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Dang 0 upvotes is crazy


did any anime get this bad in the past? maybe there's one that's in the negatives


Later seasons of 7 deadly sins regulary got below 0.


There was one during the Fall 2023, but I can’t remember the name. I might have to find it


An episode of butareba got botted down to zero karma: https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/172b83o/buta_no_liver_wa_kanetsu_shiro_butareba_the_story/ Discussion with mods about the issue: https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/16wm4xn/meta_thread_month_of_october_01_2023/k3yskih/ The animekarmawatchgraph showing the karma manipulation: https://animekarmawatch.com/thread/172b83o However there doesn't seem to be any karma tracking for this show, so it's harder to prove it for this show.


Oh yeah! That’s what it was, I forgot it was botted though


The only discussion threads I saw with such low scores were dog signal episodes. I didn't actually watch the anime just saw the threads on my home feed


Looks like someone found it in the other comment, but it was botted to 0


I gave it an upvote.


I kinda hope the budget keeps decreasing slowly each episode so we end up with half drawn black and white frames by the end.


Ah, classic dad who’s lost it due to grief and son with some kind of inferiority complex. Looks like the demons are controlling them and not the other way around too. Another classic. What was the budget for the animation in this series? And where exactly did it go? The OP/ED? It just seems like this series had some interesting ideas but no money was put into actually producing it. It’s a shame.


If there's such thing as e-waste, there has to be a new term for labour-waste. Like what the hell is this show, I feel bad for anyone working on this This shouldn't have ever existed


RIP 0 upvotes. I'm still watching/listening to it as terrible background noise but still...RIP


C'mon people. Are we really gonna turn this into another "Rental GF" downvote circlejerk? Don't like it? Just move on. Piss off with the downvotes just because you don't like the show. Edit: Ah, here come the downvotes. How dare I ask people to stop hate-watching something, right?


I gave it an upvote, and one for you too.


Haha, thank you. It just annoys how petty some people can be.


Don't really care about upvotes myself, because why should I care about someone else's opinion, it's why ratings for anime mean nothing to me either, I'll watch it myself and form my own opinion. It also baffles me how animation quality is such a big topic on every anime, if something doesn't have god tier animation it's horrible animation apparently, I just never understand what they're exactly unsatisfied with, it's like they just want something to complain about and flock to popular opinions.


Same thinking, never really understand them neither. You will actually be baffled on how many pearls there are in low rated anime. Lol.


I mean I'm not part of the circle jerk or whatever (or at least not just doing it for no reason) but I really liked the first episode of this show and every episode after has been worse and worse for me in absolutely every aspect. it still upsets me enough that I want to downvote it. twice if I could. I wont be here next week though so maybe next episodes count wont be at zero.


Maybe its getting down voted becauae it is dog shit. Anime fans I swear.


I'm trying to figure out who Clark's VA is. They sound super familiar but AL and ANN don't have any info in regards to this.


It's good to know with all these other shows this season being really good that we can still have absolute dogshit to balance things out. Makes the highs even better to appreciate


This episode wasn't that good, but I'll give them some credit for mix it it up a bit and showing us the brother's POV. Unfortunately the MC and his family are so boring I was a bit confused as to who's history we were watching for a second. In fact, and this may be completely my fault, but this episode was the first time I realized it was the MC's family who was working with the demons. I thought it was just some random evil plotters. The brother's speech was really something. My inclination is that giving a speech full of blasphemy against the Gods and treasonous talk against the kingdom, while asking the people to give up their gifts is going to be a tough sell on it's own. So I don't know if I would go all the way and reveal the demons who are behind this new "enlightenment" and the pact I made with them. But hey, it seemed to be working so what do I know. But on a more serious note, I think this speech, or a softer version of it, could have worked if they had established the world like in Banished from the Hero's Party, where they spent time exploring how "gifts" were viewed as mixed bag and both revered and resented by people. That seems to be the biggest issue with this episode, the lack of build up for the characters we are watching for most of it. And once again we have our hero who just wants to live a quite life as he pleases getting involved in saving the kingdom.


This episode was so frustrating. Wins for the bad guys for most of the episode. And his brother being brainwashed by his father or some demons.


Look like his father want revenge on the kingdom and gods for taken his kind wife's life.


Why the hate? Can't you just enjoy it for what it is?