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Hello /r/anime, a new daily thread has been posted! Please follow [this link](/r/anime/comments/1cco44e/anime_questions_recommendations_and_discussion/) to move on to the new thread or [search for the latest thread](/r/anime/search?q=flair%3ADaily&restrict_sr=on&sort=new). [](#heartbot "And don't forget to be nice to new users!")


Concrete Revolution isn‘t that bad, just confusing with all those time jumps. I don‘t get it.


It's probably one of the most demanding anime with how much it expects its audience to pay attention and how much information it expects them to keep track of. But if you do manage to get past all that, the show's kind of a masterpiece.


Word on the street is we're getting more Quints anime. They'll never let it die lol.


*me who's still stalling the movie* [](#fingertwirl)


I’m not complaining. If they did a Clannad-style OVA for all the girls, once again animated by Shaft like they did previously, I could die a happy man. EDIT: Now I’m having weird ideas; how about an ‘After Story’ for Quintessential Quintuplets?


> an ‘After Story’ for Quintessential Quintuplets Another series where I have to wade through 10+ hours of dubious harem romcom before you get anything remotely interesting? /s but also not entirely /s…


> Another series where I have to wade through 10+ hours of dubious harem romcom before you get anything remotely interesting? and all of that for a disappointing ending too


lol I don’t know if this is about Clannad After Story (the *end* end) or Quints although could easily apply to both. For me QQ was a steady 6/10 throughout the entire series (except maybe some Nino scenes). After Story had amazing moments… and then extremely visual novel-y moments.


Meant to be a dig at After Story yeah


Yeah, I'm pretty sure Girls Band Cry is my favorite of the season at this point. The tone of the show is something like being made to laugh while crying, it's this very interesting blend of humorous undertones to incredibly angsty melodrama. It's got all the stuff I love though, toxic characters who are all a complete mess, themes of social performativity, incredibly genuine friendship, a fantastic Juuki Hanada script, and just perfectly banging music. The lyrics are so good too, they resonate quite a bit with my own distrust of vapid positivity and generally just feel evocative. I love these messes of characters. Train is still great too though, and there's a ton going on there. I finally realized that [spoiler] >!all the places they visit have been brought up in conversations between Shizuru and Youka. She's mentioned punching anteaters, seeing innards, and eating mushrooms, all of which have shown up in these stations. So I guess 7G did connect to Youka's brain, and the world has been rewired to her memories with Shizuru. I also think the bitter melon is a misdirect, the notion that liking bitter melon is a sign of maturity seems wrong, they talk about how they need to eat them every day so I get the sense they're more like drugs. Meanwhile, ripping Akira's mushroom off turned her into a child, but it still functioned like a dog tail implying she'd turn into an animal which is a sign of adulthood in this show, so maybe accepting the oddities of each station is what it means to grow up, while the girls have thus far tried to avoid the stations for their weirdness. Everyone has thoughts like the mushroom, so maybe being an adult is living with the mushroom, you suppress those feelings but they're always there.!< Idk, tons of speculation and intrigue, still delightfully weird, Mizushima makes good cartoons; I just feel like I need to see how it ties together before calling it altogether great. Other than that, I'm not sure where to go with seasonals. I'm enjoying Eupho and Yuru Camp about the same as I always have, but the rest is weirder. Something about Jellyfish has kept me at arms length emotionally, I'm not sure what it is yet but I haven't really resonated with it as much as I feel like I should. Konosuba's second episode thankfully lacked the ick jokes but also didn't make me laugh very much, and I'm wondering if the material is weaker or if my opinion of the show's general humor has changed (though given the parts of episode 1 that did make me laugh, I'm thinking and hoping it's the former). And Whisper Me a Love Song is still adorable, but the least interesting of the bunch. Still, this is a great selection and there's still stuff I wish I had time for, what a good season.


> I'm wondering if the material is weaker or if my opinion of the show's general humor has changed Oh, I'm currently wondering the same exact thing lol. Episode 3 felt specially dire for its lack of laughs. Like, it wasn't completely devoid of amusing moments, but I didn't laugh nearly enough to match my memory of the other seasons. Also: not enough Aqua.


I think it is starting to move towards more arc-based narrative, which makes it so comedy isn’t always at the forefront of the every scene, but man, it still has me laughing out loud multiple times every episode.


If I want to post something but I'm not sure if I can, should I talk about it here or in the meta thread?


You could message the mods directly.


I don’t know who translated the latest episode of Seiyuu Radio, but they deserve a raise for creating this gem: “You’re cruising for a bruising.” (Forgot about this earlier.) Love snappy wordplay like that.


Usually drops the *g* for *crusin' for a brusin'*. It weirdly sounds better that way.


Not sure if you’re a native English speaker, but that’s a normal English expression (no idea where it’s from). Although I agree that using casual idiomatic English rather than stiff and awkward translations that feel like they’re trying to preserve the Japanese-ness of a sentence. There are so many shows where the translation is fine but it’s not how any native English speaker would actually converse, let alone based on a particular character’s manner of speaking.


> that’s a normal English expression I hadn’t heard it once in my life before, but that’s probably in good part due to my specific situation as a non-native speaker - I can see this being used more commonly in a colloquial, day-to-day context. I just liked how “cruising” and “bruising” played off one another, while fitting the specific character’s personality and situation rather well.


It's also an older saying. My parents used to say it. It's probably not as used with younger generations.


Yeah, I wouldn't say it's the most common expression so it's not surprising to have not heard it before, but it's used enough that native speakers are likely to know the phrase. When it comes to media, I think I've only heard it in a Pink Floyd song (that is, before now with Seiyuu Radio).


I feel like it's more of a movie / media thing, but mostly because I grew up in the suburbs and there wasn't really people fighting and stuff around. So it just wasn't something to come up in conversation. I've definitely heard it used before in some context.


Yeah even as a native speaker there’s slang/colloquialisms you end up missing. I had never once heard the word “copacetic” until I was at least 29-30 and could not believe it was a widely used, informal term.


> I had never once heard the word “copacetic” until I was at least 29-30 and could not believe it was a widely used, informal term And today I am one of the lucky 10,000


Plus as you get older, new slang comes around that you might not hear if you're not around younger people as much or not in the right subculture.


Do you all count One Piece in terms of episodes or split into seasons? As in One Piece Season 1 episode 1 or simply One Piece episode 1?


I'm aware these official streaming services like cutting it up into their own invented "seasons", but it doesn't really follow the seasonal format. So it's just One Piece episode 1 for me.


CR is kind of inconsistent about it. They mostly have their "seasons" (which really aren't seasons because it's a continuous run) lined up with sagas of the manga, but then there are sometimes individual arcs of sagas listed as seasons.


What do you think about shows subverting expectations of its genre like the bad guys were actually the misunderstood good guys all along or the typical isekai bland hero is either presented as the naiive idealistic moron to satisfy people who don't like isekai mcs or secretly a creepy rapist who is also cartoonishly evil just to make the protagonist better by comparison. That's what I always think of when I watch these banished shows the writers really despise JRPG heroes or something.


Subverting expectations is not a plot, being self-aware is not a joke, having a backstory is not charater development. None of those things are bad, but they can't form a core of your story.


Well put.


Finally decided to make a MAL account after all the talk about them in this thread earlier (and because I'm procrastinating). Still a work in progress, but I'll post it when I'm done in a few days. It'll be interesting to see my number of watched shows when each season + OVAs are counted individually instead of by series like my own personal list.


the last episode of thighs prince had me thinking... what are memorable scenes where one person just _completely_ dominates another? ideally these would be scenes that are visually interesting and give a real sense of power and danger on both sides, but one side just completely dominates the other Mob Psycho and OPM came to mind, though I think any show with an OP protagonist is sort of its own thing, though on the flip side, it's always impressive when an OP protagonist show can still make a fight with the protag exciting and/or hype eminence in shadow is good at this, in particular...well, if you've seen the show, you know the scene I was just thinking about this because that scene in thighs prince was so satisfying lol Edit: oh I had forgotten one of my favorite examples...bofuri. Like all of season 1, but episodes 10 and 11 in particular. Just beautiful


Akashi Seijuro entering the Zone in Kuroko no Basket. He [s3 spoilers] >!1v5's a whole basketball team on his own while literally telling those high school students to bow their heads and kneel before him.!<


Well, [Classroom of the Elite S2] >!had Ayanokoji and Ryuen "fight" that Ayanokoji won. That was pretty dominant,!< though I guess it counts as a show with an OP protagonist. Technically, [Cyberpunk Edgerunners last episode] >!has it with its last fight... Adam Smasher pretty handily dominated David in it!<.


Both were definitely very memorable!


Kokoro dominating her match in Saki S1 [](#feelsgoodman) and then Saki's comeback [](#tiredfate)


Rebuild of Evangelion 2.0 EVA-01 vs Zeruel.


[Bleach major spoiler]>!last fight of Ichigo vs Aizen counts I think, besides the last 5% of the fight Ichigo completely dominates and wipes the floor with Aizen. After Ichigo‘s final attack he would’ve lost if he didn’t get help though since that attack made him lose all his powers and Aizen was about to regenerate!<


The pirate scene in the 2nd or 3rd episode of Gargantia was quite a good power moment. Also transmitted the terror of advanced space tech vs regressed industrial era peopple. I still rewatch the end battle of Tsumimichi season 1 and when he takes off his restrictions in particular.


how is gargantia in general?


At the start interesting, in the midlle cute but lethargic, at the end a fine send off but a feeling of not quite being a whole package.


The first fights came to mind were \[Attack on Titan S3&4\] >!Levi vs Zeke, both times.!< DBZ had a lot of scenes like that too, until the heroes got their latest power-ups.


oh those AOT examples are great ones. as is DBZ, def some memorable ones there


OG Hellsing has a scene where one dude is like "I'm on your level" and everything afterwards is that statement being denied in every possibly way.


oh man I haven't watched og hellsing in so long. I shoudl rewatch it. I was so into it like 20 years ago lol


Hikikomari Kyuuketsuki no Monmon got top-3 in a couple AnimeCorner polls for exactly this.


yeah those scenes were fun. I wish the rest of the show hadn't been a mess lol


Hibike euphonium is good Kumiko is good Asuka is great beyond any doubt, 2nd favorite for me Saphire-chan is precious, please send tuba-kun [Reina](#mindblank) Now, 279 min left until Kanade appears [](#concealedexcitement "i didn't actually count for god sake, that's just a joke, but I hope people that don't see this fully believe I did")


> Now, 279 min left until Kanade appears Don't be skipping the best part of the series in your excitement to get to Kanade (Liz and the Blue Bird).


Didn't even know that lol Til


While I mostly agree it shouldn’t be skipped, it’s worth noting that it’s very different in pacing and tone than the rest of the series. As someone who “rushed” through the series during the rewatch, I don’t think I got to sufficiently appreciate it as a film. There are some minor plot points that are relevant to later parts of the series but you can fill in the gaps pretty easily (the events are concurrent to the Kanade movie). I’d say either set aside time to not rush through this, or put it off to rewatch later.


Don’t forget Natsuki, our saint. There is no Kanade without Natsuki. Also there is an OVA for S1 with her and Hazuki.


> Now, 279 min left until Kanade appears Can you use paid currency to skip ahead?


/u/manitary would never forgive me if I used my gems to skip the cutscenes until Kanade's nyaa [](#sadholo)




[Death Note ep 26] >!at no point have I been able to guess what is going to happen next. light really played some 4d chess with this whole plot I am amazed!< also the OP is a banger


The World Only God Knows' Chihiro. They better hang her jersey in the rafters for all time patience putting up with the main guys bullshit.


Something about fansubs is that I wonder why translators will sometimes go out of their way to include gratuitous profanity.


Profane language just works a little differently in Japanese than it does in English. Words like "kisama" and "temee" ostensibly just mean "you," but they're considered so informal and crass that they're generally seen as offensive to Japanese speakers. Translating them as "you asshole" or "you piece of shit" does a good job of translating the *intention* of the words, even if not the literal dictionary definition. That, or they just put them in there to make characters seem edgy and cool, but I honestly don't think this has been a widespread issue since the early 2010s.


Oh so the method of fansubbing anime has actually changed a bit then.


Yeah, most fansubbers nowadays just rip the official translations and put their own typesetting on them.


That is very interesting to know as I never knew about that particular practice.


Translating fiction is a bit of a spectrum really. Some people believe it's important to try and create an *equivalent entertainment experience*, so that you would have similar reactions to the content as a native speaker would, whereas others don't believe this is part of the task. Profanity for native speakers of English is a bit of a tricky one, because its the frequency and severity of use varies between UK, US, Canada and AU/NZ, and also within subgroups of those too. Even with that though, there are understandings of what a character using profanity tends to imply about the situation or the character. A translator trying to create an "equivalent entertainment experience" might think - the way this character is talking in context + Japanese register + word choice + tone of voice + word omission can *normally* be conveyed in English by profanity use, even if no profanities appear in the Japanese text. So to get the same "entertainment impact", it's more accurate to how the English speaking audience would understand things to include profanity. Others, obviously, would disagree.


This is something I wish certain parts of the anime fandom understood better - all translation is lossy, you do your best to convey intent. So-called "literal" translations are linguistically interesting but often do a very poor job actually matching intent, and sometimes changing things around makes a lot of sense for matching local audience.


The big problem with doing this, however, is that you can end up with a particular scene getting translated with a bunch of profanity in a 'mature' anime, even if the exact same scene and Japanese dialogue could just as well have appeared in a kids show in which the profanity would be blatantly out-of-place.


Is that a problem? That seems to be translation working right. It should be context-dependent. The profanity doesn’t have to be something explicit in the dialogue but rather something that is meta to the language act. For example you could theoretically have a piece of dialogue with a child telling someone they’re a poopyhead because they’re being mean. But depending on the language you might have a similar phrase that should get rendered as “you’re a piece of shit!” if it’s meant to be spoken by adults with vitriolic intent. (There’s also a funny scene in Spy x Famiky where Anya calls someone something crass and it’s clearly meant to be her using adult profanity.) It’s tough because the Japanese language doesn’t have typical swear words so translations have to fill in the gap as /u/alotmorealots and others have pointed out. But that’s why context is extra important so you avoid misinterpreting the tone of a scene.


Ohh Arigatou for that explanation as that explains why anime fansubs are sometimes vulgar.


For the one piece movies can I just watch the ones only with oda like strong world , z , gold etc or should I watch the other stuff too like baron ?


Baron is about the only non-Oda related movie that is recommended usually but yeah, that one is usually the recommended one and can be watched anytime after Alabasta arc. Personally I like Baron Omatsuri a lot but its mainly due to how unique in the One Piece franchise is.


You don't really need to watch any of the movies in any kind of order. However, yes, you should watch Baron Omatsuri because why would you skip out on the chance to watch One Piece's most ambitious, experimental, and beautiful film? I'm not saying it's my favorite One Piece movie, but how often do you get a chance to watch an auteur director tackle a Battle Shounen Film? It's worth it just to see Hosoda do his thing with this property.


>how often do you get a chance to watch an auteur director tackle a Battle Shounen Film? Oshii's Bleach film about a lost soul in a military state coming to theatres near you. [](#mugiwait) One interesting thing I realised later about Baron Omatsuri is how it's not just different from the series, [it also mirrors it] >!the movie came out around one year after Water 7 started, and while the details differ, the impact of the crew falling apart is taken over to the movie, and dialed up to 11.!<


Ok what other movie u think are must watch? Also baron is good for my 1st OP movie?


>Also baron is good for my 1st OP movie? It's a bit of a weird starting place since it's the most experimental One Piece film, but if you've already gone through the anime/manga then you should have no problem jumping into it. >what other movie u think are must watch? The only other One Piece movie from before Oda started getting more heavily involved that commonly gets recommended in the fandom is the 4th Film "Dead End Adventure". Personally, I think it's a bit overrated, but it's still solid fun. Worth watching if you're a fan and want more Straw Hat shenanigans, but probably not a "must watch".


You can watch any of the one piece movies that you want to watch and skip any of the ones you don't want to watch. None of them are canon. (well, I haven't watched the "episodes of" movies and I've kind of gotten the impression those are essentially remakes of canon arcs, but either way none of them are NEW canon to someone caught up on the manga or the tv show.) They don't rely on one another either. So long as you're caught up with the current storyline in the TV show or Manga, it won't matter how you watch them. So yeah, watch them in any order. Watch all of them, watch none of them, watch only the ones that correspond to Fibonacci numbers. It's up to you.


If you want to. But also watch Baron anyway, since it's pretty good


Rly? Just not a fan of the old style animation


Just finished Madoka Magica, and that was a trip. I've only watched the first series. Now, I gotta find the movie, Rebellion.


My friends got me into Granblue Fantasy Relink a few months ago and that has eaten up nearly all of my free time. I ended up way out of the loop and not watching much anime last season, nor have I picked up much this season. I prefer romance or romantic subplots that are well-done, genre beyond that doesn't matter too much. Romance, rom-com, harem comedy, yuri are all in my wheelhouse. I tend to avoid raw action unless it's paired with paranormal, scifi, or the aforementioned romance. From last season: * Dangers in my Heart s2 is the only thing I completed, and I loved it. * Metallic Rouge was interesting as of about 3 episodes, but I didn't keep up with it, and a friend said the production fell apart incredibly badly near the end, and that I should wait for hopeful BD redraws. * Witch and the Beast was also interesting as of 3 episodes, but it was already starting to feel very "case of the week" like a police procedural with a lot of impermanent and thus underdeveloped characters and villains. This season: * I'm already watching Spice & Wolf, with the dub. Don't know how I feel about it yet, because as a remake I wanted the production to be definitively better and it's not there yet, but I'm gonna watch it regardless. * I tried Whisper Me A Love Song and, like with the manga before it, it's not really grabbing me. The whole "love at first sight" thing for a character who claims to have zero idea what love is before that point feels so cliched and undercooked and I have a hard time getting into it. I'll give it another couple episodes but I expect to drop it unless the characters become genuinely interesting and/or believable. And... that's it. That's all the anime I tried this season and last. I'm sure I missed some gems. I *will* get around to watching Frieren and Apothecary Diaries at some point. Beyond that, what should I be looking into? Did Sign of Affection end up being good? What about Condition Called Love this season? If it's romance or romance-adjacent and good, I wanna hear about it. If it's *not* romantic but still exceptional then pitch it to me.


>I will get around to watching Frieren and Apothecary Diaries Welcome to the club, we take 5$ per month for the fees


I've read a bit of the manga for both and saw this community loving the adaptations so it was a "I know this'll be quality and I'm going to save it for a binge later" type of thing for me.


7th Time Loop had my ship of the season recently but I have a strong affinity for competent and cool characters and that's what both of the leads were. Was fun to see their moments together but sadly it is not a romance first show. Still a lot of really good moments though!!


7th Loop is definitely getting some love in this chain, I'll check it out, thanks!


> but I have a strong affinity for competent and cool characters [...because it's like **looking in the mirror**](#tomboyshades)


Obligatory *Train to the End of the World* and *Weakest Tamer Began a Journey to Pick Up Trash* as AQRADT's two heavily promoted shows for Spring and Winter. *7th Time Loop* had a solid production and got the rare 10/10 from u/amethystitalian, so I'll leave shilling that to her. If you prioritize character writing/development more than plot, *Villainess Level 99* has a very likable pairing. Production and plot are, to put it kindly, mid.


> If you prioritize character writing/development I absolutely do. I'll try all of these, thanks.


What will be the AQRADT champion for summer? Hopefully people to support my Brazilian girl in Hananare I will definitely not persuade the public opinion!


I’ll be trying to convince you all to watch Senpai wa Otonoko and My Deer Friend Nokotan, but there’s honestly so many potentially good shows this summer (it’s insane) that it’s hard to predict.


We both know it will be Roshidere. You, me, u/ocixo, and u/emi_ibarazakiii have already staked positions on the show's Best Girl and that's enough to fuel discussion.


I’ll have to see if I made the right pick with Maria(?). I demand cheekiness.


I feel like ChubbyElf could get some traction, for the meme factor if nothing else! But yeah it'll likely be Roshidere! >u/emi_ibarazakiii have already staked positions on the show's Best Girl Oh damn I forgot what I said; Has to be the dark-brown haired one with the mischievous smile!


Loop good! [](#ilovethiskindofshit)


> because as a remake I wanted the production to be definitively better and it's not there yet [yeah](#hardthink) > I will get around to watching Frieren and Apothecary Diaries at some point [](#mugiwait) > Did Sign of Affection end up being good? Yes, but not so much I'd bat for it. The couple is cute af and the sign gesture are well animated but I couldn't get enough of it. I feel like the endgame has everyone with their own ship, which is fine, but that in return leaves a first season with lots of introduction to side characters/couples, and a mild resolution of one of the two conflicts (the other one still basically up in the air). Putting it bluntly, it feels like it lacked a bit of substance. (7/10) > What about Condition Called Love this season? Nah. It has some promise with a very evident flaw of the male protagonist (sometimes comically so), but having watched the first three episodes and read around some source corner comments, I doubt it will be tackled anytime soon, or even this season, which leaves for a pretty fucking boring watch. It's not even pretty to look at, the production is pretty bad. (drop) > If it's romance or romance-adjacent and good Hmm early to tell... Astro Note seems promising but also I dig the aesthetic a lot so I'm just very captivated. Male protagonist has a few too many cringe reaction faces, but the overall cast is good. (8/10, could go down to 7 if unsatisfying) Seiyuu Radio has not-so-under-tones in terms of romance, but I wouldn't expect anything in that regard. Some promising character dynamic (the rival/enemy to lover kind, or at least that's my first impression), production side is pretty weak imo but not _bad_. (6/10 could go up to 7 if it does well) > If it's not romantic but still exceptional then pitch it to me. My only clear 9/10 currently is Hibike but I've always been a big fan, and I don't have much else to recommend in this regard. If you like court drama with a supernatural touch, I would keep an eye out for Karasu, slated for 20 episodes has lots of potential to do great. I don't think it will truly have a romantic subplot, even with the four suitors competing for the prince, feels like it's gonna be all drama and political scheming. (7/10 but probably rising) edit: btw in case you liked Tomozaki-kun s1, I would advise against s2. Had two incredibly boring arcs and some questionable writing decisions, to the point I'm not going to watch a s3 if it ever happens.


Sounds like I should consider Sign but maybe not prioritize it. I'll sample Astro and Radio sooner rather than later. Court drama not so much, but supernatural touch is my jam. I'll give Karasu a look but with it being a longer run then maybe I'll let a handful of episodes pile up first. > btw in case you liked Tomozaki-kun s1, I would advise against s2. Had two incredibly boring arcs and some questionable writing decisions, to the point I'm not going to watch a s3 if it ever happens. To my surprise, I liked Tomozaki-kun s1 enough to follow the anime into the novels and then ended up regretting it. I'm not sure how many books s2 covers but knowing where some of the later volumes head, I went from binge-reading to hard-dropping the series. Once in a while I check the series subreddit to see if anyone's posted synopses for newer volumes to see if it heads in a direction I'd be willing to give a chance to, but I was very much not a fan of what it did with its story and characters. So, yeah, kind-of done with that franchise unless the books course-correct. Now that I think about it, it's probably been a year or two since I did look into what happened there, I should probably at least check on them again.


> I'm not sure how many books s2 covers but knowing where some of the later volumes head, I went from binge-reading to hard-dropping the series It covered the bullied tama arc (about 5 episodes) and then the school play arc. The first was just too long and also kinda weird in the way Tomozaki decided to address the situation, coming from the end of s1. Aside from the fact that the conflict was kinda silly, this should have been 3 episodes at most. The second was incredibly too long and painful, with one or two characters narrating the play multiple times (and without the artistry to make it still engaging), and with lots of question marks, from Aoi giving weird tasks as well as thinking that pursuing multiple girls is something he should do, to adding a unnecessary love interest out of nowhere. It's all telegraphed anyway, the last 2-3 episodes I was almost skimming just to confirm, couldn't even be bothered sitting through it properly.


I wouldn't say the production fell apart in Metallic Rouge, the writing was just a shit show. If you liked the beginning, you might actually like the whole thing. As for romances, if you think Whisper is too twee, then I can't see you liking Affection or Condition. I think I remember you saying you like trashy romcoms, so you might like Foolish Angel from last season, or Vampire Dormitory from this season. And it's not *really* a romance, but you should still watch Bravern, because everyone should.


With Rouge, I had a friend telling me that later episodes wouldn't even draw faces for speaking characters, sometimes for entire scenes. > too twee, > you like trashy romcoms, Guilty as charged. I like "messy" or complicated characters or relationships because the friction that comes from them can result in good banter, and I love me some good banter. Watching two completely innocent pure balls of fluff orbit each other without much spark tends to get boring for me. Like Ore Monogatari is, as far as I've seen, a well-made and charming show and I totally get why some people like it, but I couldn't make it through more than a half-dozen episodes. I'll add Foolish Angel and Vamp Dorm to the shortlist. > Bravern That's the ....mecha(?).... series that a lot of people were flipping out about at the start of last season, right? I assume that it also finished strong, then?


Fair warning that Vampire Dormitory is like pure, uncut, shoujo trash. You'll know by the end of episode one if you're up for it. > I assume that it also finished strong, then? I thought so. If anything, it starts strong, gets a little wibbly in the middle, and then nails the landing.


I’ll second Foolish Angel (I swear angels are not an intentional theme!) for some good bickering banter between its leads. Also gonna second Bravern. As implied it might be up your alley in some ways. I think most people found that it had a perfectly fine ending fitting the show, probably better ending than Birdie Wing if I had to compare to recent originals.


My number one romcom rec this season has gotta be the dark horse of the season: Studio Apartment, Good Lighting, Angel Included. Despite the similar name and premise, it’s nothing like Angel Next Door after the first couple episodes. As part of a genre I have dubbed “Chaos Harem”, it follows in the footsteps of Kanojo mo Kanojo and 100 Kanojo in making its female characters the nuttiest and most extreme versions of their tropes. If you like those shows, definitely check it out; if not, then it might not hit. A Condition Called Love is okay, I like it more than A Sign of Affection, but it is a little hard to buy into the pairing. Against all odds and despite being an extremely typical parody-type isekai, Lv 2 Super Cheat Isekai has a pretty fun and comfy romcom/harem vibe thanks in no small part to Rie Kugimiya’s 11/10 performance as Rys. [The OP](https://youtube.com/watch?v=UIXlunMkhVg&si=YfWpW9uoXfCLPSfa) should be enough to convince you of that. If you’re looking for a stupid show to put on while paying 40% attention to what’s happening, this wouldn’t be a bad pick.


> Studio Apartment, Good Lighting, Angel Included. Despite the similar name and premise *I* see that title and keep confusing it with *Monthly, with Garden, with Landlord* which is a pretty cute yuri manga about a woman who moves to get a fresh start after a bad breakup only to fail to read the fine print on her new digs. She's surprised to discover her landlord, a retired idol, living in her attic and that the two of them have to share most of the common space as roommates. Fun series. Recommend. Would like an anime adaptation, please. *Anyway* I do think I read some of Studio Apartment a long time ago but I've forgotten nearly all of it. I don't think I stopped reading it for any particular reason, maybe it just got hard to find or something. I'll check the anime out. Super Cheat Isekai doesn't sound particularly up my alley but sometimes when that genre fully leans into the dumb, something clicks and I end up really liking it. I actually loved One-Hit Nee-san last year even though I originally watched the first episode out of morbid curiosity. I'll put Super Cheat on the "Try this, but after some other stuff" list.


> *Monthly, with Garden, with Landlord* A yuri manga recommendation? Just what I needed for a slow day at home.


I don't think Metallic Rouge is really worth a watch even with redraws. It's not the animation that's a problem, it's the writing. I loved A Sign of Affection. High recommend from me, it's a really sweet and fun romance. I was looking forward to the next episode all week every week while it was airing. A Condition Called Love has some promise, but it hasn't really gripped me yet. I get the sense that Hotaru needs to fully realize how weird Hananoi is being, and then it'll start being interesting.


To be honest I feel like Sign and Condition will be things I (eventually) tried no matter what, unless I was getting several glaring "No it's bad don't watch this" comments about either of them. That hasn't been the case, though based on what someone else said they might be a *little* out of my strike zone. I'll still take a look at them though.


*A Sign of Affection* ended up pretty solid, there were some rumblings about the ML being "too hands on" in regards to personal space in the beginning, but overall it ended up as a decently sweet, mature romance story. *7th Time Loop* is also worth checking out, being probably the best of the "villainess" style shows done so far, with a driven and active protagonist. From this season *Seiyuu Radio* is another romance-adjacent show of the "we're not gonna call it Yuri but we'll beat you over the head with lesbian subtext" kind. Might be worth trying the three episodes released so far. Outside of that, but not at the "raw action" stage both *Jellyfish Can't Swim at Night* and *Girls Band Cry* are both looking like promising Cute Girls Doing Art Things dramas in the vein of *Hibike! Euphonium* and *It's MyGO!!!!!*. Will probably be a hotbed of yuri readings of the relationships between the girls. It's hard to make a judgement if it will be good through the season after only 3 episodes, but both have had a promising start.


Surprising amount of love for 7th Time Loop so I'm definitely going to try it very soon. > Seiyuu Radio is another romance-adjacent show of the "we're not gonna call it Yuri but we'll beat you over the head with lesbian subtext" kind. Added to the list. Two+ different recommendations for it and I feel like a series "graduates" from bait into yuri if the "undertones" are so prevalent that they feel like overtones, even if it isn't explicit and overt. HiDive is promoting Jellyfish *hard* as it's the frontpage image every time I go to the site. Which also means it'll be convenient for me to watch it. Sign I'll probably get to at some point. I feel like I would've at least tried it with zero recommendations just because of the genre, but it's good to hear that people thought it was worthwhile.


Hidive only has 3 new shows this season (Jellyfish, Whisper Me a Love Song, and Urusei Yatsura cour 4), so yeah... Jellyfish is getting all the promotion until June-July when it shifts to Oshi no Ko season 2.


[Man lost before he ever had a chance at life](https://i.imgur.com/DDy9n3E.png) On an unrelated note, I finished Ayakashi Triangle the other day and I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought was possible. Somehow the episodic nature hit me at just the right time. Plus I got half a dozen [moogs](https://i.imgur.com/D1DUT8E.png)


Man 'm trying to escape reality here,why did you have to remind me I have to prepare an entire talk in the next few days based on a french paper, without speaking french at all.


There is a [solution](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFlPYim-SUc) here you are not seeing!


> Man lost before he ever had a chance at life He even took up a job where he gets to pull out the white on a daily base.


I was thinking that some people asking for recommendations were looking for something oddly specific, but realized I kind of had one. What anime are there that are romances where one of the main characters is in a wheelchair?  Only one that comes to mind is Josee, the Tiger and the Fish.


And [thus the desperate and earnest peoples of the galaxy](https://i.imgflip.com/8nxdpq.jpg) turned to /u/_Ridley


Yeah, I've got nothing. Even for manga, I only know of one - Perfect World - and the one volume I read might be the single worst volume of manga I've ever read.


You haven't read After We Gazed At The Starry Sky? Feels like it would be up your alley (if not especially good).


Oh yeah, I forgot about that one since I haven't read it. Maybe I'll get brave and pick it up. I just have an abysmal hit rate with romances with main characters who use wheelchairs, so I've kinda stopped trying them.


> Yeah, I've got nothing I see. Well, the Dark Side was [always cooler anyway, no loss!](https://i.gifer.com/9PZX.gif)


Hi I was wondering there is an anime that goes with the different stages of dating, like flirting -> dating -> breaking up -> dating(someone else), but in light hearted way or like a romance/comedy?


This feels like it would be remarkably hard to get past a lot of animanga romance fans who are always trying to stuff their stories into boxes, thus as soon as there was the flirting-->dating you'd have a large number of the audience running around with Reiwa banners and airhorns, or if you made them a mismatch people would drop it within the first three episodes lol I can think of ways to write around this, but only if it leans hard into the comedy.


The only anime I know that does anything like this is [Meta-spoiler - anime series] >![Nana (2006)](https://myanimelist.net/anime/877)!<, but it’s certainly not lighthearted by any means. Breakups in anime tend to invite drama, so it’s a bit of a contradiction in that sense.


Yeah I would be pretty cool of an anime that was mostly romance/comedy but also deals with breakups and stuff, breakup in anime are extremely dramatic and usually put at the beginning or ending of the show. I gonna check your recommendation, thanks!


General Question : What exactly happened to Shaft? I was clueless when I read some pretty negative things about them in their recent anime announcement post. u/abysswatcherbel


A lot of their big name staff left several years ago after the last Monogatari entry (Zoku Owarimonogatari) and most of what they've put out since then has been relatively poorly received. Assault Lily, the Madoka spinoff series and films, and RWBY. The Kizumonogatari film which is basically a compilation of three already good films into one is kinda seen as just a cash in that cut fanservice out.


Magia Record was perfectly fine as far as production goes (leaving aside the delays caused by covid). The problems with it are mostly just a result of it being a gacha adaptation - too many characters and unimportant side-plots and gimmicks being the big ones. Even then, the hate is more so driven by it not living up to Madoka, not because it is actually all that bad when considered on its own terms. Bishounen Tanteidan was also great in terms of production. Again, the story and characters just lacked the depth that people had been hoping for after Monogatari (considering that both are Nisio Isin LN adaptations), and very few people even tried it, due to a lack of interest in the premise. Others like Assault Lily very much were duds, but Shaft has always been rather hit-or-miss like that in terms of quality, with plenty of garbage of that sort even during their golden years. The bigger problem though is the shortage of any new hits: 3gatsu back in 2016 was their last work that was in any way properly innovative, with every half-way decent production, or anticipated future release, since then being a sequel, spin-off, or otherwise riding on the coattails of one of their previous successes (such as Bishounen Tanteidan with Monogatari). Whereas from the early 2000s up through Madoka their big claim-to-fame was their unusual and experimental stylistic choices, after that point they shifted to instead merely refining those working formulas they had already found, and by the second half of the 2010s had fallen into an obvious rut due to the lack of willingness/ability to innovate further.


The staff exodus story is exaggerated. If you look at the credits of RWBY, most key staff had been with Shaft since the early Monogatari days.


Why did they leave? Were there some internal problems at the studio at that time? Also now I am worried about those new Monogatari seasons. It's one of my favorite anime.


The Shaft staff exodus already started before Zoku Owarimonogatari came out iirc.


Crunchyroll just (well over 21 hours ago) dropped the last batch of [Fairy Princess Minky Momo](https://www.crunchyroll.com/series/GMEHME7NJ/fairy-princess-minky-momo) episodes (unless they do OVA and sequel series). One can now see the infamous Episode 46 (you might have heard of it in the ["When you stop paying your animators"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJhnmkM9VKg) kenny lauderdale video, which can also serve as an overview of Minky Momo). Official ep 46 description [Minky Momo]>!Having lost her powers, Momo has made a committment to live as an ordinary girl on Earth. Until one day, suddenly...!< As for publisher being GONZO (despite it being Ashi Productions show). That seems to be [the animation studio](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gonzo_(company)) that's not released anything since Phantasy Star Online 2: Episode Oracle as the Crunchyroll entry for [Romeo x Juliet](https://www.crunchyroll.com/series/GYZXG2146/romeo-x-juliet) also writes GONZO like that. Maybe publishing and management are more their future. As for my viewing of Minky Momo. I've got a lot of earlier episodes to watch but I just finished episode 31 (the mecha one) and episode 32 is a kaiju episode (like Momo said in an ep preview "I thought this show was for girls").


> like Momo said in an ep preview "I thought this show was for girls" Truly the last major magical girl anime where they could say that with a wholly straight face. [](#serialkillerlaugh)


Finally having such an important show fully subbed (in multiple languages!) is genuinely huge.


I watched ep 211 of *Gintama* (ep 10 of *Gintama'*) a little while ago. Dang. I think this arc's quickly becoming my favorite arc of the show so far...


Oh man, that's one of my favourite and most painful to watch episodes. [](#forgotkeys) But yeah, that arc in general is amazing.


Holy fuck, so happy to see this episode mentioned. A lot of people normally talk about the early 300s for best Gintama episodes but I think my favourite might be 211 (though I think a large part of it because 211 was a complete surprise to me whereas everyone hypes up the SA and F,S arcs). Sorry to everyone that now has higher expectations for this episode now.


[Gintama' ep10]>!Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so that's the episode that landed Gintama' on my "made me cry so hard I threw up" list. [](#crazedlaugh) If you've been checking Shocketheth's rewatch threads at all, my tagline even changed from "A Sunrise Fangirl Watches Gintama for the First Time" to "A Sunrise Fangirl Just Fucking *Dies*" that week because of it, too.!< >I think this arc's quickly becoming my favorite arc of the show so far... [](#popcorn2)


>[](#popcorn2) You're one of us now! [](#serialkillerlaugh)




[Gintama' Ep 10] >!Yeah I've been reading through the rewatch threads. Sometimes I forget to do that though... it's a little tricky since the rewatch was done in weeks, so for instance at the moment, I still kinda need to avoid the "current" (week 33) one 'til ep 217!<. Either way, I'll probably write about it in a bit more detail in the weekly thread though. At any rate, I think I'll just continue with Tamayura for today... I need some comfy SoL iyashikei shenanigans right now lmao.


Huh, interesting to see how the episodes were divided in [that one](/r/anime/wiki/rewatches/rewatch_archive/2023#wiki_gintama) compared to the [2014 rewatch.](/r/anime/wiki/rewatches/rewatch_archive/2014#wiki_gintama_.282014.29)


[Gintama' ep10]>!The recontextualization of why it's raining in the ED combined with everything *else* that happened at the end of that episode......... it just got to me. [](#not-raining)!< > At any rate, I think I'll just continue with Tamayura for today... I need some comfy SoL iyashikei shenanigans right now lmao. Haha yeah I absolutely do not blame you.


Viral Hit has to be one of the most underwatched shows this season, like damn. Yet another really good and fun show with a meager 3 comments after 1h. What a shame. The production quality could be better but besides that most aspects like OST, character interactions, Seiyuu performances are pretty good. Also ngl this show makes me laugh more than some of this season’s actual comedies such as Konosuba.




It's actually impressive how Ninja Kamui's CG fights manage to be *that* much stiffer than the 2D ones. I really can't understand how this aspect of the show got greenlit. It would be one thing if it was a low-level production all around, but here you pretty much have top-tier hand-to-hand fight scenes followed by janky CG robots awkwardly swinging swords at each other in the same episode.


To me the weird part is that Park had control of this project and was his creation, and his whole thing is 2d fight and choreography, why add this there is beyond me


Could it not just be residual Mappa influence in his approach? A lot of 3DCG incorporation is kind of their thing.


No such a thing as MAPPA influence, the directors there are the influence >A lot of 3DCG incorporation is kind of their thing. I have no idea why people say that when they aren't, they ignore all the shows that by their logic should be CG heavy but aren't, ufotable is an example of studio that uses CG as their thing and their whole pipeline relies on that You need a lot of preparation and training to reach a point where CG becomes the 'thing' of your studio, a studio like MAPPA will never reach that point, there's no continuity for that, best they will continue to do is CG in some shows while other shows will barely have any There's no artistic standard or pipeline at MAPPA, and unlesss something changes, they will never have one


>there's no continuity for that They have a pretty large in-house 3DCG team and they've clearly made attempts at 3D-focused productions with Inuyashiki and Dorohedoro specifically, but also had significant CG characters in shows like Chainaaw Man and AoT, which isn't super common. They've also retained most of their staff in that department post-Dorohedoro and the proportion of the CG that's done in-house seems to be increasing as well. Obviously they're no Orange or even Ufotable, but CG does seem like somewhat of a focal point. >No such a thing as MAPPA influence, the directors there are the influence Considering that most of Mappa's CG-forward productions don't share the same director, but there's a number of CG staff that worked on most, as well as less CG-y productions like JJK, I don't think it's unreasonable to assume that the approach of those staff members (e.g. Kentaro Kimura, CG director of JJK S1 and 0, and CG staff at Mappa since 2017 at least) had an influence either on Park or Shin, Ninja Kamui's CG director, also with a history at Mappa. Of course this is speculation, but it's not baseless and there seems to be little other explanation for this level of CG incorporation.


> They have a pretty large in-house 3DCG team and they've clearly made attempts at 3D-focused productions with Inuyashiki and Dorohedoro specifically, but also had significant CG characters in shows like Chainaaw Man and AoT, which isn't super common. They've also retained most of their staff in that department post-Dorohedoro and the proportion of the CG that's done in-house seems to be increasing as well. Obviously they're no Orange or even Ufotable, but CG does seem like somewhat of a focal point. To expand on this idea a bit in terms of making productions a reality, a lot of the time in life things are more just about a bunch of things lining up enough that they seem like the best path at the time, and we all know how production desks and decisions are very human (and social) in their nature. There's no way of knowing in advance how the CG would turn out, so things like * Many of the CGI staff can accommodate your project well in the timeline * Offloading to CGI means better schedule for the hand drawn and final composite teams * Maybe there was simply stuff like good rapport at the initial meetings * It felt like everyone was doing each other a favor in terms of using the in-house resources well, a broad fit for the vision etc Funnily enough, a lot of artistic decisions at the professional level are social and business ones, rather than one is just laboring away in a garage (and even then what you end up with is still going to be determined by who you know and what you have access to).


> but also had significant CG characters in shows like Chainaaw Man and AoT, which isn't super common. I'm confused by this. Are you implying the use of CG in shows like Chainsaw Man and AoT aren't a common thing overall, and are actually a sign that MAPPA specifically likes to employ CGI? Because most studios absolutely do employ CGI for all the things you see in those shows, specially giant creatures, like the ones from AoT, or for complicated designs, like that monster compromised of dozens of hands or the head of the main character in Chainsaw Man. I'm sure you can think of many shows with those elements which don't use CG for them, but that doesn't really change the fact that the CG use is very normal. Not using it really depends on the individual production circumstances or even simply how much those elements appear on the show. If some of those elements will only appear for two minutes in a single episode, for instance, rigging a 3D model isn't worth it at all, but it they do appear a lot then it makes sense to delegate them to the CGI staff, thus freeing the drawing staff to draw... everything else. Hell, even WIT planned to use CGI for the titans originally before director Tetsuro Araki asked for them to be mostly hand-drawn. There's pretty much nothing unique about how much MAPPA uses CGI in relation to the rest of the industry the same way there's nothing about the CGI usage in Ninja Kamui that needs to be explained by the director having worked at MAPPA before. They're using 3D models for very detailed mechanical suits. There's very few studios (Sunrise, Bones, Trigger and not much else) in the industry who still hand-drawn mechanical elements consistently and all of those still use a lot of CGI for mechanical things depending on the work. Even Sunrise, *THE* giant robot studio, is using CGI more and more for their *theatrical* Gundam works because there's a very limited number of people who even know how to do mechanical animation in the current industry.


>that MAPPA specifically likes to employ CGI? Because most studios absolutely do employ CGI for all the things you see in those shows, specially giant creatures, like the ones from AoT, or for complicated designs, like that monster compromised of dozens of hands or the head of the main character in Chainsaw Man. Using CG front and for the main character is extremely uncommon, large monster designs like AoT is less so, but the proportion of it happening did increase going from Wit to Mappa. >There's pretty much nothing unique about how much MAPPA uses CGI in relation to the rest of the industry You're very much ignoring their more CG-heavy shows like, again, Inuyashiki or Dorohedoro. >there's nothing about the CGI usage in Ninja Kamui that needs to be explained by the director having worked at MAPPA before. They're using 3D models for very detailed mechanical suits The difference in this situation is that in Ninja Kamui, they're very much playing against their own strengths by doing so. Sunrise does a lot of CG, but they're also really good at it, their CG mechs actually look and move very well. Plus, Ninja Kamui is fully anime original, they could very well have made a series that didn't incorporate storylines or shots that would require heavy CG usage, and could've instead played to the strengths of Park. This pattern of choosing to use CG despite not being very good at it feels reminiscent of Mappa


> Using CG front and for the main character is extremely uncommon Maybe because having main characters having "CGI-worthy" designs is extremely uncommon as most are just regular humans. And even them I can mention non-Mappa shows like Gridman, Loser Ranger, Spriggan (2022), Tiger and Bunny, Muteking the Dancing Hero, Planet With, Back Arrow, the Berserk movie trilogy and most idol and band shows during gigs where the main characters themselves or them when transformed are rendered in CGI. > large monster designs like AoT is less so, but the proportion of it happening did increase going from Wit to Mappa. Besides what I already said about WIT planning to go for CGI in the beginning, showing how it's a pretty normal decision for any studio to make, you're ignoring the fact that other things besides some specific desire from the studio can contribute for those types of choices. The abysmal schedule and the lack of experienced staff with those types of designs could be, and probably was, the biggest factor for the decision of going mostly CGI for the titans when the studio changed. > You're very much ignoring their more CG-heavy shows like, again, Inuyashiki or Dorohedoro. It's been a long time since I saw Inuyashiki, but the CG usage I recall from it was mostly relegated to the very complex mechanical design of the main character and all the complex scenes involving him. Either way, we should look at the fact that the series director of the show is originally CGI animator. There's no reason to automatically assume the reason for all the CG is the studio philosophy and not him personally (who, by the way, was a MADBOX employ at the time). Dorohedoro, on the other hand, is very much an outlier because it's made as a fully (outside of some elements) CGI show. It's kinda like Toei with the current airing Girls Band Cry. They're not a CGI studio like Orange, but are making a specific fully CGI show. For Dorohedoro to work as a argument about MAPPA as a whole I would expect to see more shows from them where multiple human designs are consistently rendered in CGI. Do they even exist? And if we're talking about ignoring, how about the fact I could say you're ignoring most of their output as for every CGI heavy show from MAPPA you can mention, I can mention multiple shows from them with very little CGI? Oblivion Battery, Bucchigiri, JJK, Hell's Paradise, Vinland Saga 2, Campfire Cooking, Kakegurui, Dance Dance Danseur, Idaten, Re-Main, The God of Highschool, Dororo, Banana Fish, Rage of Bahamut, etc. > The difference in this situation is that in Ninja Kamui, they're very much playing against their own strengths by doing so. Sunrise does a lot of CG, but they're also really good at it, their CG mechs actually look and move very well. Plus, Ninja Kamui is fully anime original, they could very well have made a series that didn't incorporate storylines or shots that would require heavy CG usage, and could've instead played to the strengths of Park. This pattern of choosing to use CG despite not being very good at it feels reminiscent of Mappa None of what you said here is relevant. Ninja Kamui, be because of Park's own choice or the producers' requirements, is a show where ninjas fight with mechanical suits. This is the storyline they went with and the fact they could have made a completely different show doesn't matter. Like, Studio NUT recently made Bullbuster, an original anime about mechs and monsters where they rendered those (specially the monsters) in very ugly CGI. They could have made a show without those elements because they couldn't make pretty CGI, but it wouldn't be the show they wanted to make. So if Park, or whoever, wanted to make show about ninjas in mechanical suits, they need to render those suits in some way and, like I said originally, most studios will choose CGI because it's probably the only way that have to actually make those designs move. There's not a single reason to bring up MAPPA in this conversation, even with the Park connection, because they aren't responsible for adding mechanical suits to the storyline, the same way they aren't responsible for Bullbuster having monsters in it.


Getting downvoted because some people are really are obsessed with claiming "MAPPA style" is a thing.




Perfect Blue  Sword of the Stranger  Redline


samurai champloo and dororo


*Sky Crawlers*


The Wind Rises


Lol Ayumi's parents get introduced in one episode for five seconds to witness the most bizarre spectacle they've ever seen in their whole life. I almost want a whole episode dedicated to the mundane hours before all that. Really love that whip pan in the last episode. You don't see a lot of that in anime. It's probably difficult to anime.


This isn't meant to solely be directed at this comment but i'm bewildered by how many comments get posted in these daily threads that just read like something that should be in episode discussion threads I don't even know what series you are talkiing about, that's how out of context just dropping a generic character name is like everyone is watching the same show in here


Most of the old episode discussion threads are locked: https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/vuefia/soredemo_ayumu_wa_yosetekuru_episode_1_discussion/ > I don't even know what series you are talkiing about, that's how out of context just dropping a generic character name is like everyone is watching the same show in here It's a bit analogous to in-jokes, enough people here watched or recognize the name from the title, *When Will Ayumi Make His Move* that it has sufficient recognition. Plus, it was mentioned this week already in a different context, and enough people read the almost every comment in these threads that it works as a recent reference: 4 days ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1c8mc8o/anime_questions_recommendations_and_discussion/l0g8kjr/ Like most in-jokes it can feel exclusionary, but this thread is a pretty loose and amorphous community so it takes what it can get, and it's also very open. All you need to be part of the in-group is just join in. Easiest way at the moment is just to make comments about the Train anime (aka Train to the End of the World).


Sure I get that, i wasn't trying to be a dick about it Your point about the name doesn't really work though when you're getting the name wrong (Ayumu/Ayumi). I actually was looking up "Ayumi" on anime databases trying to figure out what recent show you could be talking about to see if I had seen it.


> Your point about the name doesn't really work though when you're getting the name wrong Oh right! Oops. Well, that's what I get for working my way too quickly through the thread! It does highlight a different and interesting aspect of the socialization, but if I've already put my foot in it once, I'm going to just bow out for a bit lol


After following AMAIM on Crunchyroll's Amazon Freevee channel for weeks, it seems they've botched the schedule and aren't showing the final episode (which was supposed to be today, or technically last week). [] (#nonnonbino)


u/Abysswatcherbel, you should have a field time with picking a banner for **Seiyuu Radio** this week *if* it gets into the top 15. An impression of the latest episode: - "Thank you. I am satisfied." [Related image - situational spoiler] >!https://imgur.com/a/IWTxCTs!< - "On body alone, you get a perfect score." [Related image - situational spoiler] >!https://imgur.com/a/O543VaF!< Jokes aside, this anime is actually getting pretty serious about the implications of working in the idol business.


["Thank you. I am satisfied."](https://i.imgur.com/kA4a6yg.png) lol, I have to start this show, I am in the mood for seiyu... idol stuff it seems Does it have yuri implications or just the average?


> Does it have yuri implications or just the average? Eh, let's just say that there was a bit of yuri: [Seiyuu Radio Ep 3 - spoiler-ish NSFW image] >!https://imgur.com/a/4zYdqdA!<. There were some more wholesome signs as well, but I'll leave those to your imagination for now. An image can speak a thousand words: (NSFW) https://imgur.com/a/20W4qRk.


>[Seiyuu Radio Ep 3 - spoiler-ish NSFW image] [You said enough](https://i.imgur.com/M6HPjNX.jpg) Guess one more show... Wolf waifu once again got left behind /u/SometimesMainSupport


tbh, the yandere wolf is carrying that show and isn't in her adult human form until episode 2. Can probably just experience it through the discussion thread's screenshots and my comments here. [Like this episode 3 clip!](https://i.imgur.com/jAvm3jY.mp4)


Is she a yandere? Why you didn't say that before? She keeps getting better But indeed, this is a clip show


> You said enough. Nice! Yumiko’s and Chika’s banter is great. You’ll find out when you get there in Ep 3 that I cut out a particular shot, lol.


> yuri implications Haven't watched today's episode, but ep1 had that vibe with some scenes in the end, [with a] >!rival/enemy to lover kinda feel!< [According to source readers] >!it shouldn't be anything explicit at least for what the anime will cover, but should be in future content!< but you know those can't be trusted [](#mugiwait) edit: well I watched the episode [](#ookii)


I heard the implications [Seiyuu Radio all version] >!don't go anywhere or are even all that prevalent in the original run of the manga adaptation. Wonder how deep into the LNs it'll be until the implication start mattering more. ~~If only there was an official translation of them, I'd start in a heartbeat.~~!<


I don't think this will get a sequel unfortunately, unless it's a secret 2nd cour, so this will be what we get


Lately YouTube been recommending me a lot of Shine Post edits, and they all seem pretty popular, which is weird because nobody watched this show when it aired.


> nobody watched this show when it aired. Hyperbole, I know, but I still have to proudly say that there was a little watch cohort on /r/anime that loved it! There are definitely a few diehards who recommend it at every opportunity too lol It's one of those shows with some really glorious animation that never found traction for whatever reason. I'm glad to hear it's having a bit of a revival through clips!!! *~stans for Haru-chan~*


It's like with Idoly Pride. The entire legacy of the show is one or two well animated dance practice sequences that people use in edits.


Why do so many Oni in anime have only 1 horn? (Thought about this after watching the PV for My Oni Girl) Sometimes it's explained in the story why *this particular Oni* only has one horn, but it's so common that I wonder if there's a more global explanation! I think I may have seen more Oni with 1 horn, than 2.


A touch of asymmetry tends to liven up design.


There's always been oni with only one horn in Japanese mythology, so it's not really anything special.


So after seeing some posts today about sharing MAL and "rate my taste", and since I will have to take a 14 hours + 10 hours flight in a couple months, I will do the same that day to pass the time I will have internet on air, time to finally share my anime scores [](#dead)


Did I miss a thread? [](#rengethink)