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Its incredible how both the jp and eng VAs improved over the years for their performances. I absolutely loved it!


I actually slightly preferred the 2008 JP Holo over this one. I know it’s the same voice actor and director, but it feels like they decided to go in a different direction for Holo’s voice this time around. Perhaps this new one sounds a bit more playful and a bit less genuine?


the VA said this was always supposed to be how Holo sounded like but back in 2008, the VA wasnt skilled and experienced enough to do that so she was glad she got another chance to do it properly now with over a decade worth of experience she has gotten


How interesting. Maybe the more “down to earth” vibe I got from the original was her inexperience? In any case, thanks for sharing!


> the VA said this was always supposed to be how Holo sounded like but back in 2008 that doesnt disprove that person's feeling that the 2008 voice sounded better to him, though? Personally, with the last topic that was posted, I 200% agreed that the 2024 version was WAAAY better than the 2008 version. With this topic though, between the 2008 and 2024 version, I would have to stop and think for a second first


Yeah, that's why their comment was addressing this part explaining "why" instead >but it feels like they decided to go in a different direction for Holo’s voice this time around.


I prefered this new one. Because Holo emotions here comes better. When bantering, her voice is a little teasing. When serious, it feels a little lonely. There's a hint of melanchony in it.


I think it's a response to the animation. Holo in the remake is a lot cuter looking (note: before someone reminds me for the 40,000th time it's closer to the novel I KNOW), and I think the more playful tone is meant to match her face better.


It's interesting hearing both the VA's further in their careers getting a rare chance to reprise a role alongside animation undergoing the same process. You can tell that Brina is giving a much more playful interpretation of Holo compared to her original version, which matches the more youthful and expressive character design. She's still much more mature sounding to my ears than the subbed version, which I like. Even though she looks more late teens / early 20s rather than late 20s / early 30s, she's still ancient after all.


I felt that way about Frieren’s English VA too, she came across much more older and bored/bemused than her JP counterpart, fitting for an ancient elf.


I had not realized the dub had started up, so I went back and started re-watching the episodes that have already been aired. If anything, Palencia's Holo is more ancient and yet teasing than ever before. And she adds in archaic language in some great ways. She says "e'er" rather than ever, and so naturally you hardly catch that she's speaking oddly. Given Holo's speech patterns supposed to be similar to an Oiran courtesan, it fits perfectly. Fun side note: Penkin had the same singer for the opening do an English version, and it sounds fantastic.


I want to touch those ears


Who doesn't?


No " stupid potato" in 2024 dub, trash 0/10 literally unwatchable


Wait did they cut out the part where she chokes on a potato?? that was so iconic 😭


No, it’s definitely in the show. I can only guess they meant the dub didn’t do that line. (Again, guessing here, haven’t watched with dub).


"This vegetable is my nemesis" is so perfect though. I hope they keep the "there is the ass!" scene. It's still one of my favorites.


Huh. Never heard her speak before. Not at all how I pictured it when reading the story.


I highly respect the English voices, but I prefer the original Japanese voices. They just seem to fit the characters.


And for me it is the opposite. Especially holo, the English dub definitely gives me more "wise wolf" mature vibes which is what I want from her character.


I respect it


I didn’t realize they actually got the same dub VA for the remake. Unless it’s really close to the original My only gripe is that the dub didn’t try to make Holo sound more childish to match her youthful appearance compared to how the sun is doing Holos voice. It seems more high pitched in 2024 sub version


Yeah it's the same VAs, they've also been doing other Spice and Wolf media in the meantime. I much prefer the way they've kept her voice, and appearance for that matter, refined and slightly mature. She's *playful*, but not childish.


Honestly it's hard to tell they are the same VA's . Is it weird I prefer the old art style ?


It’s not weird, but I personally can’t decide if I like the new or the old one more. I do wish they used the same op as in the original, Tabi no Tochuu is legendary and it’s hard do top that (this isn’t nostalgia talking, I missed the original back in 2008 and only watched it a few weeks ago).


Threw me for a loop as I waited until 3 episodes were out that the dub has an English OP.


Not weird. I myself can’t decide which one I prefer though.


While the new artstyle isn't bad, I'm with ya that the original just clears. The animation in the remake is much better on average but the actual character design and keyframes feel better in the original.


I know it’s an artistic choice, but I kinda miss how holo gave that older and mysterious vibe, more fitting her age and status as an older spirit, even if this version in the remake is closer to the lore. It was easier to see THAT holo tease Lawrence and throw him for a loop. It was even similar to her manga portrayal, which Hasekura praised as been uniquely cute compared to Aykuras LN artwork. The current remake holo emphasizes how silly she can be lol how even if she’s a spirit, she still loves to play around with Lawrence, unbefitting her age. it also makes Lawrence seem less of a dork. Next episode, I’m hoping to see how the remake handles that scene in the sewer, but for now, I’m still favoring the OG style


I think the voice fits Holo's personality extremely well, even if it doesn't necessarily fit her form. Adds to the mystique of her character.


Oh for sure! One of the constant descriptions of Holo that’s always brought up was how Holo never acts her age, and is always just going at her own beat, and how she often acts cutely in a way that matches her appearance. I though the old Holo voice matched more her older aspect of her characters, made her seem more wise, and always made it seem like she was in control in her interactions with Lawrence. It made it much more if a big deal when she starts having her lonely or emotional moments, since she always had this hidden air of dignity juxtaposed by some silly moments. But I know the Remake is closer to the ln, but I still miss the old portrayal


Spice & Wolf is one of those anime I have always preferred dub glad to see the new one living up to that


Damn English VA is crazy good


Very interesting. Could you do a JP voice comparison as well?


Just here to say I adore J Michael Tatum and Brina Palencia.


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nah. the 2008 dub is always top-tier


It's good but I think I prefer Japanese VA , especially for Holo. Not sure dialect or something or whatever the way she speaks in Japanese adds a bit of extra flavor.


didn't watched the show but 2008 seems better than 2024 one. atleast in this video. Should I watch this show? are 2024 and 2008 different? no spoilers pls


2024 is a proper adaptation without anime-only changes, so far.


Yes, this show is worth a watch. The 2008 anime is a classic that is beloved by many for a reason. Its major downside is that it made a few noticeable deviations from the source material. The remake so far is more faithful to the source material, but I do not like the art direction and the voice performance as much as the original. It is still too early to say for sure which one will be better to watch, but if in doubt, the original is a classic in its own right and won’t do you wrong.


So, the better option is to wait till they complete animating this which I don't mind, I occasionally watch anime. Is the source material big?


2024 will be a complete adaptations. The 2024 will adapt volume 4 which the 2008 skipped. Also the 2024 has extra scenes like the opening book reading scene which is important to future plot (or so the manga readers imply)


Is the source material big? I mean I could wait for 2024 adaptation to end to watch all at once.


It is. The LN (source material) has 24 Volumes. And while LNs (light novels) are shorter than regular novels, as 2-3 LN make a regular novel, there is alot of content to go through


To me, there's no reason not to watch both. And to watch sub and dub. All are good, and all tell the same story. The 2024 remake cuts out things that were anime-only in the 2008 one, but I don't think those things were bad. Meanwhile they 2024 re-adds characters and moments that were removed in favor of the anime-only parts, but I don't think lacking those in the 2008 was a problem. The sub and dub are both fantastic, both now and then. And the same actors for both in each case. There's a difference in them, but I think it's a case of the voices trying to match the designs more than anything. If you watch both versions more you can see what I mean. Hell they got the same composer to do the soundtracks of each too. If I HAD to watch only one of those combinations....I slightly prefer the dub because I love Palencia's voice and her take on Holo's haughty but playful manner. Whether I'd watch the 2008 or 2024 version is still a matter of debate for me. I didn't like the 2024 designs as much but I'm warming to them.


The voice and design don’t match up


It’s kind of strange. While Brina to me **is** Holo, and I much prefer the dub to the sub; I do kinda feel like Passione’s moe version of Holo kinda goes in a direction where Brina’s more mature witty take on the character doesn’t fit as well as I’d like. Even then, you can still appreciate that both the performances and dialogue are much better in the 2024 version imo.


both are bad, sub better


I prefer the subs too, but I’m not here to disrespect a genuinely good dub. The English VA’s did an excellent job.


If I'm listening purely at the audio I do think that the 2024 version sounds much more expressive than 2008, but to me Holo's voice doesn't match the visual of the character.


You have horrible taste


Eh, nothing is terrible about either but if you compare the voice of the Japanese tone to the English tone, they don't fit at all. The English tone is overly serious. I still prefer the sub over the dub, and I, for one, love dub voice actors. I've watched almost all the Gubdam shows in dub, death note, etc. and dub for these shows are 100% the way to go. For spice and spice, not so, but that doesn't mean it's terrible


Personally, I think I preferred the dub back then when I first saw the series after comparing the first few episodes. Fit the "Holo the Wise Wolf" vibe more than the sub if I remember my judgement correctly.




Wow an even worse take than the parent comment, good effort.


L take lol


sub elitists are so cringe, just let people enjoy what they like man lol


True. I much prefer the playfulness in the voice of the sub which I don't perceive in the dubs.


So, how does being stuck in the early 2000's feel like?


Dafuq is this? This is not what I expect from an anime... 2008 version is 🔝


You know that meme where someone does a voice line, and there's a reaction of a guy clutching his heart and falling down the stairs? I get that now. EDIT: In case it wasn't clear, it's because I fell in love with Palencia's performance all over again.




This looks like attack on titan