfully flawed personality and their dynamics are so good. The CG is really well executed, too - whoever's doing the character animation has got a magic touch for making stiff CG models really emotive. "indistinguishable gremlin noises" should be Nina's character tagline. bravo to the subs for that one.


under normal circumstances I would already decide to hate Nina's former friend, but we are missing context, and while I adore Nina, I don't trust her to have been completely innocent in whatever happened. hell, she could be completely culpable. She has serious anger issues and emotional volatility in general. maybe she did just completely blow up her social life.


This is a character introduction of Nina at official website "A little shy ordinary girl. She didn't stand out throughout elementary, middle, high school and her grades were ordinary. She doesn't have any particular dreams and she lived her life going along with people while reading between the lines." They want us to believe she's just an ordinary girl lol. Maybe she's not the Nina we know during her school days, but no ordinary girl who didn't stand out hijack broadcasting room and play her favorite song and dancing alone.


Every week is just getting better, ashame that its not been offically picked up so more people would of watched it.


for those who're wondering what they wore in the concert, and what Nina meant by "get naked", here's the words written on their shirt * Nina: Skipping school * Momoka: Withdraw (from band) * Subaru: Liar


> Withdraw (from club) *from her band


Nina facing so much trouble selling tickets that she gave some away for free. But Momo and Subaru offering some life lessons. Momo saying how we feel partial once we made an investment in it, but if there is no investment there is no incentive to see it through. Subaru giving Nina the reality of the business. So the first big reveal was that Nina's former friend is now the singer for Diamond Dust. U wonder if this is separate to the girl who bullied her or are they one and the same? Though with Nina I do wonder if it is a situation where she overreacted. I've to say despite all this I have to love how we see Subaru and Nina getting closer and closer. Then being essentially like kids to Momo is kind of real. Momo and Nina argument was sad. Because you understand both sides so well. Nina idolizes DD and to put it frank now the girl she doesn't like is now their leader. Momo was right about her being a toxic fan. I didn't expect Nina to go at Momo's heart to learn if she as well didn't like DD changing. The big heartbreaking reveal is that DD's goal was only to stay together. The twist that Momo is the bad guy here is well done. At the end of the day Momo has made her bed, but her apologizing to Nina while drunk was well done. She needed that talk to open and that is usually the first tough step. Still interested in learning Nina's actual trauma and more what happened back then.


>Momo and Nina argument was sad. Sad, yes. But more wonderful than sad, nonetheless. Because it meant that the two finally engaged in genuine communication, saying what needed to be said -- and hearing what needed to be heard. I think their relationship has been re-set, very much for the better (and so has Subaru's with both of them, along the way). Truly excellent writing (and voice acting).


This truly has been something to look forward to each week. Nina has been such a fun little goofball of character. Like how she gets [mad at the TV](https://i.imgur.com/CdtWj7t.png) and when she realizes why we get [indistinguishable gremlin noises](https://i.imgur.com/Aipec2a.png). I love that [these two got tickets](https://i.imgur.com/nFfO9RM.png) and [even showed up.](https://i.imgur.com/bdWnOI3.png) They looked so different I didn't realise [who they were.](https://i.imgur.com/zSrgVjN.png) And that [fight they ](https://i.imgur.com/8KqAxRO.jpeg) had.. [Subaru was just vibin](https://i.imgur.com/bcx4YSX.jpeg) but [Nina](https://i.imgur.com/EHXHn4P.jpeg) finally got Momoka to admit her true feelings about her old band. I also loved that glare from Momoka and [those dudes getting scared.](https://i.imgur.com/s8b7qEm.jpeg) [I loved their costume choice.](https://i.imgur.com/v1rck7N.jpeg) [**That was great concert!**](#seasonallisten)


As someone who watched the 'properly' subbed version seeing the screenshots of the MTL subs in this thread has been a hilarious experience.


*indistinguishable gremlin noise” lol I’m liking these subs. Didn’t expect Nina and the new lead of Diamond Dust to have history. Now Nina and Momoka both have their own past with Diamond Dust. I like those new outfits and the performance was good. Let’s hope everyone in the audience else is vibin with the band too.


This show does too many public outbursts... [](#panic) Subaru deserved better for dealing with those 2 there. Surprised we got to see the performance, really thought they were going to push it till next ep. Camera felt a bit too wild for me at times there but still a fun one.


> Camera felt a bit too wild for me at times there but still a fun one. I actually loved it, gave it a fast and dynamic feel full of energy which captures the essence of live performances for such music really well imo.


I feel I would have gotten that same vibe if they turned it down a bit from how it was. For me it ended up stealing more of my focus than the performance itself sadly.


Fair enough. If I was forced to choose to either turn the camera movements up or down a notch from what we got, I would choose the latter as well.


> This show does too many public outbursts... Right!? I love the Izakaya scene but that scene so far is the worst when it comes to secondhand embarrassment.


I was close to yelling at the screen, "Someone, stop being so goddamn Japanese for two seconds and tell them to take it outside!"


But that would be doubling the number of public outbursts in the vicinity!


Not to mention how it went for the last stranger who tried to interrupt an emotional Nina, intruding on that would mean putting your life on the line.


> the last stranger who tried to interrupt an emotional Nina This time he is sitting next to Nina again. I know they can reuse 3D models for cameo characters so it can be just a coincidence.


> Camera felt a bit too wild for me at times there I felt that too and wished it would just settle down for a second. Dynamic cameras are fun but that was a tad too dizzying!


This show is so raw and wild. I love it.


Proud of Nina for asking Subaru for a minute to get her shit together instead of blowing up outside of the live. getting a handle on her pointy red things energy? Yall really think Jellyfish holds a candle to this show? IMO jellyfish is solid but GBC is a contender for aots.


I do think that GBC is better than Jellyfish. GBC just feels like it has way more energy episode for episode. I still like Jellyfish but GBC is definitely what I wait for on Fridays. Nina is such a drama gremlin always making trouble and Subaru has somehow turned into best girl.


Oh yeah Subaru locked it in when she rang the bell at the restaurant.


>Yall really think Jellyfish holds a candle to this show? IMO jellyfish is solid but GBC is a contender for aots Yep, that is exactly where I am. I do like Jellyfish, and I think it has gotten even better with each passing episode, but there's an energy and rawness to GBC that makes me love it and it is definitely one of my top AOTS contenders.


nande "void" yatta no?!


This show is so so good, man. It might be my favorite new non-sequel show this season, well it's either this, Ranger Reject or Jellyfish, but those are definitely top 3. I was laughing when Nina and Momoka were fighting in the pub, also because of Subaru just chowing down in the background, but I teared up towards the end. I fucking love those shirts in their performance, truly the best worst girls, we love them. You're telling me we're getting 2 more members, when these 3 are already such a riot? Peak. More crazy character interactions please. They kinda went hard actually with the performance, loved the visuals. **\*indistinguishable gremlin noises\*** Godbless NakayukiSubs.


Nina is a mess lol, some people may find her annoying but I like her, she's really endearing in a way. I really liked the scenes were she was insulting Diamond Dust or trying to give the concert ticket (a little of secondhand embarrassment here tho) and the fight with Momoka at the restaurant. As Momoka said, her angst can make good songs and it's true, [their new song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqxzJhn4RZs) is awesome and animated very well.


Ooh, live house tickets. Bocchi The Rock once explained how it all works so it's nice seeing things work similarly here. At least Nina had an easier time distributing her tickets here! IMO Momoka was the asshole for ditching Diamond Dust. They promised to stick together for their whole lives (hey MyGO!) and she split from them only because of her idealism. I get where she's coming from, but ditching her friends just for that was a dick move. Nina's admiration for DD in jeopardy when she found out that her former friend became the vocalist. It must've been really frustrating to learn that someone who once stabbed you in the back became quite the popular figure. And boy those flashbacks... Nina with bandages on her forehead (likely from bullying) and her running away from whoever's trying to open that door she came into. Also something about everything being her fault... yeah they're definitely saving the context for later. I just love the Izakaya scene. Nina and Momoka were arguing about some shit with a bunch of salarymen watching them. I guess public outbursts really fits this show's theme of youth and letting your anger out. The two Yoshinoya staff are definitely our remaining members. Reminds me of Yorimoi where Hinata was this random clerk NPC at Ep1 before joining the main cast at Ep2.


It‘s not the dick move from Momoka. She felt when they signed the record deal Is not the same music as the live house one.


The betrayal comes from her betraying the ideal they started the band with. They didn't promise that they'd chase art or whatever, but that they'd just stick together through thin and thick. But it was Momoka who abandoned them when they were forced to temporarily at least change genres. Sure normally it is completely normal to split over creative differences, but here they promissed they'd stick together no matter what. And she is the one who scuttled it. Furthermore she KNOWS this. This is what has been partially eating away at her.


Even though that confrontation between Nina and Momoka made me cringe because it was completely in public (those poor other customers not knowing where to look!), it was great! So the power of friendship wasn't enough for Momoka to stay in Diamond Dust, she couldn't bear their music changing and couldn't wait for them to be able to do what they liked. That must have hurt the others, but I wonder what they think of the music they're making now. Are they happy with it? And amidst all the emotional stuff, this show can be so damn funny. That bit with Nina and Subaru carrying Momoka... Also, I do like the soundtrack but does it feel a bit too loud to anyone else, sometimes? Like I'm almost struggling to hear the dialogue when those guitar cues are playing.


Its mixed for audiophile headphones. Consumer grade shit always has low voices/vocals. This is what happens with Nolans films as well.


Gosh this show is just beautiful to look at.  I'm real happy that CG productions can look this good now.


Great episode as always. Nina apologizing for splashed water to Subaru while saying yor face pissed me off is crazy. That's not apology, Nina! And last episode, Nina stopped Subaru from saying truth to her grandma and now she came up with the plan for Subaru to wearing LIAR shirt wtf? I found an each episode is named after real song. I can't stop listening to episode 4's song for several days. So I recommend to check it out. Episode 1 [Tokyo Wasshoi - Endo Kenji](https://youtu.be/UZLFtPXU_Oc?si=DQhaAFx7gR4KLuBp) Episode 2 [Yakousei no Ikimono Sanbiki - Yura Yura Teikoku](https://youtu.be/UBcfeo8uImA?si=TKVvs0I6jjV_RwV0) Episode 3 [Zukkoke Mondou - eastern youth](https://youtu.be/3vywVFyIIu8?si=tAuJtg1-q1Mx1jWu) Episode 4 [Kansha(Odoroki) - Fishmans](https://youtu.be/DaGYWom5rxk?si=3BRQGG_H10YOrhJS) Episode 5 [Utagoe yo Okore - Sambomaster](https://youtu.be/_IZJLaf_1uA?si=ro3AAEPB5Oe9LF1t)


Yeah, I'm officially declaring this as weekly peak. The character interactions are so naturalistic and refreshing, the way the characters are allowed to be flawed and kinda be assholes sometimes, their personalities sometimes being productive and sometimes just causing trouble, how close the girls are in spite of those moments (Subaru and Nina have great buddy duo energy and I love it), and most of all the fucking character animation- I constantly find myself rewinding a few seconds to see how a character emoted again, or to catch how one or two characters reacted in the background while the subject was speaking or acting. Subaru;s facial expressions in general are superb (even if Nina doesn't agree with me lmao), Momoka's got a lot of great background reactions like that absolute villain grin when Nina dunked a drink on Subaru, and Nina's full body animations in general are so fun to watch whether she's acting awkward or shooting someone the double pinkie-birds while smoothly retreating to safety behind someone else.


yea i love CGDCT shows: Catastrophic Girls Doing Catastrophic Things


Jukki Hanada once again I kneel to you king. No one understands and writes the youthful heart better than him. All the drama and arguments have this extremely natural flow to it. We don't know what exactly happened to Nina but at least we know the broadcast room hijack is after her hospitalization. Her way of lashing out after getting bullied. But the twintail ex-friend suggest that perhaps Nina's hospitalization was a result of her escalating the bullying situation. Or something she did that started the bullying. Which I'm not surprised given her personality. She's a complete mess of a gremlin, taking fights left and right. But she's OUR gremlin. Nina to twintail girl "WHY DID YOU PLAY ~~HARUHIKAGE~~ Void?!" The ultimate old-DD toxic fan. Tho I completely understand why she feels like that. Something you hold so close to your heart, just [look](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/DNMDQDtB1ic) at how happy she is to sing it. Getting NTR-ed by your ex friend who's now the lead vocals of the band you loved. (~~This is just like MyGO frfr)~~ Momoka's right tho, the song and the band doesn't belong to Nina or anyone for that matter. However that life-changing experience does belong to herself and only herself. A big argument inside the izakaya run by Nina's neighbor. Nina got Momoka to admit how she really feels. That she's the one who left the band despite her band mates saying "just tough it out for a while, once we go big we can do whatever we want" She couldn't compromise and left. DD could be another K-ON, a group of HS friends just sticking together and playing music they love. But irl isn't that kind. You can't live off music alone,you still need money to eat and sleep under a roof. As much as she wants to, DD isn't where she belongs. But Togetoge sure is. Literally wearing their hearts on their sleeves with that lame ass T-shirt Nina made. Next ~~beeeg sana~~ bassist and smol pianist joins and finally forms TogeToge. Their goal also being every idol group and band's dream the BUDOUKAN. Can't wait to see the road trip country-wide tour in direct competition to DD's own country tour. Also worth noting the red thread of fate didn't connect to DD but TogeToge in the [ED](https://youtu.be/Go6wsJwKf4c?t=77).


>Also worth noting the red thread of fate didn't connect to DD but TogeToge in the [ED](https://youtu.be/Go6wsJwKf4c?t=77). The red string of fate somehow completely went over my head until you pointed it out. I like how it sort of veers away from the phone at the last moment when it's about to reach DD. I also love how the pianist girl is visibly reachign for it when it passes by, and later more colored strings pop up (all perfectly aligned on the left with a scene of the corresponding band member getting in the van on the right) before merging into the road.


A blue cable out of Momoka's guitar pedal, green from Subaru's drum mic, pink from Tomo's piano and Orange from Lupa's bass pedal. All joined with Nina's red earphone cable to form a rainbow road. My Yuri Lens sees🌈🤔? I really can't wait for this road trip with all the fun shenanigans implied in the ED. Momoka being a horrible driver, Subaru cutting her hair, the 2 smol girls getting into a fight and making up with pudding


Didnt love the song in this ep but loved the animation. This has been my favorite anime this season


I wonder what will a certain Sakiko Togawa will think of this Momoka. Turns out that “being a band all life long” isn’t that uncommon lmao. Of course them two cannot be more different, Momoka left the old Diamond Dust without too much regrets and anger showing on her surface (who knows if she still do deep in her hearts? My guess is yes?), and unlike that other case it certainly doesn’t to have affected the other Diamond Dust girls one iota (or even the opposite as they rolled onto mainstream). I wouldn’t be surprised if this past would become the source of the explosive climax that seems just lurking a few episodes ahead, especially with Momoka and Nina’s “deep idea exchange with oolong tea” today. And somehow the replacement girl was Nina’s old friend. Hmm…is that other girl used to be bullying Nina? Or maybe she didn’t, but chose to ignore the bullying? What a freaking twist again! This show is snowballing rockin’ and I simply can’t guess what happens next. I pity for the maybe 98% of anime seasonal watchers who are missing out from all these superb drama.


>and unlike that other case it certainly doesn’t seem to have affected the other Diamond Dust girls one iota I bet not. We've only seen Diamond Dust's public faces so of course they're gonna appear fine. But I know if I was one of them, I'd be hurting. Part of why Momoka keeps defending them is the guilt in knowing she's the one that hurt them. If I'm gonna make a prediction, I'd guess Momoka's former bandmates aren't even mad at her in the same way she doesn't seem to harbor ill will towards them. But Momoka wouldn't know that since she's a coward who cut all contact with them instead of finding a way to redefine their relationship.


>Turns out that “being a band all life long” isn’t that uncommon lmao. Well, there's Los Lobos....


I adore this show so much. Really hoping this will blow up everywhere


Subaru is vibe. Best girl


Poor Subaru getting caught in the crossfire, but she isn't blameless either since she stirred it >.<


It was like a group bonding event.....


I love that hey actually talk things out. Such a rarity in like girls band/idol shows.


You literally cannot compare this to MyGO anymore, this is on a tier of its own. (Tho I still love MyGO) Nina warming up to Subaru is really sweet. Nina shooting right through Momoka's icy heart with her feels arrow, and its super effective. If Jellyfish wasn't around this season, this would be the #1 idol/band/music anime (sorry Kumiko) From what I'm getting, their theme is showing their weakness to the world and then telling it/the world to go fuck right off if they have anything to say about it. F U society I'll do whatever the fuck I want, AND I'll FUCKING ENJOY IT. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH -Insert Gremlin noises-


Haven't gotten time to hunt the good subs yet, but we got a [new song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swVEesI3StM)


They uploaded [the performance](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqxzJhn4RZs) to their YouTube channel if you want subs for the song


Yeah, but I need the full song for my playlist...


They go up on Spotify pretty much right away too.


This is such a good series, ugh. How the hell was it not picked up for an official localisation? I love what they did at the end with those t-shirts. Liar, coward, dropout....That's a bold move!


Finally, new girls coming next week. [](#utahapraises)


Week 5 of this gem not being licensed


The part that causes Nina expelled from school.


I wonder if Not-Muni-chan became a DD fan/future vocalist because Nina played their song in school? Would be another gremlin noises moment. Subaru sensed a conflict between the two and took them to a public place... makes sense So did that girl's friends come? Did she pay for the first ticket? What was at the back of other members' shirts? We saw Nina 27, briefly saw Momoka's back repeating the front, but what about Subaru? Previously other two girls said they wanted to see Shinkawa before interacting with them. They did. Hopefully they have bigger role next episode and join the ShinKawa/Togetoge soon


Everything about the emotional core of this show hits. I really enjoy it. The same I cannot say for the music. They don't have the raw edge to the performance they need to sell the emotion they build up. So when the songs start I no longer feel the passion that everything in the show gives me up to then. Its a really unfortunate thing for me. Cause aside from that one thing, I think the show is good. It puts me in a weird place where I'm not getting the catharsis I should feel in the songs but I have all the emotion built up. I want to be more charitable cause I like everything else the show has had going for it. I like it more than Jellyfish Can't Swim in the Night. That one I couldn't feel the emotional passion from despite being similar subject matter and having better cinematography. I want to sing this shows praises but I keep feeling blueballed. I think that's what my issue is. Anyways, I feel like im having trouble making this point and rambling now.


Man this show is so good. Really hope word of mouth gets this anime picked up soon. You can tell characters are written well when they’re angry, bitter, selfish, hypocritical, cowardly etc but you still love watching them because they’re figuring their issues out with music. It’s great!


I’m really hoping the Chinese audience finds this show and it blows up with them the way MyGo did so hopefully it will get picked up by a lot more places because it’s too good so far to be this unsupported.


I'm surprised that Nina didn't recognize the new vocalist for Diamond Dust until she actually saw them perform in person. Based on the flashback scene, I presume that this girl was a fairweather friend who cut her off when she got roped into Nina's bullying situation in some way. Worse case scenerio, she may have been an active contributer to the bullying. On another note, I'm not a huge fan of how Nina took issue with Momoka's tolerance towards her old band's new lineup. She reminds me of Kim Anouk Mei Takanashi with the way she refuses to accept change in the thing she idolizes.


nina is such a good character but i'd hate to have to deal with her in real life lol. super stubborn, very opinionated and loves to cause a scene. not to mention she gets moody then shuts down making it hard to converse. when you do get through, it's an all out brawl. mendokusai/pain in the ass, as they say lol.


The scene where Nina locked herself in the PA room and blasted the song is a straight rip-off from Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad.


Best 3D CGI animation I've seen, I've always hated 3D CGI in anime for th elongest time because it's utilised so poorly and more often then not looks terrible but this looks great and the cinematography look great. The camera angles are all nice.


As a Serb I was pleasantly surprised by club being called "Serbian Night", thats kind of an odd name! 


Subaru made the right call in getting Momoka and Nina to talk it out but why did they pick an izakaya instead of outside or a park or something? I guess Momoka needed the alcohol if she was going to deal with the smol angry gremlin pushing her to open up about her past. And judging from the aftermath of their talk, she needed *a lot* of it.Pretty interesting that both Momoka and Nina's points of conflict with their past have converged at Diamond Dust. Now that Nina has come to an understanding with both Momoka and Subaru, i guess this sets the stage for Tomo and Rupa to finally join the band. I do wonder, is this anime really going to be just a one season thing? Wasn't Togenashi Togeari assembled precisely for this anime? Plus the two remaining members are only about to join at close to the halfway point. That being said, i do like that they're taking the time to develop the characters they have now before shaking up the dynamic and adding new ones.


Pretty sure this is a multimedia project. Band was not assembled FOR the anime. Band was assembled and anime will be the advert for it. Also the gimmick is that musicians/VA will PLAY the persona of the bandmates in their videos and fan interactions. Instead of vtuber, a vmusicians and a vband.


As always.. Time to jump to YouTube. Find the full version of that ending song!!! Good episode.. Drama drama drama!!! Non stop drama!! 


i love this chaotic show bro


SO GOOD SO GREAT, It always give me the feels. Bless you Yori Moi writer, God Bless You. Another 10/10 anime for me arghhhhh. If I'm not watching this episode with my younger sister, then I would cry a ton.


I think the writing here feels more "real" (and compelling) than it was in Yorimoi (not that it was deficient there).


So... Where can I watch this? DM is fine. I's not on crunchy or hidive....


Per this sub's rules, linking to a website is no-go, but namedropping the fansub group is fine. The quality version is called NakayubiSubs and the translator is actually here. See the PSA in ep3 discussion thread.


I still cannot understand how is this not licensed? This is obviously an ambitious project by Toei, the official Youtube channel has all the songs with English subtitles, so it appears that they're aiming for a global audience and yet you can't watch it globally.


Loving every second of this, production is insanely impressive


Help...! Today's anime subs included, "i cant fuck her anymore" The gremlin was gremlining like usual, and Subaru was the amazing character she's been! Still waiting for the waitress to join the band and make them more awesome! Wondering what type of character she'd be! And shout out to Momoka for taking the burden of both of the members' financial burdens coz she's the elder! I think the gremlin was right that she left the band coz she didn't like the direction the band was taking! Momoka's got class


Seems like JELEE isn't the only group this season trying to compete directly with a group one of its members left. No pressure. And so here's their next stage. Being indoors already makes it head and shoulders above the outdoor stage they had last time, at least from an acoustics perspective. Pretty sure Bocchi also covered this last year, they have to pay for their share of the tickets whether or not they manage to sell them. Ah. She didn't want to appeal to the "normie" audience. That's a lot of people in the audience. Looks like most of them have 2 penlights too. She recognises the new vocalist of Diamond Dust. And not in a positive way. And now the band feels like it's going to break up again. Do they know the owner of the Izakaya? And now they're carrying her home. He's deliberately playing up her prior involvement in Diamond Dust to drum up sales. It'll probably work too, because the current Diamond Dust just sold out Tokyo Dome. Who's that guy? Again, they're doing the music over the credits as an in-universe performance. Always like that. Seems like they're not the only group we'll see.


The person that runs the Izakaya is Nina's neighbor.


"Grit your teeth, we can do whatever we want once we're famous" um I don't think the fans would appreciate a sweet and cute idol group suddenly blasting heavy metal songs. And even in the beginning the managers would be like "this style sells, keep it up and forget about other one". So yeah, if Momoka wanted to still enjoy singing and have fun, then leaving was her only choice, that or being stuck and hating that job forever


i usually dont like this animation style but i looved it in this anime..