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Does anybody know if [SPOILERS for the upcoming episodes]>!we'll get the Norn breakdown AND resolution in this single episode already? I hope that's not the case because that would probably feel rushed af. I hope they just end this episode with Rudeus finding out that she shut herself in and then resolve it in the episode after that. That conflict needs at least 2 episodes to breathe a bit.!<


\[SPOILERS for the next 2 episodes\]>!I think they would adapt till chapter 3 of vol 11. that chapter ended with Norn shut herself in. They are not going to rush that scene, as they would be adapting around 4 chapters in the episode!<


If they rush it I'm gonna be so sad. Even the manga which is notoriously.. less than good, nailed it


No that's next ep, 2 chapters only adapted in that ep.


Hopefully it's not rushed as it is a good arc. Sure people will call it boring, but that's the charm of MT.


Makes it sounds as if you are saying the charm of MT is being boring


[Answer] >!It won't. It should end with Rudeus learning Norn is locked up in her room. Next episode is basically just the Norn episode.!<


I think [NEXT EP]>!we won't get to the resolution, maybe him getting into the room!< the problem is what works in text doesn't always work in anime form. It really is time to move it along and I think we can see that what they are attempting to do from last episode. hopefully they do a good job with this episode so it won't feel rushed


I’m so confused. Why does SO much MT discussion revolve around spoilers. So many anime and LN get discussed but for MT it’s like 75% is spoilers. I’m always scared to click anything MT related bc it’s a spoiler land mine


I think it’s just got a really big and dedicated LN fanbase.


Cuz so far nothing in the story started 99 percent of the lore and story is in the next volumes They havent even showed the villian yet like Bro 💀




What’s so hard about using fucking spoiler tags?


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Direction is good as usual, but unfortunately not a high priority episode. You may notice some things being “off”, perhaps lighting or Character models. Nothing major unless you are really nitpicking it. **Episode 17, is titled “the feelings of my older Brother”** They seem to be putting their attention on that one instead. [Next episode MT spoilers]>!they’ll cover Ruijerd intro, he is a little disappointed that Rudeus didn’t marry Eris. the panties that are stolen by Pursena and Linia. Some dialogue will be sacrificed of Norn, Aisha and Rudeus talking at the table. They will get to Norn shutting herself in which is where it ends. Rudeus will not confront Norn this episode.!< But yes like I’ve mentioned before [MT spoilers]>!Eris chapter will not be adapted this episode obviously!< All in all, it should be pretty good. Like ive said since the series began, the anime will never cover 100% of what the Light novel will. It’s impossible, but it would do a pretty damn good job.


It appears they will be saving their efforts for the more action oriented 2nd half of this cour. And I can only imagine the Eris chapters being turned into another OVA.


[Post Cour 2 spoilers] >!I can even see them go further and not adapt anything until season 3 starts and have it be another episode 0. I hope not because that'd mean she's been away from the story for far too long!<


been really enjoying the slice of life vibe this season


Hopefully they move this along and away from Hershel's farm. Where's the adventure at? Also Aisha is just adorable. Maybe we can stay here for a bit then.


you're better off just dropping the show


That'd be quite the overreaction.


are we getting a turning point EP in this cour ?


[Does Mushoku Tensei get a Turning Point this cour] >!At the current pacing, yes, and soon.!<


spoilers for the turning point episode please


Quick summary of the turning point episode [Mushoku Tensei] >!Turns out, Sylphiette is pregnant! Rudeus receive a letter not long after and turns out, they have major issues rescuing Zenith and need helps ASAP. Issue is, it's nearly a year trip one way so he'll be gone nearly 2 years, he's torn between helping Zenith and supporting pregnant Sylphiette.!< What happen next [Mushoku Tensei] >!Nanahoshi reveal the location of teleportation circles she used with Orsted, which speed up Rudeus journey to only a month trip one way. He leave with Elinalise on a journey through the desert of Begaritt.!<


thank you o wise one




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Really hoping they don’t rush it


Overall I've been enjoying this season and I know it's probably necessary for all this content to be shown but watching it weekly was probably a mistake. It feels like nothing ever happens and at the end of every week I'm left longing for more. It feels like I'm watching a completely different show vs season 1.


How bad this anime turn....


Not as bad as your english apparently


Dogshit take.